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Who runs jw-archive.org?

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Sometimes on jw-archive.org there are interesting tidbits of news concerning the Witnesses but then at times I'm really wondering who runs the site? When I still was active on Facebook I used to be part of the FB group of that site and enjoyed having discussions there -- even though some apostates and other fakes tried to make their entrance there at times. But on some occasions I felt that the site ain't really reporting on positive things happening, more of arsons, bus accidents, suicides of brothers (?). I mean, this world is no happy-smiley-fantastic world where only good things happen but after what happened to me last time I've tried to refrain from visiting the site...


There was a tidbit on the GB member, Br. Lösch, with a couple of pictures of him and then IIRC a YouTube video embedded. I checked out that video and it seemed all legitimate, was news to me that he could give talks in Italian. I do not understand Italian but it was subtitled to English and had to with Witness view of higher education. What got me off balance though was when I translated some of the comments (with Google Translate) to English and noticed the channel maintainer (who had also uploaded the video) seemed very much of an apostate site/channel. I then talked about this to an Italian brother in our congregation and mentioned part of the channel name to him. So he seemed to confirm my doubts that it indeed was a site/channel with apostate origins. Also, another case was a few months ago when this site published a news item of a HEARSAY that had to do with closing off English congregations in either the Netherlands or Germany.

Then again I haven't even checked the actual list if the site I mentioned is featuring there.

Hmmh, oh well, maybe this is just my problem and after all, everyone is to make their own decisions as well as "carry their own load".

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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I've been told his name is Michael Krewson. He used to go by Leachim Noswerk (Michael Krewson backwards) and now goes by Nomen Nestico (which essentially means "anonymous" ). I was also told he used to be "JWN" (Jehovah's Witness News) before he started this current blog. I don't like him, as he steals posts from Facebook groups and publishes them publicly from time to time, pictures and all. One topic had a picture of me and my kids on them, and I asked him to remove my photo, and he emailed me back saying that he didn't have the time and I should be more careful in the future. Ummm.. hello? It was a private group to begin with.


He also encourages the electronic distribution of the Watchtower Library on CD-Rom. When I questioned him about it, he emailed me back basically chewing me out with some not so pleasant language.


So while he presents himself as a supporter of Jehovah's Witnesses, his actions sometimes make you wonder if he is really a brother or not.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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So while he presents himself as a supporter of Jehovah's Witnesses, his actions sometimes make you wonder if he is really a brother or not.

I have wondered the same thing. I stopped visiting his site after I questioned his posting the WT CD and he told me essentially to mind my own business.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Why don't you put a watermark in the documents so people will see which file came from where?

LIke for example, one of the website address of watchtower, this drive more traffic to the society's website if it goes to the wrong hand; whenever we see that document that contains that watermark, that means it came from that site. Maybe some disclaimer or small prints that states this document is for brothers only and only in limited distribution.

Maybe putting the watermark will drive also more traffic since people who have access to that document will go to your website for curiousity. Not to discredit the people who are distributing your work but just to inform them where the actual credit is due. According to alexa, most of the traffic of these websites are in the 45+ years old demographics. For sure they are curious to know.

I was in an impression that copying an article from one board and pasting it to his website is common among witness' site but for heaven's sake please credit where it came from. Brothers are just afraid that they lose visitors to their site. /RantOff

He also calls himself "The Librarian" and he and I have had a few heated exchanges. He was posting files he took from another site which we try keep as private as possible.

Modesty is not something we can simply define in a way that suits us.


Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.

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There was a tidbit on the GB member, Br. Lösch, with a couple of pictures of him and then IIRC a YouTube video embedded. I checked out that video and it seemed all legitimate, was news to me that he could give talks in Italian. I do not understand Italian but it was subtitled to English and had to with Witness view of higher education. What got me off balance though was when I translated some of the comments (with Google Translate) to English and noticed the channel maintainer (who had also uploaded the video) seemed very much of an apostate site/channel. I then talked about this to an Italian brother in our congregation and mentioned part of the channel name to him. So he seemed to confirm my doubts that it indeed was a site/channel with apostate origins. Also, another case was a few months ago when this site published a news item of a HEARSAY that had to do with closing off English congregations in either the Netherlands or Germany.

