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Why do you love Jehovah's organization?

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Hi everyone. I hope you're all doing great. I have a question about why you love the Jehovah's organization. I've read some negative things, including statements from apostates, and it's been bothering me. I need your help. Please can you tell me what you like about the organization? I'm quite young and don't want to make a mistake that I'll regret later. Thanks for your guidance. Much appreciated. ❤️

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I love the fact that I have never heard of a financial scandal within the organization. Those who are part of the governing body don't live in an opulent place, and neither do most elders. In fact, all of our elders, ministerial servants, etc are volunteers. They also clean toilets too! I love it! It makes me feel closer to them and that they are very approachable.

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2 hours ago, Oluwatobi said:

Hi everyone. I hope you're all doing great. I have a question about why you love the Jehovah's organization. I've read some negative things, including statements from apostates, and it's been bothering me. I need your help. Please can you tell me what you like about the organization? I'm quite young and don't want to make a mistake that I'll regret later. Thanks for your guidance. Much appreciated. ❤️


Dear brother Olayinka, this is very humble from your side to ask experienced brothers and sisters for advice. I´ve been baptized for over 27 years now, and the first thing I would like to tell you is: Please don´t read statements from apostates! This is very dangerous! There is a reason why our dear brothers from the Governing Body warn us against engaging in this propaganda.


Regarding your question, here´s one thing I love about Jehovah´s people:

There is no other organization anywhere that has such love and unity in a world full of division and hatred and that lives according to Jehovah's righteous standards worldwide, regardless of borders, languages and cultures.


Maybe you could make a study project out of it. On JW.ORG you are sure to find lots of things that will bring you closer to our organization.

Chrissy :wave:

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Have you watched this month's broadcast? The first talk about how light "grows brighter" and the process the Governing Body uses before determining whether to make adjustments to previous understandings about the Bible is very faith-strengthening. They acknowledge that members of the Governing Body are human and that they are not infallible; interpretations of doctrine or organizational direction can be wrong but there is a very careful and loving process for correcting this in a spirit-directed way. On principle we don't challenge, protest, or aggressively question brothers who take the lead, this is to preserve our unity and maintain our focus on the Kingdom and the preaching work. It's not because they are never wrong.


I love

- the care and attention put into making sure our preaching work and meetings are in the language of everyone's hearts. There isn't a single organization anywhere in the world that has successfully and respectfully translated so many materials and conducted "outreach" work in as many languages as Jehovah's organization has. And all by volunteers. This includes languages only spoken by a few thousand or in some cases just a few hundred people. That's Jehovah.


- along with that, the amazing variety of people and cultures and that even though we are soooo far from perfect, we understand the importance of appreciating each other. There was a gathering in my hall this past weekend and they played and everyone danced to salsa and merengue, Cape Verdean kizomba, R&B, Albanian music, Haitian music and more because people of all those backgrounds were there.


- that elders and people with serious disabilities all have a role and a place of value in Jehovah's organization and in the ministry. There is a very elderly brother in my hall who has to bring an oxygen tank to the meeting. He is regularly used to give a prayer to conclude the meetings, this is also something I have never seen outside the truth.


- the way all aspects of our work are organized, and the quality of the training in more recent years is amazing. LDC Maintenance training was so wonderful, they made it legit so fun and rewarding to learn how to winterize a parking lot. I also got to see a graduation from a Mandarin language class once and it was so awesome and fun and thoughtfully done!


- when the shepherding arrangement works, it WORKS. Having elders come and patiently listen to your problems and anything you want to express yourself about, and offer encouragement, read you scriptures chosen just for your particular situation, make you feel Jehovah's care, is so loving...again, in my secular work I have seen many many people who volunteer on their own time for all kinds of noble purposes and they may do it with a lot of love and care, but honestly I have never seen anything like what our elders are trained to do.


P.S. I promised myself not to spend time on JWTalk during work today! Ack! Major fail! lol

Edited by Esined
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"When they heard this, they were infuriated and wanted to do away with them.+ 34 But a Pharisee named Ga·maʹli·el+ rose in the Sanʹhe·drin; he was a Law teacher esteemed by all the people, and he gave the command to put the men outside for a little while. 35 Then he said to them: “Men of Israel, be careful as to what you intend to do about these men. 36 For instance, before these days Theuʹdas rose up, saying he himself was somebody, and a number of men, about 400, joined his party. But he was done away with, and all those who were following him were dispersed and came to nothing. 37 After him, Judas the Gal·i·leʹan rose up in the days of the registration, and he drew followers after himself. That man also perished, and all those who were following him were scattered. 38 So under the present circumstances, I say to you, do not meddle with these men, but let them alone. For if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them.+ Otherwise, you may even be found fighters against God himself.”" --- Acts 5:33-39

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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During the Rwandan conflict, Hutus and Tutsis genocided each other, often encourages by religious leaders

Except JWs. Despite the ongoing racial battle, Hutu and Tutsi Jehovah's Witnesses did NOT do any such things and instead LOVED and PROTECTED each other to the peril of their lives, because our master is Jehovah, not the state.


