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New World Translation (2013 revision) in additional languages

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2 hours ago, marcusth said:

We here in Britain have just been informed that the Watchtower No.5 in Portuguese  (September) will be different in the following ways:


1. The front cover will not have the title "The Watchtower - Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom"


2. The magazine will contain an article related to the recent release of the New World Translation in Portuguese for Portugal. Therefore, this issue will be printed later than normal.


33 minutes ago, jayrtom said:



When should be placed the wt n.5?


This new numbering system is a bit confuse for immediate recognition

And I don't understand why the removal of the title...


As of today, the No. 5 issue of the Watchtower in Portuguese is online:



It shows the name of the magazine on top.


Could it be that this special edition is going to be translated to Portuguese from Portugal?
But still, the mystery of  A Sentinela sem nome persists...

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On 2016-06-29 at 9:12 AM, Sheep said:

our French videos use European French, and French-Canadians in Quebec seem to be able to understand it perfectly.

Which is not the same if Quebecois French was used. :superman:

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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A whole other story about the Dutch NWT. We are all waiting for the release of the Dutch revised NWT. Last year at the convention, however, they announced the new book about Jesus. They said it would be available soon, with scriptures taken from the revised edition.

A few weeks ago, the new book came available on the website, with scriptures taken from "the temporarily text of the NWT" (They put this in the front of the book).


So..... basically..... we have a part of the NWT available haha... But! The scriptures are really...... really..... REALLY beautiful translated!!!! Looking forward to the  complete version!!!!


I'm really happy for the Portuguese brothers with the NWT available in the language of their hearts! 



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1 hour ago, Sepie93 said:

A whole other story about the Dutch NWT. We are all waiting for the release of the Dutch revised NWT. Last year at the convention, however, they announced the new book about Jesus. They said it would be available soon, with scriptures taken from the revised edition.

A few weeks ago, the new book came available on the website, with scriptures taken from "the temporarily text of the NWT" (They put this in the front of the book).


So..... basically..... we have a part of the NWT available haha... But! The scriptures are really...... really..... REALLY beautiful translated!!!! Looking forward to the  complete version!!!!


I'm really happy for the Portuguese brothers with the NWT available in the language of their hearts! 



I can really testify that having a translation in the language of the heart makes a huge difference. I could understand perfectly the Brazilian version,  but the portuguese just reaches my heart and emotions  in places never touched before... I have an indescribable joy reading it :)


Note: It's not yet available on jw library but we can download the jwpub file and add it to the app by clicking on  it 

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16 hours ago, Ciscofd said:

The Portuguese (Portugal) Bible is now available on the JW LIBRARY app.

Also we're starting to have some publications translated to our Portuguese (I'm assuming you're from Portugal?) - The Brochure Good News, The New Youth Brochure and some tracts... I really hope we'll have the Watchtower translated also... And JW broadcasting with subtitles (I really don't like the over dubbing that I understand is the norm in Brazil but not in Portugal)

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28 minutes ago, jayrtom said:

Also we're starting to have some publications translated to our Portuguese (I'm assuming you're from Portugal?) - The Brochure Good News, The New Youth Brochure and some tracts... I really hope we'll have the Watchtower translated also... And JW broadcasting with subtitles (I really don't like the over dubbing that I understand is the norm in Brazil but not in Portugal)

That's right my dear brother I was born in Lisbon and moved to London when I was 9 years old. Learn the truth in English  during my late teens.


I much prefer the Portuguese European language reaches the heart.


Going back to this topic... I've always said it would make perfect sense for us to have the Watchtower Study along with all other publications translated into Portuguese (Portugal) since Scriptures will he quoted on articles from the new Bible...



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/29/2016 at 0:49 AM, Omo_Yeme said:

Does anyone know if there will be a "central" NWT French version? (i.e. France, Quebec, Francophone Africa, etc.?)


On 6/29/2016 at 9:12 AM, Sheep said:

I think what we have in French already is "central," just like most any other language. Unlike Portuguese and Spanish, there are not two different versions of French on jw.org, nor are there different versions of English. . .


But our French videos use European French, and French-Canadians in Quebec seem to be able to understand it perfectly.


On 7/1/2016 at 2:20 PM, pnutts said:

Which is not the same if Quebecois French was used. :superman:


On 7/19/2016 at 8:06 PM, peper-eliot said:



...an update on the above conversation...


