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Diet soda is fine, and other food truths it's time you believed

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1 hour ago, Qapla said:

I have found a very good diet drink that has no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or additives ...


For years I have avoided drinking soda but had always delighted in having iced tea with my dinner. But I gave that up too about a month ago, transitioning to drinking only water. Admittedly, dinner does not seem to go down as savory as it used to with the iced tea.  😁

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I used to drink unsweetened iced tea but had to give it up on a regular basis because I seem to have an issue with the tannins from the tea


I do not find that drinking water lessens the savory nature of food. When I eat out, I do like to add some lemon or lime (from a wedge of the actual fruit) to my water to help kill the flavor of the chlorine. At home, we have well water, and it does not have chlorine added. A test of our water has shown it to have some iron and lime/calcium but none of the known harmful things found in some water. I have been drinking this well water at home since I was about 7½ years old.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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6 minutes ago, Qapla said:

I used to drink unsweetened iced tea but had to give it up on a regular basis because I seem to have an issue with the tannins from the tea


In my case, it was sweetened iced tea, which I very much enjoyed. But my best friend (wife) encouraged me to switch to water. She has become even more protective of our health at our older age. But I'm not complaining.

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When I was quite young, we used to have sweet tea. Then my mother started having issues with sugar. She changed to unsweetened tea and didn't care to make two batches of tea every day. I found that adding sugar to already cold tea doesn't work too well. Too much of the sugar just drops to the bottom of the glass and becomes syrup when you get to it.


I changed to unsweetened tea and found that, once you get used to it, it is more refreshing that sweet tea and actually enhances the food even more than the sweet stuff does.


I would still drink it if it weren't for the problem with the tannins.


BTW - they finally found my mother was not actually "diabetic" - her situation was "complicated". When she ate, her body didn't produce the natural insulin and her blood sugar would shoot up. Then, her body would overcompensate by producing too much natural insulin and her blood sugar would plumet to the point of hypoglycemic. There was no medicine that could fix that, so she had to compensate by adjusting her diet to make the ups-and-downs to become small ripples instead of spikes.


She was that way for many, many years until dementia changed her chemical balance. While the dementia seemed to fix the sugar problem, it had its own problems and eventually took her mind and then her life.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. How thankful we are to Jehovah for the resurrection hope! Keeping tabs on her diet was no doubt a challenge for your mother. I have seen what others go through in similar situations.


A few years back I lost an aunt who also suffered from dementia. She had a kind heart. It was at her home where I found the truth as a teenager by reading the magazines the Witnesses would leave with her.


I may have to give unsweetened iced tea a try. I just fear my hands may start reaching for "just a pinch" of sugar.

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Yes, I still feel the loss but, in all fairness, my Dad lived to be 87 and my Mom lived to be 89 and I should get to see them in the NS



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I can occasionally drink tea, just not on a regular basis. I am fine with drinking water.


At least tea does not do to me what NutraSweet does - and NutraSweet is almost an instant result where tea takes a regular diet of it to give me any problems.



Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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On 6/13/2023 at 4:25 PM, Qapla said:

I have found a very good diet drink that has no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or additives

Or flavor :lol1:

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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In my estimation and experience.... The bestway to loose weight is drink lots of fluids and/or eat/drink soups.  Flush flush flush..


I.m in the camp of keep mans stuff out of food.  I'm sure Jehovah knows what he is doing for our health. 


And i think there is a measure of logic i am ok with in conspiracy theories... But i.m not blind to they have an agenda too.


I don.t trust a lot of media hype and AMA medical teachings... Many have been proven to be harmful.


If i can knock out a face infection in less then 24 hours with essential oils the AMA pharmacy and FDA doesn.t want to study... Something is wrong.


This world is a greedy mess.  Few poeple on top ruin it for everyone else.


I know that my bipolar symptoms vastly improved with taking out as much as possible mens chemicals.


Artificial everything.


International commercial soda(i miss coke)


Biggest thing with diabetes is to intake less fructose.  Apparently it taxes the liver makes it fatty and does the same damage over use of alcohol does.


I.m against corn sugars.

Cane sugar is probly not as bad if its like a turbanato type... But its 50percent fructose so its still taxing to the liver.  Just not a complete man made sweetener like high fructose sugar.


I.ll take fresh squeezed juice any day even though i.m diabetic because of the enzymes.  But the cooked concentrated stuff i doubt is as useful.



In my opinion... Following spiritual priorities ... Food overhall will be the next priority.


My stomach will be greatful.

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I hate the taste of Stevia and all the artificial sweeteners I have ever tried.  (I know that people claim that Stevia is natural because it comes from a plant. But everything that comes from plants is not OK for human consumption.)  Splenda tastes just like sugar and is the only sweetener that works with low-carb diets.  Recently an article came out about how bad Splenda is.


Maybe I will just stick with Sugar and pure honey as sweeteners.

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1 minute ago, Witness1970 said:

people claim that Stevia is natural because it comes from a plant. But everything that comes from plants is not OK for human consumption


How true!


A good example are nightshades. You cannot eat all nightshade plants. Some people can eat ones that other people cant. And let's not forget plants like poison ivy.


