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New World Translation (2013 revision) in additional languages

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Well, the instructions we received are clear, in theocratic events and witnessing we should use the previous versions of the NWT.

Regarding personal study and biblical discussion with our brothers and sisters I don't see any problem in using the NWT BR revision of 2015.

I already started reading the new version, and in my opinion the text have improved, nevertheless some familiar passages, now sound a little bit strange in the new Brazilian "style".

(I hope brother Cristino doesn't get upset with this honest comment)


Isaías 35:6 - Naquele tempo os mancos saltarão como os cervos.

Tiago 1:19 - Tenham isto em mente, meus amados irmãos: todos devem ser prontos para ouvir, mas devem demorar para falar e demorar para ficar irados.

(For our English speakers friends the references are: Isa 35:6; Jas1:19)

The letter was read today and it was clear to me...

I'm reading it also and noticed that it is a more "Brazilian" version than the current one... Specialy on the use of "você"

It's quite understandable some we'll have our own version :) (hope it doesn't take to much time)

I think there will be some problems with this two versions of the portuguese bible unless we'll start to translate also the other publications into Portuguese PT... More on the electronic versions. For instance, we'll download the epub version of the study wt and all the references will be on this nwt BR version, the same for the citations on any format...

Nothing serious though... Just a side note ;)

Hey Joel, did you have any letter regarding this NWT edition?

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The letter was read today and it was clear to me...

I'm reading it also and noticed that it is a more "Brazilian" version than the current one... Specialy on the use of "você"

It's quite understandable some we'll have our own version :) (hope it doesn't take to much time)

I think there will be some problems with this two versions of the portuguese bible unless we'll start to translate also the other publications into Portuguese PT... More on the electronic versions. For instance, we'll download the epub version of the study wt and all the references will be on this nwt BR version, the same for the citations on any format...

Nothing serious though... Just a side note ;)

Hey Joel, did you have any letter regarding this NWT edition?


Well, the instructions we received are clear, in theocratic events and witnessing we should use the previous versions of the NWT.

Regarding personal study and biblical discussion with our brothers and sisters I don't see any problem in using the NWT BR revision of 2015.

I already started reading the new version, and in my opinion the text have improved, nevertheless some familiar passages, now sound a little bit strange in the new Brazilian "style".

(I hope brother Cristino doesn't get upset with this honest comment)


Isaías 35:6 - Naquele tempo os mancos saltarão como os cervos.

Tiago 1:19 - Tenham isto em mente, meus amados irmãos: todos devem ser prontos para ouvir, mas devem demorar para falar e demorar para ficar irados.

(For our English speakers friends the references are: Isa 35:6; Jas1:19)



Brother João and brother João,  :lol:
As said Brother Jackson, this intense work of translations carried out recently aims to reach people's hearts, not just the intellect. So, we will have two different versions of the new Bible in Portuguese.
And you can not imagine, we, Brazilians, we are so thrilled with the way this version was written, it seems to us, even more, that Jehovah is speaking to us personally, face to face.
And to tell the truth, before, I personally (I believe that was the feeling of many other Brazilian brothers), I was not very comfortable in saying to people in the field of service that our Bible was a modern language. :blushing:
Now I can say it with heads held high and with a big smile on my face, so great the happiness!  :D

Edited by Araujo JW
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"Priceless," would be the word I'd use...

Lines like:

"Then he says, dead serious like..."

"...milk and honey and all that stuff."

"Moses weren't that chuffed about this, I can tell you..."

"I'll stuff up Egypt a bit and by time I'm through..."

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We in Belgium would love to have the new revised bible in Dutch. In May there is a special visit from a brother from Bethel br Kelsey , and we will be listening to his talk with streaming in our hall. Is there any chanche this means we will receive our new bibles ? Any ideas ?

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Just out of curiosity, when did you found the teach book revised 2015 in portuguese on the website. Im on it now but there is only the previous version. :-(


Did you try downloading the PDF? The cover pictured on the site is the 2005 (gold) printing, but the PDF download itself is the 2015 (grey) printing.

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Just out of curiosity, when did you found the teach book revised 2015 in portuguese on the website. Im on it now but there is only the previous version. :-(


As brother Stavro said, just download the pdf version of the Teach book, and you will see it is the 2015 revised version.

The epub version is still the old one. We need to wait a little more.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Currently we have 11 languages of the New World Translation reviewed!



I believe that this number will increase after our conventions. We probably have the translation into Haitian Creole and Portuguese of Portugal. Does anyone have idea that other languages will possibly releases?


I'm reading our review for Brazilian Portuguese and practically is a new version. So clear and modern! Jehovah has given us a perfect gift! - James 1:17.


I pray that more brothers in the world can benefit from this amazing literary work!
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  • 2 months later...

I was hoping for the Portuguese (pt) version, first in the visit from the headquarter representative, then at the RC... Now there is no more opportunity in less than a year...

But I'm sure the wait will be rewarded ;)

Enviado do meu LG-D802 através de Tapatalk

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Awww what a wonderful convention it was!! The message was so clear: keep your focus on Jesus Christ.

The last day we had a combine attendance of 54, 443 in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Aruba, Curazao, and Ecuador. We have over 690 baptized. We got the Newo World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (2013 edition) in the Haitian Creole Language at it was all screaming, crying and excitement. Such a privilege to be there.

I want to show pictures, but I can't, the page doesn't let me. But it is a beautiful bible, and no kidding, but it is even more understandable than the English version! Hahah :). I think no one will ever forget this convention.



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