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New Jehovah's Witness Rap Album soon to be released

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Hi Brothers & Sisters, I just would like to let you all know that on the 11th April I will be releasing an album called the Jah Project! It's a rap album for JW's only even though I can't stop people in the world from buying it too. It's like nothing you have ever heard before.

Of course there is no explicit lyrics or anything like that at all. The whole album is designed the bring praise the Jehovah. The music is hip hop. The album will released on iTunes and all major internet music stores on the 11th April 2014. Physical copy's will also be available which includes 1 bonus track on request. I have let a number of brothers in my congregation listen to a sample and they are all very excited at what they heard as rap music is normally so immoral violent etc. Please keep an eye out. The track list us as follows:

1 intro,

2 Creation vs Evolution

3 Hail the King

4 Kingdom Hall

5 Angels

6 Fornication & Lust

7 On the Ministry

8 Paradise

9 False tongue

10 Wolf & Sheep

11 Prayer

12 The Last Days

13 Pioneers (bonus track physical copy only!)

Keep an eye out.

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Hi Sharon yes the songs are very catchy but with only positive lyrics.

The big problem with rap music is that the music is great but the lyrics are awful so I spent a lot of time listening to people talk about how they would love to listen to rap as the beats are great but the language and topics and terrible so I spent a lot of time working on the music so that kids can get into the beat but without the immoral language.

And remember as a parent on iTunes you can listen and try before you buy so can listen to about 40 seconds of every track to make sure your happy. I really hope it helps.

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Sorry. Cringe time. I cannot imagine such a thing. It's like dressing something up that I really ugly, and, saying, " now, isn't this wonderful?" With Jehovah's name on it.

But, you say, "it's the beat". And that is what I am saying.

When we get kingdom songs with a hip hop beat from the organization...don't think so.

I love music, love to dance, and, well. It just doesn't sound good to me. At all.

And, if you are putting us on, sorry for my taking it serious!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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  On 3/25/2014 at 9:38 PM, Eddie T said:

Hi Sharon yes the songs are very catchy but with only positive lyrics.

The big problem with rap music is that the music is great but the lyrics are awful so I spent a lot of time listening to people talk about how they would love to listen to rap as the beats are great but the language and topics and terrible so I spent a lot of time working on the music so that kids can get into the beat but without the immoral language.

And remember as a parent on iTunes you can listen and try before you buy so can listen to about 40 seconds of every track to make sure your happy. I really hope it helps.


I would have to disagree with you on this ...I would be more inclined to say that the problem with rap music (using the term"music"  begrudgingly) is that, not only are the lyrics bad, the so-called music is just as bad.


To me there is no such thing as good rap! Since I do not like the "music", I never get to the words before I tune it out or turn it off.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I like the idea , what principles would guide against this i don't know but , i like the idea of brothers making music with lyrics that won't have us sining. most youths only know worldy rap / hip hop and how many brows would beat them if they said they listened to gospel rap?

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Hi All thank you all for all your comments on this subject. It's so interesting to here so many views on this subject. The first thing I would like to say is that no this is not a joke of any type. The Album will be released on the 11th April. The brothers in my kingdom including elders and pioneers really enjoyed what they have heard. The point I want to get across is that I have NOT converted any kingdom songs into hip hop. All songs were written to fit the music and original.

The other thing I find strange is that this is really a question on music preference! Some of those that like classical music will love and do love kingdom melodies but those who do not like classical music like a lot of the younger ones in the truth are really not too fond of the kingdom song. When I speak to the younger one in the truth some always say the same thing I.e. That the kingdom songs are more for the older ones in the congregation and they would like something with more of a beat more for them.

older ones in the congregation some times don't understand what the younger one in the congregation need in relation to music which is why so many young ones are secretly listening the worldy rap as there is no real alternative for them so they feel, which is another reason I done the album.

so many times I have heard young ones say that they love the music of rap music but hate the words so what better way but the give good music but in a positive message. It would also appear that a lot of black brothers like the music but a lot of white brothers are a little unsure of the music as they are not into hip hop anyway and love classical music so shy away.

