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2020 special convention Abuja

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Yesterday February 3 all congregations in Nigeria were given further information about the special convention that would be held November 20-22 in Abuja.

We are so excited to welcome all you dear friends from arround the world who would be coming.

Are you a Nigerian brother or sister?

Was your country invited?

Would you like to attend?

Join this thread and let's talk about




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I wish I was going I'm sure it will be amazing...


I know a family in my congregation who went to Johannesburg last year, the videos, photos and experiences were fantastic 

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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If you are from any of the following countries,  Benin,  Canada,  Central  African Republic,  Cote  d’Ivoire,  Denmark,  Faeroe  Islands, Ghana,  Greenland,  Iceland,  Kenya,  Liberia, Norway,  Senegal,  Sweden,  and  the  United States, have your country been formally informed of their invitation? How are the friends taking the news I mean how is the excitement about the prospect of attending the special convention like? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

ABUJA 2020


since the 2020 international convention is scheduled to take place by november in the nigeria's capital city,Abuja and it is fast approaching,i thought it might be useful to bring up this topic so that brothers and sisters from all over the world (especially those preparing to attend the convention) can feel free to ask almost any question about nigeria to satisfy their curiosity.

to start with i will mention some interesting information about nigeria;


(1) location;nigeria is located in west Africa


(2) population; As of 2019, the estimated population of the country is over 200.96 million, ranking 7th in the world.


did you know??

nigeria is commonly called the Giant of Africa because it is the most populous black nation in the world.


(3) nigeria has 250 ethnic groups and over 500 languages.


(4) Theocratic history;

nigeria holds the 4the largest population of Jehovah's witnesses in the world today,thanks to the zealous and courageous efforts of brother W.R Brown (popularly called Bible Brown) who brought the truth to the region of west Africa in april 1923.


did you know??


Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe (the first indigenous governor-general of nigeria) was a bible student to Brother Bible Brown. and during the preparation for nigeria's independence in 1959,Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe made a special request for Brother and Sister Brown to represent Jehovah's witnesses in that historic national ocassion.









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It would be so interesting to attend that Convention.


A number of years ago I had the #4 talk on polygamy in the school.  Doing Watchtower Index research on the subject I incorporated in the talk the history of JW's and the problem among them in Africa with polygamy in the early to mid 20th century. The Truth was brought to certain parts of Africa at first by people learning it on business or visiting Britain. They started Congregations and meetings were held.  At the time polygamy was practiced openly among professed JW's until the congregations became organized within the organization. When the missionaries come to organize the Congregations, polygamy was the first to go. Many left the Truth over it but many others stayed and dismissed their extra wives. More problems with this arose when it was brought to light that many were dismissing the older wives and keeping the youngest or prettiest. No they could only keep their original first wife.  While JW's cleaned up their Congregations many of Christendom's Church's even today openly practice polygamy in Africa._https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1995645 ; yb86 210-211, 216-218


It would be interesting to know if this is still much of an issue today or is polygamy in decline in Nigeria?

Edited by rocket

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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It would be so interesting to attend that Convention.
A number of years ago I had the #4 talk on polygamy in the school.  Doing Watchtower Index research on the subject I incorporated in the talk the history of JW's and the problem among them in Africa with polygamy in the early to mid 20th century. The Truth was brought to certain parts of Africa at first by people learning it on business or visiting Britain. They started Congregations and meetings were held.  At the time polygamy was practiced openly among professed JW's until the congregations became organized within the organization. When the missionaries come to organize the Congregations, polygamy was the first to go. Many left the Truth over it but many others stayed and dismissed their extra wives. More problems with this arose when it was brought to light that many were dismissing the older wives and keeping the youngest or prettiest. No they could only keep their original first wife.  While JW's cleaned up their Congregations many of Christendom's Church's even today openly practice polygamy in Africa._https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1995645 ; yb86 210-211, 216-218
It would be interesting to know if this is still much of an issue today or is polygamy in decline in Nigeria?

when we look at polygamy from the perspective of the ideas behind the practice and how these ideas have changed over time among the nigerian people,we will realise that the practice is seriously on the decline in today's modern nigerian society
i am going to mention some of these ideas and how they have changed over time.

(1) more wives mean more labour force.
in the past,it is a fact that most of the farm work was done by the wives of a man and since subsistence farming was the main means of livelihood,a man would want to acquire more wives who would produce more children that will assist in farm work.

how the idea has changed:

in the modern nigerian society today, subsistence farming is seen as a burden and not many people like to practice it anymore.mechanized agricultural is widely encouraged.so people no longer have need for more wives.

