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In Jehovah's Memory
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  1. Try going to "settings/apps /JW library/storage Once you are there, you should see a" clear cache " option. Try doing that. Edit : sorry, I just reread your post and see that it's not a phone or Tablet. So I don't have a suggestion.
  2. Because this is a "discussion forum" and nobody will force you to participate if you don't care to.
  3. I'm Italian and native American, I'm an Awopaho [emoji16]
  4. On my android phone, the dark mode is coming from my browser, Chrome. I go into "settings" and choose "theme" and there choices for "light or dark" or "system default" When I set it for "dark" any website that can be rendered to a dark mode is displayed that way. I can't see any theme choices on jw.org itself.
  5. A guy takes his parrot to the veterinarian's office because he's stopped eating and is losing weight quickly. The doctor examined the bird and told the owner that the birds beak has grown out of alignment so the top beak doesn't meet the bottom, so the bird can no longer chew his food. But the doctor said that he could file the beak and reshape it and that would solve the problem. The man ask "how much would the procedure cost?" The doctor said "$500" The man said "I'm not going to pay $500 for something that simple, I'll do it myself" The doctor said "I guess you can do it but be gentle and careful when you are filing the beak." A week later the doctor runs into the guy at the market, so he asked him how his parrot is. The man said "oh, the bird died" The doctor was surprised and asked him what happened? The man said "I don't know, I was very careful when I filed the bird's beak, I gently reshaped them and they were meeting just right, but when I took him out of the vise he was dead"
  6. It looks like a small piece of Larry Niven's "Ringworld" to me.
  7. I got totally the wrong impression from the topic's title! The "instant pot" had me thinking in a different direction. [emoji1787]
  8. Encouraging article about us. https://religionnews.com/2020/11/13/a-lifeline-through-prison-walls/

Musky last won the day on December 17 2016

Musky had the most liked content!

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    Yes, in water even!

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    Raised in it

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