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LDC - how are projects going in your area

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1 hour ago, Tsheppar said:

I know right ?! It's kinda hilarious 😆. I guess that was a cool name  in the late  1900s Lol!


Side Note:Okla Homa the man ended up living in Texas. I don't know how many from the State of Oklahoma are on jw talk. But we sure are glad he came to Texas. Hahhabhabbabab!! Burn !!


(And for International readers.).. The state of Texas and the State of Oklahoma have always had a fun rivalry. So Im just adding salt to the wound. Cause thats what i do. 🤣


Can you imagine if he did live in Oklahoma in Rogers County.


"Hi, I am Okla Homa Rogers from Rogers County Oklahoma" 🤣

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1 hour ago, Tsheppar said:

I know right ?! It's kinda hilarious 😆. I guess that was a cool name  in the late  1900s Lol! 


"Okla Homa" was one of the earliest witnesses in my local area, and because of his witnessing many- MANY


....familys came into the truth .


Mine included.


The amount  of people that have gone to Bethel and Missionary Work traced back to his original witnessing, I cannot even begin to count. 


 He was my dads best friend, and they were separated in age  by about 30 years. My dad always referred to David and Johnathan. One older  and one younger, yet  bound by a deep brotherly love. 


  My dad went to prison for neutrality in the 1950s  and "Okla Homa" helped him  understand how it was necessary and how to endure it. 

 I have heard of other old time brothers refer to Okla Homa as being  their "best friend". 


Not as an elder.


Not as a teacher. 


. ....  But  as their best friend.


He obviously was a very special man that accepted Jehovah early on  when the majority did not. He was an outcast of his time. 

  He thought the end was going to come in his life time. On his dying bed he was expecting the Great Tribulation to come . He died in the mid  1990s !


Thanks, fascinating.


FWIW, I believe this is his grave, at Flat Rock Cemetery, around 10 miles from Llano:



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2 hours ago, Tsheppar said:

N'est-ce pas ?! C'est plutôt hilarant 😆 . Je suppose que c'était un nom sympa à la fin des années 1900 Mdr ! 


"Okla Homa" a été l'un des premiers témoins dans ma région et, grâce à ses témoignages à de nombreuses reprises, BEAUCOUP


....les familles ont découvert la vérité.


Le mien inclus.


Le nombre de personnes qui sont allées au Béthel et à l’œuvre missionnaire remonte à son témoignage initial, je ne peux même pas commencer à le compter. 


 Il était le meilleur ami de mon père et ils étaient séparés d'environ 30 ans. Mon père faisait toujours référence à David et Johnathan. Un plus âgé et un plus jeune, mais liés par un profond amour fraternel. 


  Mon père est allé en prison pour neutralité dans les années 1950 et "Okla Homa" l'a aidé à comprendre à quel point c'était nécessaire et comment le supporter. 

 J'ai entendu dire que d'autres frères d'antan se référaient à Okla Homa comme étant leur « meilleur ami ». 


Pas en tant qu'aîné.


Pas en tant que professeur. 


. .... Mais comme leur meilleur ami.


C’était manifestement un homme très spécial qui a très tôt accepté Jéhovah alors que la majorité ne le faisait pas. C'était un paria de son époque. 

  Il pensait que la fin allait arriver de son vivant. Sur son lit mourant, il s'attendait à l'arrivée de la Grande Tribulation. Il est décédé au milieu des années 1990 ! Il était littéralement en train de mourir mais croyait que la Grande Tribulation arriverait de son vivant. C'est pourquoi il a prêché si durement. 


Cependant, il a dû se rendre compte de son nom idiot, et il était plus communément connu sous le nom de « Homère ». ... Des années plus tard, arriva le dessin animé Les Simpsons, dans lequel "Homer" était un idiot maladroit. . Et le pauvre homme n'a tout simplement jamais rompu avec son nom ! Hahhaha Capture d'écran_20240503_004104_Google.thumb.jpg.30245a23830a915c5bb28dcbd65192ea.jpg Un seau de magasin de matériaux de construction populaire aux États-Unis. LOL


Nous avons eu tellement d'émissions ici récemment que nous le disions. Nous ne le savons tout simplement pas. 


