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  On 1/20/2015 at 1:32 AM, LeslieDean said:

is it just my computer or do you see tons of ads on my post?  How did it get there?


Or someone downloaded something that contained hidden malware/adware.  JWTalk is completely ad free.  If you are seeing ads here, there is an issue on your computer.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Grumpy took me to see Big Eyes last Friday. We had a date like day. It was very nice, and we both enjoyed the movie. That surprised me because typically that would not be one of his choices. He went for me and said he liked it too. I went to his favorite restaurant with him afterwards. I really don't like it at all but he does and he did take me to the movie I wanted to see. Chinese Buffet, yuck.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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  On 1/20/2015 at 9:58 PM, GrumpysWife said:

Grumpy took me to see Big Eyes last Friday. We had a date like day. It was very nice, and we both enjoyed the movie. That surprised me because typically that would not be one of his choices. He went for me and said he liked it too. I went to his favorite restaurant with him afterwards. I really don't like it at all but he does and he did take me to the movie I wanted to see. Chinese Buffet, yuck.


That is something I can agree with ..... the only thing that makes on "tolerable" is if they have a "Mongolian Grill" - other than that, I am not a "Chinese Food" fan.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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My husband, who is a witness (for 10 years) isn't really interested in seeing this movie (because it doesn't involve a comic book character) so I mentioned it to a previous bible study and now she wants to see it!!! I haven't told her anything about the "Witnesses" in this movie so I'm looking forward to seeing her reaction to this movie if we actually get to see it together.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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  On 1/21/2015 at 1:40 AM, shali said:

My husband, who is a witness (for 10 years) isn't really interested in seeing this movie (because it doesn't involve a comic book character) so I mentioned it to a previous bible study and now she wants to see it!!! I haven't told her anything about the "Witnesses" in this movie so I'm looking forward to seeing her reaction to this movie if we actually get to see it together.


Oh please tell us how it turned out if you both see it! :)

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  On 1/22/2015 at 9:24 PM, palmhat said:

Some in my congregation refuse to see it because of the swear words. Of course not done by Witnesses, but they simply do not want to be entertained in that way. Oh well, meat to idols. (1 Co 8:1-13)

Do they skip parts of the Bible because of the graphic nature also? I'm not saying those words ip even in small doses are not bad ... But, let's not be overly righteous either. I think SOME people like to. Stand up and share their Special Conscience. Just saying.

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  On 1/23/2015 at 3:36 AM, Mike said:

Do they skip parts of the Bible because of the graphic nature also? I'm not saying those words ip even in small doses are not bad ... But, let's not be overly righteous either. I think SOME people like to. Stand up and share their Special Conscience. Just saying.


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  On 1/21/2015 at 12:00 AM, Qapla said:

That is something I can agree with ..... the only thing that makes on "tolerable" is if they have a "Mongolian Grill" - other than that, I am not a "Chinese Food" fan.

I do like Chinese food, just not buffet's. That's not good Chinese food. 

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Maybe it will come out on TV. I had an unsettling but similar experience with a different movie. A sister and her husband had previously invited me to watch Stuart Saves his Family at their home. It is about 12 step and other recovery programs. Up until last year I had rehab students from NYC bused into my classes. Several years ago,a student was leaving drug rehab, having finished his program successfully and had his job waiting for him. The students asked for a snack and a movie (3 hour class). So I brought in the Stuart DVD (from the Library, I think) and let the students view it. I was shocked and embarrasses when a blatant 4 letter swear bomb emanated in my room, especially since I do not allow swearing in my classes. Then I remembered that at one point the Sister had stopped and re-started the movie on my original viewing.  :blushing: 

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  On 1/22/2015 at 9:24 PM, palmhat said:

Some in my congregation refuse to see it because of the swear words. Of course not done by Witnesses, but they simply do not want to be entertained in that way. Oh well, meat to idols. (1 Co 8:1-13)


They probably don't do much of any secular entertainment, then, do they?

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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You know, like homosexuality and sex before marriage, swear words have also crept into the media and t.v. and everywhere else (especially where you work) you have to expect to hear a swear word or two anywhere you go or from whatever you view.  The decision is - do I purposely put myself in a place to hear it?  Do I use them after I've heard them? Do I act like I appreciate what I've heard or does it upset me?  Satan is ruling this world and he is also making sure that Jehovah's servants hear and see things they DON'T want to see or hear! So if it happens, it happens and we need to take special care that it doesn't happen again - it's called "precautions".

