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I spy...a New World Translation?!

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Sorry I don't know which forum to put this in but I was watching a Johnny Cash music video on youtube, and well I don't want to ignite a debate about the song itself because well I don't want to stumble anyone.

You see the song was called "God's gonna cut you down" (this is where one finds themselves when idly wandering around youtube)

Anyway the video started and it featured all these celebrities but I notice about 30 seconds in someone has a bible and instinct tells me I recognise it. So I pause the video when the bible is on there and its open to Ezekiel 34, there is running headings and a central margin with cross references (I know these are common bible features but they looked like our old bible's ones) anyway I looked up in our old bible and sure enough the chapter number was in the same place.

I just thought it was interesting to see the New World Translation in a worldly music video.

It reminds me one time we were watching the news a few years back about a storm/tornado? Over in the states and the camera was scanning the debris and at the end as the report was closing they zoomed in on a NWT lying in top of a pile of I think broken house framing.

Have you guys ever seen the New World Translation, or a publication, appear somewhere you didn't expect it?

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That's awesome.  I went back and checked the video, just to see it for myself.  


Have you guys ever seen the New World Translation, or a publication, appear somewhere you didn't expect it?


There was a news report from some local affiliate that was discussing reading/removing the Bible in schools.  Of all the bibles they could have used for the clip art, they used the New World Translation.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Yeah! Actually on Huffington Post! I guess a brother actually took the photo though. But it's stock photography! If the link is against policy sorry. But disregard the content of the article. Below is where it is... :)



The link is under the Religious thread and pretty clean.


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I just thought it was interesting to see the New World Translation in a worldly music video.


Do you notice who the man holding the NWT is? It's Terrence Howard, who has said on interviews that he was raised as a witness and would like to become a witness again, if possible.

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Have you guys ever seen the New World Translation, or a publication, appear somewhere you didn't expect it?


In 1991 a 12 year old girl was severely wounded in a terrorist attack near the neighborhood where I lived in Madrid. It was the first time when crude pictures and videos of a terrorist attack were shown on Spanish TV news, and that girl became known nationwide. One or two days later, as the press coverage continued, they showed images of her schoolroom with all her colleagues and her empty desk. And there on the desk there was an Enjoy Life Forever! brochure. A few years later, while witnessing from door to door, I had a nice conversation with her mother (who lost some of her limbs at the attack too).


Also, after the earthquake of 2010 in Haiti, a popular leader of the Haitian community in France, Ignace Jean-Frantz, gave a speech addressed to world governments pleading for international help, and that speech was shown in TV News throughout the world. While he was speaking he held a Bible Teach book in his hand which was clearly seen. You can see it in this video.

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In 1991 a 12 year old girl was severely wounded in a terrorist attack near the neighborhood where I lived in Madrid. It was the first time when crude pictures and videos of a terrorist attack were shown on Spanish TV news, and that girl became known nationwide. One or two days later, as the press coverage continued, they showed images of her schoolroom with all her colleagues and her empty desk. And there on the desk there was an Enjoy Life Forever! brochure. A few years later, while witnessing from door to door, I had a nice conversation with her mother (who lost some of her limbs at the attack too).


Also, after the earthquake of 2010 in Haiti, a popular leader of the Haitian community in France, Ignace Jean-Frantz, gave a speech addressed to world governments pleading for international help, and that speech was shown in TV News throughout the world. While he was speaking he held a Bible Teach book in his hand which was clearly seen. You can see it in


Although there was a never a video or a picture to prove it, a brother and sister I know from the D.R. who helped the Haitian brothers in 2010 found out that the president of Haiti had the Teach book in his possession.


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Quite a number of years back I saw a comedy skit on a program I did not usually watch. People were in a room when there was a knock at the door. One of them left to answer the door. When he returned someone asked if it was a "land shark" (a running gag on that show). He said no - it was Jehovah's Witnesses, they put on a night shift. Then he tossed two magazines on the table.


Well, not only were they the two current magazines we were offering in the door-to-door work, the skit coincided with the formation of a new "day sleeper" congregation that had just been formed - and that congregation did go "door-to-door" in the middle of the night - calling on known "day sleepers"

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Well, not only were they the two current magazines we were offering in the door-to-door work, the skit coincided with the formation of a new "day sleeper" congregation that had just been formed - and that congregation did go "door-to-door" in the middle of the night - calling on known "day sleepers"


Wow, do you even have "day sleeper" congregations there? Never heard you were so specialized. :lol:

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Don't know if they still do - it was in a "major city" that the congregation had been formed.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I have seen all kinds of older publications at flea markets, second hand stores and yard/rummage sales......it's always a surprise to me, and I want to buy them, but stop myself because .....well, I already have the book and a worldly person might find the truth that way.....so I don't want to get in the way of THAT.

