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Under Biden, the plight of persecuted Christians may worsen

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Source: https://www.christianpost.com/news/under-biden-the-plight-of-persecuted-christians-may-worsen.html


President Biden’s recently confirmed UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield is unlikely to use her diplomatic muscle to defend Christians against persecution.

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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It is often said that, when pointing the finger, we should remember that there are three more fingers pointing back ... I found it interesting that, while criticizing lack of "The persecution of Christians in the Middle East and their mass slaughter in countries across Africa", no mention was made about the persecution of Christians in Russia.

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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2 hours ago, Qapla said:

no mention was made about the persecution of Christians in Russia.

Probably because “mainstream Christian” churches (trinity-adherents) are pretty well tolerated in Russia (or I assume they are well tolerated)

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And to think that Human Rights Watch said religious persecution in RussIa focuses almost exclusively on Jehovah’s Witnesses.


This was a much stronger statement than anyone would have expected. The thought was that all minority religion experienced trouble in that land. Not so, it is almost all JWs. Who would have thought 4 years ago when we were writing letters that things would escalate so quickly? And yet, Putin himself has stated, “I don’t understand why Jehovah’s Witnesses are persecuted.” Did his more duplicitous subjects educate him on that point?


Two years ago I wrote an ebook that I later took down as amateurish and not too good. Its rewrite is much tighter, more focused, and updated to the present. I hope it will reach places where it will do some good, and if it simply serves as a witness, it will do some good. Like its predecessor, it is free. It is a slightly longer version of my letter 4 years ago:





Edited by TrueTomHarley

Author of two ebooks and print, one on the opposition to the kingdom work in Russia, and one on the opposition in Western lands. Search: Tom Harley on Kindle and other ebook retailers.



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It's ironic really, as a lot of his supporters hate Christians, yet are pro anti-Islamaphobia, of which... is a religion against homsexualilty, and puts women below men to an extreme, far more stricter than ours. But these days the term has been made comorbid to a "race" when it's not.


Whilst hailing anti-Islamaphobia, they at the same time practice Christophobia. Everything about all these social-political groups is extreme hypocrisy.

Edited by EccentricM
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  • 3 weeks later...

In the long run, this might be good news.
Revelation tells us the governments will outlaw religion shortly before the end comes, and the way Revelation intertwines the account of the destruction Babylon, it looks as if the UN is going to play an integral role in this.
I feel like we live in a time similar to when the Romans were surrounded Jerusalem before they mysteriously left only to return 4 years later.
In short, I feel like now is the time to "flee to the mountains" if we haven't already. Lately, I've been giving a huge amount of thought to the question "Am I really ready for the Great Tribulation and all it might bring?" Is my faith strong? Am I politically neutral in all things? How is my personal study? Am I keeping my finger on the pulse of the needs of the friends in the congregation? Will I miss anything in the world once this world is destroyed?
It's really exiting times when you see it from that perspective, sometimes I feel like the Israelites on the first Passover, poised and ready to leave Egypt. I must have been incredibly exciting and a little scary at the same time, but I'm sure those who trusted in Jehovah, knew that whatever they were apprehensive about, Jehovah would take care of it. 

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3 hours ago, Katty said:

I feel like we live in a time similar to when the Romans were surrounded Jerusalem before they mysteriously left only to return 4 years later.

Jesus did compare the end times to the fall of Jerusalem, so no doubt we'll see more and more parallels over time.

I know secular historians beleive Revelation to be a prediction of the fall of Rome too, and the heads of the wild beasts to be the seven leaders of Rome at the time or something like that. And people have drawn similarities between the fall of the Western world and the fall of Rome. The decadence of it's society leading to its collapse and replacement by an all new type of power (at the time, Catholicsm).

Now of course, Revelation speaks about the end of this world we live in as a whole, but.. it would not surprise me if Revelation and the wild beast also was a reference to the fall of Rome, which "echos" the fall of the system we live in now as a whole, in the way Jerusalem's destruction is a dual prophecy for their time and our time.

Rather than false religion taking over the world however (in the case of Rome being followed up by the churches), "true" theocracy will take over, Jehovah's kingdom.

It's not wonder Jesus warned of fale Christs, because when Rome fell, many Christians must have saw the rise of the Pope to be some "christ-like" figure fulfilling Revelation for them.

Edited by EccentricM
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May get better for brothers in Russia?

Let’s see if “earth” opens its mouth

Rev. 12:16
But the earth came to the woman’s help, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river that the dragon spewed out from its mouth.

Some headlines this morning:

U.S. Sanctions Squeeze Russia’s Bonds Despite Economic Strength
Diplomatic campaign in response to alleged cyberattacks and election interference is raising borrowing costs for Russian government

Russia will face consequences if Putin critic Alexei Navalny dies in prison, White House warns

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