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Science fiction

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I recently happened to come through a movie (never saw the beginning) but it was a little boy trying hard to be loved by his Mom. Then I notice he is a "machine", and there was a lot of "futuristic" things like weird cars and such, so clearly it was sci-fi. I am not into that kind of movie at all (just not my taste) but somehow I felt for this boy and wanted to see a "happy ending" for him so I kept on watching. It ended very sad, he only had his Mom for a day and that's it.


So anyway, I wanted to share it with the very first friend I got to talk with. I knew my friend does not like Sci-Fi (and so am I) but I mentioned the movie anyways. So the response  was "Sci-Fi are unrealistic movies,  they are one of Satan's mediums to blind the people in the world. But we know what the future will be like. I am so glad I do not have any TV."


Though it was kind of very straight forward and it was said in a way that threw me off a bit for a second, all of a sudden, that statement made me think... That is true that it depicts an unrealistic future. Something that will never happen. Yes, that movie made me so sad, it pictured a future of no hope for humans. To be completely honest, I did cry in the end... I know it is just a movie, but could not help it! Then I did some research on what the Bible says about Sci-Fi and :


Source: g95 12/8 page 3-10


The Bible does not condemn imaginative entertainment as such (Judges 9:7-15 , Isaiah 14:9-11, Luke 16:23-31) Such imaginative devices in those verses served not merely to entertain but to instruct and teach.

At the same time, the Bible exhorts us to focus attention on things that are pure and wholesome. (Philippians 4:8), it also says that

“The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19)

Some science-fiction films and books serve as a platform for ideas and philosophies that are irreconcilable with the Bible, such as evolution, human immortality, and reincarnation. The Bible warns us not to become prey to “philosophy and empty deception.” (Colossians 2:8)


So caution is in order when it comes to science fiction, as it is with all forms of entertainment. We should be selective about what we read or view.—Ephesians 5:10.

I like how Jehovah through the organization does not give laws but rather principles. Taking a decision based on knowledge (Jehovah's principles and view point) feels way better than doing (or not doing) something just because we are just told so.


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i would agree "Sci-Fi is getting darker as this system ends i do enjoy the older SCI-Fi

and its not all a unrealistic future, in the 1950 i think they had a sci-fi move about going to the moon we have gone there 

and some have made things that at one time were sci-fi like cell phone, laser, computers, 


and as far as space ship go we don't if Jehovah will let use travel the stars, but you are right they dont have a happy endings 



The Story Of My Life 

John Wayne Quote: Life is already hard it's even harder for the disabled.
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  On 3/25/2015 at 2:49 AM, Raindrop said:

The Bible does not condemn imaginative entertainment as such (Judges 9:7-15 , Isaiah 14:9-11, Luke 16:23-31) Such imaginative devices in those verses served not merely to entertain but to instruct and teach.


So caution is in order when it comes to science fiction, as it is with all forms of entertainment. We should be selective about what we read or view.—Ephesians 5:10.


All fiction works (what includes most novels we read and most movies we watch) narrate things that never happened or that will never happen, yet most Christians don't consider it's improper to be entertained with them. I don't see why it should be different with science-fiction (unless of course it contains immorality, extreme violence, etc).


Apart from entertaining, good science-fiction movies or books often use their fictional settings to explore moral questions that do exist in our society. For example, the main theme in that movie you mention, "AI", is what makes someone human. If an artificial intelligence reacts exactly the same as a human, does that mean that it's human? But actually, the movie's background question is: Do we have the right to tell if someone else's feelings are true or not? Or can we empathize with others even if we don't understand the way they feel? I think it's a completely valid question and a very pertinent one. It reminds me of some discussions about the way we look at Memorial partakers. :whistling:


  On 3/25/2015 at 2:49 AM, Raindrop said:

So anyway, I wanted to share it with the very first friend I got to talk with. I knew my friend does not like Sci-Fi (and so am I) but I mentioned the movie anyways. So the response  was "Sci-Fi are unrealistic movies,  they are one of Satan's mediums to blind the people in the world. But we know what the future will be like. I am so glad I do not have any TV."


