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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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It looks like we're seeing a coup in Russia.


When the Ukraine war started, almost every level of the western world, independently of each other, sided with Ukraine. I can't help but wonder if this is where Peace and Security comes from.


It's hugely discouraged to make assumptions or predications. Prophecy is best recognized after the fact, but I wondered, when I saw the sheer outpouring of support for one side over the KotN.

Edited by Thomas Walker
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4 hours ago, Sofia said:

Is there something changing among the russian military forces? Is Putin losing suport?





There have been ongoing issues between the Wagner group and the Russian military for a number of weeks now.  Looks like it has finally come to a head.



Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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8 hours ago, Sofia said:

There wont be Peace and Security with Ukraine conflict on...

But noting tell us that its end will bring peace and security.

I my self have been fooled before. So now I follow with interess... but I dont make a fuzz about it.


If Jehovah wants... Only if he wants.

We now have our convention and without going into details, yesterday's speech emphasized that the end does not depend on world events but on Jehovah's schedule. So I would think that it is very possible that P & S will not start during of even after a conflict, but it might just as well come in a time of peace, when it would not be expected.

No matter how the wind howls the mountain cannot bow to it. 

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12 hours ago, JennyM said:

Im also tired and lack of motivation sometimes but i can still manage to go to meetings regularly. 

However, in my country lots of bro and sis are being baptized every assembly so the patience of Jehovah means salvation to many. 

Keep up Jenny, you have good attitude ...just a little bit longer. It will not be late. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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12 hours ago, Thomas Walker said:



It looks like we're seeing a coup in Russia.


When the Ukraine war started, almost every level of the western world, independently of each other, sided with Ukraine. I can't help but wonder if this is where Peace and Security comes from.


It's hugely discouraged to make assumptions or predications. Prophecy is best recognized after the fact, but I wondered, when I saw the sheer outpouring of support for one side over the KotN.

Just a normal happenings in Satan's world. There's no peace for the wicked. 

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12 hours ago, Thomas Walker said:



It looks like we're seeing a coup in Russia.


Or its a way for Russia to insert a mercenary group into the European support system as spies... 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Its just my personal opinion but if the details of this war were a movie or TV show, I wouldn't watch it. Its easier to get caught up in the details of the war because it is real life but we need to be balanced. The details of this war can easily move our hearts the wrong direction and rob our joy. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 hour ago, Sackedbysapp said:

The group as reached a deal with Russia and are now turning around.

I was always curious , how world would do a turnover and Satan could push the nations to proclaim peace and security just prior GT- he doesn’t want any peace and security. It sounds like Satan knows quite well when GT should start. But Jehovah’s day will be like a thief. Jehovah’s day isn’t 24 hours, like a exact day, but from our perspective it should be like unidentified time. Satan doesn't  know the date of Jehovah’s day. Maybe he is doing everything against peace and security, to break the prophecy. But from the Revelation we know, that Jehovah will put his idea into their hearts ( UN will destroy false religions). Maybe this- when Jehovah puts his idea into their hearts will be beginning of the GT. It will start in UN - they don’t have any idea about Jehovah’s plans. It will not be visible for us, like a coming thief in the night. But negotiations about destroying false religions within UN will be visible for Satan, he will realize that Jehovah intervened himself in the events and he knows very well what it will mean for his system and will do a great turnover - he will put all the efforts to proclaiming peace and security, like last chance to change UN mind not to destroy false religions. Therefore it will be like a great event , what was impossible for ages is now reality - finally peace. We don't need God's kingdom. But it will be like a virus. In this case, the GT would start invisible for us, starting in UN about destroying false religions. Therefore nobody could speculate about the peace and security proclamation and coming back to Jehovah, because it will be like a thief in the night. Judged at a time we don't know we're being judged.No space for speculation. So expecting peace and security for changing my life is to late, because GT already started, when Jehovah puts an idea into UN hearts. We don't really know what parallel events are happening in the background. Like Jerusalem didn’t recognize time when was judged. Peace and Security will be only sign for Jehovah’s people, that all events since now will be very clear and visible. To destroy false religions takes time. If the Bible says, that after PC proclamation Satan system will be destroyed instantly, it means that BTG attack was prepared before. Peace and security proclamation will be Satan's reaction against Jehovah’s intervention in the UN minds. If Jehovah hasn't intervened in UN yet, it doesn't have sense to expect peace and security proclamation. But as I wrote, we don't really know what parallel events are happening in the background now. Like one brother said, since now , anytime GT can start - in the beginning invisible, later on very visible. This is only my idea , just speculation. 