Mais une chose que je sais , c’est que Jéhovah se souviendra d’Okla Homa. L'homme. Pour tout son bon travail. 


Note latérale : Okla Homa, l'homme a fini par vivre au Texas. Je ne sais pas combien de personnes de l'État de l'Oklahoma participent à JW Talk. Mais nous sommes vraiment heureux qu’il soit venu au Texas. Hahhabhabbabab !! Brûler !!


(Et pour les lecteurs internationaux.) L’État du Texas et l’État de l’Oklahoma ont toujours eu une rivalité amusante. Alors j’ajoute juste du sel à la plaie. Parce que c'est ce que je fais. 🤣

 Eager to meet Okla Homa. I love this name.

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  • 2 months later...

Our city has two Kingdom Halls for just two congregations, one on the northern side and another on the southern side. There used to be three to four congregations in the city a long time ago, but they have since been dissolved.


Recently, the northern Kingdom Hall was renovated, although we consider it to be more like a rebuild because almost the entire hall was demolished, leaving only the foundation and structural reinforcements.


The project took several months to complete and was finished in early 2024. I haven't had a chance to see the completed hall yet.


Just a few months after the project was finished, we received a letter from the branch specifically for our congregation, stating that our Kingdom Hall (southern hall) will soon be up for sale. There were no details about where our congregation is going to move, but we assume we are going to the northern Kingdom Hall.


We are hoping our southern congregation will not be dissolved. We are a large congregation with 140-150 active publishers, and the meetings are always 70%-80% full. In comparison, the northern congregation only has 100 active publishers, and another congregation outside the city on the southern side also has around 100 active publishers.


Although nothing has been confirmed yet as it is still too early, we are preparing for it and trying to engage more with some of our publishers who live quite far, as we might not know in the future if they will have to move.

Edited by gusdn1

"For now I would be lying down undisturbed; I would be sleeping and at rest."  Job 3:13

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On 7/29/2024 at 10:17 AM, gusdn1 said:

Just a few months after the project was finished, we received a letter from the branch specifically for our congregation, stating that our Kingdom Hall (southern hall) will soon be up for sale. There were no details about where our congregation is going to move, but we assume we are going to the northern Kingdom Hall.


We are hoping our southern congregation will not be dissolved. We are a large congregation with 140-150 active publishers, and the meetings are always 70%-80% full. In comparison, the northern congregation only has 100 active publishers, and another congregation outside the city on the southern side also has around 100 active publishers.


Although nothing has been confirmed yet as it is still too early, we are preparing for it and trying to engage more with some of our publishers who live quite far, as we might not know in the future if they will have to move.


What is the distance between the northern and southern Kingdom Halls? Also, how far is the congregation outside the city to your south?


I will say that they may adjust the borders and have the southern city congregation split some off who may live closer to the southern out of city congregation.

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12 minutes ago, Pabo said:


What is the distance between the northern and southern Kingdom Halls? Also, how far is the congregation outside the city to your south?


I will say that they may adjust the borders and have the southern city congregation split some off who may live closer to the southern out of city congregation.


Our big congregation holds more than 150km(93mi) of land territories from the city center to the east. That is why sometimes I get to nap in the car before we start ministry and an hour later, we are still driving.


The distance of our KH to the northern KH is around 12km(7.5mi), meanwhile the other hall outside of the city in the south is around 30km(19mi) away from our KH.

Edited by gusdn1

"For now I would be lying down undisturbed; I would be sleeping and at rest."  Job 3:13

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2 minutes ago, gusdn1 said:


Our big congregation holds more than 150km of land territories from the city center to the east. The distance of our KH to the northern KH is around 10-13km, meanwhile the other hall outside of the city in the south is around 30km away from our KH.