"Churches of every type – with the exception of the Jehovah’s Witnesses – participated in the genocide, with priests and ministers organizing and often leading killing and directing Tutsis to churches where they were then slaughtered. All of them – Catholic, Protestant, Anglican were involved at the highest levels in organizing and implementing the genocide. Many, including the Catholic Church, have given safe haven to genocidaires in an act of extreme and ongoing evil revealing the falseness of their apologies and hollowness of their purported repentance"


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Jehovah's organization gives us answers to our deeply troubling thoughts about why the world is in such an unstable state, and offers a solution that touches our hearts! Nowhere else do we find that. In Matthew 5:6, Jesus promised that those with these unsettling questions would be "filled," or "satisfied" (footnote) with the rich spiritual food offered to them. That is what Jesus promised us.


But in contrast, Isaiah 32:6 tells us what apostates have to offer. They speak waywardly of Jehovah and his people, and cruelly deny people the satisfying spiritual food and drink that they deserve. They do exactly the opposite of what Jesus promised!


Which do you think is better?


I could re-emphasize the recommendation of @coony77: stay away from apostates. They can only tell you that Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong. But they can't tell you what's right. Everything out of their mouths is entirely negative. No wonder the organization warns us against listening to them.

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We are his witnesses, his people, and it shows. What other organization is willing to bear the name of God despite the persecution it brings? What other organization has completely organized the planet into territories so that the good news gets to as many people as possible. What other organization has over 8 million people preaching each month, voluntarily? What other organization even comes close to publishing material in the thousands of languages that we do? What other organization does all of this free of charge? You can travel anywhere in the world and be warmly received by your fellow believers, no matter what country you are from.


I went on vacation years ago to the beach. We attended a meeting while there. A group took us out to lunch and insisted on paying for it. We were not even the guest speaker. I was just passing through. Try pulling that off in any [other] church, lol.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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4 hours ago, Oluwatobi said:

Please can you tell me what you like about the organization?

An excellent question to ask oneself and to meditate on what one loves about Jehovah’s organization.  For me I love that Jehovah’s organization is the only organization in the world that is clean and pure in its worship of God.  That it carries the name of Jehovah.  The organization is evidence of Jehovah’s loving kindness, his loyal love.  This is his possession, his organization.  It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of his organization and praise his name.  

I couldn’t help but think of some of the  words from song 2. 
“We’re honored and we’re proud

To be your congregation.

In ev’ry tribe and nation,

Your glory we proclaim.’


Witnesses for you

Is what you’ve kindly named us.

We’re honored you have claimed us

A people for your name.


My thought is you can’t have The Christian Congregation of Jehovahs witnesses without Jehovah.  

So my brother What do you love about Jehovah’s organization?

Edited by booboo
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Il y a 3 heures, Esined a dit :

Avez-vous regardé l'émission de ce mois-ci ? Le premier discours sur la manière dont la lumière « devient plus brillante » et sur le processus utilisé par le Conseil d'administration avant de déterminer s'il convient d'apporter des ajustements aux compréhensions antérieures de la Bible est très fortifiant pour la foi. Ils affirment que les membres du Conseil d'administration sont humains et qu'ils ne sont pas infaillibles ; Les interprétations de la doctrine ou de la direction organisationnelle peuvent être fausses, mais il existe un processus très prudent et affectueux pour corriger cela d'une manière dirigée par l'esprit. En principe, nous ne contestons pas, ne protestons pas et ne remettons pas en question de manière agressive les frères qui prennent les devants, ceci afin de préserver notre unité et de maintenir notre concentration sur le Royaume et l'œuvre de prédication. Ce n'est pas parce qu'ils n'ont jamais tort.



- le soin et l'attention apportent à ce que notre travail de prédication et nos réunions soient dans la langue du cœur de chacun. Aucune organisation au monde n'a réussi à traduire avec succès et respectueusement autant de documents et à mener un travail de « sensibilisation » dans autant de langues que l'organisation de Jéhovah. Et tout cela grâce à des bénévoles. Cela inclut les langues parlées seulement par quelques milliers, voire dans certains cas, par quelques centaines de personnes. C’est Jéhovah.


