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Report of special campaign in Romania

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Last summer a special campaign was launched in Romania. There are large areas especially in the South of the country where people have never been visited by Jehovah's Witnesses.


Preaching in those areas is quite difficult because public transportation is non-existent, roads are in pitiful condition and fuel is too expensive for our brothers there, most of whom are of very limited resources. Another big problem are Orthodox priests, who still retain a lot of power and don't hesitate to resort to threats or even physical attacks to stop our work.


Unfortunately my family was unable to join in the campaign, but some brothers from our congregation did, and they have wonderful experiences. The branch took measures so that all policemen from Romania were informed that we were visiting and that our work is completely legal. If was funny to see the efforts of priests to stop us thwarted in most cases by policemen.


There's a report of the campaign in the Romanian edition of "Our Kingdom Ministry" of February 2014. Since it doesn't appear in editions in other languages, I am translating here what it says:


During the months of July and August 2013, a special preaching campaign has been carried on in unassigned territories in Romania, in an area with a population of around 4,5 million. Over 2000 zealous pioneers and publishers have participated in this campaign, coming from Romanian-speaking congregations and groups in Europe and the United States. They have joyously worked together with 116 local congregations which have offered them accommodation as well as everything necessary. During these two months, 41% of the unassigned territory has been covered, and the local people's reaction has been extraordinary. Many burst into tears of joy when they read the message of hope directly from their Bibles. 31379 Bible studies were initiated. Jehovah is clearly ‘speed it up in its own time’! (Is. 60:22)


Wow! Considering the number of publishers in Romania is around 38,000, 31,000 new students is a huge figure. And there's still a 60% of territory to cover! That means there's potential for the number of publishers in Romania to triplicate when the whole territory is worked.


These are thrilling times for Jehovah's people!



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Wow! Thank you for providing the translation so it would be easy for us to understand here. :D  I am very happy to read about the news in Romania. We can truly say that Jehovah bless His people despite officials tried to cease our work. Good to see the huge number of interested people. It is really happening the little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation ( Isaiah 60:22). :) 

Keep it up ! 

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Dear Carlos thanks so much for sharing this incredible experience with us here on the forum. How Jehovah must love his human family to arrange such a wonderful coverage of the territory never reached by Jehovah's message! Can you tell us who or how will these study's be conducted . Is there congregations in the area that can handle them ? I'm thinking not, since it was untouched territory.

This is a good example for us how often we just want this old system to end but Jehovah lovingly reminds us there is still much work to be done!

Edited by Miss Mouse
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Can you tell us who or how will these study's be conducted . Is there congregations in the area that can handle them ? I'm thinking not, since it was untouched territory.


In some cases the territory is not too far from a congregation. The brothers didn't work them because it was expensive to get there, but if they have several students in the same town, then they can do arrangements to go together in the same car.


Some other studies in more isolated zones can be conducted by telephone.


There is a good number of special pioneers in Romania, and even some missionaries were sent there recently. I guess most graduates from the schools for couples and single brothers will be sent to look after those "sheep". And the last part of the report, that I did not include, was an invitation to anyone who is willing to move into zones of necessity. I know several couples of pioneers in the Romanian-speaking congregations here in Spain who are already making plans to move there. With so many pioneers available, I suppose some groups can quickly be started in territories that were until now unassigned.


Here at JWTalk there are some friends from Romania, maybe they can comment too on what is going on.

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