Still relatively short distances, so be prepared to be moved onto another KH.


Our KH is about 50km (30miles) to any other KH's in any direction. Even though we are only a small congregation, we are still have our own KH because of this distance. But if we were about 15km (9miles)  closer to another KH, our congregation would probably be dissolved.

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Last fall (September) we did a roofing project with a concrete parking lot repair at the same time. 


Just 2 weeks ago, we had the carpet replaced.  We took out the old 'roll-style' carpet and pad and replaced it with the current carpet squares and glue-dots.  We have a sloped floor (theater-style) and the chairs are bolted to the sloped floor.  It took a day to unbolt the chairs, remove them and store them in a container.  Then it took a day and a half to remove the old carpet and scrape the foam padding that was glued down.  Then a day and a half to put down the new carpet and another day to reinstall and bolt the chairs.


It all turned out well and it looks very nice.


EDIT: Picture of me in the hall after our LDC friends left.


Edited by jwhess
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8 hours ago, Pabo said:

We had a mini, mini, LDC project within our KH. We have just installed our custom built stick vacuum cleaner utility holder in our cleaning closet.



Love it.  I’m going to show one of the bros in our cong who loves to make things.

On another note we have had LDC at our hall assessing etc for hopefully a reno.  37 years old hall and apparently for a single congregation use hall, it is the biggest hall in the country.  

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6 hours ago, jwhess said:

Last fall (September) we did a roofing project with a concrete parking lot repair at the same time. 


Just 2 weeks ago, we had the carpet replaced.  We took out the old 'roll-style' carpet and pad and replaced it with the current carpet squares and glue-dots.  We have a sloped floor (theater-style) and the chairs are bolted to the sloped floor.  It took a day to unbolt the chairs, remove them and store them in a container.  Then it took a day and a half to remove the old carpet and scrape the foam padding that was glued down.  Then a day and a half to put down the new carpet and another day to reinstall and bolt the chairs.


It all turned out well and it looks very nice.


EDIT: Picture of me in the hall after our LDC friends left.


We have a sloped floor too. Not too common. I prefer to sit in the back for ease of reaching the floor with my feet as I am on the shorter side.  

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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14 hours ago, BLEmom said:

We have a sloped floor too. Not too common. I prefer to sit in the back for ease of reaching the floor with my feet as I am on the shorter side.  


Our floor slopes too, although not by design, but due to poor foundation footings. We have cracks on the on the stage wall which you can see daylight through it when the ground gets very dry.

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We recently renovated our Kingdim Hall, and the new look is very similar to the halls being built today. A very low stage, and behnd it some panels (sound deadening?). Alas, gone are the personal microphones, instead two brothers now circulate the hall with two large microphone at hands for answers.

Edited by Jimi-L

No matter how the wind howls the mountain cannot bow to it. 

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On 8/1/2024 at 12:28 PM, jwhess said:

Last fall (September) we did a roofing project with a concrete parking lot repair at the same time. 


Just 2 weeks ago, we had the carpet replaced.  We took out the old 'roll-style' carpet and pad and replaced it with the current carpet squares and glue-dots.  We have a sloped floor (theater-style) and the chairs are bolted to the sloped floor.  It took a day to unbolt the chairs, remove them and store them in a container.  Then it took a day and a half to remove the old carpet and scrape the foam padding that was glued down.  Then a day and a half to put down the new carpet and another day to reinstall and bolt the chairs.


It all turned out well and it looks very nice.


EDIT: Picture of me in the hall after our LDC friends left.



The Kingdom Hall is beautiful! I really liked the new carpet and was happy to see it in the photo.


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I have to get used to the "new style" Kingdom Halls in the Netherlands and other Western European countries. It's industrial, the exterior and the interior. Here are some pictures of quite a new Kingdom Hall in the middle of the country. (I took them from Google).