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2 hours ago, Sackedbysapp said:

The group as reached a deal with Russia and are now turning around.

It really makes me wonder what kinda deal if they "truly" feel Putin's war is unjust.  Everything is corrupt or can be corrupted.  Everyone has their agenda.  When Jehovah maneuvers things there will be no doubt.

Dance. Even if there's no music. 

Dance Dancing GIF by binibambini

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1 hour ago, Pavel said:

I was always curious , how world would do a turnover and Satan could push the nations to proclaim peace and security just prior GT- he doesn’t want any peace and security. It sounds like Satan knows quite well when GT should start

I don't believe that's the case, since no Satan does not know the day or the hour. 


Instead, I believe it is Jehovah who knows in advance when Satan is going to maneuver the nations to declare Peace and Security. 

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On 6/23/2023 at 11:21 PM, Dages said:

The troubles in Russia tonight makes me wonder if the end of the KotN isn't coming from inside the KotN


This perspective depends very much on where you get your news from 🤔


However it happens "he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him."


Russia is the fly in the ointment for many a globalist plan, regime "change" is the only way forward according to those that are driving the ship I think.

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8 hours ago, Tortuga said:

Its just my personal opinion but if the details of this war were a movie or TV show, I wouldn't watch it. Its easier to get caught up in the details of the war because it is real life but we need to be balanced. The details of this war can easily move our hearts the wrong direction and rob our joy. 

The TV is going full blare here. Not my choice. Yes, it’s unsettling. However, we have been told what in the news has nothing to do with what Jehovah has planned. 
I’m so thankful I don’t even have to try to make sense of it. 
“Go upstairs and do your Bible reading, Bea”. That makes sense. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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4 hours ago, Pavel said:

Eu sempre fiquei curioso, como o mundo faria uma reviravolta e Satanás poderia pressionar as nações a proclamar paz e segurança antes do GT - ele não quer paz e segurança. Parece que Satanás sabe muito bem quando o GT deve começar. Mas o dia de Jeová será como um ladrão. O dia de Jeová não tem 24 horas, como um dia exato, mas da nossa perspectiva deveria ser como um tempo não identificado. Satanás não sabe a data do dia de Jeová. Talvez ele esteja fazendo de tudo contra a paz e a segurança, para quebrar a profecia. Mas pelo Apocalipse sabemos que Jeová colocará sua ideia em seus corações (a ONU destruirá as falsas religiões). Talvez isso, quando Jeová colocar sua ideia em seus corações, seja o começo do GT. Vai começar na ONU - eles não têm ideia dos planos de Jeová. Não será visível para nós, como um ladrão vindo à noite. Mas as negociações sobre a destruição das falsas religiões dentro da ONU serão visíveis para Satanás, ele perceberá que o próprio Jeová interveio nos eventos e ele sabe muito bem o que isso significará para seu sistema e fará uma grande reviravolta - ele colocará todos os esforços para proclamando paz e segurança, como última chance de mudar a opinião da ONU para não destruir as falsas religiões. Portanto, será como um grande evento, o que era impossível por anos agora é realidade - finalmente a paz. Não precisamos do reino de Deus. Mas será como um vírus. Neste caso, o GTcomeçaria invisível para nós, começando na ONU sobre a destruição de falsas religiões. Portanto, ninguém poderia especular sobre a proclamação de paz e segurança e o retorno a Jeová, porque será como um ladrão de noite. Julgados em um momento em que não sabemos que estamos sendo julgados. Sem espaço para especulações. Então esperar paz e segurança para mudar minha vida é tarde, porque GTjá começou, quando Jeová coloca uma ideia nos corações da ONU. Não sabemos realmente quais eventos paralelos estão acontecendo em segundo plano. Como Jerusalém não reconheceu o tempo quando foi julgada. Paz e Segurança serão apenas um sinal para o povo de Jeová, de que todos os acontecimentos desde agora serão bem claros e visíveis. Destruir as falsas religiões leva tempo. Se a Bíblia diz que, após a proclamação do PC, o sistema de Satanás será destruído instantaneamente, isso significa que o ataque do BTG foi preparado antes. A proclamação de paz e segurança será a reação de Satanás contra a intervenção de Jeová nas mentes da ONU. Se Jeová ainda não interveio na ONU, não faz sentido esperar proclamação de paz e segurança. Mas, como escrevi, não sabemos realmente quais eventos paralelos estão acontecendo em segundo plano agora. Como um irmão disse, desde agora,pode começar - no começo invisível, mais tarde muito visível. Esta é apenas uma ideia minha, apenas especulação. 