Most Christians will reject that view as fanatical. I like your approach much better. :)

Edited by cvillarrubia
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Ah, Hasina, you have taken you first step into a larger world.  Welcome to the club.  Science Fiction is the best form of fiction because you can tell whatever story you want.  Western?  Drama?  Comedy?  Mystery?  Police Show?  All of these can be told in a science fiction format.  On the other hand, if you want to tell a true western, well, you're stuck in the West and limited with what type of story you can tell.  


Now, it appears that you are not interested in the typical science fiction story with space ships and ray guns.  That's OK.  Different strokes for different folks.  There may be other science fiction movies you might find appealing.  It sounds like you would enjoy the dramas and character driven stories.  You might be interested in the movie "Upside Down" which is a typical "Romeo & Juliet" type of story about two people from different backgrounds that fall in love despite the social taboos that prevent them to get together.  



  On 3/25/2015 at 2:49 AM, Raindrop said:

I recently happened to come through a movie (never saw the beginning) but it was a little boy trying hard to be loved by his Mom. Then I notice he is a "machine", ..



So, you watched a modern take on the classic story "Pinocchio."  A story about a being that wants to grow up and be a real boy.  


Would your friend have had such a judgmental reply if you'd simply said you watched "Pinocchio?"  It's as equally an unrealistic story.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Since al fiction is just that "fiction" you could say it is a "lie" and we should not be entertained with lies ..... that would be a bit extreme ....... just as saying all SciFi is bad.

Yes, Satan is the ruler of this system and even the news programs are under his control (especially since many of the ones in charge have teir own political view and slant what they report to their view) so we should not talk to people of the world except for in the Ministry? We should not watch any TV, listen to the radio, etc?

BTW - you might also like the movie "Gatica" - even though it is scifi, it is another "moral play" like the one you watched.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Bobby-----> You are completely right....After reading you, I remembered a school assignment about may be Star Wars or another out of space movie that had (if my memory is correct) automatic doors, calling/phoning possible seeing the other person ... things that today are routinely part of our daily life! Completely forgot about that!


Carlos -----> Thank you for telling me the title!!! Also thank you for bringing some of the movie's questions that were left to ask or that the author wanted to draw attention into. I was half way through or so and did not even realize that  some questions were left hanging (or may be the little boy's quest for his Mom's love just had me forgotten about everything else about the whole point of the movie).


Shawn ----->  Good point: there are "typical" sci-fi movies....It is probably a stereotype and a mistake many make (that it is all space related) because in my teens, I remember watching Back to the future and not thinking or realizing it is sci-fi! Also, thank you for the movie tip, might look into it when on a long trip.

I like to watch  "inspired from a true story" movies - most recent was Mc Farland ... Mostly because it feels less stupid if it touches me to the point of tearing! :blushing:  Because then I can say: it is a true story, someone really had to go through that! :(


John -----> Yes, everything can be taken to an extreme standpoint that is why my first action was to find out the principles that touched it. I never treated or considered sci-fi like a category of its own (like violence, spiritism, or such) where I would know up front what stand to take. So that is why the statement of my friend caught me off guard, at least for a second. I was glad though that it got me thinking and looking into what the Bible actually says about it to help me make my own decision! I will look into that movie also when on a long trip to pass time.


Thank you all for such great inputs!

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Some shows  you need to becareful & use your own Judgement


I would love to Travel through a time Machine.  :D

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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The problem that I see is that a lot of people tend to classify horror movies as Science Fiction. Good Science Fiction to me has to be good science as well as good fiction. SYFY channel to me is mostly not good Science Fiction. SYFY channel is mostly junk although they do have some good Science Fiction on rare occasions.

Ghosts, werewolves and vampires have absolutely nothing to do with good Science Fiction.

Edited by Witness1970
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  On 3/26/2015 at 12:05 PM, surfergirl said:

I would love to Travel through a time Machine.   :D


To go back in time or to the future?


I feel sometimes "selfish" and would like time to be fast forwarded to skip any pain or suffering ... but patience is a must.

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  On 3/27/2015 at 3:04 AM, Raindrop said:

To go back in time or to the future?

I feel sometimes "selfish" and would like time to be fast forwarded to skip any pain or suffering ... but patience is a must.

Go down to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. In the Beyond department you can get one of those remotes that allows you to fast-forward parts of your life.

NO!! Wait a minute!! That was just a Science Fiction movie also. A movie named 'Click', I believe.