There is a clear division between older brothers white or black in the truth that like slow classical music and the younger ones in the truth who do not like classical music and like hip hop but up building hip hop which they have never had before but now they have something that they tell me they have been waiting for, for a long time.

Once again brothers it's all about choice and I was lead to believe that music which comes in many different forms should be used to prise our creator. Please do not judge something that you have not yet heard and then you can make your own choice.


Eddie T

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I for one will be interested in hearing what Eddie has put together.  Hip hop/rap has had a lot of bad press over the years due to nature of the lyrics, attitude of the artists and so on.  It's historically has reflected the culture of poverty and violence of the tough neighbourhoods the early artists came from. Much of what is out there should be avoided, no question.  As a form of musical expression however,I don't recall ever seeing anything that says it is wrong in itself.  There are plenty of Witnesses who play music from all forms of the musical spectrum regardless of the fact that pretty much every form of music has objectionable elements associated with it.


Granted, hip hop and rap does have more of a negative track record as far as Christians are concerned and one would want to be careful of trying to emulate the world or trying to get as close to the mark as possible.  It would also be a concern to consider if the style of music could inadvertently imply other, objectionable forms of the genre are acceptable.  Regardless, I don't see anything inherently objectionable.  I don't see why what our brother is doing should be approached any differently to that if it was rock, RnB, country, folk, classical or any other form of music.


An example could be classical music.  Would every piece produced by a composer such as Wagner be acceptable?  Depends on your conscience but one would want to evaluate the themes before making a choice and not simply assume that just because classical is generally not seen as contentious then there cannot be any need for due diligence.


Few here would likely suggest Harry Potter is fine to be viewed or read but what about Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit?  What about Midsummers Nights Dream?  What about the fairy tale themes in Star Wars?  Themes and situations in Star Trek?  I am not asking for an answer here or suggesting anything is right or wrong, just pointing out that it's easy to apply fairly blanket views to some items just because they don't resonate with us yet ignore the principle on other things if we like the art form and find it easy to rationalise the objection away.  I think we all need to examine our consistency in a matter before being too dogmatic about it.


I would also point to some of the music that has been used in recent videos on jw.org and in dramas.  OK, it's not hip hop but neither is the society sticking to purely orchestral arrangements (as per the Kingdom songs).  I doubt we all would have said we would expected to have heard the variety we have now, even 5 years ago.  It would be interested to hear everyones opinions if (and I accept it's a big if) there was some use of original hip hop style music was made by the society in a video.  The way the org has been moving recently I would never say never...


My final point is that we are all encouraged not to imput bad motives to our brothers and sisters.  Why not just wait and see what our brother produces and if we are interested then form an opinion once we have heard what comes out?

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  On 3/26/2014 at 12:37 AM, Qapla said:

I would have to disagree with you on this ...I would be more inclined to say that the problem with rap music (using the term"music"  begrudgingly) is that, not only are the lyrics bad, the so-called music is just as bad.


To me there is no such thing as good rap! Since I do not like the "music", I never get to the words before I tune it out or turn it off.


And that's your absolute right John.  I can certainly understand why you would be put off the genre given the objectionable and aggressive nature of much of music.  How would you respond though if someone said the same about your favourite form of music?


What if you heard....


"To me there is no such thing as good country music"

"To me there is no such thing as good classical music"

"To me there is no such thing as good folk music"


Would you suggest the person is being too closed minded?  Would a reasonable response be "are you telling me Jez, that you cannot find even one piece of classical music that you like or that moves you?"


There are loads of type of music that do not resonate with me.  Most classical (and I was brought up in a house filled with classical music daily), RnB, traditional Asian and eastern European, opera, West End musical scores, country, mass produced pop, rock and roll, trad jazz, disco ... the list goes on and on.  Over the years however I have tried to find at least one piece that I do like just so I can at least say that I have tried to listen, tried it out and come to an even slightly informed choice.  I am struggling with traditional Asian music, opera and West End Musicals but I have found music from every other form I have tried that I have liked and have found moving.