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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  On 1/23/2015 at 11:08 PM, shali said:

You know, like homosexuality and sex before marriage, swear words have also crept into the media and t.v. and everywhere else (especially where you work) you have to expect to hear a swear word or two anywhere you go or from whatever you view.  The decision is - do I purposely put myself in a place to hear it?  Do I use them after I've heard them? Do I act like I appreciate what I've heard or does it upset me?  Satan is ruling this world and he is also making sure that Jehovah's servants hear and see things they DON'T want to see or hear! So if it happens, it happens and we need to take special care that it doesn't happen again - it's called "precautions".

I don't run around here "Liking" too many things, but I sure do LIKE this!   ...   well said Brige

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There's nothing wrong with making a personal decision, but we'd never want to cross the line into imposing our will on others, or implying that others are somehow less spiritual for their choice to so something we might personally refuse.


While precautions are good, if we get too preachy about our choices those precautions can seem uptight and unreasonable, like those who loudly complain to the attendant and walk out of the Kingdom Hall when less-than-positive Scriptural accounts are read on the TMS...

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At a teacher's meeting last Friday, the presenter continually punctuated her delivery with swear words. She forgot to pass out the participant review slips at the end, but asked if the info was okay. I said, yes, it was useful, but thought about  emailing her that I meant I liked everything except the swearing.  I did not send the email. This may be a little off topic, but I have not made a decision about the movie Big Eyes. Please don't judge me as over righteous or special. It is something I will have to consider, now that I know profanity is included. I have Jeopardy on right now, but have never heard a four letter swear bomb on the show. It's true, I don't go to movies. As our Sister Brigette mentions: The decision:  "Do I purposely put myself in the place to hear it?" Not sure. I actually was thinking of going with someone who is a member of the KMS right now, but is not a Bible student (according to the Coordinator and Service Overseer, who have told me I should befriend, encourage, and if she stops by for a cuppa, keep it spiritual, like show one of our videos.) One thing she needs to work on is swearing. Whenever she swears in front of me, She says "sorry," but does not  connect her behaviors with her plateauing toward Baptism ( a goal which she desires).  I was thinking of attending this movie with her; it would be my first movie in decades, but have reconsidered it. Same for my worldly relatives. I would have recommended the movie, but have re-thought it, not wanting them to generalize that it is okay for Witnesses of Jehovah to use profanity. 

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It absolutely is a personal decision and I would never judge those who choose to see it. There are many positive and compelling reasons to attend. I'm glad I was tipped off as to the questionable verbal exchanges. I would have gone and assumed it to be profanity-free. At a Kingdom Hall meeting, an elder posed this question: What would you do or say if you saw an elder leaving or entering an R-rated movie? For some reason, I missed the point he was going for. At the end of the meeting, I asked him about the question, and he said, "Oh, I picked a bad example, It didn't demonstrate the point." So I never figured out what point he was illustrating. Another example:  At an assembly some summers ago, a presenter  ( the CO or DO, I believe) was talking about youth listening to music. He mentioned that some young people told him they skip over the questionable parts. The brother said, "But to know where the objectionable parts are, you have to have listened to some of those words, to know what to skip." Just wondering. Of course, my ultimate decision will be based on prayer and research. Thanks for the thought provoking info.

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Wouldn't it be nice when you purchase a dvd for home use that they put a button that you could pick that bleeps out all swear words, I don't think it would be hard for them to do. From what I understand many movies have to throw a few in to get a pg-13 rating so that more people will go and watch it. 

Also many movies that have a glimpse of sexuality could be bleeped out too. Why don't they have this option so that many more people can enjoy what is basically a decent movie except for a bad scene or a few swear words. It would be wonderful to be able to relax and enjoy a movie without worrying if something bad was coming up. 

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There used to be a company that edited movies for the airlines when they used to have in-flight movies. (Some still do, I guess but not near as many) They had to be "G-Rated" for the children on-board. You could buy their edited DVD's online. It was  amazing how they could dub the curse words from the dialog and still keep the consistency of the movies, even R rated ones were watchable!  Depending on the content of course. 

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I don't see why that (filtering of obscenities and violence) can't be done. It would be so wonderful. As for my unbaptized neighbor (who happens to be a retired art teacher), I think I will watch some youtubes with her about our Sister Margaret Keane and share the Awake article, then wait for the TV version. 

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  On 1/22/2015 at 9:24 PM, palmhat said:

Some in my congregation refuse to see it because of the swear words. Of course not done by Witnesses, but they simply do not want to be entertained in that way. Oh well, meat to idols. (1 Co 8:1-13)


That's why we have such a wonderful organization. We don't want to do anything to cause a stumbling of our dear brothers and sisters. If the friends in your hall would rather not see the film because of the words then that's a fine decision. :)

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  On 1/23/2015 at 6:37 PM, Shawnster said:

They probably don't do much of any secular entertainment, then, do they?

it is true. They do not. They don't have cable, they seldom go to the movies, they only do Netflix because it gives them full control of what they watch. Secular entertainment doesn't seem necessary to them. They are well known for their hospitality within the congregation. Some have credited that hospitality & the wholesome association with theocratic discussions as prime contributions to their dedication and progression to baptism.

