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Ashya King cancer-free

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I'm so glad for this young boy and his parents.


The way the media covered their ordeal was an absolute shame. The doctors were enraged that someone dared challenging their opinion and presented them as stupid and dangerous fanatics. Of course, when the media heard the words "sick child" and "Jehovah's witnesses" together in the same sentence they couldn't help jumping on the carrion. It's their nature.


I remember my workmates asking me why, and I just replied that it didn't have anything to do with them being JWs, that they were some concerned parents that wanted to try a different treatment than the one their doctors fostered. Put that way, it's hard to understand all the ado. Now time has proved them right.

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1 hour ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Funny, now there is no mention of them being witnesses...


Well, when the situation was clarified there was an uproar because it was clear that the media had shown prejudice against them for being JWs. Being JWs had nothing to do with the facts and it was completely unnecessary to mention it. I don't remember exactly who, but the PM or some very important authority told the media off because of this, and they immediately stopped including that detail in their articles. I guess that's why they are not mentioning it now either.

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2 hours ago, carlos said:

I'm so glad for this young boy and his parents.


The way the media covered their ordeal was an absolute shame. The doctors were enraged that someone dared challenging their opinion and presented them as stupid and dangerous fanatics.




Yeah, "doctor" has become synonymous with "God" nowadays. That's scary. 

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That is good news Josie ! I am so thrilled for the whole family, I remember the oldest children how they would take care of the youngest (as shown on TV and read on newspaper) while their parents were in prison, how mature they showed they were. I am so happy for all of them. 

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If you live in the UK and you are not a wealthy person or one with special insurance with your job, then you are at the mercy of the NHS - National Health Service. They set the standard of care. It's not good, but if you question it, you could be struck off from your Doctor or told that treatment will not be available to you or treated badly. If you are a parent, your child could be made a ward of court. There was a case recently in our Daily Mail of a parent who chose to take her daughter to continental Europe as there is little proper testing and treatment for special thyroid illnesses in the UK. She was arrested at our Border Control/Customs and her child made a ward of court and poor treatment forced on her when she and her mother returned to UK after returning from some initially good testing and treatment abroad  - as there can also be in USA for her specific thyroid problem.


I chose not to go down the route of instantly being on medication and statins and eventually insulin because of my type 2  diabetes. I chose to diet - low carbohydrate. I was told off by the Doctor and diabetic nurse. I was told I was endangering my health as I was full blown diabetic, not even pre-diabetic and should be on the meds. I stuck by it though but obeyed the Doc and hospital in other ways. So far my blood tests and other tests and scans have been very good - in fact the diabetic clinician said they were surprisingly fantastic. It transpired that she is a type 2 diabetic, so she was asking me what I did as she hadn't come across anyone doing what I was doing and has looked it up for herself. Since then the country's Diabetic Association (Diabetic UK) has developed a low carbohydrate program 105 000 have joined and over 20 000 have lowered their medications or avoided them with positive benefits 


It's about making an informed choice about your treatment. Checking the Advice on the internet thoroughly as there's a lot of fake quackery out there. I learned,as this family did, that there is choice in cancer treatment. Surgery may be necessary. Certain chemotherapy may be needed, but preventative Chemotherapy or radiation treatment that is aggressive was not as necessary in their case. In fact for many cancers it has more negative impact on a person as it is so toxic and can compromise the immune system setting up for further sickness.


Dr Kelly Turner wrote a book about a study she did of over 1000 patients that Doctors claimed had been terminally ill with various cancers and then went into what they termed "spontaneous remission". She interviewed them all and found out that it was not that simple. They had decided to stop 'conventional treatment' because for them the detrimental side effects were outweighing any good. Thus, the medical profession just lost touch with them and didn't monitor their outcomes except when they returned to tell them they were much better and it was not followed up, so reported as if nothing happened and they just happened to get well spontaneously! 


These once very poorly people had worked hard to read up and act on on good common sense protocols to support healing themselves after initial surgery and some remedial follow up therapy. Many had followed the same protocol as Christopher Wark - a stage 4 terminal bowel cancer patient. He calls his personal treatment Square One, which he has documented on Youtube if people want to inform themselves of it. Another ex- cancer patient was Dr Veronique Desalniers who also tells of how she overcame her breast cancer in a similar way. It takes commitment to a diet that is quite strict for a year or 2, but is based on science and  integrative medicine - preventative lifestyle and diet along with medicine.


Doctors will only give people what they have been taught and some feel that is all there is to know and don't recommend alternatives and don't credit patients with the intelligence to make their own informed choices. There is choice with cancer treatment and much new knowledge of how cancer starts and progresses in the body and how, given the right tools the body can prevent the cancer getting aggressive and be supported through whatever treatment the patient chooses to go ahead with. 


