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JW.org - LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS | Oryol Court Again Extends Imprisonment of Dennis Christensen

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  • 1 month later...

He was given just two weeks to review the case material..that ends today.


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  • 1 month later...

Brother Morris mentioned Dennis Christensen in a talk today, since his parents and siblings live right near the Scandinavian branch office. Brother Christensen is enduring in a biblical sense. He highlighted in a talk about endurance the need to not flee from our trials. Ex., if we do not get along with someone or have been treated badly by a certain someone, we do not change congregations. We endure, we do not flee from our trials. Just like brother Christensen. He also mentioned him by name in the finishing prayer.

Brother Morris mentioned Dennis Christensen in a talk today, since his parents and siblings live right near the Scandinavian branch office. Brother Christensen is enduring in a biblical sense. He highlighted in a talk about endurance the need to not flee from our trials. Ex., if we do not get along with someone or have been treated badly by a certain someone, we do not change congregations. We endure, we do not flee from our trials. Just like brother Christensen. He also mentioned him by name in the finishing prayer.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I found out this morning that a brother in my congregation knew Brother Christensen in Denmark. Here's what he wrote to me:


I knew Dennis from growing up in Denmark. We were briefly in the same congregation before he left to join the MTS school. I later met him again when we both returned back to Denmark (I was living in England at the time) for the international convention in 2004. Often people ask me if I have any news about him - I suppose because of our shared nationality. Last month through a mutual friend, I got his address and instructions for writing, from his fleshly sister in Denmark.
The instructions are to only write in Russian (Google translate will do), or else the letters get thrown out. Never write anything negative about Russia or mention Jehovah's name. "God" or "JHVH" is acceptable.  The address is:
. . . [address withheld] . . .
Dennis says he feels like Daniel in the lion's den; surrounded by people who want to harm him, but Jehovah has kept him safe. He does struggle with feelings of being depressed and overwhelmed by the whole situation, and the letters he gets from brothers and sisters help him immensely.
The brother also gave me permission to share the address with other brothers and sisters who might be interested in providing some much needed encouragement to Dennis. I am assuming the Russian authorities do not censor his mail but may inspect it before giving it to him. Send me a PM if you would like to write to him.
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I would LOVE to write a letter to Bro. Christensen and his wife.  But I have reservations about the accuracy of Google's software.  (Based on experience.) I would feel comfortable sending my letter to a local Russian congregation here (there are several in the U.S.) and kindly ask someone to translate it for me.  (No longer than a page, of course.)  





I'll have to give this some thoughtful prayer.

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I would LOVE to write a letter to Bro. Christensen and his wife.  But I have reservations about the accuracy of Google's software.  (Based on experience.) I would feel comfortable sending my letter to a local Russian congregation here (there are several in the U.S.) and kindly ask someone to translate it for me.  (No longer than a page, of course.)  





I'll have to give this some thoughtful prayer.

Brother Christensen is rather affluent in English. The latest report, given by brother Morris of the Governing Body, is that he is enduring spiritually. He has mother, father, and siblings near the Scandinavian branch.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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:( I had a total failure here, not sure what happened. Tried to just erase it but was told I had to enter some content. This is my content sorry. Mods feel free to remove this.

Edited by Old

Translation failed

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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2 minutes ago, Old said:

Я ЛЮБЛЮ, чтобы написать письмо Броу. Кристенсен и его жена. Но у меня есть оговорки относительно точности программного обеспечения Google. (Основываясь на опыте.) Мне было бы комфортно отправлять мое письмо в местную российскую конгрегацию здесь (их несколько в США) и попросить кого-то перевести его для меня. (Конечно, не более страницы).         Я должен буду дать эту задумчивую молитву. Брат Кристенсен довольно богат на английском языке. Последний доклад, представленный братом Моррисом Управляющего органа, заключается в том, что он переживает духовно. У него есть мать, отец и братья и сестры у скандинавского отделения.

Seems to work fine...

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1 minute ago, Old said:

Я ЛЮБЛЮ, чтобы написать письмо Броу. Кристенсен и его жена. Но у меня есть оговорки относительно точности программного обеспечения Google. (Основываясь на опыте.) Мне было бы комфортно отправлять мое письмо в местную российскую конгрегацию здесь (их несколько в США) и попросить кого-то перевести его для меня. (Конечно, не более страницы).         Я должен буду дать эту задумчивую молитву. Брат Кристенсен довольно богат на английском языке. Последний доклад, представленный братом Моррисом Управляющего органа, заключается в том, что он переживает духовно. У него есть мать, отец и братья и сестры у скандинавского отделения.


Well, that's easy for you to say... But with the help of Google Translate I can see where you're coming from.


