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JW Broadcasting - November

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I don't mean to bug but would it be ok if someone could post a link to download the November 2014 jwbroadcasting talk please. I can't get the page to load. :(

I'd like to have a copy too.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I just have finished watching November session and it moved me to tears ... What a wonderful God Jehovah is in providing us such a timely encouragement through TV Broadcasting .. Definitely things are speeding up !

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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brothers, thank you very much for the links. you just don't know how much we appreciate having to download the programs instead of viewing them at the website. We here in the Philippines have notoriously slow internet. so it's truly a blessing to be a member of this forum and be provide the links. again, thanks so much! :wub:

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appreciate the links to Nov program so we can view offline :thumbsup: many thanks :flowers:


  ... did anyone have links for Oct monthly programs? it seems to be gone,

  would love to see it again and again


... and again lol :)

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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did anyone have links for Oct monthly programs? it seems to be gone,

  would love to see it again and again


... and again lol :)

JW Broadcasting - Oct-2014

720p 1.28GB


240p 168MB


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  ... did anyone have links for Oct monthly programs? it seems to be gone,

  would love to see it again and again


... and again lol :)


Try here:



I don't see any reason they would delete old programs, though they might set up an 'archive' section once the number of videos gets too unwieldy.

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I just have finished watching November session and it moved me to tears ... What a wonderful God Jehovah is in providing us such a timely encouragement through TV Broadcasting .. Definitely things are speeding up !

Completely agree! Yet another beautiful program from Jehovah. So moving . . . I must replenish my tissue supply!
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wait wait. ...are you telling me that the morning worship was live?

Its morning Worship for 22-Oct-2014 by Mark Sanderson - 2 Cor 2:11

720p 212MB


240p 26MB


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I'm not sure if it has been mentioned already but one of our brothers just got back from New Zealand and said that a Betholite told them the experience about receiving the equipment for the JW broadcasting, it went something like this; he said that the brothers went to one of only two companies in the world that make the panels for television broadcasting. They requested that the panels be made for JW broadcasting within a two month time period. The company let the brothers know that this was impossible..and that it would take at least six months for anyone to make it happen, so the brothers left and as they were getting ready to get in their car the sales ran after them and said to them that they had a completed system and it was ready to go, and that the company that originally ordered it had went bankrupt and if they would like it they could take a look at it, and that it's sitting in a port in Africa. Subsequently, after seeing the system, the brothers told them that this was just entirely too massive of a system for what they needed and politely declined. Then the sales-rep from the company said, but you don't understand the company that went bankrupt already paid 40% of the total price to start the manufacturing process and you only have to pay 60%! So the brothers were elated and they got to take home this massive system the very same day!

Not in 6 months not in 2 months but in one moment, Jehovah makes it happen!

Thanks for the report again. Used it for family worship last night after viewing the JW broadcasting new material. ☺

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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I'm not sure if it has been mentioned already but one of our brothers just got back from New Zealand and said that a Betholite told them the experience about receiving the equipment for the JW broadcasting, it went something like this; he said that the brothers went to one of only two companies in the world that make the panels for television broadcasting. They requested that the panels be made for JW broadcasting within a two month time period. The company let the brothers know that this was impossible..and that it would take at least six months for anyone to make it happen, so the brothers left and as they were getting ready to get in their car the sales ran after them and said to them that they had a completed system and it was ready to go, and that the company that originally ordered it had went bankrupt and if they would like it they could take a look at it, and that it's sitting in a port in Africa. Subsequently, after seeing the system, the brothers told them that this was just entirely too massive of a system for what they needed and politely declined. Then the sales-rep from the company said, but you don't understand the company that went bankrupt already paid 40% of the total price to start the manufacturing process and you only have to pay 60%! So the brothers were elated and they got to take home this massive system the very same day!

Not in 6 months not in 2 months but in one moment, Jehovah makes it happen!

I'm sorry but this looks like a fabricated story to me (nothing new, remember the printers in China)

First, only two companies in the world make panels?

They took the system in the very same day? The transportation alone of the system by boat from Africa would require 4 weeks minimum! If I recall, brother Let said the entire studio took two months to be completed (something that would require 1 and a half years). But the way they said it is that Jehovah helped on their efforts to get the work done as soon as possible... Not that they benefitted from some luck... And a company selling something already contracted with others wouldn't resolve the issue in a couple of days... And if a company is going to bankruptcy it won't pay 40% for a massive system for a new studio and this all happens in 6 months time period....

And I didn't see anything in jwbroadcasting back scenes that could only be sold by 2 companies in the world... And so many other strange things....

I seriously doubt this story is true...

Enviado do meu G630-U10 através de Tapatalk

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I'm sorry but this looks like a fabricated story to me (nothing new, remember the printers in China)

First, only two companies in the world make panels?