Can I suggest PM Dawn, Set Adrift on Memory Bliss or Soul to Soul, Keep on Moving as a couple of easy introductions.  In fact the latter is not really hip hop but worth a listen.  You may or may not like them but doubt you would find them objectionable.

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I would be open to hearing it first and then making a judgement on it for myself. There are plenty of other music albums out there with the label "explicit content" stuck on it. Rap has traditionally been seen as objectionable, largely because of the lyrical content.

I have to say, it is not my favourite style of music. I am eclectic in my choices (see the thread on "what are you listening to..." for details.

Any type of music is OK by me (except country music of course) (and country and western, too but that goes without saying) so I enjoy various types (oh and sacred choral music, too, that's not my bag). Really anything is good for me (forgot to mention Irish jigs -sorry Annie, just can't stand them; oh and most punk) but apart from that (and thrash metal, death metal and other similar genres) i enjoy every kind of music ( but not German oompah bands, or brass bands)

Bring it on Eddie T, let's see what you got to offer.

(By the way, I don't like Celine Dion, Barry Manilow, John Denver, .....................................)

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Hi Brother Jez thanks for your understanding as you articulated my point wonderfully.

As you already mentioned music is a personal choice. Each person is different. Remember that DVD that came out from the society a few years ago about what would happen if we we all the same? All looked the same sounded the same? Or if we had no colour and were all just black and white. Jehovah has given us colour and variety for our enjoyment. I don't like cream cakes for instances, but who am I to judges anyone who like creams cakes and eats cream cakes! Just because I don't like it must I tell other people not to like it also? It is not my place to do so. Dear I say that I am not closed minded? I am very open minded just as long as I does not comprise my faith.

It just so happens that I do love some classical music as much as hip hop pop rock soul and world music at I listen to a lot if Chinese music.

Just remember we all need to be tolerant and respectful to all regardless of if we like a type of food or music etc or not. May you all have peace wisdom and understanding my brothers.

Eddie T

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Very interesting topic, and controversial, too!

I was fascinated by the "theme song" in the newCaleb video ("Be kind and share"). http://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/children/become-jehovahs-friend/videos/be-kind-and-share/

At the end, as the car jumps through the hoop, the theme song is played by an electric guitar solo, with a very "rocky" sound.

Kingdom melodies have always been instrumental and had the "classic" touch, but if You listen to the new songs closely I think You can clearly hear references or nods to different genres like Jazz, Blues, some even sound like "church hymns" (which I guess wouldn't be bad in itself if it weren't marred by false doctrine and association with Babylon.)

I don't think making rap music is false in itself: I consider myself broad minded and in the yesteryear heard a lot of hiphop and rap, am just very very choosy and cautious now.

As mentioned: Wagner was inspired by pretty heavy stuff: other classical (old and new) aren't always from the cleanest minds either. (Sounds generic, I know)

No one can brand a genre as bad in itself: Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, the Beach Boys were pretty wild stuff back then, now they are harmless. This doesn't mean one can water down music now also, but just because one music direction isn't ones taste or mainstream amongst Jehovah's people doesn't mean it's bad or must be avoided at all costs.

I just think associating Jehovah's name with it directly is not a good idea. People who don't know the difference, are naiv or just don't think can't tell the difference between freedom of speech and what is directly from Jehovah's Organisation or not.

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  On 3/26/2014 at 12:10 PM, HenJen said:

Are kingdom songs part of classic music?


Given that the term "classical music" is VERY broad then I would say yes given that there are orchestral arrangements.  At the risk of raising my head above the parapet I would have to say that from my own purely musical taste perspective I would categorise the arrangements in the same area as the sort of populist orchestral music you might hear on something like ClassicFM (in the UK).  Of course the music is performed by highly talented musicians and has been composed by experts in their field but they are not complex, symphonic works.

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  On 3/26/2014 at 12:10 PM, HenJen said:

Are kingdom songs part of classic music?


I wouldn't classify it like that, but some would say it is played by an orchestra so it is classical. 


Of course, such an opinion would show a lack of understanding of the difference between the genre and the method of interpretation.  An orchestra could play rock music (there have been orchestral versions of Pink Floyd etc) but that would not make it classical music.

