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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS!': Surgeon general says they won't protect from coronavirus

John Bacon



I heard this on the news a couple of days ago.  It is truly sad - because now there is a lot of hoarding of masks

and ones are buying them up to sell at a ridiculous cost -  Sad because they truly are so mis-informed about the mask(s)

about the mask purpose -  as to what it can and cannot do!  They cannot keep them at the store where my husband works - 

they meet the shipment at the door(s)!!!


Edited by TiaCyre
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51 minutes ago, Todd komaniak said:

You can't spell holy spirit with the letters from internet connection but yet that's what connects us all that and love know that I'll be thinking of you and all eight million plus of our brothers and sisters even though no internet connection.HAHA

Nice comment - i meant internet connection if we are all contained ... helps allay cabin fever

6 minutes ago, TiaCyre said:



Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS!': Surgeon general says they won't protect from coronavirus

John Bacon



I heard this on the news a couple of days ago.  It is truly sad - because now there is a lot of hoarding of masks

and ones are buying them up to sell at a ridiculous cost -  Sad because they truly are so mis-informed about the mask(s)

about the mask purpose -  as to what it can and cannot do!


Learnt just recently because of my asthma/lungs the N95 is no good for me and others like me - because we can't get enough air.


On another subject - A sister gave Andi and I some heritage radishes, and I take anything heritage, turns out that radishes are very good for eliminating mucus from your system. so grow little radishes grow!

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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7 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

Learnt just recently because of my asthma/lungs the N95 is no good for me and others like me - because we can't get enough air.

LDC requires a medical questionnaire and possibly a medical evaluation before approving anyone to wear N95 masks.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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5 minutes ago, Bro Richard said:

LDC requires a medical questionnaire and possibly a medical evaluation before approving anyone to wear N95 masks.

Makes perfect sense - so buying them up in my situation is stopping another person who should and can wear it.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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This afternoon, I had the privilege to work with the Chinese overseer.  This is what he said.  We have been asked (Chinese Congregation which is new to our hall) "Sister, the slave said this work will be accomplished all the way into and through Armageddon.  We will continue to keep working.  Jehovah, has things under control and he will make sure that Satan and his system will never stop it.   Our preaching will intensify and come what may, because Jehovah, everything he has left in Jesus' hands the congregation and the elders.  This preaching work will reach a momentum that the world has never seen before and will never see again."  "Let's get going."   (I do not speak Chinese, but they took me with them.  I had a great time, I didn't wear my mask, and we met quite a lot of Chinese in service.  The sister in the car group, said, this is the best Sunday we've had in a long time. So many new ones in the territory.  I loved being with them!!! One of the many good experiences I've had the privilege of doing. 

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The Great Tribulation will definitely come at the height of our witnessing work - and only Jehovah knows when that is.

We know also that preaching the good news WILL come to an end. The FDS have not, to my knowledge, said we are going right through Armageddon as we know our preaching work peaks with the hailstone message. (I'd love a link if they have said otherwise).


We will continue our teaching work right into the New System with the resurrected ones and our little ones and whoever Jehovah saves who aren't Witnesses if that is his will. (Maybe a hiatus for a Jubilee year/s who knows?)


5 minutes ago, Allabord4Jah said:

This afternoon, I had the privilege to work with the Chinese overseer.  This is what he said.  We have been asked (Chinese Congregation which is new to our hall) "Sister, the slave said this work will be accomplished all the way into and through Armageddon.  We will continue to keep working.  Jehovah, has things under control and he will make sure that Satan and his system will never stop it.   Our preaching will intensify and come what may, because Jehovah, everything he has left in Jesus' hands the congregation and the elders.  This preaching work will reach a momentum that the world has never seen before and will never see again."  "Let's get going."   (I do not speak Chinese, but they took me with them.  I had a great time, I didn't wear my mask, and we met quite a lot of Chinese in service.  The sister in the car group, said, this is the best Sunday we've had in a long time. So many new ones in the territory.  I loved being with them!!! One of the many good experiences I've had the privilege of doing. 


Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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4 hours ago, Friends just call me Ross said:
On 2/29/2020 at 4:13 PM, Friends just call me Ross said:

We cannot completely isolate ourselves.  Hence the need to wash our

hands and not touch our face.


I live in the middle of the middle of nowhere and yet

today I could have been infected with the Coronavirus.


Although I am officially retired from the Fire Department,

the other firefighters asked me to help with an annual fundraiser,

selling Brats, Hotdogs and Chili in our FireHall.


One of our firefighters is married to a woman from the Philippines,

and she just flew in from Tokyo last night and he picked her up at our local

airport.  Of course, he didn't mention she had just flown in from Tokyo until

after we'd all been working with him in close quarters in the kitchen for a few



As contagious as this virus seems to be, exposure is inevitable.  


To borrow Michael Janitch's motto:  (Dutchsinse)

Works for both earthquakes and pandemics.:D


I went to the meeting today wearing a mask.  

I explained to the brothers and sisters there

that I had come in contact with a man

whose wife had just flown in from Tokyo.  


I asked if I should stay or go home and listen in via the phone tie-in.


They waved goodbye and told me to use the phone tie-in.


The elder who also advised I leave,

without even turning in my service time, 

was the one who read 'the' letter after the meeting. :D 


My hubby chuckled that I had made the 60 mile round-trip drive for nothing.


I felt the risk was extremely low and that I would have been okay

seated by myself in the back or in the library, but I was out-voted. :D 


Always better to err on the side of caution.

Thank you for your post, just had to use this as a portion of family worship discussion today. I hope all is well with you in Michigan.😀

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Has the coronavirus outbreak entered a dire phase? 'Boom' of US cases 'should be expected'



A "boom" of confirmed cases of the coronavirus that has killed almost 3,000 people around the world could already be racing across the U.S. despite ramped-up efforts to contain the outbreak, experts say.

The spread of the virus by "community transmissions is an indication that we could indeed be looking at the tip of the iceberg,"  🤨

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I've been updating my to go bag. I want earloop masks (like emergency room masks) because I am avoiding everything, not just the coronavirus. Got some peroxide and now need gloves, canned food and more water in case people start emptying the shelves here.. Also need to stock up on meds and pet supplies.

Edited by cricket246

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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3 minutes ago, cricket246 said:

I've been updating my to go bag. I want earloop masks (like emergency room masks) because I am avoiding everything, not just the coronavirus. Got some peroxide and now need gloves, canned food and more water in case people start emptying the shelves here.. Also need to stock up on meds and pet supplies.

Might have trouble getting all that into a 'Go Bag'. Sounds more like an emergency stockpile which is good.

Meals Ready to Eat, weigh far less than canned food and for the most part taste better. Stored in a cool place MREs last a long time. Much easier to carry in a Go Bag.


If I can just find a source for dihydrogen monoxide in a dehydrated form my Go Bags will be complete.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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hmmm.. maybe the media is exagerrating this news.. 


Isn't it that Jehovah's people are so busy? We already have  30 hours provision in auxilliary pioneering... A lot were able to apply since 2011....because of that, a lot was able to preach more... How about the cart witnessing arrangement? In my city and other cities of my country.. The cart is there 12 hours a day.. So bro and sister are changing shifts... 

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It's 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time where I'm at so JennyM since it's about 11 in the morning where you're at if you were talking about the vaccine  the Israelis have been working on one for about 3 years and using the coronavirus as a basis for it that's why they say they may be close to a vaccine. Fyi mailman in Sarasota Florida time for me to go to bed.

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hmmm.. maybe the media is exaggerating this news..

I think Sister JennyM is referring to the  'China says more than half of coronavirus patients cured'

@JennyM  Maybe it be good if you add a quote to give your comments some context. Also try to have the facts to back up your statement.