Can we imagine this? Perhaps hundreds of letters will be descending on the Russian prison written in Google!

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5 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

Seems to work fine...


Although translating back it does read "experiencing spirituality" rather than "enduring spirituality"  Albeit ever so minor I can appreciate the reservations of using google translate. 


Pretty awesome though... the translating abilities! Where was that when I was in school? :)


and YES... Can you imagine!!?  hundreds of letters ...


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Does Brother Christensen read Russian?

Some of the earlier news reports said his trial was delayed because they needed a translator..


On June 7, the Oryol Oblast Court was to consider the appeal of Jehovah's Witness, Danish citizen Dennis Christensen, on the decision to take two months in custody. This measure of restraint was chosen for him by the Soviet District Court of the city of Orel on May 26, 2017.

The regional court postponed the hearing due to the fact that the accused could not find an interpreter from the Danish language. The date of the new meeting has not yet been announced.


Edited by Tortuga
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14 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

Does Brother Christensen read Russian?

Some of the earlier news reports said his trial was delayed because they needed a translator..


That's a good question. If he doesn't read Russian, then how would he be able to read our letters? Maybe someone (a prison guard, etc) would need to translate for him?


Good question. I'm going to ask the brother who sent me the address.

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2 minutes ago, Sheep said:


That's a good question. I seem to remember that too, something about a translator. Was that Brother Christensen? Or am I mixing the story up with someone else? If he doesn't read Russian, then how would he be able to read our letters? Maybe someone (a prison guard, etc) would need to translate for him?


Good question. I'm going to ask the brother who sent me the address.


From jw-Russia.org on 6/13/2017

On June 7, the Oryol Oblast Court was to consider the appeal of Jehovah's Witness, Danish citizen Dennis Christensen, on the decision to take two months in custody. This measure of restraint was chosen for him by the Soviet District Court of the city of Orel on May 26, 2017.

The regional court postponed the hearing due to the fact that the accused could not find an interpreter from the Danish language. The date of the new meeting has not yet been announced.

Edited by Tortuga
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That's a good question. If he doesn't read Russian, then how would he be able to read our letters? Maybe someone (a prison guard, etc) would need to translate for him?
Good question. I'm going to ask the brother who sent me the address.

In some countries they will offer you a translator even if your knowledge of the local language is alright. Also, rest assured that your letters will be translated into Russian and approved by the authorities before they reach mr Christensen.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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He serves in a Russian congregation, no?  In the video where the police stormed the meeting, we see him talking to police.  I tend to think the courts have to offer a translator for him to make sure his "rights" are being seen to be upheld, even though he may know Russian.  However legalese is very tricky, even in your own native language.  A Danish/Russian translator is probably a good idea.

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4 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

He serves in a Russian congregation, no?  In the video where the police stormed the meeting, we see him talking to police.  I tend to think the courts have to offer a translator for him to make sure his "rights" are being seen to be upheld, even though he may know Russian.  However legalese is very tricky, even in your own native language.  A Danish/Russian translator is probably a good idea.

Agreed. I assume he was speaking Russian to the congregation and the authorities. The news report about delaying his case because they needed a translator could have just been a legal technicality or a stall tactic. However, I was hoping we could confirm that he read Russian. It's a small detail I didn't want to overlook.

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9 hours ago, Thesauron said:

Also, rest assured that your letters will be translated into Russian and approved by the authorities before they reach mr Christensen.


The instructions I got were to write only in Russian, or the letters would be thrown out.


Meanwhile I am waiting for a response from the brother who gave me the address, to see if he knows whether or not Dennis speaks Russian. Reflecting on the responses we've been reading in this topic, I would assume that he does.


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The instructions I got were to write only in Russian, or the letters would be thrown out.
Meanwhile I am waiting for a response from the brother who gave me the address, to see if he knows whether or not Dennis speaks Russian. Reflecting on the responses we've been reading in this topic, I would assume that he does.

I can’t vouch for if they’ll be thrown out or not whatever language you use. Try both?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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1 hour ago, Thesauron said:

I can’t vouch for if they’ll be thrown out or not whatever language you use. Try both?

Why don't we just follow the instructions we were given....^_^

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Why don't we just follow the instructions we were given....

For all I know, there are no official instructions, but if this brother knows a letter will not be accepted unless it is in Russian, then so be it, I suppose. I think most letters that have been written from this branch have been either in English or Danish.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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22 hours ago, Old said:

:( I had a total failure here, not sure what happened. Tried to just erase it but was told I had to enter some content. This is my content sorry. Mods feel free to remove this.



But it's one of your better post! :lol1: Just kidding!

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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2 minutes ago, Old said:

Many a true word is spoken in jest. :(

However, since we are all family we happily accept it as family love..

Edited by Tortuga
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