(2) more wives bring more respect.
in the past the more wives a man has the more he is respected among his kinsmen as it is seen as an indication of manliness.men with few wives were seen as weak.

how the idea has changed;

with increasing interest in western education and how respected the educated were in the society,people are now giving more attention to western education and show more respect based on how much education one has than how many wives he has.

(3) more wives mean more wealth.
in the past,a man with more wives was seen as being wealthy as it cost money to marry many women.so a man would want to have more wives to boost his self-esteem amongst his kinsmen.

how the idea has changed;

in today's modern nigerian society,a man with more wives will have more children and will have to work harder to take care of them.so men tend to prefer smaller families that they can take care of.so i'd say that economic situation has forced alot of men to shun polygamy.

(4) the idea that large families is a protection.

in the past,there is barely an efficient judiciary system so people are responsible for their own protection.a man with a large family will feel more protected as no one can unlawfuĺly deprive him of his belongings.

how the idea has changed.

today's nigerian society is far more structured, educated and litigious than that of the past.almost everyone knows how to get a lawer to fight over a case even if you're alone in this world.

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There is already a conversation.
kindly accept my heartfelt apology brothers,i did not realise this on time.

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There is already a conversation.
kindly accept my heartfelt apology brothers,i did not realise this on time.

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On 2/19/2020 at 7:59 AM, The German said:

There is already a conversation.


On 2/19/2020 at 11:51 AM, Ishaya said:

kindly accept my heartfelt apology brothers,i did not realise this on time.

Sent from my SM-G531H using Tapatalk

kindly accept my heartfelt apology brothers,i did not realise this on time.

Sent from my SM-G531H using Tapatalk

The two Threads are now merged into one.


We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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What is the security situation like in Nigeria?

The German government warns of danger.
This is from an official source:
"The crime rate in Nigeria is very high and the general security situation has steadily deteriorated in recent years. In large parts of the country there are incalculable risks to life and limb from threats, extortion, robbery, kidnapping and murder, especially when traveling by land.
In the economic metropolis of Lagos, armed robberies occur again and again, including in the city areas of Victoria Island, Ikoyi, Lekki and Ikeja, which are preferred by foreigners. Criminal incidents such as house break-ins and robberies are also reported in Abuja and other major cities in the country. "

How do you brothers in nigeria think about it?

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What is the security situation like in Nigeria?

The German government warns of danger.
This is from an official source:
"The crime rate in Nigeria is very high and the general security situation has steadily deteriorated in recent years. In large parts of the country there are incalculable risks to life and limb from threats, extortion, robbery, kidnapping and murder, especially when traveling by land.
In the economic metropolis of Lagos, armed robberies occur again and again, including in the city areas of Victoria Island, Ikoyi, Lekki and Ikeja, which are preferred by foreigners. Criminal incidents such as house break-ins and robberies are also reported in Abuja and other major cities in the country. "

How do you brothers in nigeria think about it?

Actually,about the security challenges mentioned,i see it to be a global problem as we hear of these bad things happening all over the world too.here in nigeria we have our own fare share of the problem.
we only have to learn to stay safe whereever we may be living on the earth,as the signs of the last days are evident in every part of the world.
it is even more so if we are visiting a place that we are not very familiar with.
it is very important to live in neighbourhoods that have adequate security provisions because not every part of a country may be safe to live in. but there are places that are relatively safer when compared to others.
so before moving to any foreign country it is important to do a thorough search on safe places to stay.
Also, it may be necessary to avoid showy display of wealth.this can easily make someone a target.
And Since security concerns everybody,one should always be on the lookout for security threats and be quick to draw the attention of security personels.

with regard to how the nigerians feel about the situation.

it is important to note that reactions about the security situation in the country is quite varied.
while some people do not give much attention to it and simply live their normal lives,some others have expressed a significant concern.some people whom i may call the conservatives,have felt very strongly that the breakdown in morality which has resulted in social vices is a consequence of exposure of the nigerian society to western cultures.to these group of individuals,the society was better,safer and more chaste when the traditional system was practiced before encounter with the europeans which unfortunately led to the incidence of the slave trade.these are mostly the older generations who are currently in their 70s,80s and above.