Jenny m do you mean exaggerating about a cure?

No vaccine yet so likely most of the patients weren't critically ill. Just mild cases of Covid19



The vast majority of confirmed cases are considered mild, involving mostly cold-like symptoms to mild pneumonia, according to the latest and largest set of data on the new coronavirus outbreak released February 17 by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention



You're right it's 11.03 am. Good nite Brother Todd.


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Apparently, you can get it again after you've been cleared (good grief! 😖)


A woman working as a tour bus guide in Japan has tested positive for coronavirus for a second time, in what authorities have said is the first such case.


“Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs,” said Prof Philip Tierno at New York University’s school of medicine. He said much remained unknown about the virus. “I’m not certain that this is not biphasic, like anthrax,” he said, meaning the disease might appear to go away before recurring.



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3 hours ago, M'Awan said:

I think Sister JennyM is referring to the  'China says more than half of coronavirus patients cured'

@JennyM  Maybe it be good if you add a quote to give your comments some context. Also try to have the facts to back up your statement.



No vaccine yet so likely most of the patients weren't critically ill. Just mild cases of Covid19



Im referring to all the news in media about the corona.. Is it exaggerating or truth? If its truth then we cant follow the yeartext  to make disciples. if its exaggerating, it only creates fear and panic. 

It seems that those who die from coronavirus have underlying symptoms or have weaker immune system.. So if you think you're healthy, you don't need to worry about... 

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33 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Apparently, you can get it again after you've been cleared (good grief! 😖)


A woman working as a tour bus guide in Japan has tested positive for coronavirus for a second time, in what authorities have said is the first such case.


“Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs,” said Prof Philip Tierno at New York University’s school of medicine. He said much remained unknown about the virus. “I’m not certain that this is not biphasic, like anthrax,” he said, meaning the disease might appear to go away before recurring.



Herpes is another virus that does that .. once your immunity is low it pops back up to say hi in a very ugly painful way..


27 minutes ago, JennyM said:

Im referring to all the news in media about the corona.. Is it exaggerating or truth? If its truth then we cant follow the yeartext  to make disciples. if its exaggerating, it only creates fear and panic. 

It seems that those who die from coronavirus have underlying symptoms or have weaker immune system.. So if you think you're healthy, you don't need to worry about... 

There's a lot of conspiracy theories out there, but it's interesting that the truth is probably amongst them.

But how does one tell? Only time will give us the truth - or maybe not even then. 

The thing is about 'healthy' people there are many who don't go for check ups and could well be walking around with high blood pressure, diabetes or some other disorder that isn't apparent until it's quite advanced.

I've been thinking of the younger generation a lot of them are ill way before our generation was ... we are all falling apart methinks ... what a sad world we are living in right now. 

We went to the meeting yesterday as one does when you are a Witness, there was this man sitting outside the Hall ... just waiting ... I introduced myself and he said "It's my first time here" he had visited our tent at the market the day before - so we invited him to sit with us - his name is Adam, and he turned to us and said a few months ago I was an atheist then I realized by research that we are designed ... there is a God and I want to know him. The interesting thing is he's also an activist ... constantly getting warned by facebook .. he's appalled at what is going on ... he said the world is falling apart .. we are going on his first study on Friday ... he said people are scared out there ... he also said - he's blown away with the meeting. So maybe this is going to be the silver lining people coming to know Jehovah.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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25 minutes ago, JennyM said:

So if you think you're healthy, you don't need to worry about... 

You really do need to take whatever precautions you can, Jenny. It’s not an exaggeration and it can kill you, even if you are healthy. But we have to keep our senses in all things, and not panic. 

We will find ways to witness safely. We will find ways to have spiritual food. Meetings may be different for a while. But we have Jesus leading us. And we have faith that with caution and being aware, we will manage this. 

I do agree, though, that some news is just sensational and not helpful. 

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