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  On 3/26/2014 at 12:46 PM, bohemian said:

I wouldn't classify it like that, but some would say it is played by an orchestra so it is classical. 


Of course, such an opinion would show a lack of understanding of the difference between the genre and the method of interpretation.  An orchestra could play rock music (there have been orchestral versions of Pink Floyd etc) but that would not make it classical music.


I get your point and would agree for the reasons I posted that it's not really "proper" classical music however I would suggest that the orchestral arrangements of the Kingdom songs would not be out of place in a populist collection of classical music, albeit loosely termed.  If a rock band does a rock arrangement of a symphony does it then become rock or remain classical?  What about the use of contemporary instruments in symphonic pieces?  This is the problem with the term "classical music" - it's simply to broad and subjective.

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  On 3/26/2014 at 7:44 AM, Eddie T said:

Hi All thank you all for all your comments on this subject. It's so interesting to here so many views on this subject. The first thing I would like to say is that no this is not a joke of any type. The Album will be released on the 11th April. The brothers in my kingdom including elders and pioneers really enjoyed what they have heard. The point I want to get across is that I have NOT converted any kingdom songs into hip hop. All songs were written to fit the music and original.

I'd like to give you some counsel if you would accept it. I'm sure you are sincere and you are very talented and have worked hard on what you have produced. It would appear from your comments that you feel the elders and pioneers in your congregation have given you approval. It is not so much the music as the life-style that goes along with hip-hop music that is the problem. The brothers have pointed this out in the publications:

W 99 9/1 p.10

G 04 4/22 p. 26

G 95 1/22 p. 19

It would be wise and loving not to discuss, disseminate, or distribute this kind of thing at the Kingdom Hall or on a forum such as this. Remember the little boy with his hat turned backward on the tract? That was innocent enough, but the brothers saw fit to edit the picture because it was connected with something bad.

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Hi all and to Jez thanks for your understanding on this matter. You articulated my point wonderfully.

As you and I already said music is a personal choice for all. Remember that DVD we had that came out from the society about what if we are we're the same and looked the same. If we had no colour and everything was black and white. How boaring would that be? Remember that Jehovah has given us a choice and variation for out enjoyment.

For instances I don't like cream cakes but who am I to tell anybody else not to enjoy a cream cake just because I don't like them? I have no right what so ever to judge anybody just because they like something I don't enjoy and I would never dream of doing so. If They they like cream cakes then knock yourself out!

Dear I say that I am not closed minded and very open minded on many issues just as long as it dones not compromise my faith. If some one has a view different from your own on a personal choice like music I would say we all need to respect each other decisions and not get others to take sides in order the agree with you and never push our view onto others.

I did a lot of research before the Album speaking to a lot in the truth and so many still feel that they wish they had more of a variety of types of music in the truth. For those who only like only one type of music are you really a music lover? Are you tolerant of other music types?

It just so happens that I like a lot of classical music and I have actually composed two small pices of classical which is on the album! In the the intro and Prayer. I like all types of music pop, hip hop, rock and world music as I am listening to some Chinese music right now as I am writing this.

May you all have peace, wisdom and understand my brothers and sister.

Eddie T

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Hi Eddie..I like the idea of trying to help young ones .... I read some of the articles in the Publication Indexes...I think the main objection is describing your album using the words "rap and hip hop".. I feel that is classifying your music with Satan's music..designed to corrupt the spirituality of youth in general..I admit the rap rythum is addictive...so why can't you invent your own music..perhaps calling it "True and prophetic Rythum"..designed to stimulate study and meditation of life's challenges..and free us from falsehood!

The other problem could be that a youth who listens to worldly rap probably has a rebellious streak..maybe even his or her clothing choices reflect this..Would these youth see the need to conform to Jehovah's standards? Jehovah draws his sheeplike ones by means of his holy spirit...He uses the Faithful Slave to dispense the food needed to fill this need. There are many things to consider here..have you written the Society to ask their opinion on this? Considering you are releasing this to anyone around the world who has access to the internet..that is also a reasonable consideration!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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