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Updates to JW Library (iOS, Android, Windows)

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Can you make a note after you open the days text? I cannot.

Yes... Are you using Nougat or previous version of Android, are you rooted? I'm using Nougat, and I'm not rooted. d0228c2528e8c908a0d8c11be7d54dd5.jpg

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

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If an imported note requires a publication that is not on your device then it will offer to download it.




The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. Ec 12:13

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I believe backing up after each time you study appears to be the way to go...also having the same articles on each device would make things less frustrating...then it comes down to memory.  My iphone I just have the basic but ipad I have virtually everything on it...so I ay need to rethink my iphone usage - we will see.


So far though this is an excellent upgrade...now if only it could read my thoughts, I wouldn't need to type.

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15 minutes ago, niall said:



The above link should take you directly to the JW Library in the App Store. See if you can update it from there.



Thank you.  I think I have figured out the problem.  My internet usage is on data restriction and will be until it resets itself after the billing cycle on the 19th. :(


i will take my ipad iPad with me tomorrow night to work and use the public wifi to download.  Then I hope to be on par with the rest of you!

Edited by LeslieDean



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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45 minutes ago, egapevets said:

I believe backing up after each time you study appears to be the way to go...also having the same articles on each device would make things less frustrating...then it comes down to memory.  My iphone I just have the basic but ipad I have virtually everything on it...so I ay need to rethink my iphone usage - we will see.


So far though this is an excellent upgrade...now if only it could read my thoughts, I wouldn't need to type.

Notes can't be attached to audio and visual media (I tried!) so hopefully just having text documents on your iPhone won't take too much memory.


Reading our thoughts is coming in a later update. (Might be fake news.)

Edited by ChrisTheConfused

The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. Ec 12:13

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I love that the brothers held back releasing this update till all platforms could be updated together.  Thank you to the slave for looking after all of us so well and caring for all of us equally.  Off to explore. :D

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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1 minute ago, GeordieGirl said:

I love that the brothers held back releasing this update till all platforms could be updated together.  Thank you to the slave for looking after all of us so well and caring for all of us equally.  Off to explore. :D

I've just gotten in my right frame of mind and I haven't read all of the post regarding our new toy! Therefore, I'm wondering if the update on windows 10 is automatically done or not because I don't see it. How would I update manually?  Nor does it offer an update like my tablet did. Thanks in advance 

Proverbs 27:11- Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him that taunts me.

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I've just gotten in my right frame of mind and I haven't read all of the post regarding our new toy! Therefore, I'm wondering if the update on windows 10 is automatically done or not because I don't see it. How would I update manually?  Nor does it offer an update like my tablet did. Thanks in advance 

Go to the "Microsoft store" and then go to your library/apps and check for updates.
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The app on my phone, which I only use in the ministry, updated automatically.  My tablet, which I use for everything else, didn't update automatically and I had to go to the play store.  As far as Windows goes I am still in the pre-Noah days of Windows 8.  :lol:

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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I have to say that I love the new update, but it's missing two important features: 1/ the ability to search your notes, and 2/ the ability to export your notes.

Being able to search notes would eliminate the need to have multiple tags. Also, the ability to sort by note title would be great. That would allow organising notes by using specific naming conventions.

At the moment it looks like notes are sorted by edit time. So, before you go out in Field Service, make sure to edit the notes you think you'll use - that will get them to the top of the list.

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11 hours ago, jayrtom said:

Create a note:

Underline a sentence and press the plus sign


The note will appear on the study pane (the place where we would read the doc's embedded notes) 

You can write what you want and add tags



Also you can choose the note's color. Below is shown the 3 dots where you can edit the note or delete it



Backup notes:

Click the personal study link



And then the backup icon ( it's the same for restoring) 




Outstanding!  Brother, may I share this with friends of mine on Facebook, please?

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16 hours ago, Araujo JW said:

I have a measure of difficulty when using new technologies. I've started exploring this new update, but I'm not sure if I'm taking full advantage of the features available. Would it be too much if I asked someone to put it step by step (using PrtScn) to annotate and import notes? :blushing:

many of us do too   ...     much thanks to all of you smarter ones here so we can all benefit

6 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

I love that the brothers held back releasing this update till all platforms could be updated together.  Thank you to the slave for looking after all of us so well and caring for all of us equally.  Off to explore. :D

now we can all learn from one another together - feels like a nice taste of unity in new world living

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So happy to have this update! This is the one we've all been waiting for.


I've updated our video series on AppChasers.com to now include a How-To video on notes and backups. Please let me know if you see anything omitted that should be added to a Part 5.5 video. Thanks!




There are four other parts to this video series so if you know anyone who needs more help with JW Library, these may be of some help.

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39 minutes ago, appchasers said:

So happy to have this update! This is the one we've all been waiting for.



Brother Eric!  I looooove you so much!  Thank you for thinking of me and ones like me who struggle with figuring out these programs. You don't know what it means to have this added felt that I constantly refer back to when I can't recall the proper steps.  It has helped so much.  I don't feel embarrassed to constantly ask for help, or reminders on what they have already told me. I appreciate all your time, patience and energy you put in to your easy to understand tutorial.  Thanks again!



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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6 hours ago, niall said:

I have to say that I love the new update, but it's missing two important features: 1/ the ability to search your notes, and 2/ the ability to export your notes.

Being able to search notes would eliminate the need to have multiple tags. Also, the ability to sort by note title would be great. That would allow organising notes by using specific naming conventions.

At the moment it looks like notes are sorted by edit time. So, before you go out in Field Service, make sure to edit the notes you think you'll use - that will get them to the top of the list.

Can't you search the notes on the personal study area? Also you can export your notes so I didn't understand what you mean...

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21 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I'm interested in how everyone will use the Tag feature.

It looks like you can remove the Tag without deleting the Note. That means we can organize our notes using our RV names and then delete their Tag after we shared the note with them. We could create a Tag for a meeting so we have our comments organized. We can also create Tags for subjects.


So Tags can be used for:





What else?

How do you plan to use Tags? 


I'm planning on using tags to recall certain types of articles for quick reference. For example, I tagged all the 'Improving our skills' articles in the mwb, I also tagged all the 'How to use it' articles, as well as other 'types' or articles that I want easy access to. I've attached a screenshot of what I mean. I have all these clipped in a One Note workbook, but it's definitely better to use the tags straight from JW Library. 


Edited by leoperales
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7 hours ago, niall said:

At the moment it looks like notes are sorted by edit time. So, before you go out in Field Service, make sure to edit the notes you think you'll use - that will get them to the top of the list.

I think that a Tag would be handy for this.


I noticed that when I use a Tag that the tagged notes are sorted by Creation time instead of Edit time, however if the notes are on number paragraphs, they are sorted by the paragraph number.


It's nice that the tags can be deleted without affecting the notes. I think that if I have some notes and I want to use just some of them for a specific RV, I can add a tag to just those notes and then delete the tag when I'm finished.. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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My download completed for the app now I too can participate!

I have made a tag called  'Memorize' for all the scriptures I want to commit to memory.  I tagged one 'Prophocey' and started with the first one at Genesis 3:15.  I then added Isiah 55:1 to it to show why we can depend on these things.  I will add so many as I go along.   I plan on doing a subject tag and linking key scriptures i.e.  Death, resurrection,  earth, faith  etc that support these thoughts.  

So many ways to go I am overwhelmed!  But I like it!



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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