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Third Gender Now in Oregon

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It really is ridiculous. I do not separate gender from sex . That's why they call it male or female. You either have a male body or a female body which means you are either male or female sex. Now, you may be effeminate or masculine , you may feel like inside you are the opposite sex (hence why people get sex changes, I get that). A person may be sexually inclined towards the opposite sex, same sex or both, but there is only two human gender identities because we only have two varieties of human in nature, male and female which are classifications based upon the physical bodies we have.


You can't invent more genders because genders stem from sexes, gender is the internal identification of which sex you feel you are, of which only two biologically exist. 


The problem is that people think that if you are a feminine man, or a manly woman, you must be some kind of new gender, you are not. You are simply a masculine or feminine man/woman. *deep sigh*. It really is the stupidest movement I have ever witnessed, and this is coming from me, a person who over analyses everything and makes things needlessly complicated. 


I get that some do feel they are somehow both male and female at the same time and get very confused and literally cannot internally identify as either gender. This however is classified in the medical field as an "abnormality", the reason being as I said, genders are rooted in the sexes. If one cannot identify as at least one or the other, then it is an illness, nothing more. You can't just invent a third gender, it doesn't work like that. 


To think of the absurdity that people claim gender is a "social construct".  Certain gender "roles" maybe, but not genders themselves!




Edited by EccentricM
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My main sympathies are for the people literally born with both genders and the young ones that are confused because everyone tries to convince them that this kind of stuff is the norm. :unsure:

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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I think the recent talk from  tv.jw.org,  William Malenfant Morality in the Last Days (2 Tim. 3:13) was outstanding in the loss of morality in the last days. Right has become wrong and wrong is right. I live in Oregon and this does not surprise me.

"Laughter cannot mask a heavy heart. When the laughter ends, the grief remains."-Proverbs 14:13 Living Bible Translation

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6 hours ago, cricket246 said:

My main sympathies are for the people literally born with both genders and the young ones that are confused because everyone tries to convince them that this kind of stuff is the norm. :unsure:

And sympathies for those babies that get adopted by gay or lesbian couple. Or perhaps soon by third gender :blink:

Edited by harmania
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I install irrigation - you know, "leaky plumbing". That requires plumbing, putting pipes together. 


What am I to do when they come out with a "non-binary" fitting :eek:


There is a reason that plumbing parts and hardware are called "male" or "female" fittings/fasteners. You can't really have a "non-binary" fitting :nope: 


From what I have seen - people are the same way :thumbsup:

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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"Shupe plans to apply for a non-binary driver's license on July 3, alongside their wife, Sandy. The two plan to have a small celebratory dinner afterward."


Now that Shupe is non-gender, his wife is referred to as their wife.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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39 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

"Shupe plans to apply for a non-binary driver's license on July 3, alongside their wife, Sandy. The two plan to have a small celebratory dinner afterward."


Now that Shupe is non-gender, his wife is referred to as their wife.

Yeah, I picked up on that one too..could this get any weirder? I don't think even Sodom & Gomorrah was This weird was it?  :(

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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47 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

"Shupe plans to apply for a non-binary driver's license on July 3, alongside their wife, Sandy. The two plan to have a small celebratory dinner afterward."


Now that Shupe is non-gender, his wife is referred to as their wife.

And isn't there a slight contradiction there in the two sentences where it says, 'the two', and then, 'Their wife'? Wouldn't that make three? They're not even sure how many are really there..

And, what would happen if 2 non-genders married each other, if that's even legal..would that make four persons in that marriage? :confused: 

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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There is a high school in my area (for ages 11-16)  that now allows boys to use the girls toilets and vice versa.   They not allow to stop them as it will be judging their sexuality.

Can someone explain to me what it feels like to be a woman.   Since I am a man, I have no idea what it feels like to be a woman, so how can I even begin to tell if I'm really a woman inside a man's body?  I did read that there are now over 50 genders to choose from, so take your pick.

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43 minutes ago, Jonathan77 said:

There is a high school in my area (for ages 11-16)  that now allows boys to use the girls toilets and vice versa.   They not allow to stop them as it will be judging their sexuality.

Can someone explain to me what it feels like to be a woman.   Since I am a man, I have no idea what it feels like to be a woman, so how can I even begin to tell if I'm really a woman inside a man's body?  I did read that there are now over 50 genders to choose from, so take your pick.

  Hmmm...Let me see...How about one of each?:D


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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3 minutes ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

  Hmmm...Let me see...How about one of each?:D

Would that be like having multiple personalities? :blink:

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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1 hour ago, Jonathan77 said:

allows boys to use the girls toilets and vice versa

It would be easier just to use gender neutral toilets. Single cubicles as opposed to multiple units in a single room.  Just have a section of the building, a corridor which has multiple single cubical rooms down it. You use the same amount of space in the building as you would with a normal public bathroom but it's more safe, better privacy and no need for gender separation as all the stalls are their own little closed off rooms. Everyone is happy. 

Edited by EccentricM
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Humankind is already able to manipulate birth for years now. The only border left is the question where this would lead to if it is allowed to manipulate birth.

