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Watchtower February 2024

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22 minutes ago, Sjustice said:

Is anyone else confused about the article on the Nazarites? I feel like they are saying they aren't to be compared with pioneers and yet they were at the annual meeting this year. Maybe I'm misunderstanding?


The Footnote in the paragraph three says:


"At times, our publications have compared the Nazirites with those in full-time service. However, in this article, we will focus on how all dedicated servants of Jehovah can show a Nazirite-like spirit."


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48 minutes ago, Sjustice said:

Is anyone else confused about the article on the Nazarites? I feel like they are saying they aren't to be compared with pioneers and yet they were at the annual meeting this year. Maybe I'm misunderstanding?


The article doesn't say they aren't to be compared with pioneers. It just says that specific article discusses some lessons all Christians, pioneers or not, can learn from the Nazirites. The talk at the annual meeting mentioned a different point that applies to pioneers.

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57 minutes ago, Sjustice said:

Is anyone else confused about the article on the Nazarites? I feel like they are saying they aren't to be compared with pioneers and yet they were at the annual meeting this year. Maybe I'm misunderstanding?

What I understood, sister Sue, is that they just want us to understand the Nazarite mindset that every publisher can align with, whether they are a pioneer or not. Just this state of mind for everyone.

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3 minutes ago, Dolce vita said:

Questions for Readers : Am I the only one that the brain has given up on this question? I thought I knew and now I know that I don't know.  


This QFR seems to be reaffirming essentially what has been taught on this subject in the past. Jehovah can foretell certain events when he pleases, but it is apparent he does not predestine everything that will ever happen down to the smallest detail as some claim (e.g. Calvinists). Instead, he directs certain events to happen at specific times when it is within his purpose and he respects our free will to choose for ourselves how we will act.


This is in direct contrast to the teachings of modern Calvinists who teach that if you are not anointed (or of the 'elect') then you cannot serve God faithfully even if you want to. Such a person is, according to them, actually predestined to destruction/hell by God. This seems to be one of the ideas the article is addressing when it says: "He does not set a destiny for each person; nor does he cause honesthearted people to do something that would lead to their destruction."


Just stop it.Romans 12:2

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15 minutes ago, TJ said:


Ce QFR semble réaffirmer essentiellement ce qui a été enseigné sur ce sujet dans le passé. Jéhovah peut prédire certains événements quand bon lui semble, mais il est évident qu'il ne prédestine pas tout ce qui arrivera dans les moindres détails, comme le prétendent certains (par exemple les calvinistes). Au lieu de cela, il ordonne que certains événements se produisent à des moments précis lorsque cela correspond à son objectif et il respecte notre libre arbitre de choisir nous-mêmes comment nous agirons.


Cela contraste directement avec les enseignements des calvinistes modernes qui enseignent que si vous n'êtes pas oint (ou « élu »), vous ne pouvez pas servir Dieu fidèlement, même si vous le souhaitez. Une telle personne est, selon eux, en réalité prédestinée à la destruction/enfer par Dieu. Cela semble être l'une des idées abordées par l'article lorsqu'il dit : « Il ne fixe pas de destin à chaque personne ; il n'incite pas non plus les gens honnêtes à faire quelque chose qui pourrait conduire à leur destruction. »


My confusion: I always thought that Jehovah predicted events because of his ability to read the future. No intervention on his part, just a power to cross the doors of time, time to which he is not subject, moreover. In this Watchtower article they dismantled my understanding which is therefore not correct. If Jehovah predicts in advance an action that he wants to carry out, such as the destruction of Nineveh, and then backs down, I understand that, he predicts his action, what he himself wanted to do but which was not frozen in stone. But the intervention of Jehovah in the case of Judas, for example, how can we understand it knowing that Jehovah cannot make an alliance with evil, wickedness? He predicts a betrayal, he doesn't know who it is in advance, by the way, but he knows it's going to happen. When does he intervene here? And how can we separate betrayal from traitor in terms of prediction? I actually liked the conclusion: Is 55: 8-9

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As to the photoshopped picture: 

I don't really mind actually.

In this day and age everything is being photoshopped.

Just look at sports articles, News articles, etc.