They took the system in the very same day? The transportation alone of the system by boat from Africa would require 4 weeks minimum! If I recall, brother Let said the entire studio took two months to be completed (something that would require 1 and a half years). But the way they said it is that Jehovah helped on their efforts to get the work done as soon as possible... Not that they benefitted from some luck... And a company selling something already contracted with others wouldn't resolve the issue in a couple of days... And if a company is going to bankruptcy it won't pay 40% for a massive system for a new studio and this all happens in 6 months time period....

And I didn't see anything in jwbroadcasting back scenes that could only be sold by 2 companies in the world... And so many other strange things....

I seriously doubt this story is true...

1. Yes...according to the Betholite there are only 2 companies in the world that make this type of elaborate system.

2. I didn't say they took they panels the same day, the point was that the system would have taken 6 mos was acquired in one day.

3. We as Jehovah's witnesses do not believe in Luck, but Jehovahs unshakable unmistakable power to make the extroidinary happen.

4. Evidently the compampany in question that already paid the 40% went bankrupt after the made the down payment. We don't know how long that system sat at that port before the brother saw it.

5. There are several other brothers and sisters that have already heard the story from the platform and verified it before I posted to this site for the exact reason that someone will say it's too good to be true...lol

I understand your skepticism, no doubt from past false accounts, but I am confident if you just be a little patient, you'll find that with the exception of some wording and minor details this account IS True.

Enviado do meu G630-U10 através de Tapatalk


Edited by Musky

Fixed quote
Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow these words, I may have to eat~


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We won't forget you (I found these lyrics on youtube)



When the wind blows
When the rain comes
When the ground beneath you starts to slip away
God is always near
And he cares for you
You're not alone
Your friends are here
We'll help you find your way

We won't forget you
We are your family
We won't ignore you
We will not fail to see
We'll take your hand
We'll help you stand
We'll help you carry on
We won't forget you
We are your family.

When the storms gone
And the day breaks
When our love surrounds you like a warm embrace
When you come to know 
That it's really so
Love is a part
A perfect bond
That time will not erase.

We won't forget you
We are your family
We won't ignore you
We will not fail to see
We'll take your hand
We'll help you stand 
We'll help you carry on. 
We won't forget you,
We are your world-wide family,
We won't forget you, 
We are your family.

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The TV desk has a similar story, according to a recent Bethelite talk. The talk is recorded, so here's a transcript (and recording) of the story as it was told during the talk.


TV Desk.mp3


In two months they would do it but how would they get the equipment, because, like that modern TV desk. If you haven't seen it you got to get on TV.JW.org, but that's like, you know, it's made for ESPN and CNN, that's the maker of those TV desks, you know, those broadcasting desks.


And we went to the company, not we like me, but we like the organization, went to the company and talked to the people there and took the tour and stuff of everything, but the people said "you know what, we're backed up nine months, there's no way that we're gonna be able to help you." "Well let's take a tour anyway."


So they took a tour of the facility, they went to the parking lot, the brothers were leaving, when this man came running out and stopped them in the parking lot. "Waitaminute waitaminute, please come back for a minute. There's something you won't believe." What happened was that a company, a corporation, who ordered this in South Africa went bankrupt. They had already paid a forty percent deposit and they were no longer there to buy it.


So they came in, the brothers looked at it, they stayed calm, they didn't say too much, and the man said "I apologize about the color, this color blue." Watchtower's the color blue, can you believe it. "I'm sorry about the color and stuff, but you know you what, I'll tell you what, we'll give you the forty percent off that they already paid if you'll take this one."


Who made that happen? It wasn't some crafty brothers who were in the parking lot pretending their car wouldn't start. No, it was Jehovah our God who made it happen. Did we meet the timeframe? Yes. They hadn't even written the program yet, what they were gonna say or what they were gonna do, they were out filming, they had crews filming for what was gonna be on in a week and we didn't even have a program set up. But yet, Jehovah made it happen. He is a God that can make anything happen.

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A tool to help us explain our beliefs about 1914.


Or go to Video on Demand > Our Ministry > Demonstrations.

Cool that is the video we showed at the meeting.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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1. Yes...according to the Betholite there are only 2 companies in the world that make this type of elaborate system.

2. I didn't say they took they panels the same day, the point was that the system would have taken 6 mos was acquired in one day.

3. We as Jehovah's witnesses do not believe in Luck, but Jehovahs unshakable unmistakable power to make the extroidinary happen.

4. Evidently the compampany in question that already paid the 40% went bankrupt after the made the down payment. We don't know how long that system sat at that port before the brother saw it.

5. There are several other brothers and sisters that have already heard the story from the platform and verified it before I posted to this site for the exact reason that someone will say it's too good to be true...lol

I understand your skepticism, no doubt from past false accounts, but I am confident if you just be a little patient, you'll find that with the exception of some wording and minor details this account IS True.

Enviado do meu G630-U10 através de Tapatalk

You're right, maybe I'm exaggerating on skepticism ;) I've heard a lot of "experiences" from the platform of assemblies that were in fact false and that made me become bitter towards spectacular things... But I hope it's true ;)
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