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Large scale drone attack on Saudi-Arabia

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The Houthi rebels (Yemen) have claimed responsibility but US government officials insist that Iran is more likely the culprit, since the damage to the buildings indicates an attack coming from the west-northwest.


Strange, since Iraq is north of the facility and Iran Northeast.... you won't guess who's geographically situated North-northwest of this saudi facility.... Just a pro-tip, certainly a country with a very sophisticated military and advanced drone manufacturing.


Conspiracy theories aside, somebody CLEARLY really wants a war in the Middle East. And it kind of feels like Trump could do with something to assure his re-election 2020.


Keeping an eye on this one.

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Iran launched nearly a dozen cruise missiles and over 20 drones from its territory in the attack on a key Saudi oil facility Saturday, a senior Trump administration official told ABC News Sunday.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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In my opinion, if the US and Saudi Arabia start a war against Iran, it will be a big one. The Iraq and Afghan wars will pale in comparison. It is not only about geopolitics, but also about the hatred the Sunni Muslims have for the Shias and the hatred the Iranians have for the US and the Jews. Arab countries, Israel, Russia and probably China will also get involved in various degrees. 





Edited by Bek
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1 hour ago, Tortuga said:

A drone attack on a large oil facility is an interesting development. 

Yep, I feel the pain of higher prices already at the pump. 

Iran’s situation is a very interesting, because can be pointed to, or illustrate the point that  “ religion is only causing trouble, obstacle to peace etc” 

Political Islam is running affairs over there. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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9 hours ago, ChocoBro said:




The Houthi rebels (Yemen) have claimed responsibility but US government officials insist that Iran is more likely the culprit, since the damage to the buildings indicates an attack coming from the west-northwest.


Strange, since Iraq is north of the facility and Iran Northeast.... you won't guess who's geographically situated North-northwest of this saudi facility.... Just a pro-tip, certainly a country with a very sophisticated military and advanced drone manufacturing.


Conspiracy theories aside, somebody CLEARLY really wants a war in the Middle East. And it kind of feels like Trump could do with something to assure his re-election 2020.


Keeping an eye on this one.

Except Trump is running on a get out of conflicts platform.

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1 hour ago, Ludwika said:

A quote from The Guardian newspaper today, "what's so scary is that people all agree that this is not good for anybody. But there is nobody who can stop it ".

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8 hours ago, Bek said:

In my opinion, if the US and Saudi Arabia start a war against Iran, it will be a big one. The Iraq and Afghan wars will pale in comparison. It is not only about geopolitics, but also about the hatred the Sunni Muslims have for the Shias and the hatred the Iranians have for the US and the Jews. Arab countries, Israel, Russia and probably China will also get involved in various degrees. 





I think I disagree on both counts. If Iran continues to disrupt economies that would be right up Trumps alley. The economy is very important to him.


If the US decides to attack, it would officially be over quickly just as it was in Iraq. I think the US would bomb the stuffing out of Iran's military. I don't believe the people of Iran or the region in general would support there own governments so once the higher ups in the religion and military were taken out it would probably deescalate quickly. I don't see Russia or China doing anything other than the usual United Nations arguments over who is good and who is bad. Israel will no doubt have missiles headed at them however and might take a big hit as no doubt the factions who hate them and who see there Iranian benefactor being taken out will do there best to hurt Israel before they are found with out a supporter and ally. 


Just my thoughts. 

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I think I disagree on both counts. If Iran continues to disrupt economies that would be right up Trumps alley. The economy is very important to him.
If the US decides to attack, it would officially be over quickly just as it was in Iraq. I think the US would bomb the stuffing out of Iran's military. I don't believe the people of Iran or the region in general would support there own governments so once the higher ups in the religion and military were taken out it would probably deescalate quickly. I don't see Russia or China doing anything other than the usual United Nations arguments over who is good and who is bad. Israel will no doubt have missiles headed at them however and might take a big hit as no doubt the factions who hate them and who see there Iranian benefactor being taken out will do there best to hurt Israel before they are found with out a supporter and ally. 
Just my thoughts. 
I didn't say I agreed with the quote, however it did remind me of the situation prior to world war 1. No one wanted it, no one could stop it. It happened against all common sense. Mankind is like lemmings heading for the cliff! It just caught my eye.

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2 hours ago, Your Brother said:

Except Trump is running on a get out of conflicts platform.

Yes, that was his campaign promise, but did he keep it? No. Have a read of this: https://fpif.org/trump-is-expanding-americas-wars-not-ending-them/

1 hour ago, Your Brother said:


I think I disagree on both counts. If Iran continues to disrupt economies that would be right up Trumps alley. The economy is very important to him.


If the US decides to attack, it would officially be over quickly just as it was in Iraq. I think the US would bomb the stuffing out of Iran's military. I don't believe the people of Iran or the region in general would support there own governments so once the higher ups in the religion and military were taken out it would probably deescalate quickly. I don't see Russia or China doing anything other than the usual United Nations arguments over who is good and who is bad. Israel will no doubt have missiles headed at them however and might take a big hit as no doubt the factions who hate them and who see there Iranian benefactor being taken out will do there best to hurt Israel before they are found with out a supporter and ally. 


Just my thoughts. 

I think if you said that 10 years ago, it would have been correct. Today, however, the world has changed. It is divided into three camps: the West, Russia and its allies, and those on the sidelines. 


The US is waging a trade war against China. It is also providing money and weapons to Ukraine in its war against Russia. Plus, the West has imposed huge sanctions on the Kremlin. So there is a great deal of antagonism going on at the moment. If there is a war against Iran, Russia and China would not sit by. They would at least secretly give funds and weapons to Iran. 