- en plus de cela, l'incroyable variété de personnes et de cultures et le fait que même si nous sommes tellement loin d'être parfaits, nous comprenons l'importance de s'apprécier les uns les autres. Il ya eu un rassemblement dans ma salle le week-end dernier et ils ont joué et tout le monde a dansé sur de la salsa et du merengue, de la kizomba cap-verdienne, du R&B, de la musique albanaise, de la musique haïtienne et plus encore parce que des gens de tous ces horizons étaient là.


- que les anciens et les personnes gravement handicapées ont tous un rôle et une place de valeur dans l'organisation de Jéhovah et dans le ministère. Il ya dans ma salle un frère très âgé qui doit apporter une bouteille d'oxygène à la réunion. Il est régulièrement habitué à faire une prière pour conclure les réunions, c'est aussi quelque chose que je n'ai jamais vu en dehors de la vérité.


- la façon dont tous les aspects de notre travail sont organisés et la qualité de la formation ces dernières années est étonnante. La formation de maintenance de LDC était si merveilleuse qu'ils ont rendu légitime et enrichissant l'apprentissage de l'hivernage d'un parking. J'ai également eu l'occasion de voir une remise de diplômes d'un cours de mandarin une fois et c'était tellement génial, amusant et réfléchi !


- quand le système de berger fonctionne, ça MARCHE. Faire venir des anciens et écouter patiemment vos problèmes et tout ce sur quoi vous voulez vous exprimer, vous offrir des encouragements, vous lire les Écritures choisies juste pour votre situation particulière, vous faire sentir l'attention de Jéhovah, est si aimant... encore une fois, dans mon travail profane. J'ai vu beaucoup de gens faire du bénévolat pendant leur temps libre pour toutes sortes de nobles objectifs et ils le font peut-être avec beaucoup d'amour et de soin, mais honnêtement, je n'ai jamais rien vu de comparable à ce pour quoi nos aînés sont formés.


PS Je me suis promis de ne pas passer de temps sur JWTalk pendant le travail aujourd'hui ! Acquérir ! Échec majeur ! mdr


Edited by Dolce vita
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I give 100 hearts to everyone. I really liked all your answers. I am compiling it and it gives my version: It is the Bible that proves to me that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only religion that Jehovah approves. I can't say it better. I scrutinize everything to the nearest millimeter and find nothing to say or complain about. Nothing at all. The opponents can say what they want, they are free, but I too am free, free not to listen to them.

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Based on my relationship with Jehovah and what I know of the Bible, the organization bears ALL fruits of Jesus, his apostles, and the first century Christians. I'd look into the first century Christian's and what Paul wrote about for them. It might help.


Also, I grew up and live in Los Angeles. You can do ANYTHING in LA. Some of us Gen-X/Gen-Y go as far as calling Los Angeles... Babylon. Los Angeles is a melting pot of races and religions. So you get a lot coming at you. Seeing the contrast of the organization vs religions of the world will open your eyes to a lot. Various Protestant denominations, Catholics, Buddhists, Hindu, Islam, Scientology, Mormons, etc etc., all exist in LA and you see the disunity among them all compared to the organization. 


LA is the City of Sex first and foremost and probably still the porn capital of the world. With that comes drugs/alcohol, being a socialite, Hollywood, entrepreneurships, any entertainment you can dream up, dance clubs, bars, becoming an actor or musician or the next millionaire, starting the latest fad, materialism, luxury, world renowned higher education, homelessness/living on the freeway, street/gang/thug life, etc etc. The list goes on and on but Satan makes it easy, you can be rich or you can be a rag in LA. You don't have to sell your soul or renounce being a JW. Just "stop" serving Jehovah. One of the 10-13 million in LA/OC will find a comfy social group to add you to and drive you deeper from Jehovah.


So Jehovah's organization is a protection for me and others.



Edited by chuck83

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9 hours ago, Oluwatobi said:

. I have a question about why you love the Jehovah's organization. I've read some negative things, including statements from apostates, and it's been bothering me.


Hello Brother Olayinka,


Please consider carefully this illustration:

What are some things you consider beautiful? The ocean? Mountains? Art?

Who are some people you love? Your mother? Grandparents? A special Friend?


The reason I asked you those questions is because if you consider the ocean beautiful and a certain piece of art beautiful, if you spend time talking with a person who hates the ocean or hates art, eventually if you spend enough time with that person, you will begin to view that art piece differently, and view the ocean differently. You will start thinking things like, “I used to think the ocean was so beautiful, but now all I see is a huge body of liquid that I cannot walk on, I cannot play soccer on, and it has way too much salt!”  Spending time with people who hate can cause you be infected with an eye disease. Once you are infected with the hate and negative views, this disease causes you to see things that you once saw as having beauty as now ugly!