A couple of weeks ago, a new language crept into jw.org. It's called French (Canada), with a Québecois accent! Take a look at the video Why Study the Bible? and scroll down through the list of languages directly under it. (This is the only video that I can locate in Canadian French at the moment; maybe there are more somewhere.)


Hey, what does this post have to do with the NWT in additional languages? :offtopic:

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Good one brother Eric. Called on a man early this morning (convention invite)  who was from Finland. I'll have to look up some things in his language on JW.org. The Sister with me is pretty good in Russian and I know a few things in Eastern European languages.  Although this man's relatives were from Siberia and Eastern Europe, he wasn't familiar with those languages. His English is pretty good. It was 97 degrees with raising heat index.  Got back to the car and was asked. "How was the call?" Ans. "Finnish." Car group: "NO, we still have the rest of the morning to complete." Said, done, and doubly off topic. Still a fun morning.

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Doesn't "Sheep" live in Quebec? Quebecois French is not the only "French Canadian" spoke in Canada. I have heard directly from a F-C brother ( he's in my cong and apt bdg ) who speaks Northern Ontario French which is different from Quebecois. Quebecer's snub N-ON French. Then there is Atlantic region ( Acadian ) French, supposed to be the purest French in Canada, even the world..:deadhorse::superman:

Edited by pnutts

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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I've heard that Quebec French  is supposed to be the purest French. Supposedly, the French spoken here (yes, I do live in Quebec) has never evolved since the time of Louis XIV. What they speak here is what they spoke in France in those days (not sure; I wasn't there). Hence it is thought to be "pure" French. Although even here in Quebec, our French has been called joual  (roughly pronounced zhoo·all), supposedly a distorted way of saying the French word cheval (horse). Take that for what it sounds like.


(I'm not a native Québecois, nor is any kind of French my mother tongue).


There are many other kinds of French in Canada, so I'm not sure of the meaning of Français (Canada) in that video. Is it really a Québecois accent in the video? According to the brother who pointed that out to me (who lives near Quebec City and is  a real Québecois), it is. Be that as it may, I know it's not the Acadian French they speak in New Brunswick and nearby. In some parts, their speech is half-French, half-English anyway.


I heard a good one when I was in New Brunswick once. This is reportedly from Moncton, NB, where you have  to be bilingual to know what's going on:



Je ne sais pas qu'est-ce qui est happené last night. Il y avait un car dans le ditch. Les lights était on, mais le guy était gone.


Oh my, now we're really :offtopic: (I don't want to see the NWT translated into Acadian French!)

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Patate for potato is what we were taught they say in Quebec where as pomme de terre ( apple of the ground ) is proper French.

It was in our French Textbook in late 1960's, which was in Parisian French circa 1955 printing.

Pardon my French. :oops:


Now we see why they have 2 Portuguese Bibles and having trouble with Spanish, Spain and Latin American Spanish. :unsure:

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
26 minutes ago, richietj77 said:

My mistake. You're correct. Either way, new languages were added. Silozi looks new to me on the list.


Some info on Silozi from Wikipedia:" Lozi, also known as siLozi and Rozi, is a Bantu language of the Niger–Congolanguage family within the Sotho languages branch of Zone S (S.30), that is spoken by the Lozi people, primarily in southwestern Zambia and in surrounding countries. This language is most closely related to Northern Sotho (Sesotho sa Leboa), Tswana (Setswana), Kgalagari(SheKgalagari) and Sotho(Sesotho/Southern Sotho). Lozi and its dialects are spoken and understood by approximately six percent of the population of Zambia. Silozi is the autoglottonym or name of the language used by its native speakers as defined by the United Nations."




Happy for those brothers!

Edited by MM9106
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Just checked the new Jesus book in Tagalog. The Scriptures quoted are from 2013 Revised NWT (which isn't released in Tagalog yet).

It was a request from the Governing Body to the translators to make the Jesus-book available as soon as the revision of the gospels was finished. So quotes from the gospels are revised, but not necessarily quotes from other parts of the bible. It shows, though, that the work is under way.

In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. In showing honor to one another, take the lead.—Romans 12:10.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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When should be placed the wt n.5?

This new numbering system is a bit confuse for immediate recognition

And I don't understand why the removal of the title...

You can use it at any time. The front page of JW.org puts focus on two new magazines every second month, and we learn to use one of them (or special campaign material) during the CLAM each month.

In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. In showing honor to one another, take the lead.—Romans 12:10.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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