I saw this video previously, and I heard the same talk in English. The "translation" by the apostates is slanted (what else could you expect?) His point was that going to college, just because some have survived spiritually, doesn't mean all will.

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I receive a daily email from jw-archive, which always includes the days text.

Aside from that, it seems most of the posts are basically sourced from the public domain. Yes, including suicide, bus crash, toxic waste buried at WT Farm etc. The good, bad and ugly. (I realize I have not enumerated the 'good')

However, one item was disquieting. To begin with, the source was 'Anonymous'. The story was that the 9/11 attack on NYC was, in reality, an attack on Jehovah's organization. It claimed that, on a whim, the entire Governing Body decided to visit the World Trade Center that Tuesday morning, and they were just about to step onto an elevator when the first airplane struck. According to this report, the elevator went hurtling down to the basement right before their eyes !

This is ridiculous. Why jw-archive chose to report such a fantastic and unsubstantiated story as this is beyond explanation.

And yet, the mass media does the same thing all the time. In their case, it can generally be understood to be all about money; how to sell more newspapers, get more eyes on their web page, charge advertisers more for the viewers.

Alas, no matter where we get our information (official publications excepted) don't believe everything you read !

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Okay, thanks for a profound explanation and splitting this into its own topic.

Even though I might not need all the details to be able to trust on a site claiming to be a Witness site, it was good to see here the topic where the names and countries of brothers and sisters moderating this board was mentioned.

And also good to know that I'm not the only one being alarmed by some things on the site mentioned in the topic.

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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This is exactly why the FDS is forced to caution us over and over about these seemingly useful resources on the internet. Sometimes it's brothers that you wouldn't trust with a public talk running them...sometimes it's worse.

I remember seeing this guy offer the WT Library and the reasoning/excuse for doing so was that brothers in lands under ban weren't able to receive it through the congregation. I tried to remind him how Samuel was running late and so King Saul took it upon himself to sidestep God's arrangement by offering the sacrifice to Jehovah himself, you know for the good of Israel, and how that worked out for him. It fell upon deaf ears.

Just stop it.Romans 12:2

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Good response Tom. Also I thought of this:

I remember seeing this guy offer the WT Library and the reasoning/excuse for doing so was that brothers in lands under ban weren't able to receive it through the congregation.

And he knows this how...?

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Good response Tom. Also I thought of this:

I remember seeing this guy offer the WT Library and the reasoning/excuse for doing so was that brothers in lands under ban weren't able to receive it through the congregation.

And he knows this how...?

That is ridiculous. I had the privilege several years ago working in Brooklyn, and one of the assignments I had was assisting in getting literature and printing materials to the banned countries. They use many methods, but having someone post on the web contrary to their instructions is not one of them. Technology has made things easier for the organization, but if they wanted the entire library posted, they would do it themselves.

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If they're doing it by their own hand, it is clear that they are simply disrespectful of Jehovah's arrangement. If some he is worried about brothers in the non christian countries then he is worried with brothers who are not regular in attendance. My dad and his brothers came from the middle east. If you are not regular in meeting attendance you will find it hard to see the witnesses again. And that's the time you will have a hard time getting your meeting times or your theocratic stuff.

Beside banning our preaching work, they also know our website of course and materials related to that so they probably are censored.

Good response Tom. Also I thought of this:

I remember seeing this guy offer the WT Library and the reasoning/excuse for doing so was that brothers in lands under ban weren't able to receive it through the congregation.

And he knows this how...?

That is ridiculous. I had the privilege several years ago working in Brooklyn, and one of the assignments I had was assisting in getting literature and printing materials to the banned countries. They use many methods, but having someone post on the web contrary to their instructions is not one of them. Technology has made things easier for the organization, but if they wanted the entire library posted, they would do it themselves.

Modesty is not something we can simply define in a way that suits us.


Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.

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I remember JWN from ages ago and became rattled about some things, their refusing to disclose who they were for one thing.....

Is JW Talk the site you are discussing? Ive just had a look and a lot of the people here are part of it. I am also a member but I had forgotton all about it. Is this aka JW Archive?

Nothing bad can last forever!

