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At what age are you considered 'old'?

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Ipsos survey reveals answer...




In Australia, it’s 66.


That’s the response revealed in the Ipsos MORI 30-country survey on attitudes towards ageing.


In Spain, people are considered old at 74 years of age. In Britain, it’s 68, in France, it’s 69 and in Italy, it’s 70.


However, other countries put Australians’ estimates back in a favourable view. In countries such as Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, you’d be considered old at just 50 years of age. d3d1e8877bcd6fafdb32ad8d1237e977.jpg&key=5719b336af2a453f967df4cd533087facec2836e1dd43964f2f87aed57987ad0


Just Older



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A raisin is a worried grape, so if you aren't worrying so much you should stay younger no matter where you are. In NZ we have less wildlife to worry about - so yeah ...

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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5 hours ago, Bek said:

According to the UN's age classification, young people is up to 44, adult persons: age 45 – 59; Elder persons: age 60-64; Old persons: age 65 – 90; Very old persons: age + 90.

I feel much better now. I am going to become an elder after 45.

Edited by מתתיהו
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Young is as young does. So old is as old does. 

The above is just a saying (that yes, I just made up, lol), that you're as young and as old as you feel.


I had a first cousin that loved to be wise (to him that is). One night we're on the phone and he said to me: "we're getting old cousin." And I was like (to myself): right. But to him I said: Let me explain to you how this is. YOU may be getting old, but I'M just getting oldER...there's a difference." 


And I really feel that way in that it wasn't just a conversation between my cousin and I. 


To me "OLD" (with humans) is something you discard such as an old slipper, et cetera. I'm not trying to be discarded. 


As a matter of fact, "OLD" has gotten a bad taste in people's mouths, that is why that term is no longer used. Instead it's now acceptable to say "Seniors." Instead of saying "Old Folks Home" it has been changed to "Retirement Homes" and so forth. 


Sooo, though I'm 72 and proud of it, I'm not only 72 years old, but rather just 72 years old with no adjectives attached because I feel I don't need to. Yeah.

Edited by Luezette
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For the past 4 weeks I have been a shut in.  Am okay with it because I know Jehovah is with me.  I had a major surgery, and limitations are high.  But I have ability to text and or call, but friends would rather text me.  Except for a few older ones, like ones in their 90's, who some can and some cannot text or even know how to use their grand kids cell phones.   Yesterday, I called a sister who's grandson last year killed his own father in the sister's house.  He was not a witness.  Neither was the parent he killed.  Anyway, the sister and her husband who is 92, are still living in their home.  Since the last time I saw her prior to my surgery, she had had 2 more.  She had her knee done and her wrist.  Carpel syndrome.  She said her back was killing her, but once she got up, she said and moved, she is fine.  Her husband keeps busy too, he's even got  the snow shovels out (were  expecting snow) and he's ready.  She was so encouraging, we both had a great time talking.  She is 89 going on 90, and he is 92 going on 93.  How does she do it? By the power of the Most High, special mightiness, and her reliance on Jehovah.  She hasn't been able to go to the meetings yet, but is already talking about driving herself. 


So friends, old, by age means nothing.  Jehovah is ancient of days!  Who is older then him? He keeps working and so do our beautiful young people, middle age friends, mid 60's, over 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and a few in their 100th year.  We have such a diverse group in our hall.  You may have similar.  Think like brother Losch, said...living forever, 100,000 years, 100,000 x100,000 years, it goes one and on in the paradise.  I loved his expression. And the best one (that really doesn't go in here) was Nov's broadcast, He Is With Us, and not With Them!  Sorry, I had to put this in here, even though it may no belong, but that really touched my heart.  I know it really touched some of you in here, even the hardliners.

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1 hour ago, Old said:

As I approach old age I can't help wondering what it will be like. :lol:

Well, for one thing a lot of moaning and groaning.   When you sit for a bit you lock up and it takes a little bit to get moving smoothly again. Arthur (itis) tends to play havoc on the joints in hands, etc.  Need I say anymore.  Hopefully not a bleak picture.   😧  Actually other than a small bit of arthritis I feel very fortunate as a seasoned person.

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Old is as old does. I have figured out if you can move pretty much like you always have, still able to push yourself a bit, physically, and don’t think like an old person, you are not old, no matter what the numbers say! 
I’m 76, my friend, a pioneer sister, aged 77, or maybe 78, have just bought tickets for the Music Festival. A week end of going from venue to venue, deciding on which group it will be most fun to dance to! 
This same sister and I headed off to the beach, decided we wanted another day at the beach, we slept in my car, and the next day, off to the beach. 
It was fine with my husband. He hasn’t quite figured out to do with me. And, he’s three years younger! 
I have physical issues here and there. Nothing major, and it’s not limiting me too much. 
Actually, as I get older, I realize my health, (such as it is) is something I’d best be quietly thankful for. So many ones I love are going through miserable things. Absolutely miserable. 

(Sisters, I haven’t had to give up 👠 yet! ) 

I’m going back to my favorite saying. (In determining how much energy I give to whatever) “Will it matter in 700 years?” Nope!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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2 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

Old is as old does. I have figured out if you can move pretty much like you always have, still able to push yourself a bit, physically, and don’t think like an old person, you are not old, no matter what the numbers say! 
I’m 76, my friend, a pioneer sister, aged 77, or maybe 78, have just bought tickets for the Music Festival. A week end of going from venue to venue, deciding on which group it will be most fun to dance to! 
This same sister and I headed off to the beach, decided we wanted another day at the beach, we slept in my car, and the next day, off to the beach. 
It was fine with my husband. He hasn’t quite figured out to do with me. And, he’s three years younger! 
I have physical issues here and there. Nothing major, and it’s not limiting me too much. 
Actually, as I get older, I realize my health, (such as it is) is something I’d best be quietly thankful for. So many ones I love are going through miserable things. Absolutely miserable. 

(Sisters, I haven’t had to give up 👠 yet! ) 

I’m going back to my favorite saying. (In determining how much energy I give to whatever) “Will it matter in 700 years?” Nope!

Wow Sister Bea, I remember you as a teenager when you first came to our KH. That your first time had to be about 57 years ago.   :crying:

I think our brothers and sisters have a common ground in remaining young at heart, far more than the world.

What beach? 

Frank Sinatra said it well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG7suS4YJWk  


 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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28 minutes ago, Old said:

Wow Sister Bea, I remember you as a teenager when you first came to our KH. That your first time had to be about 57 years ago.   :crying:

I think our brothers and sisters have a common ground in remaining young at heart, far more than the world.

What beach? 

Frank Sinatra said it well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG7suS4YJWk  


Big Lagoon. That is really a place special to me. I lived there as a kid. My childhood was not great, but, where I lived was a gift from Jehovah. The ocean, beach, The Lagoon, woods. Yes, a paradise. 
Now, I get to wait for the real one! 
When you first met me, I had black hair. Now, it is white! I kid you not. White! 
Jerry, I think we don’t age like the world because of the hope we have! 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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In the United States Federal law says it's 65 although now retirement age is getting older. It used to be younger than 65 retirement age that is. 


A story when I was little child for some time I said you weren't old until you turned 63.  Somehow I just came up with that age and people thought it was funny for some reason especially if they were 63  or older.  I just decided one day.  Someone was telling me that they were old then they told me their age.  I said:  "Oh no, you're  not old until you're at least 63."    Kids!

Edited by JW2017
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