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Police Officers Shot and Killed in Dallas

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Just came home from visiting my Mom and got a notice that 36,000 people were listening to Dallas on their scanners, so I googled to find out why:





DALLAS -- Dallas Police Chief David Brown has confirmed at least 10 police officers were shot and at least three were killed in an attack by two snipers in downtown Dallas at a protest of officer-involved shootings across the country.

"Tonight it appears that two snipers shot ten police officers from elevated positions during the protest/rally," Brown wrote in a statement. "Three officers are deceased, two are in surgery and three are in critical condition. An intensive search for suspects is currently underway. No suspects are in custody at this time. We ask that any citizen with information regarding the shootings tonight call 214-671-3485."

The shot officers include both Dallas police and DART officers.

It remains an active-shooter situation. Police have asked everyone to get to safety and avoid downtown Dallas.



Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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This is correct, the story is on every major network including that sneaky FOX NEWS:

Police say 'some shot in the back'; suspects 'threatened to plant a bomb'


(Lawlessness is going to rule, people become a law to themselves.  They will decide who lives and who dies.  This is worst then the Wild West.  I can see it down the road perhaps this nation will have a military police state.   People will be selected for processing, sort of reminds me of the Nazi's during the purge of their own German people, and then the minorities from other nations.  Am not surprised since this is Satan's last stand! Col. Satan at the Battle of the Little Bighorn!)


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Insane. Pure insanity. Two cases in the past two days where police officers kill 2 people and now this. This world is getting worse every single day. Also goes to show the scene of the world can change quickly, how one apparently small event can lead to something big. My heart goes out to the families of the officers that were killed. I have relatives and immediate family  who are either current police officers or retired police officers (obviously these relatives are not brothers) so whenever something like this happens, it really hits close to home. Sure there are a few bad cops out there, but the number of good police officers heavily outnumber the bad. I have seen both. I have seen cops help good people and de-escalate situations. I have seen how the police have helped the brothers in organizing conventions, helping with traffic at the memorial and conventions, and keeping us safe at our gatherings from those who want to do harm to us. 


This just  shows that the iron is certainly mixed with clay and it is crumbling little by little. We need to endure this wicked world just a little bit longer and try to help as many as possible to break free from this world. 

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The country (USA) and the world is becoming more and more divided. Racially, politically and religiously. Makes us appreciate our precious unity. We need to be all the more diligent to stay nuetral. Regardless of what some may think... theres only two sides...Jehovah's and the satan's. 

Edited by Pjdriver
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I've had the news on this A.M. - Friday, 7-8-16....and the discussion turned to why those Dallas police officers were

shot and killed or assassinated....(two of the dead officers were shot in the back).....it made be think of how ahead

of the curve the Faithful and Discreet Slave is......that we studied last Sunday a Watchtower on the topic of being

neutral....no matter what it is regarding....us being neutral is how we preserve out worldwide unity....or our worldwide


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spelling error
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You're right! Jehovah always teaches us right on time! 

And this just goes to show how dangerous this system has gotten...and will get! 

The man who was shot here in Brooklyn, NY was shot right in our territory! Makes me wonder about the friends in Dallas! I know though that they're keeping their integrity by remaining neutral and thus loyal to Jehovah! 

That is how we deal with these last days that will definitely get worse. 

Stay neutral and loyal to Jehovah! Offer no words or advice or opinion about the situation except for the ultimate solution...Jehovah's Messianic kingdom! For that's really what the people want...justice! And justice is what Jehovah has...through his very own government!!!

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I was thinking...how exactly could/would you introduce the kingdom in regard to the racial tensions of this situation? This is what I had in mind, and I'm sure you guys can think of something even better. I'm skipping the customary introductions since that was obviously done. Oh for cryin' out loud! I'm nervous and it's online!)...


Witness: "Do you have any hope that things will get better? (now that's an obvious question since the answer is going to be a no, but it's designed to draw them out). Sooo...

Person: NO! As long as the white cops are killing our black men (or the black man depending on who's talking) things will never get better. That's why we need to stand up NOW for justice! The people need to get together NOW! (At this point I think because fevers have risen, it's best to let them get it off their chest. And once they've finished or at least taken a breath)...

Witness: Well please don't think we are not affected too for some of us are related to those who were killed and it hurts (even if we are individually not related we are sure some in our spiritual family are so it's appropriate).  And a reason we are able to cope is because of what God said at Psalms chapter 37, verse 10 (don't ask if they'll like to read it. Just show it and say "what does that say"? If they don't want to read it (too upset to read anything), then read it for them as they follow along with you, using your finger). Then ask: "do you think it's at all possible for this to be true"? If they say no (because they're too upset to believe anything for their emotions are flying all over the place), simply say you understand seeing what's going on, but God's word is true and faithful and since you sir (or madam) opened the door you obviously have an interest in God's thoughts. So in the meantime I will leave you with this literature to read when you have the chance, and return when it's best. And speaking of best, when is it best for me to return so you can learn more about Ps. 37: 10?


