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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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2 minutes ago, WestBro said:


Funny how the headline left out ONE word from what was said:


"Ukraine will EVENTUALLY join NATO"


I am sure they will AFTER the war is brought to a close.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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1 hour ago, WestBro said:

Putins worst nightmare 😬

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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5 hours ago, Dages said:

Not so far, but 10 years, yeah...

I hope it comes this year, but... sigh... we have to be patient, and many people need to hear the Good News.

Jehovah’s people needs to be strengthened by the good news convention! Enjoy the convention dear brothers and sisters!! Then we shall see…

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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2 hours ago, Doug said:


This has always been the key.  The unknown detail is the meaning of Jesus words "by no means pass away until all these things happen".

No explanation has been floated as to what he meant "by no means".  Dozens?   Hundreds?   Thousands?


I beat this drum a lot, but I'm personally convinced the GB pay attention (keep on the watch) to the number of partakers back in 1991/92 (the last chance to belong to the second group)  and how many of them are still with us.   Not their names ~ just the numbers.


But even then, we don't know what Jesus meant with "by no means".  To be a part of the second group, one would have been partaking for at least the past 32 years or more!!!

I find the detail you mention very interesting, Brother @DougDouglas. It had completely escaped me. Surprisingly, in French, this subtlety does not exist in the same form, not in these terms anyway. It is literally translated as follows:
(Matthew 24:34) “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away, no, except all these things come to pass.” 'By no means' is translated as a simple No, as if Jesus simply wanted to support the negation of  the first sentence. Don't know what to think about...

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I find the detail you mention very interesting, Brother [mention=1076]Doug[/mention]Douglas. It had completely escaped me. Surprisingly, in French, this subtlety does not exist in the same form, not in these terms anyway. It is literally translated as follows:
(Matthew 24:34) “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away, no, except all these things come to pass.” 'By no means' is translated as a simple No, as if Jesus simply wanted to support the negation of  the first sentence. Don't know what to think about...

In Polish the same. It’s worth checking Greek

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🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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6 hours ago, trottigy said:

EDIT: one more odd thought to throw into the mix .... Just a what if.

I was baptized in 1982. If I was one of the anointed - I would be in that overlap. I am 56 years old. Now, what if I just now started partaking this year or next - as I finally came to grips with that calling (not saying that I did or will!). Would you count me in the overlap or not? You have to see that there is no way for the GB to "pay attention (keep on the watch) to the number of partakers back in 1991/92".


You would have to have been partaking before 1991/1992 to be part of the overlap. I agree, I don't think the GB has the needed information to track how many are part of that group.


Furthermore, I don't think they want to know. This feels like the mistakes many have made in the past trying to "calculate" exactly when the end will come. It's a distraction at best, or a stumbling block at worst.


I don't mind wondering if the GB will announce that every anointed person they know has been sealed, but trying to figure out how many of the overlapping generation is left so you can narrow down the dates feels like a dangerous game.

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Kremlin says Russia and NATO are now in "direct confrontation"
Russia says that makes NATO de facto a party to the conflict. Putin said in February that a direct conflict between Russia and NATO would mean the planet was one step away from World War Three.



Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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2 hours ago, Sofia said:

Kremlin says Russia and NATO are now in "direct confrontation"
Russia says that makes NATO de facto a party to the conflict. Putin said in February that a direct conflict between Russia and NATO would mean the planet was one step away from World War Three.



getting worse and it will get worse until Jehovah steps in. 

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10 hours ago, trottigy said:


I am wondering - how do you think the branch is doing this? The elders only report total number of partakers - there is no information on age OR when they started partaking that is sent to the branches.


No, there's no specifics about age and when started in the After Memorial report to the branches.


However, when a partaker dies, is it possible that such information is provided to the branch?  


We know there were 8,683 reported partakers in 1992.  So, there's the baseline for the second group.


When Jesus made his comments, he was teaching his disciples an important truth.  He began with: "Learn .  .  .  from the fig tree .  .  .

And he added emphasis by starting his teaching point with "Truly"  .   .    He only did that on a few occasions.  


Our Christian Life and Ministry March 2018 featured the topic Close to the End of this System of Things.   We were given the link to watch Br Spane's video and then answer five questions.

The last question was "How do Jesus' words indicate that we are living deep in the time of the end?"


And the answer is:  There were just 8,683 of the second group 26 years ago (at the time the material was being studied in 2018 [today its 32 years ago]) and based on what Jesus taught 'Learn'  these 8,683 will by no means pass away until all these things happen'.


Mt 24 is about the sign his disciples asked for.  Some features of the one sign wouldn't be fully understood at that time.  But not paying attention to Mt. 24:34 (as in knowing approximately how many remain till today)  would be no different than not paying attention to wars, earthquakes and food shortages.  Mt 24:7.    It's one sign.


One other thought;  The Slave needs to gauge the information they dispense.  How can they gauge properly?   By the intensity of wars?  The severity of food shortages?  The frequency of earthquakes?   No.  Because they have no way of knowing if things will get a lot worse than it is now or not.


However, they can gauge by how thoroughly the Good News is being preached in all the earth. That is measurable.

And, they can gauge by approximately how many of the second group of "this generation" are still alive.

Jesus said "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away".


And just knowing how many are still alive doesn't mean we can know the day or hour.  Nor do we know the meaning of the expression "by no means pass away".  The Slave has said it doesn't have to mean it will go all the way down to just a few.  Nor does it mean the last of them will be old and decrepit.