I understand your point of view! but...we must not put the cart before the horse. There is an order of events according to what the slave informed us, Satan is the most interested in bringing this misleading propaganda of peace and security, it comes from him and not from Jehovah 

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This thread reminded me of the Watchtower for this week, specifically Bro. Macmillan’s life story when he mentioned during the closing days of September 1914, he mentioned at a discourse that this was probably the last public address he would deliver. By the end of that same week, Bro. Russell had to make changes in a program and announced Bro. Macmillan would give the discourse for that program!

Humbly, he used Psalm 74:9 as a basis for that talk: “And no one among us knows how long this will last.” He tried to show that perhaps some of them had been a bit too hasty in thinking that they were going to heaven right away, and the “thing for us to do would be to keep busy in the Lord’s service until he determined when.”

He further stated: 1914 however did see the end of the Gentile Times, as we had anticipated. So not all our expectations for that year went unfulfilled. But we were not particularly disturbed that not everything took place as we had expected, because we were so busy with the Photo-Drama work and with the problems created by the war.” 

Bro. MacMillan focused on the work at hand rather than the “expectation postponed,” and what great work and encouragement he gave to the brotherhood some 52 years after 1914. Then, in 1966 he did finally “go home” to his heavenly reward. 

The same is true of us, don’t focus on the “expectation postponed,” so to speak. Focus on the great work at hand of making disciples, teaching them the truth and helping them come to love Jehovah whilst we watch the world scene unfold until our full expectations are realised according to Jehovahs perfect timing!  

“It’s not a matter of how much we know, but how much we love what we know.”

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2 hours ago, Frances Bennett said:

Russia is the fly in the ointment for many a globalist plan, regime "change" is the only way forward according to those that are driving the ship I think.

Behind the scenes is Kirill the Russian Orthodox leader who was not against the war in Ukraine but even fomented it. Will this be the start of the end of B the G? Hmmmm?

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37 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

All I know that the world has “military mind” right now. 
It becomes more and more viable to imagine reality to be soon seen, when nations attack Babylon the Great. 

Yes. They all training for possible WW3 but not for WW3 . its for BTG. 

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1 minute ago, Dages said:

Interesting how everything was so sudden... in one evening the world was focus on this very point.

Really, BtG destruction can be extremely sudden.

And those "sudden" events can easily happen again, in different format and circumstances.  

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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1 hour ago, Dages said:

Interesting how everything was so sudden... in one evening the world was focus on this very point.

Really, BtG destruction can be extremely sudden.

yeah, it sort of reminded me of when the Roman soldiers retreated from Jerusalem without reason.  We will wait on Jehovah though.  Things are getting heated up.

Edited by cme
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