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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In the movie Selena one of our calendars is hanging on the wall and the Live Forever book is on a nightstand.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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That's because the family were Jehovah's witnesses.


It's nice the movie reflected that aspect of their real lives.  They could have left those pieces out.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I was watching one of those "real video" shows a while ago and it showed a man driving his car into a gas station pump and recking it. When the police got there, the man wouldn't get out of his car on his own, so the officer busted out the window to unlock the car and as soon as he did this you could hear one of our old Kingdom Melodies blaring! The guy was wearing a white dress shirt and pants (but no tie). They never said what his problem was, I was just so shocked to hear our music coming out of his car! He probably didn't get called on at the meeting that morning and went on a rampage (haha!)

Edited by shali

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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re: Johnny Cash's song, that's definitely a NWT bible alright (can't post pics here and cannot cut & paste on this site dunno why)


here's the screenshot (the link seemed to work for me when I cut it and copied it into my address bar but not by clicking on it)




couple of interesting things here, if anyone noticed the page is open at Ezekiel 34, I don't think that's a coincidence as the Cash song is about dishonest "shepherds" that will one day meet God's judgement, and Ez contains the woes for the shepherds that feed on their flock. 


Also, and don't quote me on this, but I see a lot of famous people in the video clip and if I'm not mistaken that looks like Terance Howard reading the bible... Howard has a stronge family connection with the truth and has spoken about this on several occassion.


Interesting... no?

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Interesting, yes! sister Rosie.....


I used to be able to cut and paste, but can't anymore, either. I see the option there to click on "quote" and "multiquote".....but it doesn't work for me!


I love being surprised when a movie or television show refer to Jehovah or Jehovah's Witnesses......just a little free PR.....hmmmmm, on second thought, maybe someone's not doing their job and the rocks are crying out.....I mean the tv is crying out........



.....time to go in service......

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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Although there was a never a video or a picture to prove it, a brother and sister I know from the D.R. who helped the Haitian brothers in 2010 found out that the president of Haiti had the Teach book in his possession.


Yes there is. I remember seeing it on the TV news right after the quake. I saw him carrying it around with him as he was headed for the press conference.

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Anyone ever watch Mystery Science Theater 3000? It was on in the 90's. I was an infant/toddler during it's TV run but thanks to youtube I watch and am somewhat of a fan.

Anyway, there's a lot of references to Witnesses in it, basically whenever someone is walking up to a door or walking in, especially in the horror films they watch, typically one of the robots may say "Jehovah's Witnesses, please take a Watchtower". I find it a bit funny, especially since it's neutral and it gets the name out there, especially with the Watchtower. In the episode I'm watching now (Horror of Party Beach), Crow says that, but replace "witness" with "monsters" and the "tower" in Watchtower with "monster" as the sea monsters find their way into a house with a slumber party in progress. Funny how he kept God's name in there!

Also, the host mentioned a Witness on The Soup the other day. So mentions twice in one week for me with shows I watch :P

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Years ago, on Saturday mornings there used to be a show called "The Chimp Channel" where real Chimps were dressed up and acted out scenes to sitcoms and famous movies and they had a sidestory involving the head of the Chimp Channel (who was a chimp dressed in a suit) and he was a very rich, jet setter. In one of the scenes, they are on a plane and hear a knock at the door and one of the chimps says "We are 40,000 feet in the air! Who could possibly be knocking at the door?!!!" and the other chimp says "It's probably a Jehovah's Witness" - I thought that was one of the funniest jokes I've heard about us.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Yes, I'm an advid MST3000 fan and I've made the same observation! Makes you wonder if one of them has a witness relative. Loved that show, was always good for a good , clean laugh.

Me too! I'll probably do some research. It takes a person who's either really observant, a regular magazine reader, or really "in the know" in some other way to mention not only JWs in a joke but the magazines they offer too (I think I even heard the Awake! mentioned in one). But yeah, I agree about the show. That's why I became a fan... The weirder the show and the worse the movie, the more I love it, and it combines those two things. I also think Mike was really cute, but I'm not against Joel either :P
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