It can be any day now.

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10 hours ago, Michał said:

In Polish the same. It’s worth checking Greek


In the original Greek the sentence begins with ἀμὴν (Amen).

Using ἀμὴν gives the assurance that it will certainly happen, it is impossible that it will not happen has Jesus said.

In Portuguese is similar to English.


Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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14 hours ago, cme said:

Don't think for one minute that Jehovah does not hear our cries for the Kingdom to finally take place.


If His people are clamoring for relief will he not act?


He heard the isrealites in Egypt.  Please, don't give up.  Continue waiting and praying for endurance and patience and stay busy in Jehovah's work.  What is coming is not pretty.  You are not the only one feeling this.  We all are.


And if we all are, do you think Jehovah is deaf and does not hear us?  Does not see?  Does not feel?


Its coming and its coming fast.

I don't know, but why I have this feeling that sooner or later, the proclamation of P&S will take place....?


I'm in this forum for a short time ago 😅😆 But ugh, I have seen that there are things here that the GB already answer or responded.... such as slacks for sisters? 😅 beards? 


I think Jehovah will answer all of our prayers when it's the right time like how the beards and slacks are took place.... yes, in His right time...


So, the right time will not be late brothers........ 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Edited by jrnievas
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4 minutes ago, jrnievas said:

I don't know, but why I have this feeling that sooner or later, the proclamation of P&S will take place....?


I'm in this forum for a short time ago 😅😆 But ugh, I have seen that there are things here that the GB already answer or responded.... such as slacks for sisters? 😅 beards? 


I think Jehovah will answer all of our prayers when it's the right time like how the beards and slacks are took place.... yes, in His right time...


So, the right time will not be late brothers........ 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Same feelings. You watch the 2022 peace conventions.. Some bro arent wearing ties and sisters are wearing pants during GT and coming out of GT. And in paradise, men arent wearing ties. 

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18 hours ago, Dhanyel said:

Sometimes I think the end is coming in a week, a month, a year, but there are days when I think it will come in about 15 or 30 years. Do you also go through this? All I want is for everything to end soon; I can't stand this depressing system anymore! 


Luke 12:40 tells us to "keep ready, because at an hour that you do not think likely, the Son of man is coming.”


In Portuguese it uses a word related to probability, meaning at an hour some may think there is no probability, maybe because something is not set or done yet.


In Greek it says that Jesus will come in that hour which you are not thinking he will come.


I expect it to be at any moment now, hoping that it will be delayed for some more time.

Edited by Paulo


Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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2 hours ago, Paulo said:


Luke 12:40 tells us to "keep ready, because at an hour that you do not think likely, the Son of man is coming.”


In Portuguese it uses a word related to probability, meaning at an hour some may think there is no probability, maybe because something is not set or done yet.


In Greek it says that Jesus will come in that hour which you are not thinking he will come.


I expect it to be at any moment now, hoping that it will be delayed for some more time.

Why would you hope it’s delayed?

where all tired!

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5 hours ago, JennyM said:

Same feelings. You watch the 2022 peace conventions.. Some bro arent wearing ties and sisters are wearing pants during GT and coming out of GT. And in paradise, men arent wearing ties. 


 I hope I'll be wearing pants when coming out the GT sis.

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3 hours ago, Sackedbysapp said:

Why would you hope it’s delayed?

where all tired!


I hope it is delayed for some more time so I can be more prepared for it.

So we all can have more time to help us all to be more prepared for it.


1 Co 10:12 that leads to Luke Luke 22:33,34

Anyone here really thinks that is 100% prepared for it to come?



Edited by Paulo

Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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Jehovah’s day has been set up a long time ago.

He has given enough time for show Satans BAD ruler ship.

The date won’t be changed just because some anointed seem to be missing to complete the 144,000 total; or because this wicked system is becoming unbearable to stand or much less if some of the other sheep are not prepared.

the 144,000 will be complete 

We can’t have any idea about the exact number of the remnant but we don’t need to know.

Their final sealing should be complete soon too.

We are given enough time and warnings to BE READY.

If we postpone GT day in our minds and hearts then that day will overthrow us like a thieve unexpectedly.

We must keep on the watch.

even if it takes a few more years.

But if it comes within months ask yourselves: “boy! Am I ready for this?



Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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3 minutes ago, Sofia said:

Le jour de Jéhovah a été institué il y a longtemps.

Il a donné suffisamment de temps pour montrer le mauvais pouvoir de Satan.

La date ne sera pas modifiée simplement parce que certains oints manquent pour compléter le total de 144 000 ; ou parce que ce mauvais système devient insupportable, ou encore moins si certaines des autres brebis ne sont pas préparées.

Nous disposons de suffisamment de temps et d’avertissements pour ÊTRE PRÊTS.

Si nous reportons le jour GT dans nos esprits et dans nos cœurs, ce jour nous renversera de manière inattendue comme un voleur.

Il faut rester vigilant.

même si cela prend encore quelques années.

Mais si cela arrive dans quelques mois, demandez-vous : « mon garçon ! Suis-je prêt pour ça ?



I agree @Sofia. One thousand, million, billion %

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The day was set up. It won’t be changed. It will occur on the appointed time without delay.

Now we don’t argue anymore saying that it a required more time before the door shuts in GT.

The door will be shut at Armageddon 

We will continue to preach ALL aspects of the good news until then.

It’s foolish to postpone the date in our hearts.

Then we won’t be prepared and suffer more trouble more losses and distress.

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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