In my time when I reported on Formula 1, we all had the cut outs of the drivers and team principles, which you than posted together for making a story around them. So I don't find this irritating or annoying. It would be if it was to make a false narrative, but it isn't in this case. 


We had a brother with a photographic memory in my old congregation who could even recognize lamps, libraries, flower pots, and desk chairs, etc. from 70's Watchtowers used in newer Watchtower, but in different settings. Quite funny!

Edited by Rodejong


jworg1.jpg.fbee44f18d05bd7fd5a2c3c8110f64c6.jpg  "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."—Ps. 56:3

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2 hours ago, Dolce vita said:

No intervention on his part

A few things to consider. Bible prophecy told in advance when the Messiah would appear. Jehovah kept it on schedule when he caused Mary to become pregnant with Jesus right on time. Bible prophecy told us the Last Days would start in 1914. Jehovah kept it on schedule when he had Jesus evict Satan and the demons from heaven right on time. 

Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I liked the QFR when it says it's not about fast forwarding, but Jehovah is merely doing things in due time.


Indeed, Fast forwarding would imply there is a static complete history to fast forward to. That would be a fate... obviously contradictory with Jehovah intervening like he did with Jonah.

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7 hours ago, Parale said:


Kinda, though unfortunately it's been photoshopped, the base photo they used appears to be from a photoshoot done at least 10 years ago - see the post about it here - the most recent genuine group photo appears to be from July 2021, in GB Update #6




  • 2014 - God's Kingdom Rules!, page 130
  • 2017 - Watchtower, February 2017, page 27
  • 2021 - Enjoy Life Forever!, page 225
  • 2024 - Watchtower, February 2024, page 23
  • 2021 - Governing Body Update 2021, #6


I never realised the Enjoy Life Pic was the same as the Kingdom Rules! book.

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7 hours ago, Tortuga said:

Quelques points à considérer. Les prophéties bibliques annonçaient à l’avance quand le Messie apparaîtrait. Jéhovah a respecté son calendrier en faisant en sorte que Marie tombe enceinte de Jésus juste à temps. Les prophéties bibliques nous annonçaient que les Derniers Jours commenceraient en 1914. Jéhovah a respecté le calendrier en demandant à Jésus d’expulser Satan et les démons du ciel juste à temps. 

Thank you, Richard, I understand that perfectly. His predictions mostly speak of his intervention, of his mastery. Nothing can stop him from doing it, except himself. I understand, for example, the prophecy relating to Cyrus, to Nineveh, Jesus, 1914... it is just that of Judas Iscariot and a few others which question me. But that's not a problem. I love reaching the limits of my understanding and putting everything in the hands of our wonderful God.

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From this FEB 2024 magazine, here is a good refresher to help us remember how many and who are now on the Governing Body:



The Governing Body now consists of 9 anointed brothers:

  • Kenneth Cook, Jr
  • Gage Fleegle
  • Samuel Herd
  • Geoffrey Jackson
  • Stephen Lett
  • Gerrit Lösch
  • Mark Sanderson
  • David Splane
  • Jeffrey Winder


Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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Here are couple of points I really liked from this article, 

“Why does the Bible repeat itself?”


BIBLE writers occasionally repeated the same phrases word for word. Consider three factors that might have influenced the writers to do so:

The time period when it was written. In ancient Israel, most people did not have personal copies of the Law. They primarily heard the Law read when the nation gathered together at the tabernacle. (Deut. 31:10-12) Very likely there were distractions as they listened and stood for several hours in the large crowd. (Neh. 8:2, 3, 7) On such occasions, repeating key phrases would have made it easier for the people to remember the scriptures and apply them. Repeating certain words would have especially helped them to remember detailed matters, such as God’s regulations and judicial decisions.—Lev. 18:4-22; Deut. 5:1.


The need to emphasize important matters. 

Bible writers sometimes repeated crucial phrases. For example, when Jehovah instructed the Israelites not to eat blood, he had Moses repeat the reason multiple times. God wanted to emphasize that the life of the flesh is in the blood, that is, blood represents life. (Lev. 17:11, 14) Later when the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem listed the essential ways to avoid displeasing God, they emphasized again the need to abstain from blood.—Acts 15:20, 29.