However,as Jehovah's witnesses,we are blessed to have an accurate knowledge of bible truths.we know that satan is the ruler of the entire world,and we also know that we are currently living in the last days.coincidentally the last days began in the same year that nigeria was formed from amalgamation of the northern and southern British protectorate.which is 1914.which logically meant that even without contact with the europeans and the influence of the western culture, situation would have still gotten bad because when satan was thrown down from the heanvens,a voice decared that "woe for the earth and for the sea because the devil has come down to you having great anger,knowing that he has a short period of time" Rev 12:12
so as Jehovah's witnesses we see the security challenges in nigeria as being part of a cummulative sign that we are living in the last days under satans rule. 1 John 5:19

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On 2/21/2020 at 8:38 PM, The German said:

What is the security situation like in Nigeria?

The German government warns of danger.
This is from an official source:
"The crime rate in Nigeria is very high and the general security situation has steadily deteriorated in recent years. In large parts of the country there are incalculable risks to life and limb from threats, extortion, robbery, kidnapping and murder, especially when traveling by land.
In the economic metropolis of Lagos, armed robberies occur again and again, including in the city areas of Victoria Island, Ikoyi, Lekki and Ikeja, which are preferred by foreigners. Criminal incidents such as house break-ins and robberies are also reported in Abuja and other major cities in the country. "

How do you brothers in nigeria think about it?

Bro Manfred it is a good thing u asked about the security situation in Nigeria. The information you got about it is a fact but like bro Ishaya mentioned it is a global thing. But the good thing is there are some steps to take to keep your self safe. 

1. Don't flaunt expensive items like gold, tablets and phones. 

2. Always move in a group

3. Don't walk about Town late in the night. 

4. Don't act as if you are new or a novice when you walk around town. When you walk, walk confidently 

If any other person has security tip please add

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On 2/21/2020 at 2:38 PM, The German said:

What is the security situation like in Nigeria?

The German government warns of danger.
This is from an official source:
"The crime rate in Nigeria is very high and the general security situation has steadily deteriorated in recent years. In large parts of the country there are incalculable risks to life and limb from threats, extortion, robbery, kidnapping and murder, especially when traveling by land.
In the economic metropolis of Lagos, armed robberies occur again and again, including in the city areas of Victoria Island, Ikoyi, Lekki and Ikeja, which are preferred by foreigners. Criminal incidents such as house break-ins and robberies are also reported in Abuja and other major cities in the country. "

How do you brothers in nigeria think about it?


Interestingly,  the first time I traveled on holiday/tour to Europe in the mid-1990's (Holland, U.K., Germany and France) it was there in Frankfurt - on my way to Weisbaden - that me and my sister friend were victims of a robbery by two local hoodlums.  Yet, in my travels to many African countries over a 20-year span, I experienced no crime/security issues. 


But, I digress.


Most governmental advisories will have similar warnings about Nigeria and several other African nations, for that matter. But please be aware that mainstream media outlets may oftentimes contribute in shaping these advisories.  As Brother Ishaya mentioned in his post, security issues (criminal acts) are a global problem that can affect anyone at anytime. It goes without saying, the GB is fully aware of security issues when it comes to planning international and special conventions.  (I commented on some security issues in this post regarding the International Convention in Atlanta last year. Also, there was  additional security at the Berlin IC for the benefit of the Russian family.)


As you may know, these special conventions are arranged/planned and discussed approximately 18 months to 2 years in advance, so it stands to reason that there are safeguards and other security measures already in place for this exciting upcoming convention in Abuja.  As I recall from personal experience, the  delegates will be briefed beforehand in a letter, briefed at their respective airport of departure, on the bus and/or at their hotels.  They will never be allowed to tour/walk anywhere by themselves and are advised to stay together at all times.  These safety protocols will remain in place throughout their time in Abuja.


When we listen and obey and take heed, then indeed blessings will flow.


Edited by Omoyeme
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  • 3 weeks later...

Jehovah’s Witnesses Set To Hold Special Convention



The religious organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses will be holding its first ever special convention in Nigeria come November 20, 2020 in Abuja. The special convention which will draw people from all parts of the world will be attended by thousands and is slated to hold at the Moshood Abiola National Stadium in Abuja. All events are seen on the JW event website.