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I am getting confused, toooo tired! Cant think!

I just wanted to avoid Jwn and any successor to it!

They announced that they had been asked to close but now theyve resurfaced again? There are quite a lot of "JW" groups about, I dont think I will even bother checking them out...

Nothing bad can last forever!

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I remember JWN from ages ago and became rattled about some things, their refusing to disclose who they were for one thing.....

Is JW Talk the site you are discussing? Ive just had a look and a lot of the people here are part of it. I am also a member but I had forgotton all about it. Is this aka JW Archive?

I am getting confused, toooo tired! Cant think!

I just wanted to avoid Jwn and any successor to it!

They announced that they had been asked to close but now theyve resurfaced again? There are quite a lot of "JW" groups about, I dont think I will even bother checking them out...

JWTalk is us right here. We're a lovely bunch ;)

Then there is the Yahoo Group "jwtalks" which is Steve Klemetti's mailing list linked to his mega recorded talk archive. That list is friendly enough, but it more of an announcement list than a discussion forum.

JWN used to be jehovahswitnessnews.wordpress.com and is now closed. It's successor is stuffofinteresttojws.blogspot.com which is the blog that the domain jw-archive.org points to. He presents himself friendly, but then posts some content that is really off the wall, disrespectful, and inappropriate - yet not technically "wrong". This is the one we are discussing here.

There are a few Yahoo groups and a few Facebook groups, and then 3 Witness forums out on the real internet that I know of, with us being the only non-secretive one.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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"Then there is the Yahoo Group "jwtalks" which is Steve Klemetti's mailing list linked to his mega recorded talk archive. That list is friendly enough, but it more of an announcement list than a discussion forum."

I have been a member of the Yahoo Group "jwtalks" for years. Steve may seem to be flacky at times. but his heart is in the right place.

I'm also the Admin. of a FB group called "Christian - Jehovah's Witness" (CJW) Don't get us mixed up with the apostate group "Christian-Jehovah Witness" Notice they have no 's after Jehovah. When I took the group over it was overrun with aposates and had over 9000 members. We have kicked all the know aposates and are currently cleaning out the list and are down to 8402. Sad to say we know we have some hidden apostates cause our posts keep showing up on apostates websites. We will soon root them all out and have our site back again.


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I'm also the Admin. of a FB group called "Christian - Jehovah's Witness" (CJW) Don't get us mixed up with the apostate group "Christian-Jehovah Witness" Notice they have no 's after Jehovah. When I took the group over it was overrun with aposates and had over 9000 members. We have kicked all the know aposates and are currently cleaning out the list and are down to 8402. Sad to say we know we have some hidden apostates cause our posts keep showing up on apostates websites. We will soon root them all out and have our site back again.

Good luck! (GASP - did I just say that :P) They are a few in here too. It's the nature of the net. We can fully moderate content, but can never 100% moderate applicants. No biggie. Life goes on. Keep posting (tu).

I've been a member of the group you took over since it had like 130 members. I saw it peak over 13,000 at one point.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I'm also the Admin. of a FB group called "Christian - Jehovah's Witness" (CJW) Don't get us mixed up with the apostate group "Christian-Jehovah Witness" Notice they have no 's after Jehovah. When I took the group over it was overrun with aposates and had over 9000 members. We have kicked all the know aposates and are currently cleaning out the list and are down to 8402. Sad to say we know we have some hidden apostates cause our posts keep showing up on apostates websites. We will soon root them all out and have our site back again.

Good for you for cleaning up that town site. :cowboy: Didn't know it could be done.

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JWTalk is us right here. We're a lovely bunch ;)

Hey Bob, did you mean a "lovely bunch of coconuts! :lol1:

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I believe the site is run by an apostate or by a person under the influence of the demons. The owner is very rude, very UN-Christian-like. He has absolutely no fear of the living God Jehovah. I stay away from there.

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  • 2 months later...

I, too, perused that site until I saw that "legitimate" JW's did not approve of it! It's great to know that loving and caring JW's are able to warn those of us less knowledgeable about these things, to stay clear. I appreciate my dear brothers and sisters who show loving concern. Please continue to stay true to your beliefs!

walkr2 (Voni)

The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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