Edited by Witness1970
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  On 3/27/2015 at 3:04 AM, Witness1970 said:

The problem that I see is that a lot of people tend to classify horror movies as Science Fiction. Goof Science Fiction to me has to be good science as well as good fiction. SYFY channel to me is mostly not good Science Fiction. SYFY channel is mostly junk although they do have some good Science Fiction on rare occasions.

Ghosts,werewolves, and vampires have absolutely nothing to do with good Science Fiction.

Probably... Nowadays, it is hard to find anything decent. Like Gabe said you have to use judgement and have a good discernment. Everything is mixed in now (has to be violent, immoral, terrorizing, with vampire and what not)

I enjoy going to movies but not only has it become expensive, there is rarely something "watchable" and you have to be determined to get up and go if things turn out different than expected.

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  On 3/27/2015 at 3:14 AM, Witness1970 said:

Go down to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. In the Beyond department you can get one of those remotes that allows you to fast-forward parts of your life.

NO!! Wait a minute!! That was just a Science Fiction movie also. A movie named 'Click', I believe.

:D :D :D

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It's even getting hard to watch cooking programs - just today I heard them talking about the "holy trinity" and "drunken chicken" - and it was being cooked by the "naked chef"


What's next - cheese with seafood? chili with beans?

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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  On 3/27/2015 at 5:20 AM, Qapla said:

It's even getting hard to watch cooking programs - just today I heard them talking about the "holy trinity" and "drunken chicken" - and it was being cooked by the "naked chef"



I got the first part (I think) but not the second part...What's next - cheese with seafood? chili with beans?


Is the first part serious? *Not sure if I got it or not after all*


P.S English is not my first language... :(

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  On 3/27/2015 at 8:27 PM, cerebral ecstasy said:

 I'm actually plugging away here and there on a sci-fi book, I hadn't read this particular article and it helps me to make sure that nothing in it would be offensive to Jehovah.

What a beautiful spirit Sharon!

Thank you to Jehovah who always gives us the needed help to find, understand and apply Bible principles.

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I agree with everything that has been said. First thing I ask someone that wants to complain about science fiction is oh you like a good western movie? I wont watch them because of the hundreds of Indians or bad guys that got mowed down in one scene. A lot of westerns were a lot more violent than most good scifi shows and movies. 


I am very cautious about who I tell what movies I go and see or buy online. I will not recommend or suggest going to any movie with friends from the hall any more. Its not worth the problems it can cause. Too many Brothers go beyond what is written and make rules out of a snap decision. Spout their own opinion instead which is fine until they try and force it on others. 

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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  On 3/28/2015 at 7:38 PM, Greg Dent said:

I am very cautious about who I tell what movies I go and see or buy online.

Have heard that a lot, including from an elder. So no talking about movies anymore allowed? Or more precisely talking movie would create some kind of a tension more tomes than not?
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No thats not what I mean. Just that I don't bring up movies that I like or that I have seen. Someone else tells me they saw one they liked then ok I might go see it. I dont bring anything up though. Its not worth the hassle. Seams the last few years you bring up your own opinion even with some brothers and sisters then they jump on you because they don't think its right. Their opinion doesn't match yours most time I have been slammed into the floor because of it. SO I dont do it any more. Not even with our Brothers.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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I am very cautious about who I tell what movies I go and see or buy online.


i also think it all depends on who your talking to as well 

 i have a friend that is a star trek SCI-Fi fan to so we do talk about movies a lot



The Story Of My Life 

John Wayne Quote: Life is already hard it's even harder for the disabled.
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  • 1 month later...

I LOVE sci-fi, Hasina!  I liked AI, but it was very sad. Gattica was dark.  Click has a good lesson about living in the present. Enemy Mine with Dennis Quaid is a wonderful story about overcoming racial barriers. Matrix was fascinating.


I love Star Trek--all of them! And StarGate (produced out of Canada, I believe) was a personal favorite--although both have militaristic tones---you always have to be on guard because EVERYTHING is produced in the world and affected by Satan.


Still, I enjoy reading dystopia (dystopic?) views of the future because it is easy to remind myself that Jehovah wrote the nonfiction version of the future--nothing can top that!

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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There are good quality fan films of Star Trek genre out there. Some are top quality with unpaid original actors or well-known actors- :thumbsup: good enough for CBS, others - Oh well :upsidedown:

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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