And now brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...boom! You now have an RV, possible study, all from bringing up current events...but staying neutral at the same time! 


Sooo, whatcha think? 


Please, please share your thoughts, service suggestions, etc. 








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I knew something bad was going to happen after the shooting that that black male in St. Paul by the white officer, but I never imagined something like this.  Funny how Satan keeps upping the ante.  Just when you think it can't get any worse - BAM! it does.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Satan's house is now blatently showing itself very divided: anti-black, anti-muslim, anti-hispanic, anti-immigrants, anti-refugee,  and then countering that with anti-white, anti-conservative, anti-police, anti-authority.  We can see how scary things are getting now, especially in the hot spots of Europe and US in the Western World.  Yes, society is still functioning, but things are unraveling very fast.  Hang in there brothers and sisters!  Endure to the end, then salvation.

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Functioning (according to dictionary.com): the kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists.

Sentence (called Learners section): If a machine or system functions, it is working or operating. 

Thesaurus (just two I chose): operating, running.


Sooo yes this system, by their own definitions above, is indeed functioning, running as in various programs are running, in existence for its various purposes.

But that's just it. For indeed they are operating yet not working: producing effects, results.

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Was wondering how the gun lobby can explain this one away. One of their arguments is that if everyone carried guns, then they'd be someone at least to shoot the shooter.  Well, the police did have guns, but it didn't help them. They had to use a robot bomb to blow the shooter up.


Logically then by their argument, do people need to arm themselves with bomb robots to defend themselves? Or is it perhaps that having access to weapons in society is actually the problem? Of course, no amount of regulation is going to totally stop these murderers, we need the kingdom to make wars to cease and break their weapons apart.

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One thing that really bothers me is the one-sidedness of our media in these issues. Like with the Trayvon Martin case, our media in Germany portrayed it like he was just an innocent teenager on his way to buy some snacks and a racist gun-nut playing makeshift sheriff confronted him because he thought he was suspicious, the kid got angry and the man gunned him down. Or now with this Alton Sterling guy, they portray it like he was already fully restrained and they "executed" him, but if you watch the video and know he was a convicted felon and illegal gun carrier, it's a completely different story.


These biased media portrayals are feeding into the racist narrative.


This is one aspect I really look forward to in the New World, is 100% TRUTH. This system and the media are just rank with lies and half-truths like their leader is.

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Received another scanner alert.

This time, the insanity is occurring in Baton Rouge , Louisiana,

where protesters are throwing bottles at police as the police attempt to keep the protesters from blocking roadways.:(


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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What I'm noticing about the non-police victims and not that it does or should make any difference in the bloodshed, but they're all felons. Why is that? (Rhetorical). Makes me wonder...

And I just wanted to add  (because I realized after reading my post, what the question might appear to imply), that I'm not implying that the police chose felons to kill. It just seems a little strange to me that's all. 

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31 minutes ago, Pjdriver said:

I'm an active member of this group. :whistling:

Your a mom?  Congratulations 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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My driver on the way back from the AccessAride evaluation was so up in arms about this current situation, that was all he talked about, very emotional which is really quite understandable. 

So I tried to speak about the kingdom and, unbelievably he kind of began to relax a little, which was good for two reasons.

First, it was the good news of the kingdom.

Secondly, he was driving! 

Anyway, when we got to my address I offered him the kingdom tract...and he refused it! Can you believe that? Saying something about he has it, etc. Then he began rambling again about the situation. 

Oh well, maybe he'll think about it later. After all, it's certainly not the first time he has heard of the message that's for sure.

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I'm from that area and the news coverage is saying 2 baliffs were killed and a deputy sheriff was shot but is in stable condition at the hospital.  The shooter was killed also.  Funny, but they won't divulge whether the shooter was black or white or whether the officers were black or white.  Could it be that the media is finally learning a lesson here?

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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2 hours ago, shali said:

I'm from that area and the news coverage is saying 2 baliffs were killed and a deputy sheriff was shot but is in stable condition at the hospital.  The shooter was killed also.  Funny, but they won't divulge whether the shooter was black or white or whether the officers were black or white.  Could it be that the media is finally learning a lesson here?

I think the media shares much of the blame for what's going on. They stir the pot, often without all the facts, and misleading information. Step back because (td)Satan's world is spiraling down fast. 

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