Just because something is "natural", doesn't mean it is edible or good for you.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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5 hours ago, computerwiz said:



Well this explains some things....


And that article was from 2013.  👀


Well, making aspartame is a complex process. It uses fermentation and bacteria (just like a many other vitamins, supplements, and foods people eat). It also probably not the exact process today as it was in 1981. It definitely was NOT how it was accidentally discovered in 1965.


Bacteria don't "poop" or produce feces. They are single celled organisms that don't have a digestive system. They use nutrients that are useful to them, and pass other nutrients they don't need as byproducts through the cellular wall. 



On another note, my Phosphorous levels were not near the level where bone loss would be a concern, and my kidney doctor said I can keep guzzling Diet Coke if I want. :drink:


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Doesn't organic gardening use feces as fertilizer? 


I know I have seen massive amounts of bags of cow manure in Lowes and Home Depot for use in flower and vegetable gardens.



Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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On 6/20/2023 at 5:55 PM, Qapla said:

Doesn't organic gardening use feces as fertilizer? 


I know I have seen massive amounts of bags of cow manure in Lowes and Home Depot for use in flower and vegetable gardens.


Basically. It's similar to how a pig turns undesirable foodstuffs into tasty bacon :D


However, there is no fecal matter in fruit and vegatables. Similarly, there is no fecal matter in aspartame. This is fake-news.



CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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On 6/20/2023 at 5:55 PM, Qapla said:

Doesn't organic gardening use feces as fertilizer? 


I know I have seen massive amounts of bags of cow manure in Lowes and Home Depot for use in flower and vegetable gardens.



I realize you said that in a tongue-in-cheek manner, but I thought I would comment.


I heard about a man who was out planting 2 trees one day.  As he was digging his wife came over and told him one of their chickens was dead.  He took the dead chicken and dropped it in one of the holes he had dug.  A couple of years later the tree that had the chicken remains at the roots was twice as large as the other tree he had planted the same day.  Good fertilizer.


You can put all sorts of organic things in a compost bin and cover it with a little dirt to keep down the smell and let it work.  You can keep adding more fruit peelings, food waste, etc.  You need access to the bottom of the pile.  Worms do their work and you get worm pooh out of the bottom.  Better fertilizer that you can buy anywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/25/2023 at 9:43 PM, Witness1970 said:

I realize you said that in a tongue-in-cheek manner, but I thought I would comment.


I heard about a man who was out planting 2 trees one day.  As he was digging his wife came over and told him one of their chickens was dead.  He took the dead chicken and dropped it in one of the holes he had dug.  A couple of years later the tree that had the chicken remains at the roots was twice as large as the other tree he had planted the same day.  Good fertilizer.


You can put all sorts of organic things in a compost bin and cover it with a little dirt to keep down the smell and let it work.  You can keep adding more fruit peelings, food waste, etc.  You need access to the bottom of the pile.  Worms do their work and you get worm pooh out of the bottom.  Better fertilizer that you can buy anywhere.


Similar to the "old wives" tale about when you plant a passionfruit vine, you need to put an cow orox's heart in the bottom of the hole before you plant the vine. But basically, what you are adding to the bottom of the hole is iron and potassium to the soil mixture.


No doubt by putting that chook in the hole would have added some fertilizer that would have broken down, and also the worms having a feast too.

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8 hours ago, Pabo said:


Similar to the "old wives" tale about when you plant a passionfruit vine, you need to put an cow orox's heart in the bottom of the hole before you plant the vine. But basically, what you are adding to the bottom of the hole is iron and potassium to the soil mixture.


No doubt by putting that chook in the hole would have added some fertilizer that would have broken down, and also the worms having a feast too.


Goodness!! Never heard about a cow orox's heart for passionfruit.  Liver is what is suggested here but it doesn't have to be from a specific animal.  As you say, it's just about putting in good 'food' to boost the soil and give the passionfruit a good start.  


Even burying your raw kitchen food waste straight into a garden bed is good.  Takes longer to break down that in a compost bin but the end result is the same.

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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On 7/5/2023 at 3:19 AM, GeordieGirl said:

Liver is what is suggested here but it doesn't have to be from a specific animal.


This doesn't surprise me. Liver is a superfood, basically nature's multivitamin. Especially beef liver.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I do like beef liver and onions with gravy and mashed potatoes, fried chicken livers, and liverwurst with Swiss cheese and mustard on rye bread.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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On 6/16/2023 at 11:40 AM, vern said:

(i miss coke)


I know you have transitioned to H2o, Vern (Yay!)  but when I learned to make Kombucha there were quite a few brewers who said Kombucha is a great alternative to addictive "soft" drinks and I agree.   It often has the zing, fizz and sweetness that people enjoy without a boatload of chemicals and quite a bit less sugar.  But if someone is weak but desires a natural drink it is a place to start.


On 7/6/2023 at 3:41 PM, Brother_Bliss said:

Liver is a superfood, basically nature's multivitamin. Especially beef liver.


Liver is a tough one, superfood or not!   Here is a recipe that allows me to not just eat but to enjoy beef calf's liver.  I seldom bread and fry anything so it is sort of a treat!



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