If you decide not to manipulate your sperm or egg and your child will not be as strong as the manipulated kids. Will you then get high health assurance costs? Will your child be accepted in soceity? Because that will be the result when you choose not to mess with creation of life. 


Another scary development seperated on this one. Is the acceptance of abnormality. First we had to accept that being gay isn't abnormal. Through the years you saw gay people being accepted as normal, and now you're abnormal if you reject their way of life. Because it got accepted through the years in this soceity, it went on to the next phase.


Through the puberty of your child it is normal that they got mixed up with their sexual feelings. And that it is very unstable at that time. But what a child got told now is that it has nothing to do with puberty, but that you probably love girls and boys. And that you need to experience yourself to find out what fits you.


Then another phase of abnormality popped up throughout the last years. Transgenders... The last couple of years this seems to be the new abnormality we must accept as the new normal. We see more television programs with gay or transgenders in it. And it is brought as a person in a wrong body. 

Then there are programs of parents with kids of an age between 6 to 12 who are children born in wrong bodies. These childs like to dress up with clothes of another gender. Or their son plays with dolls etc. instead of cars. (Something every little child likes to do and that also helps a child with developing a creative mind). These parents decided to ask their child of the age of six if it wants to be a girl. The child thinks it wants to be a girl instead of a boy, and the parents decided to dress the boy as a girl. Officialy renamed the boy with a girls name. Let his hair grow and where already discussing a gender operation and saving money for that day.

The program did not show abnormality, but a new accepted phase of normality.

On schools they talk about this topic as a normal thing. And we need to accept this all as normal. If you think this is a distortion, then there's something wrong with you.


In public buildings and schools they create gender neutral toilets. Titles are even renamed to genderless titles, so it could not disturb anyone.


If you think about Satan directing this world more towards imperfection and what medics have achieved until now. Then a next disturbing demonic phase could be on the horizon. Medics who manipulate genes so genderless babies could be born (Or neutral man&woman). Because it would be cruel to gender a child before the age of 16 or 18 if it was not able to choose its gender by itself.


If you only take this topic, and think about the days of Noah. These end days would be worse then in Noahs time. Well... it is.

Edited by skipdaflip
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5 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

Do Xs put the seat down? :eek:

I don't know any of them yet...:wacko:

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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Not really happy...men don't put down the seats 

I don't? I do! Many companies, schools, and major malls here elect to use gender neutral toilet facilities. It's not such a big deal, really.


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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You all are saying the same things I'm saying.

I also thought about plumbing in regard to this issue.

I never thought about the prisons tho, that could get to be a big issue.

But the toilet situation has me upset. Women need, just not want or crave, but need their own space for this private time. Men could never understand the complexities of what it's like being a woman. MH knows things about women BUT doesn't know the gory details we have to deal with, many of us women don't share that information between us either. It's so intensely private. IDK, maybe it's just me that's so private, we've become a society that shares everything, perhaps it's not such a bad thing to not share everything.

Edited by bagwell1987

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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You all are saying the same things I'm saying.

I also thought about plumbing in regard to this issue.

I never thought about the prisons tho, that could get to be a big issue.

But the toilet situation has me upset. Women need, just not want or crave, but need their own space for this private time. Men could never understand the complexities of what it's like being a woman. MH knows things about women BUT doesn't know the gory details we have to deal with, many of us women don't share that information between us either. It's so intensely private. IDK, maybe it's just me that's so private, we've become a society that shares everything, perhaps it's not such a bad thing to not share everything.

Many men are private like this as well, but a shared facility with separate stalls is usually no problem. Except some want them soundproofed as well, because someone could hear what business you're up to. There are actually toilets playing a little tune so that your business will not be heard. In some countries, there's is no seat, just a hole in the floor, which makes sense. Just stand on top of it, or aim at it. Anyway, many people from these cultures find it over the top disgusting to have to sit on a toilet, even though from a hygiene point of view, it's perfectly fine.




🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Yes, there are some places that have single toilet rooms. But there's so many, in my country, that have multiple toilets in 1 room. The simple solution to this whole sordid topic would be installations of single stalls. But that costs money, who's going to pay for that?

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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4 hours ago, EccentricM said:

Just have a section of the building, a corridor which has multiple single cubical rooms down it. You use the same amount of space in the building as you would with a normal public bathroom but it's more safe, better privacy and no need for gender separation as all the stalls are their own little closed off rooms.


Actually, it does take more space since a "wall" is much wider/thicker than a "divider. Also, unless you add some kind of public handwashing area, each cubical would also need it's own sink. Much more space and expense.


2 hours ago, Thesauron said:

Many companies, schools, and major malls here elect to use gender neutral toilet facilities. It's not such a big deal, really.


Many if the Walmarts I have been in have a "Family" restroom. It is a larger room that has a "full sized" toilet and a "kid sized" one. It is designed for anyone to take their small children in so they don't have to send them in alone into a large room full of people or take small girls into the men's room or small boys into the women's room. Anyone can use these rooms, so I guess you would call them gender neutral.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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