You may love your mother or you may have a special friend who you care deeply about. But if you spend time with someone who hates this special friend you have and keeps telling you all about your friend’s flaws and all the negative things they see about your friend, eventually you will no longer see any beauty in your friend! 


And that is what APOSTASY is like, apostates HATE this organization, many of them have become vindictive, vengeful, and so do everything in their power to cause others to see ugliness! So they speak half-truths, telling you things that sound true, as they speak about certain true things, but then you aren’t aware of certain lies that are hidden in what they are telling. I speak from experience, not because I started reading apostate comments, but because as an elder I was involved with investigating some situations that involved certain brothers who were becoming apostates. And their thinking, their feelings, and their spiritual and moral “eyesight” had turned so ugly!  I remember hearing such ones make some of the worse comments about the Bible! And these ones used to love the Bible! 😯 


So please consider this my brother Olayinka, the reasons you may have started wondering why others love Jehovah’s organization and why you don’t see very much beauty in our organization that others see is because sadly, it appears you have already become infected from the apostasy you have been reading. This “infection” is changing your eyes, as you used to see more beauty about Jehovah and His organization, but now you are being told about flaws and imperfections, and so the beauty is starting too fade in your eyes. 👀 


So my first suggestion?  Please stop reading any websites or comments from anyone who “hates”!

Then keep reading posts and comments here from many smart and wonderful brothers and sisters from all over the world who “see” great beauty in Jehovah’s Organization!  And when you attend meetings, look for beauty and love that you yourself see in others, and that you see in how the organization handles various matters, and especially see how wonderful and beautiful Jehovah is! 💜 


 I would also encourage you to speak with 1 of your elders that you feel comfortable with about what you have been reading so that he can provide you with some assistance. When someone is infected with a disease, they need help, they need professional help from doctors. The same spiritually speaking. So what will be the result if you follow these suggestions?


You will start to feel healthier spiritually and your “eyes” will begin to see more beauty! 🤩 

Ask Jehovah to help you to see more beauty in Him and in His people my brother, we look forward to hearing your progress! 🌟 

Here below are some scriptural thoughts that will motive you!


*** w11 7/15 pp. 15-16 par. 5 Will You Heed Jehovah’s Clear Warnings? ***
5 How do false teachers operate?

Their methods reveal a cunning spirit. Apostates “quietly bring in” corruptive ideas. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use “counterfeit words,” or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true. They spread “deceptive teachings,” “twisting . . . the Scriptures” to fit their own ideas. (2 Pet. 2:1, 3, 13; 3:16) Clearly, apostates do not have our best interests at heart. Following them would only divert us from the road that leads to eternal life.


*** w11 6/1 p. 13 Does God Have an Organization? ***
ORDER is evident everywhere in God’s creation. A “simple” yeast cell, for example, is a marvel of organization. It has roughly the same number of parts as a Boeing 777 jetliner. Yet, all the components have a fixed place and fit into a sphere just five micronsa in diameter. Unlike jetliners, yeast cells can reproduce. What a marvel of order and organization!—1 Corinthians 14:33.


Organization is manifest not in physical creation only. The Bible shows that the spirit realm too is highly organized, in accord with the Creator’s purpose. In a vision, the prophet Daniel saw a vast company of angelic creatures in God’s heavenly court: “There were a thousand thousands that kept ministering to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand that kept standing right before him.” (Daniel 7:9, 10) Imagine the organization that must be in place in order for this immense number of angels—one hundred million plus—to respond to and do God’s bidding in behalf of his servants here on earth!—Psalm 91:11.


An Expression of God’s Love

What about today? Some may be reluctant to attach themselves to a religious organization. Biblical evidence, however, shows that God has always used his organization as he carries out his purpose. He organized his worshippers in ancient Israel, and he organized the early Christians in their worship.

Is it not logical, therefore, to conclude that Jehovah God still directs his people, as he did in the past? Yes, having his worshippers organized and unified is an expression of his loving care for them. Today, Jehovah uses his organization in accomplishing his purpose toward mankind



Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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My brother, when I was 16 (and I thought I knew everything at 16!), my mother got the truth, and I hated it. I had read a glossy magazine that had an article written by an apostate, and it obviously affected me. I tried everything I could to discredit what mum was learning (I feel so sorry for what I made that sister studying with mum go through).