The Iraq war was a long one, in which the US was involved at least for 9 years. It is estimated to have cost the US taxpayer 1.7 trillion dollars. The Afghan war is still running. That means it has been active for almost 18 years now. It has cost the US about 740bn dollars so far. 


Iraq and Afghanistan are small underdeveloped countries, which the US underestimated greatly when it started its wars against them. Now think of Iran. It is a regional major power with a large army of religious fanatics who believe dying a martyr in the fight against enemies is glorious. 


You are correct on one point though. If it is only the US that starts the war, then the Iranians would likely not support their own government much. But if Saudi Arabia, other Sunni Arabs and Israel are also involved, the Iranians would see it as a holy war. So it would be "a mother of all wars", as the Iranian president has said recently. 



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Friends, some of the comments in this topic will remain hidden. Please remember to remain politically neutral and treat each other with love...

Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Jehovah and all the heavenly host are the ones who really see what is going on or not in this world.

Satan inspires propaganda on all sides ... from where we sit on our mole hill  ....it really is hard to get an accurate perspective on what really is taking place behind the scenes... 

That is why we are told continually to not let the politics of this world take up too much mental real estate in our hearts and minds... neutrality is not just a public stance .... it is a foundational way of life to maintain our love of neighbour and Jehovah.

Edited by Lance

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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This is affecting the world oil supply and prices in the US are starting to go up. However,  winter blending starts in October and around 10% of the gasoline blend will be butane. So there is an automatic 10% increase in gasoline supplies when winter blending starts.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 hour ago, Tortuga said:

This is affecting the world oil supply and prices in the US are starting to go up. However,  winter blending starts in October and around 10% of the gasoline blend will be butane. So there is an automatic 10% increase in gasoline supplies when winter blending starts.

The US has a huge amount of stored oil in underground caves, plus it is a much larger oil supplier than the Arabs , if this system does go on for a number if years BEV cars will put all oil nation's out of business, so the next important thing for controlling transportation/economies  will be nickel, copper and lithium! 

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If the houthis keep rocketing the saudi with their missiles, leveled all of their oil supplies

it would make USA the only oil exporter left.

their citizen would become very rich off course.

and i could see this at Trump. He doesn't look like really upset about that.


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7 minutes ago, tuntun said:

would make USA the only oil exporter left.

A lot of countries export crude oil.


Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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23 hours ago, tekmantwo said:

How could that have any bearing when discussing an aircraft? Its not like a rocket or a shell, where you can deduce the direction...

I have no idea but it is an issue that keeps getting mentioned. I guess a drone attack will have a more likely  success rate if the attack is linear and not circling around the target in the final stage.


However, if cruise missiles were indeed involved they would definitely attack the targets in a direct trajectory.


I think the entire thing stinks of war-mongering. To claim there "is no evidence" of the attack coming from the south while at the same time casually stating the attack was launched from Iranian territory, a claim that no other government has substantiated. Somebody wants a war here, or at least wants to give that impression. The whole thing could, of course, blow over as it often has done, for example when certain elections are over.

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The situation is more complicated. There are several parties that have interest in the conflict:

The Saudis have been involved in a horrible war against Yemen for five years now. Houtis are subsidised by Iran and in fact Iran could help them to organise the attack. Iran that way could demonstrate that they are capable of harming the Saudis. Saudis run out of money now. In order for them to balance the war, the oil must be sold for at least $70.

The Saudis would like the USA to do the war against Iran, so they can be safe. They also can sell more to Iran as they become their only resource in case of war.

Israel is interested in destruction of Iran as their worst enemy.

Putin wants the oil to be more expensive and also would like to sell more of their own oil, so a war in that region comes handy. Putin starts earning cash when oil reaches $60. They also can sell more to Iran as they become their only resource in case of war.

There are many other terrorist groups within Saudi Arabia, who would like to get rid of the Saudis and take over the country.

Chinese are interested in getting a deal with Russia and Iran and would like to buy oil from Iran.

This is a simple explanation of how complicated is that situation. Everyone has multiple reason to start a war there but everyone would like to do it with the use of someone else. It is impossible to say who started the attack.

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18 hours ago, ChocoBro said:

I guess a drone attack will have a more likely  success rate if the attack is linear and not circling around the target in the final stage.

I think that would depend on the sophistication of the drone. If it was remotely piloted they could easily perform that maneuver..

18 hours ago, ChocoBro said:

However, if cruise missiles were indeed involved they would definitely attack the targets in a direct trajectory

Same thing with cruise missiles, they could be programmed to fly to a certain point and then turn to a different bearing for the final leg of the attack profile..


I heard today that 'they' have recovered bits of the weapons/drones/missiles used in the attack, I am sure some spin doctor will offer their version of the attack soon.


I agree with you on the war mongering aspect of this event, we will have to wait and see how it plays out on the world stage.... 

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On 9/19/2019 at 1:07 AM, tekmantwo said:

I think that would depend on the sophistication of the drone. If it was remotely piloted they could easily perform that maneuver..

Same thing with cruise missiles, they could be programmed to fly to a certain point and then turn to a different bearing for the final leg of the attack profile..


I heard today that 'they' have recovered bits of the weapons/drones/missiles used in the attack, I am sure some spin doctor will offer their version of the attack soon.


I agree with you on the war mongering aspect of this event, we will have to wait and see how it plays out on the world stage.... 

Whether a direct attack or with a large circling maneuver... one of the big elephants in the room is how could US technology that is so vastly being implemented by Saudi Arabia fail to such a large degree? The simple excuse is: the drones and cruise missiles flew too low to show up on the radar. That begs the question: what is the point of all this costly defense equipment if it isn't capable of stopping a single attack?


To add insult to injury, Putin has offered Saudi-Arabia a sale of S-400 missile defense systems. This is clearly a provocation to taunt Trump and the Pentagon by implying that US defense systems are worthless.

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