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Robin Williams found dead :>(

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I still remember the first time I saw him, it was an episode of Happy Days where he played Mork, which led to the spinoff show Mork and Mindy, which I watched all the time as a kid.


I really liked him, so did my kids.  Very talented.  


The news articles say he has been dealing with depression for quite some time. So sad that he couldn't overcome the depression and took his own life.  This world is just awful.

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At the University of Florida they have "Big Name" talent come in for the Homecoming Show each year - it is called Gator Growl ( there is even information about it with a list of some of the famous talent on Wikipedia) It is a student run and has, at times, come to be at odds with the University Administration due to the nature of some of the content of some of the performers.


In 1982 Robin Williams was the featured entertainment. He was so foul-mouthed and his humor was so risque/dirty that even the students who had formally been against censorship of the acts agreed that something had to be done.


Of course, this was before he became the well-known and successful actor he ended being - during his years after that 1982 Gator Growl he changed much of the content of his stand-up. Like many other comedians, he realized that humor does not need to revolve around sex and be full of foul language to be funny.


He actually apologized to the UF for his behavior at the 1982 Gator Growl - something none of the other acts that were in poor taste never did.


He became a very respected actor and a polished comedian - wonder what he will think when he next opens his eyes .....

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I was shocked when I saw this.  It was said that he took the role on the last TV show because he was also having financial issues along with depression and ongoing struggles with addiction.

Come join our service group singers......♫ Grant us boldness we witness....help us overcome our fear. ♫

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Robin Williams was only 63. It was a suicide by asphyxia after a long bout with depression.


He played private school teacher John Keating to Neil Perry, played by Robert Sean Leonard in the 1989 classic, Dead Poets Society.

And dozens of other magnificent roles...my condolences to his family.


My, he played an authentic, believable Popeye.  And Jakob the Liar.  And Patch Adams.  And Aladdin!!  And Lovelace/Ramon in Happy Feet. And Peter Pan/Peter Banning in Hook.  And...Mork.

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You always got the sense of his extreme intensity... he was always 'on the edge'.  I suppose it's the same with so many brilliant individuals.  The 'public face' is shown when he is 'up', but there'd have to be down times.  That intensity can't last 24/7.  I wonder if there is a lesson in that for all of us...

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof
is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

- from 'Mostly Harmless' by Douglas Adams  :loopy:

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Oh Captain, my Captain!

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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All I remember is a lot of profanity. Also not positive he would have spoken so highly of us if one of us fell.  All I can say is, his debt is paid and the rest remains with Christ.


I never quite understood celebrity, I guess.

He is a human being remember, and Jehovah views all human life as precious. There is nothing wrong with grieving this as a tragic loss of human life, someone who just couldn't get out of the black hole, while making sure everyone around him was happy and laughing. Tragic. We have had a suicide in the congregation, something like this brings it all back...

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Its amazing how many comedians suffer with depression.  Its like they are two different people, happy and funny in front of the camera and the opposite off camera.  Sad news.


Bro. Jonathan


I was thinking the same thing when I heard this!  So many of the celebrities are empty inside!  ..a facade of happiness and so torn inside.  So,

all that money and fame and degree of power...inside an empty shell!  Yet! some of Jehovah's people are poor or with little means, but

the joy in their hearts that the are serving the living God - fills them up with joy and they are NOT lacking!!!


So glad that we know Jehovah God and that we are privilege to continue to seek out those ones that are sighing!

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    Robin Williams suffered from manic depression,as I do too. Since I know it's effects have at times lead

me to contemplate committing suicide, I am forced to wonder if that is what happened to him too. As noted

 by some, Williams could be very profane. That was certainly a disgusting side of his personality. But he was

also capable of tremendous sensitivity ( Patch Adams, Dead Poets Society ) for example, and incredible humor,

( Mrs Doubtfire, some of his stand up gigs on Johnny Carson, etc. ). I think few comedians ever matched his frenetic

sense of humor.  As mentioned by some above, his fate now lies in Jehovah's hands who is the righteous ultimate

judge. Think of how shocked he will be to be resurrected to a world that is like the movie he played in, " What

Dreams May Come ". Only this one is a real early paradise, with no hell, like in the movie. And no reincarnation.

I wonder how he would react to that ?



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I, too, was quite saddened to hear this news. I know Robin Williams could be profane at times (I saw some of those movies before I came in the truth) but I don't hold people outside of the truth to the same standards as what we expect. He made some brilliant, thoughtful, laugh-out-loud movies, and was immensely talented and beloved by many.


Despite all outward appearances of success, Mr. Williams had his own battles with Satan's system.  I have two close family members who are bipolar and every day is a struggle for them. I would love for all of them to have the joy of being in the Paradise, without the pressures, illness, and sadness we all experience now.

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I've always wondered how many people would accept the truth if presented with it under different circumstances? Such as In the 1000 year reign with none or Satans influence, no pain, no stress. Perhaps that's why Jehovah said there would be a resurrection including the unrighteousness? And who knows how many non Jws will make it thru Armageddon? We will just have to wait and see. ^_^

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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You always got the sense of his extreme intensity... he was always 'on the edge'.  I suppose it's the same with so many brilliant individuals.  The 'public face' is shown when he is 'up', but there'd have to be down times.  That intensity can't last 24/7.  I wonder if there is a lesson in that for all of us...


It seems that way to me too.  There is a degree of autobiography in most of his movies, etc., too.  Peter Banning's "happy thought" was his children, in Hook, and his children led the divorced man to dressing up like a woman to spend more time with them, in Mrs. Doubtfire.  Robin has similar devotion for his three children - some of us could remember the tremendous pride and love he expressed when Zach, his first child, was born. Love for Olive Oyl was what really gave Popeye strength.  Standing up to one's principles is more important to John Keating than his job, and his students sensed it, in Dead Poets' Society. and the same was sensed by Patch Adams' patients.  All of that was barely showing under all of that wild frenetic chatter, but we, who have watched him through the years, could see it clearly.  Apparently that wasn't enough for him, which was the real tragedy for this unusually talented man.


I didn't know about the apology over the Gator Bowl profanity - that showed that he was humble enough to know when he went too far, and was willing to admit to it.  Wow, don't we all wish that there was more of that humility among the current group of comedians.

Edited by rbrown1205
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I too know the pain of a hurting mind. I have rapid cycling bipolar and go through many moods/emotions quickly. Medicine has not helped so I struggle. I knew something was wrong when I could not quit talking at a social gathering and really embarrassed my wife. The sad part was I did not know it was happening. I was totally somewhere else.


About 8 years ago I became very suicidal and had to have an intervention at my place of employment. The man who helped me (not a Witness) later committed suicide himself. He had high regard for Jehovah's Witnesses. I found myself feeling for guilty for him ending his life. But all I heard was how selfish he was. He was not selfish he was hurting.


I go through peaks and valleys with my emotions, some days better than others. I have learned so much about myself and my disease. I do my best to help others. I make comments that are downright painful to me when I talk of my pain. But I know it will help someone. Someone needs to know you can be in pain and continue. That you are not alone in your feelings is sometimes all one needs to know.


I am often like Robin Williams making others laugh, but can't make myself laugh. I seek happiness, but it continues to elude me.

I don't have his talent by any means, but I do understand the pain he comes from and it hurts bad. I have given that pain to Jehovah and he sustains me. I am not sure why, but I do know that Jehovah cares for me, more than I do for myself. I have a strong bond to him,like a 5 year old holding daddy's hand.


Let your Kingdom come, let your Kingdom come....


With many tears while I wrote this....Your Brother in Christ, Gregg

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