But I loved the Bible. And everything the sister said or the magazines said was from the Bible. I couldn’t deny the truth. No other group of people have organised to learn and then teach others exactly what the Bible says. This scripture did it for me:


John 6:68 “Simon Peter answered him: “Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life.”


Brother Olayinka, do you love the Bible? Please keep studying and grow in that love. You too will see that there is simply no one else in this world doing Jehovah’s will and following Jesus's commands but his witnesses.

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You ask a fine question because we come under hostile and virulent attacks from apostates and critics that can be rather intimidating, especially for our youth and those recently baptized who lack the knowledge to give a defence of their faith. I have served many decades in various capacities and have long engaged in apologetics or in defence of our Bible-based theology and Organization which is biblically based. I love the following things about our Organization or Church if you like such as follows:

1. We alone obey the command of our Lord and Master in Matt.28:19,20

2. We alone preach or better still proclaim the good news or Gospel. Matt.24:14

3. We alone worship Jehovah God as Sovereign

3. We adhere to the Bible as God's inspired Word

4.  We alone implement and fulfil the parables described by Jesus in Matt. 24 and 25

5. We alone heed the Master's exhortation to 'Keep on the Watch'

6. We alone have a correct understanding of prophecy namely Daniel and Revelation

7. We alone are the Church described both historically and prophetically in the book of Revelation

8. We alone have constructed a scheme of Bible Chronology that proves 1914 CE as the end of the Gentile Times and the birth of God's Kingdom

9. We alone have the Elect or the Anointed in our midst

10. We alone have produced the most brilliant and outstanding translation of the Bible ever produced namely the NWT

11. We alone have a united Christian Brotherhood

12. We alone imitate the doctrines and practices of the Early Church

scholar JW

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23 hours ago, Pikachu said:

I love the fact that I have never heard of a financial scandal within the organization. Those who are part of the governing body don't live in an opulent place, and neither do most elders. In fact, all of our elders, ministerial servants, etc. are volunteers. They also clean toilets too! I love it! It makes me feel closer to them and that they are very approachable.

Wow thank you @Pikachu
I also love that the Governing Body and all the volunteers, including elders, MS, LDC, etc., do what they do in Jehovah's Organization because they genuinely love Jehovah God. Their humility and commitment to following His will make it extra special 🤗

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23 hours ago, coony77 said:


Please don´t read statements from apostates! This is very dangerous! There is a reason why our dear brothers from the Governing Body warn us against engaging in this propaganda.


Thank you for the advice @coony77 Honestly, when I read stuff from apostates, they just complain and share false info, acting like they know everything. Now, I see it's better to use my time learning about Jehovah God rather than getting caught up in their stuff. I hope God guides them. I also noticed they blame things instead of their behavior. Instead of thinking I know it all, I'll just commit myself to Jehovah God, who knows it all.


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22 hours ago, booboo said:

So my brother What do you love about Jehovah’s organization?

Our brothers and sisters genuinely love. They don't act like they know everything; instead, they depend on Jehovah God for help, not on any person.

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1 hour ago, Oluwatobi said:

Thank you for the advice @coony77 Honestly, when I read stuff from apostates, they just complain and share false info, acting like they know everything. Now, I see it's better to use my time learning about Jehovah God rather than getting caught up in their stuff. I hope God guides them. I also noticed they blame things instead of their behavior. Instead of thinking I know it all, I'll just commit myself to Jehovah God, who knows it all.


Excellent, brother, you make Jehovah happy and proud of you 🙂

Chrissy :wave:

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21 hours ago, Oluwatobi said:

Wow, I'm genuinely surprised and touched by the wonderful advice from all of you. Your words of encouragement make me feel truly loved. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your tremendous support 😇


21 hours ago, Oluwatobi said:

Wow, I'm genuinely surprised and touched by the wonderful advice from all of you. Your words of encouragement make me feel truly loved. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your tremendous support 😇


19 hours ago, Oluwatobi said:

Our brothers and sisters genuinely love. They don't act like they know everything; instead, they depend on Jehovah God for help, not on any person.


21 hours ago, Oluwatobi said:

Wow, I'm genuinely surprised and touched by the wonderful advice from all of you. Your words of encouragement make me feel truly loved. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your tremendous support 😇

What a beautiful attitude Oluwatobi.

I love so much every single comment from our brothers and sisters, simply fantastic 🤗.

I just want to add a little thing.  It Is about my experience when I moved to another country.  It seemed like everything was different, and at times I felt a little lost.  Then one begin to see the Jehovah's loving care and His family,  which is ours too.  We just can say ..the best life ever, the best choice ❤️

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