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Noah the movie - be careful. SPOILER

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I know there is already a topic on this, but I didn't know how to hide spoiler information. So I created a new topic. Sorry.

I've just seen it - this is my very basic review:

If you decide to see this movie, don't expect it to be anything like what the Bible teaches. This seems to be inspired by the demons. I say this because there is no mention of the nephilim and the angels who forsook their proper dwelling places are depicted as heroic.

SPOILER: The rest might spoil the plot for those who wish to see the movie.

These angels are refered to as "the watchers" and apparently came to earth to help humans, and were summarily punished by God for doing so. God, who is not named in the movie, turned these caring angels into very tall, deformed, rock creatures. These poor creatures then redeem themselves by building the Ark, and then saving Noah and his family from the attacking crowds. As each one "dies" protecting the Ark they are transformed back into angels and return, glorified, to heaven.

Who but Satan would want them portrayed in this way??

Methuselah was a loner who, using a magic glowing sword, protected "the watchers" from unthankful evil mankind in the years before Noah was born. This meant "the watchers" hated all mankind for being disloyal to God, but loved and protected Methusulia who seems to have spent his remaining years hiding in a cave.

Noah' father had a snake skin (presumably the skin shed by the serpent in Eden before it tempted Eve). This skin glowed when wrapped around the finger and forearm and appears to have had some role in imparting blessings. This skin was taken by Tubalcain. Tubalcain managed to sneak into the Ark and was cared for by Ham. Tubalcain then hands it to Ham just before he tries to kill Noah. Ham eventually gives it to Noah who uses it to bless Shem's two daughters.

During the whole movie I got the feeling that Jehovah was being portrayed as a cruel, uncaring, god (as he is still being portrayed now). It seems that His plan was to wipe all humans off the Earth, even Noah and his family. They were tasked to save the animals, then would eventually die out. Shem was the only son to have a wife. She was unable to have children - that is until Methuselah magically healed her (unknown to Noah). They are on the Ark when Noah finds out she is pregnant. Noah gets really angry because she has messed up God's plan for mankind to die out after Japheth. He states that if she gives birth to a son, he will be the last man to die. If she gives birth to a daughter, Noah will kill the child.

Noah, by the way, has already killed quite a few men. 10 minutes into the movie he kills his first man, gladiator style.

Shem's wife (I think her name is Illa) gives birth to twin girls. Noah is determined to follow God's will and corners Illa on the roof of the Ark. She asks him not to kill them while they are crying. So he lets her sing to them. When they quiet down he attempts to kill them, but just can't bring himself to do it. It seems that he is more just than God is.

Later Illa comforts Noah by telling him that God chose him because he had seen the worst in man, but had also seen the best (the innocence of little children).

It's an unusual movie. And seems to have taken quite a lot from the Book of Enoch and some of the other, supposed, inspired writings.

That's my take on it. If you have seen it, what's your opinion?

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I wished I had left the theatre and regret not doing so.

No judgement on anyone else but for me I should have left. I went with a few witnesses and we all agreed.

This film is a disgrace and I feel as if it were written by Satan himself.

It contradicts scripture in ways that benefit Satan's ends. We all know entertainment is an area in which we must be careful, things such as violence and Spiritism we know can have an influence on us and thats how Satan works, but this time I think its more than that, I think this film is a purpose made direct attack on God and the bible.

Its just my opinion and I know its a strong one and perhaps I should be more balanced but I just feel so angry, angry that quite probably millions of people will watch this and more than a few will walk away believing that the film is reflective of the biblical account.

If anything it reminded me that I need to be more careful with what I watch and also it showed me how close we must be to the end that Satan has intensified his campaign of propaganda to this level.

Again this is all just my opinion and I am feeling quite passionately as I write this as I have only just arrived home from the cinema.

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Thanks for that. My conscience has never allowed me to watch a supposedly biblical movie or program. Besides, the directors, producers, actors and actresses are part of this world and don't share our values. So even if some movies (as an example, the 50s movie The Ten Commandments) have some truth in them, there are always going to be gaps so extra scenes need to be made in order to make the story 'interesting'. Do you get what I mean?

Satan is the ruler of this world. Everything in it has been affected by him in one way or another. We don't want to confuse our minds and hearts with ideas in the world that are contradictory to what we study in Jehovah's Word.

So when it comes to watching something we think is based on the bible, it would be best to think again and watch instead what we know to be spiritually nourishing- a video made under the direction of the Faithful Slave.

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I never watch anything supposedly based on the bible that was rewritten in Hollywood.  Seems like every show or movie that comes out of there is based on the supernatural and totally twisted.  I wouldn't even watch "The Bible" , that series by Roma Downy because I know they aren't going to get it right and it will end up dishonoring Jehovah, not praising him.  Let's not forget brothers and sisters who is still in control (especially in movieland!)- Satan!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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  On 3/27/2014 at 10:04 AM, PioZak said:

Its just my opinion and I know its a strong one and perhaps I should be more balanced but I just feel so angry, angry that quite probably millions of people will watch this and more than a few will walk away believing that the film is reflective of the biblical account.

If anything it reminded me that I need to be more careful with what I watch and also it showed me how close we must be to the end that Satan has intensified his campaign of propaganda to this level.

Again this is all just my opinion and I am feeling quite passionately as I write this as I have only just arrived home from the cinema.