I think these points are valuable as a motivator, helping us to use this highly effective teaching method more often in our talks, parts, and on Bible studies.

We can ask ourselves,

“How often do I teach by using repetition for emphasis as Jehovah and Jesus did?

“And if I do use this teaching method, do I repeat the correct ‘key phrases’ that the FDS is emphasizing and do I repeat the correct key phrases of the inspired scriptures?”


*** be study 35 p. 206 par. 1 Repetition for Emphasis ***
EFFECTIVE teaching includes the use of repetition.

When an important point is stated more than once, those in attendance are more likely to remember it. If the idea is restated in a slightly different way, they may even be able to understand it more clearly.
Jehovah, our Grand Instructor, sets the pattern for us in his use of repetition. 


Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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15 hours ago, Dolce vita said:

Questions for Readers : Am I the only one that the brain has given up on this question? I thought I knew and now I know that I don't know.  

As far as I understand Jehovah can knows the future in 2 ways;

- He creates it (sets everything in motion etc)

- He calculates it (wars/epudemics of last days, Judahs betrayal)


What I wonder about is how precise calculations Jehovah can make. In case of Judas I suppose He calculated that betrayal will happen by a close associate of Jesus but He decided not to calculate who exactly that will be. 


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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7 minutes ago, Michał said:

D'après ce que je comprends, Jéhovah peut connaître l'avenir de 2 manières :

- Il le crée (met tout en mouvement etc)

- Il le calcule (guerres/épudémies des derniers jours, trahison de Juda)


Ce que je me demande, c’est avec quelle précision Jéhovah peut faire des calculs. Dans le cas de Judas, je suppose qu'il a calculé que la trahison se produirait par un proche associé de Jésus, mais il a décidé de ne pas calculer de qui il s'agirait exactement. 

Very very interesting track. I'll think about it

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24 minutes ago, Michał said:

As far as I understand Jehovah can knows the future in 2 ways;

- He creates it (sets everything in motion etc)

- He calculates it (wars/epudemics of last days, Judahs betrayal)


What I wonder about is how precise calculations Jehovah can make. In case of Judas I suppose He calculated that betrayal will happen by a close associate of Jesus but He decided not to calculate who exactly that will be. 


That's a good summary. And sometimes we can "surprise" him, in a good or in a bad way, when he sees that some earlier possibilities became true (Abraham took the knife... :) Saül became a bad king :( )

Edited by Dages
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Just now, Michał said:

What I wonder about is how precise calculations Jehovah can make. In case of Judas I suppose He calculated that betrayal will happen by a close associate of Jesus but He decided not to calculate who exactly that will be. 


 One thought: If he calculated to the extreme degree, then that would deny Judas free will. He could have put the name of the betrayer in the prophecy, if He wanted to, but He had to allow everyone the right to make choices of their own.

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33 minutes ago, Thomas Walker said:

If he calculated to the extreme degree, then that would deny Judas free will

That would still be calculation, based on previous situation, and given the indeterministic nature of the universe.


Such calculation couldn't be extreme to the point that causality become closed, ie determinism (that would change the nature of the universe, and not merely calculate probabilities).

Edited by Dages
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The last paragraph of the QFR article really sums up our discussion.  It says....


"Of course, these are not all the factors involved in Jehovah’s use of foreknowledge. Realistically, no human can fully understand Jehovah’s ways. (Isa. 55:8, 9) Yet, what Jehovah has revealed strengthens our faith that he always does what is right—including when he foretells the future."



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/22/2023 at 9:21 PM, Dages said:

That would still be calculation, based on previous situation, and given the indeterministic nature of the universe.


Such calculation couldn't be extreme to the point that causality become closed, ie determinism (that would change the nature of the universe, and not merely calculate probabilities).

The Universe, except the planet Earth is deterministic as everything is under the same known and unknown laws of physic.

Jehovah, Who created such laws, can perfectly calculate what will happen to every atom outside Earth.

For us who do not understand such laws or are not capable to understand such complex formulas it may seem as it is nondeterministic, as it was random and without purpose.


It is life that is nondeterministic, and that is because of the free will that may change the person outcome and affect others, and now also affects our planet.

But still, Jesus knew that all would deny him that night, because free will will still follow your heart and reasoning.



Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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