The brother was in the Marine Corps where cursing is an art form. He doesn't like to be around it in part because he has a weakness with it. He can't relax when it is around. He doesn't impose his weakness on others by ridiculing them. He just prefers to be elsewhere. They aren't telling people that it shouldn't be watched by true Christians. It really is unkind to put them in a bad light assuming self righteousness. I mean really, is it so wrong to minimize Satan's programming as much as possible? I say more power to them!

so I guess that's it. I'll wait for the filtered version.

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  On 1/24/2015 at 5:25 AM, kejedo said:

I don't see why that (filtering of obscenities and violence) can't be done. It would be so wonderful. As for my unbaptized neighbor (who happens to be a retired art teacher), I think I will watch some youtubes with her about our Sister Margaret Keane and share the Awake article, then wait for the TV version. 


I have not seen the movie so I do not know just what "swear words" are used ..... that said, depending on what words are there, TV versions of the movie may still include some of the words ....

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I was able to see the movie finally - before it left our city again for good.

It was at a small independent theatre at the late showing in the last day. It worked out great because there were only about 5 people besides my daughter and I in the theatre. We sat in a row by ourselves nearer the front and nobody sat anywhere near us. We went early to get our tickets to avoid a line of scented people (but there was no possibility of a line being so few attended that showing)

I am so happy I got to see it in a theatre! I was touched and thrilled, sometimes saddened, sometimes scared, it was a very good portrayal of what happens in these types of relationships and I could relate so much to the dynamics of her marriage,etc.

But most thrilling was seeing Sister Margaret Keane sitting on the park bench. Seeing the sisters coming to her home, the gathering later on of who you know are her brothers and sisters in her home, and knowing that the actress Amy Adams was in close contact with her and for sure got a witness from our sister.....plus knowing all in the audience were hearing Jehovah's name mentioned right there gave me spine tingles!

I enjoyed the movie. I am not one to swallow swear words. Hearing them makes me cringe, hurt my ears, and I do try to limit exposure to them by where I am and what I watch. There were only 2 incidents that I caught (my daughter says 3 but I didn't catch it if it was) and one was the finger (done in a sneaky fashion - guy tries to pretend he is looking at a hang nail on his finger and then extends the middle one towards the ex husband of Margaret), the other is someone who is telling him off after being horribly treated by him and recognizing his treatment of Margaret. Both were realistic portrayals of how this individual would be treated in the real world but considerably tamed down. I would say that if the film were free of these occurrences - every worldly person watching would have felt it was unrealistic and saccharin. There by rights would have been much more swearing due to the nature of the conduct of her husband so I am sure the movie was tempered by the knowledge that it portrayed our sister's life. Plus her limited influence upon the script and the acting.....she was not in charge of the movie and I think the outcome showed great respect for her and her story and her beliefs now. Seeing that it portrayed her life prior to becoming a witness it is very good to see the restraint you know the director / producer put on the swearing.

Kids-in-mind ratings show this for profanity :

"PROFANITY 5 - At least 1 F-word and 1 possible F-word that is muffled, 1 obscene hand gesture, 4 scatological terms, 1 anatomical term, name-calling (liar, stupid, crazy, nuts, unhinged, goofy, clutter, lady-art, atrocities, monkey paintings, gummy bears, grotesque, nonsense, shaggy dog tale, ogre, bunch of suits, moldy chestnut), stereotypical references to men, women, single mothers, artists, abusers and their victims, con men, the rich, art critics, reporters, club owners, art collectors, exclamations (shut-up), 10 religious exclamations (e.g. My God, Christ, Good God, So Help You God, For God's Sake, a Hawaiian statue is called The God Of Creation). [profanity glossary] Read more: http://www.kids-in-mind.com/b/bigeyes.htm#ixzz3PkXlt9bR"

So really others who have not seen the movie acting like it is full of swear words kind of baffles me -2 at the most and one hand gesture. Hey you could see/ hear more than that walking down the street or driving your car a block. I've heard worse just turning the channel and landing on a movie for one minute before even knowing what the movie is or about. I do not excuse swearing but it is not like your average movie on tv even. This was way better than tv modified content so I doubt they will feel a need to tame it anymore when it comes to tv.

Edited by Tazzy
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