This is true of many other chronic auto-immune diseases as well. Life-long standard drug therapy is not the only choice. There are other things to try if you believe that the body is designed to heal or at least cope better given the right building blocks and environment. You just need the right tools to get along with until the 'big cure' comes for us all.



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  • 2 weeks later...

We had a congregation beach party last year and Aysha was there with the family, as they have been part of the local congregation here in Málaga for many years. It was great to see the progress after so many health problems and to be able to have a laugh with the family and see how they haven’t lost their faith in Jehovah.

It's bigger on the inside!

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  • 2 months later...

Great post retroHelen I am following Chris Wark chrisbeatcancer.com advice very closely at the moment and feeling really good on the complete diet change. Its so interesting how the pharmaceutical companies have led the way in convincing the world that theirs is the only way yet all it leads to in the majority of cases is more pain and suffering and an early death and a major swelling of their bank accounts at a cost of peoples lives.

But guess I shouldn't be surprised as we know who ultimately is behind it all.


Found this documentary shocking



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/31/2018 at 9:59 PM, BibleSteve said:

Its so interesting how the pharmaceutical companies have led the way in convincing the world that theirs is the only way yet all it leads to in the majority of cases is more pain and suffering and an early death and a major swelling of their bank accounts at a cost of peoples lives.

With all due respect I absolutely disagree with this comment. It's true that some cancer patients die despite their treatments, but it's not true nor fair to say that current treatments (surgery to remove the tumor, followed by chemo or radiotherapy) leads in the majority of cases to more pain and suffering and an early death. That is absolutely false and very dangerous to say too.


Unfortunately a lot of people I know have suffered some kind of cancer, including my mother and many relatives, brothers and sisters, workmates, neighbors, etc. In most cases they underwent a conventional treatment in a hospital and they recovered. Of course, nobody likes surgery, and radio and chemo are hard, although they have improved enormously over the last couple decades. The vast majority of those persons were healed after the treatment.


On the other hand, I haven't seen anyone healed of a cancer by taking baking soda, as in that video. I've known a handful of people who resorted to alternative therapies such as magnetotherapy and naturopathy and they all died of their cancer. I know someone who preferred not to have any treatment and died too. I'm not saying that alternative therapies don't have any value, they may have worked for some people. But when you look at the raw numbers it seems that conventional medicine, the one supported by pharmaceutical companies and by science, is astronomically by far the most effective we have.


The idea that there's an easy way to cure cancer but pharmaceutical companies keep it hidden is absurd. First, because those companies are made up of people, many of whom suffer from cancer or have relatives who die of cancer. Are they so greedy that they prefer to die or see their family dying rather than using that wonderful cure? If such a cure exists, why do powerful people who are rich and in the know, such as famous doctors, presidents or prime ministers die of cancer? Besides, pharmaceutical companies invest huge amounts of money in cancer research and they are all in competition. If one of them had a cure for cancer, it wouldn't make sense to keep investing on other treatments or keep it hidden, they would  hurry to commercialize it before a competing company does! The first company to patent and sell the simple cure for cancer will quickly become the richest company on earth.


Please, don't try to convince people that doctors are evil or that medical science is evil.

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I agree with you that some treatments work for some but don't for others. But just a friendly reminded for everyone on this board. The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, so Satan does have some control over the pharmaceutical companies (greed, deceit, etc.) I'm not saying all medical science is evil, some is quite helpful! I'm thankful for the medical help I'm getting! But how many times is a new therapy introduced and seems to work great, only to discover years down the road it causes other major side effects/symptoms? Sometimes the companies know, sometimes they don't.


And who knows, in the new system we may learn the food & water was poisoning us, then the meds were to cover over the symptoms and not fix the problems so they make more money. If you were a greedy company which would make more sense? Cure people once for a certain sum till noone is sick anymore and your company goes out of business, or just help with the symptoms to keep raking in the money? I think it depends on the company and the dr. Some are honest hearted and some are just out for the money. I am not against cancer treatment or any other treatment or for it, it's a personal choice and we have to weigh the pros and cons. Either way, one thing we can all agree on the only real answer we will have to cure mankind's problems permanently is God's Kingdom.

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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13 hours ago, cricket246 said:

But how many times is a new therapy introduced and seems to work great, only to discover years down the road it causes other major side effects/symptoms?

I used to explain to my college students that "today's problems were yesterday's solution..."  DDT killed mosquitoes and their bite-born plagues.  Mercury was a potent antibiotic, Freon-type refrigerants preserved insulin, etc, etc.

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