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7 hours ago, bagwell1987 said:


I thought this might be helpful to get a perspective. I need visuals to help me comprehend how many miles of mass we're talking about that will be affected in comparison to USA. Wow, Russia is HUGE!



Then here it is compared to Australia- http://www.mylifeelsewhere.com/country-size-comparison/australia/russia

Compared to Canada- http://mapfight.appspot.com/ru-vs-ca/russia-canada-size-comparison


It is humongus, affecting so many people.


Yes, Russia is HUGE. But only about 145 million people live here. And only 175 000 JWs. Not many compared to US.

BTW people here live in such small apartments as if it were the smallest country in the world!

And 1 more thing surprises me. When going by train we see so much empty land with no people. And still when householders hear about the eternal life they say: where people will live then? There won't be enough land!:-)

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The only thing I know is that we DON'T know what will happen. Even if we are banned we don't know if someone will be sent to prison, lose their home, job or whatever. We just don't know! And even if the ban doesn't happen they still  can send me to prison. Why not?

People who have suffered for this reason in the past have found joy in the fact that they do it because of following the Christ. (Mt 5:11, 12, 41; 10:28; Re 2:10)

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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7 hours ago, Thesauron said:

People who have suffered for this reason in the past have found joy in the fact that they do it because of following the Christ. (Mt 5:11, 12, 41; 10:28; Re 2:10)

Yes, and we should have the same attitude. I don't want to focus on bad things that may happen to my family. I am trying to focus on the new world so I watch the videos about it daily.

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If this has been answered before I apologize as I did not see it:

If the Supreme Court Does not meet again until April 12 will our Russian friend be able to celebrate the Memorial in peace or is there a ban in place now that will jeopardize that peaceful celebration?

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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1 hour ago, rocket said:

If this has been answered before I apologize as I did not see it:

If the Supreme Court Does not meet again until April 12 will our Russian friend be able to celebrate the Memorial in peace or is there a ban in place now that will jeopardize that peaceful celebration?

We had our meedweek meeting and our WT study at a sister's home last week. Brothers told us that we will only know tonight the place where we going to meet for the Memorial .

...absolute rubbish...

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What will happen if the Russian Supreme Court permits this ban & liquidation?
Here are some important facts about what many of the officials and the Ministry of Justice in Russia are seeking with this ban & liquidation. This information can help us grasp the severity of what could happen to our fellow brothers and sisters in Russia.
> The Ministry of Justice is seeking the most extreme of penalties
> To make the worship of Jehovah God illegal in the entire land of Russia!
> To confiscate all of the buildings and property of each and every Kingdom Hall in Russia, as well as the
     Headquarters in St.Petersburg
> There are some 400 registered LRO's(Local Religious Organizations) and over 2300 congregations
     throughout Russia that would be outlawed!
> But they are not satisfied with just liquidating the Branch and the Kingdom halls, they also want to
    confiscate "other property of" individual brothers/sisters!
> Also, all 175,000 brothers/sisters would be subject to criminal prosecution. 
    This would not be for 1 year in prison, not for 5 years, but for 10 years!
> Families could be separated for many, many years and possibly 1000s of children would grow up
    without 1 or both parents!  And for some children, if both parents are imprisoned, then
    these children may not be taught about our Father Jehovah.
> The Ministry of Justice wants this ban & liquidation started "immediately"! 
Concerning the 175,000 individual brothers and sisters in Russia, Brother Vasiliy Kalin, a representative of the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, stated this:
"it is possible that the most troubling period of their lives is starting!"

There is one more outcome for us if that ban happen, we all will be included to the federal list of extremists,  i mean each one of us. 
That means we all will be fired from our jobs immediately and no one will dare to hire anyone of us.
This also means that If someone of us would think to flee we will not be allowed to cross any border.
And that also means that  no one bank will open an account for anyone of us as well..

Wow....is All this fact? Or what is possible?
I am asking out of ignorance.
I thought a ban would mean what it did in the 70's. Not all the above. That's shocking.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, Fiona said:






Wow....is All this fact? Or what is possible?
I am asking out of ignorance.
I thought a ban would mean what it did in the 70's. Not all the above. That's shocking.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk






Now I see that this thread is helpful. Not everyone realizes that the situation is serious. Of course, it is the worst scenario but some of these things will certainly happen. I am afraid Bethel and Kingdom halls will certainly be confiscated

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Now I see that this thread is helpful. Not everyone realizes that the situation is serious. Of course, it is the worst scenario but some of these things will certainly happen. I am afraid Bethel and Kingdom halls will certainly be confiscated

Wow. I thought I understood how serious but I was mistaken.
I have kept all my Russian brothers in my prayers and will continue to do so. But now I can be even more specific. Thank you !

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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11 hours ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:

Brother Kalin did not specify what this "other property of believers" was, but it is not Kingdom Halls nor the Administrative Center as he had just mentioned these prior. Maybe it is some specific properties that are owned by certain "believers" which is connected with the organization somehow?

Their Bibles?

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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To our dear bros and sis in all difficult places.  Let's hope and pray that we are not banned in Russia. I read that some other religious groups are also persecuted, usually Muslims.

These had their computers seized, sometimes tablets and phones.

No doubt looking for banned materials. I think this is from Forum 18.

I remember thinking that keeping a hidden spare sim card loaded up with spiritual necessities would be a good idea. They are so tiny. 

I am sure we are all keenly aware of your need for protection, especially tonight, 11th. Eight million plus are all praying for this. 

Nothing bad can last forever!

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