This spiritual gathering is a way to celebrate their spiritual heritage, and they make connections with their fellow ‘brothers and sisters’ from several congregations and embrace their differences, learning from one another. At the convention, there will be an opportunity to learn proverbs from some of the languages from the numerous ethnic groups that exists in Nigeria, and it will be an exciting moment for all that attend.
NB: It is my utmost prayer to our God Jehovah that this special convention will hold.  A bit of trivia regarding the last special convention held:

For the record, the first convention of this kind was hosted in 1970, and it had a massive number of 121,128 people in attendance, and this would be 50 years since the maiden edition. Who knows? There could be special activities for the 50th anniversary because it is such a special record.


That number of 121,128 eclipsed the last international convention held on the continent in Zimbabwe in 2014!  South Africa's international convention was held in 2019, but I'm not certain of their peak attendence in Johannesburg at the moment. 
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10 hours ago, pnutts said:

Is this after Armageddon? 

From June 2020 to January 2021 thousands of international delegates invited to (8) eight Special Conventions around the world are indeed concerned about whether or not their conventions will move forward or if, ultimately,  alternative measures will be taken by the Governing Body  -- so making light of this matter is not helpful.  (We are aware of someone on these forums who is a delegate to one of these eight conventions and I can only imagine how they and their family must be feeling about this situation.) 


But, Jesus assured those who put faith in him that, with Jehovah, anything is possible. (Matthew 19:26)  And as stated in the Gilead graduation news article on jw.org:



It is clear that nothing can stop Jehovah’s power from helping us as an organization to overcome any obstacle.—Psalm 18:29.


IMO, it would be nice if we can keep this thread positive and upbuilding like previous convention threads until definitive information about the special conventions comes from WHQ.


Edited by Omoyeme
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Actually,about the security challenges mentioned,i see it to be a global problem as we hear of these bad things happening all over the world too.here in nigeria we have our own fare share of the problem.
we only have to learn to stay safe whereever we may be living on the earth,as the signs of the last days are evident in every part of the world.
it is even more so if we are visiting a place that we are not very familiar with.
it is very important to live in neighbourhoods that have adequate security provisions because not every part of a country may be safe to live in. but there are places that are relatively safer when compared to others.
so before moving to any foreign country it is important to do a thorough search on safe places to stay.
Also, it may be necessary to avoid showy display of wealth.this can easily make someone a target.
And Since security concerns everybody,one should always be on the lookout for security threats and be quick to draw the attention of security personels.

with regard to how the nigerians feel about the situation.

it is important to note that reactions about the security situation in the country is quite varied.
while some people do not give much attention to it and simply live their normal lives,some others have expressed a significant concern.some people whom i may call the conservatives,have felt very strongly that the breakdown in morality which has resulted in social vices is a consequence of exposure of the nigerian society to western cultures.to these group of individuals,the society was better,safer and more chaste when the traditional system was practiced before encounter with the europeans which unfortunately led to the incidence of the slave trade.these are mostly the older generations who are currently in their 70s,80s and above.

However,as Jehovah's witnesses,we are blessed to have an accurate knowledge of bible truths.we know that satan is the ruler of the entire world,and we also know that we are currently living in the last days.coincidentally the last days began in the same year that nigeria was formed from amalgamation of the northern and southern British protectorate.which is 1914.which logically meant that even without contact with the europeans and the influence of the western culture, situation would have still gotten bad because when satan was thrown down from the heanvens,a voice decared that "woe for the earth and for the sea because the devil has come down to you having great anger,knowing that he has a short period of time" Rev 12:12
so as Jehovah's witnesses we see the security challenges in nigeria as being part of a cummulative sign that we are living in the last days under satans rule. 1 John 5:19

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Bro Ishaya I dey greet you, how una dey? (Pidgin)

Were you chosen to attend the convention from your congregation?

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10 hours ago, Omoyeme said:

IMO, it would be nice if we can keep this thread positive and upbuilding like previous convention threads until definitive information about the special conventions comes from WHQ.

My after Armageddon comment was wistful ( hopeful ).  Yes things can move that fast.


Case in point. Our circuit assembly was canceled March 14th - last Saturday. We watched prerecorded version. Even those with no internet.


Tuesday March 17th our body of elders got together and researched Zoom to hold midweek meeting allowing commenting on Wednesday the 18th.

Went very well with just a couple of hicups.


Today Saturday 21st weekend meeting flowed very well for us - just a couple had problems answering because devices too close to each other caused audio feedback.

This all happened in less than a week since all KH meetings were canceled. No - our KH is closed - everything done from homes.


A month ago we never expected to be ordered by the governments to stay in our homes


With Jehovah's people the unthinkable happens Fast. Meetings back on and it is Wonderful. 😍

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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