If it's any consolation, movies based on books rarely turn out as well as the book and a fair number are horrible adaptations.  Keep that in mind when talking to anyone you meet.  If they mention the movie, you can point out how you've read the real story and would be happy to help them understand what the Bible says on the subject instead of what Hollywood sensationalized.  Since you did see the movie, you can honestly tell them how far out of wack the show is.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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When you wrote SPOILER on the topic, it made me smile because the first thing that popped into my head was, "Okay, SPOILER: 5,000 year old story. Noah, his family: live.  Everyone else: dies. The End.  Who saw that coming?"


I knew immediately what you actually meant, but I suppose that there's just no telling sometimes what nonsense thing the mind will create to giggle at.

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there is this website www.kids-in-mind.com it gives rating on each movie for sex, violence, and language on a 1 to 10 scale I have concluded I do not like movies more than a 5 on violence scale ,so this helps me avoid some movies, also gives details on the movie it does spoil it in a way but ,keeps me from wasting money LOL, the one movie I did not consult the website was rango, I thought it would be fine BIG mistake. 

once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing strips with plaid is easy. Einstein

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They did an article about that movie on tv. I knew it was disgusting from what I saw, and what they said. They said they, "took liberties" with Noah's story. Well, Duh! And the world being the world, I figured aside from the, "liberties", it would be violence, and what ever else they could drum up to entertain debased mankind.

I've news for them. We don't need the movie! We will get to talk to Noah, himself!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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there are a few moments that are so cool ...  it shows that if they would want they could have made a great movie  


- but overall the movie is a disappointment -


The moment with the snakes (many snakes) getting into the ark made me think that if i would have lived in that days, likely i would have not been saved because i have snake phobia.   :lol:

" Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive ? "

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It is kind of sad, really tragic, that we have to retell the truth about Noah to many who think that this movie tells what the Bible says.  At least people are talking about Noah, and so we can open up a discussion of the real account.


My favorite movie depiction of Noah (and I know in my older age I am starting to repeat myself) is the one in "The Bible - In The Beginning", which was a fairly accurate movie from 1968 about the events from Creation to Abraham's attempt to sacrifice his son.  John Houston played Noah with great dignity and reverence  (in fact, he narrated the entire movie), and the animals marched into the ark to a beautiful classical song, and it wasn't boring at all.


I don't intend to watch this movie.  Russell Crowe played a great John Nash in A Beautiful Mind, but God's message is not a schizophrenic nightmare.

Edited by rbrown1205
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Noah will be a bigger bomb than Waterworld

Bill Underwood Phoenix Signs of the Times Examiner


March 30, 2014


Okay, I’m finally writing a movie review.


The crawl at the beginning of Noah tells of Adam and Eve losing paradise. According to the movie they had three sons, Cain, Abel, and Seth. Cain killed Abel. By Noah’s day all mankind had descended from either Cain or Seth. Cain’s descendants were the bad guys, Seth’s the good guys, of which Lamech and his son, Noah, are the last.

And there was a third element, The Watchers: huge, lava-like creatures that are a clear rip-off of the Rock Monster from the (comedy) movie Galaxy Quest. I wish I was kidding.


Read full review HERE

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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I was really disappointed.  I know that a biblical movie will never be totally accurate but certain aspects of the movie were just totally stupid.  Noah was a man of righteousness, not a gladiator or man known to kill others.


As mentioned, the Watchers..??!!  We almost walked out when they were first shown.  AND then when they were taken back to heaven…??!!  Are you kidding me…??!!  I am actually embarrassed to admit I seen it.  Such a disappointment, esp since Russell Crowe is one of my favs! 

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I wanted to post this on one of the Noah Movie threads because I thought it made some good points.


Looking at the trailor I thought "Hey, they got the ark right!" "Look at those special features! This is going to be a cool movie." but then i started hearing all these awful things about it. . . . .   Nope, not going to see that movie. -_- Oh, well. I went and saw the new Muppet movie with some friends. That was funny. :D

Edited by Wendy10698
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  On 4/2/2014 at 3:09 PM, Wendy10698 said:

Looking at the trailor I thought "Hey, they got the ark right!" "Look at those special features! This is going to be a cool movie." but then i started hearing all these awful things about it. . . . .   Nope, not going to see that movie. -_- Oh, well. I went and saw the new Muppet movie with some friends. That was funny. :D


Thank you, Wendy, there were some points there that are obvious for us but probably not for people who haven't read Noah's story from the Bible.


I had wanted to watch this movie since I saw the trailer. The images are spectacular, and there are several details, like the shape of the ark, that looked like they got it right from the Bible. Of course, the account from Genesis is very succinct so it's just natural that they had to fill in some invented details as long as they don't contradict what the Bible says. Genesis doesn't say, for example, that Noah was attacked by his angry contemporaries, but that sounds quite believable. I love it when he says in the trailer "I am not alone." :D


Yet one thing is filling in some credible details, and another different thing is making up a whole story that apparently only has in common with the Bible that there's a Noah, an ark with animals and a lot of water. I'm still in doubt whether I will go to see it or not, but at least if I finally do, my expectations will be much lower.

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  On 4/3/2014 at 11:50 AM, cvillarrubia said:

I'm still in doubt whether I will go to see it or not, but at least if I finally do, my expectations will be much lower.


Same here. The honest truth is I want to see it. It wouldn't be so bad for me if it wasn't called "Noah" and considered a "Biblical Epic". But then there is the shed snakeskin they wear for blessings that was from the Garden of Eden. That kind of puts a bad taste in my mouth, a really bad taste. Either way, if you do see it let us know your thoughts.  :)  :)   :D  :D

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