I don't know if it is a worldwide direction, or just locally, but when a Kingdom hall here has curtains, it is no problem to keep them. But, when the congregation wants to change anything, they can not put new curtains back. So the windows are just open like in the picture. It has to do with transparency.

There has been an announcement, though, from the LDC which made me very happy. They started to place AC's in all Kingdom Halls in the Netherlands!
I am so happy! Because sometimes in summer, it is too warm inside haha


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7 hours ago, Sepie93 said:

I have to get used to the "new style" Kingdom Halls in the Netherlands and other Western European countries. It's industrial, the exterior and the interior. Here are some pictures of quite a new Kingdom Hall in the middle of the country. (I took them from Google).


I am very happy you get a new hall.


In the USA, the LDC explained the new look is not industrial, it is educational (as in modern schools and training centers).

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In general, in Ukraine building projects has been decreased, but in our region we have project of major reconstruction. This is congregation of couple that have interview of one GB Update. 

That KH has been rebuilded from house and had problems with the roof. I will go here to fencing work next week and waiting for invitation to my profile electric... 

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I am very happy you get a new hall.
In the USA, the LDC explained the new look is not industrial, it is educational (as in modern schools and training centers).
That's funny because LDC and even the branch here says it's just practical industrial.
One brother of the branch once told me: we can build more Kingdom Halls in other countries when we strip all the unnecessary "coziness." So, the industrial style has the preference.

But whatever we call it, industrial or educational, I still have to get used to it a little

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And here I thought they used the word ‘commercial’ to describe the style. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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Personally @Sepie93I do not like curtains, they are dust collectors.  As to air conditioning here in Australia we have had it for around 40 years.  Mind you we were in a congregation around 20 years ago that was one of the very rare halls that did not have it and definitely needed it.  Originally systems were ducted then changed to split systems now going back to ducted.  

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Personally [mention=5088]Sepie93[/mention]I do not like curtains, they are dust collectors.  As to air conditioning here in Australia we have had it for around 40 years.  Mind you we were in a congregation around 20 years ago that was one of the very rare halls that did not have it and definitely needed it.  Originally systems were ducted then changed to split systems now going back to ducted.  
Yeah, curtains isn't the word I had to use.. I meant anything you can put before a window Sorry, I don't know the word in English.

Oooh I'm happy that the Halls in Australia have AC.. you need it so much more than we do actually

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-S911B met Tapatalk

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  • 4 months later...

In Alabama, they are kicking in. I have been invited to about a dozen over the last 18 months. I was able to work on three of them. The last one I was being evaluated to be a QET "Qualified Electrical Technician". This hall was closed for six years and needed a major remodel. The Kingdom Hall I attended has some minor must-do projects required by the city and state and a minor remodel in 3 to 5 years. There has been activity at a few halls for erosion, parking lots, and security projects.


One thing I do love is the direction that we are not to post pictures of the project on social media. I love that, keeps the attention hogs from boasting about the work they are doing. Also, no need to broadcast a site for vandals or thieves. I also enjoyed the friends as no one discussed any hour credits they may be able to use. One item I find with the LDC is all demonstrate a humble spirit. The LDC promotes unity far better than the RBC.



Edited by Golfguy74

adding the last paragraph
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On 8/7/2024 at 3:35 PM, MullumMiss said:

Personally @Sepie93I do not like curtains, they are dust collectors.  As to air conditioning here in Australia we have had it for around 40 years.  Mind you we were in a congregation around 20 years ago that was one of the very rare halls that did not have it and definitely needed it.  Originally systems were ducted then changed to split systems now going back to ducted.  

In the USA outside air capabilities are added now. Code requires. Glad of that, health considerations require it. I like that smoked glass doors are standard now unless the hall is in an area that could experience vandalism.

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Has anyone heard of field reps getting reassigned to the field?  That a restructuring is happening?  

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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