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DISCUSS COURT CASE HERE JW.org - Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

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5 hours ago, Sheep said:
22 hours ago, Tbs77 said:

A few minutes before I posted they played the segment today. I rewound and took stills to upload.

Do you have a link for it? I can't find one, except the older ones I mentioned.

That is really weird. I can't find it either. I looked on their website. Those are great screenshots!

The Bee

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There's a little bit of news about that meeting between Trump and Putin, but apparently nothing about religious or political prisoners.


Some of the news story beforehand were saying it was doubtful the subject would ever come up for discussion.


I posted a couple of things in another topic, since that meeting wouldn't belong here.

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11 hours ago, Willow said:

Seems to be a fair article and the Finnish Officials seem to be acting in a fair way. they say how they recognise the severity and increase of the persecution beyond just men, but women now. Pray & Hope more of our brothers left behind are not too vicitimized.


It seems that Mr Trump is not overly interested in bringing up tricky issues of persecution of JWs and other minorities in Russia, that the Human Rights groups in America hoped he would. He, as a known wealthy businessman, is more interested in schmoozing Mr Putin with business and co-operation deals - as he has done with China and N Korea - under the guise of 'making his country great' his version of and gaining Peace & Security - That may still be of interest to us as we 'keep on the watch' regarding signs of us getting anywhere nearer more fullfilments of Bible prophecies


On another subject.I watched a documentary on UK TV last night and it was scary how Mr Putin enjoys motor-biking round with a large chapter of a nasty looking "Hell's Angels" type Russian biker gang and he gives them lots of money and ex-military gifts for 'projects' he approves of.


The Russian public are given the impression that they are using some of the money to provide entertainment/parades/ night-club events that are all thinly disguised Pro-Nationalism; Pro-government propaganda. However, the TV narrator also hinted at the fact these Nationalistic thugs are men with records of beatings and violence who might be being used by Putin for other types of 'keeping people in order'. They looked the typical leather-clad; heavy tattooed mass of muscles, some in balaclavas/ski masks/biker face covering helmets to hide their faces from the cameras - seemed big and intimidating bullies  - keen to brag about their tough lives and power they have thanks to their good friend Putin!  Made me shudder !☠️☠️

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's not all. That chart is dated June 15, 2018. There were more raids and arrests posted today.





Interesting thing about that chart. Again, the last entry on the Russian version says: Сколько ещё - How many more?

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From jw-russia.org: https://jw-russia.org/news/18080813-414.html


How did the Believers in Russia Become "Extremists"?


To implement a clever plan, the Russian authorities took 9 years. The chronology of the main stages, as well as statements of analysts are given in a 7-minute video.

Video footage of raids on peaceful Jehovah's Witnesses shock. How did law-abiding Jehovah's Witnesses become "extremists" in Russia?

This insidious plot to stamp out Jehovah's people took 9 years, eh?

How dastardly Satan truly is; how crafty, lowdown and rotten-to-the-core he really is!


(If Jehovah allowed humans to see the destruction of His archenemy soon, I would want a front-row seat!)

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  • 10 months later...
On 4/19/2018 at 10:40 PM, Omoyeme said:


What a coincidence! I just found a picture of the Ombudsman on the internet!



My bad! The Russian Ombudsperson's photo is actually at this link where she finally admits the truth about the JW persecution there.





On June 10, 2019, Russia's Commissioner for Human Rights Tatyana Moskalkova presented the Annual Report to the President of the Russian Federation. For the first time, she drew attention to the unjustified criminal prosecution of Jehovah's Witnesses, and also pointed out the root of the problem. She wrote: “These events suggest the existence of a conflict between the constitutional right to practice any religion individually or jointly with others and the signs of extremist activity specified in article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Vague criteria are not allowed for classifying religious materials as extremist, when virtually any federal judge, at his or her own discretion, can prohibit any book, image, video or audio recording."


Too little...too late!  The KON's judgement is sealed!


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I appreciate the Ombudsman’s report to President Putin. It was about time!


(I know the decision is not entirely in her power) but this sadly reminds me of Pilate washing his hands in front of the crowd, declaring his innocence. Unlike Pilate, I hope it is not too little too late for her and may Jehovah grant her absolution.

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  • 1 year later...

King of the North proudly flexes their military might in 2020...and her allies from China (and India) participate with glee.




It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God -- Heb. 10:31.


Edited by Omoyeme
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21 hours ago, Omoyeme said:

King of the North proudly flexes their military might in 2020...and her allies from China (and India) participate with glee.




It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God -- Heb. 10:31.


Little does he know that Jehovah just has to click his fingers and that lot will disappear in a puff of smoke.  Can't wait!! :) 

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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Mr Putin has also won a referendum to stay in power until 2036. The referendum that was conducted claimed that he had won 3/4 of all the votes for his policy.


He also introduced many popular/populist other topics to be voted on at the same time to be sure to get the voters wanting to come out and vote for him that day:


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On 7/4/2020 at 7:58 AM, retroHelen said:

Mr Putin has also won a referendum to stay in power until 2036. The referendum that was conducted claimed that he had won 3/4 of all the votes for his policy.


He also introduced many popular/populist other topics to be voted on at the same time to be sure to get the voters wanting to come out and vote for him that day:


It's not likely his rule will last until 2036 anyway. Either he won't live that long, or... he won't live that long.

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I love these reminders 


*** w07 7/1 p. 24 pars. 9-10 “Return Evil for Evil to No One” ***
9 One particular manifestation of love is mentioned by Paul again and again. He states: “Keep on blessing those who persecute; be blessing and do not be cursing.” “Return evil for evil to no one.” “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved.” “Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.” (Romans 12:14, 17-19, 21) Paul’s words leave no doubt about how we should treat nonbelievers, even those who oppose us.
“Keep On Blessing Those Who Persecute”

10 How do we carry out Paul’s exhortation: “Keep on blessing those who persecute”? (Romans 12:14) Jesus told his followers: “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you.” (Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27, 28) Hence, one way in which we bless persecutors is by praying for them, petitioning God that if any are opposing us because of ignorance, Jehovah may open their eyes to the truth. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Granted, it may seem strange to ask God to bless a persecutor. However, the more our mind-set resembles Christ’s way of thinking, the more we will be able to extend love to our enemies. (Luke 23:34) What can be the result of showing such love?

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