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Russia is committing "religious genocide" against JWs

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A brother describes his gut-wrenching ordeal in custody in Russia where he was "tortured" by "fascists". After release from custody, he was put under house arrest, but still faced many threats and when he felt that the authorities wanted to take his daughter away, he decided to flee with his family abroad and apply for asylum.  


It is not an easy read, but it tells us that the persecution is only gaining momentum and is not likely to stop soon. Let us pray for our brothers and hope that they will stand firm in the faith despite their unbelievable hardships. :crying:


The Great Tribulation is really really close by the looks of things. This cannot go on for much. 


"You act like fascists." The Story of a fugitive Jehovah's Witness





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There is another major machine translator called Yandex Translate, which I think is better in some ways than Google Translate. I have just compared the translations of this particular report by both Yandex and Google. In my view,  where Google's translation does not make sense Yandex does a nice job. 


Here is the link to the original of the Liberty Radio Russian report: https://www.svoboda.org/a/29914897.html


Here is the link to Yandex Translate: https://translate.yandex.com/


Yandex is the largest tech company in Russia and is often compared to Google. 



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In the first century, the Roman government persecuted Christians.  The flogged them, imprisoned them. Put them to death in the arenas of the day.  The deaths were horrific (eaten by animals, etc).  The bodies were filled with oil and set on fire to serve as illumination torches. There were hundreds and thousands killed.


The Catholic Inquisition had horrible tortures against those who held to the bible truths.  There were not as many individuals, perhaps but their deaths were brutal and bizarre.


Nazi Germany attacked God’s people by name.  They arrested or persecuted the majority of the German brothers.  The totals might be 10,000 individuals.  Almost half were put in concentration camps with the purpose of working them to death by starvation and exposure.  Hundreds or thousands died or were crippled.


Stalin arrested almost all of Jehovah’s people and set them to Siberian concentration camps.  They suffered malnourishment and exposure also.  Thousands suffered and many died.


Now, our brothers in a different Russia are suffering again.  I find it a little disconcerting that we play up the 100-200 brothers so far attacked and detained as a devastating “genocide” that is the harbinger of the GT.  Our brothers have suffered worse conditions within my lifetime.


I do not want to minimize the attacks on freedom or health that these faithful ones are undergoing.  But it is good to keep in mind the annual broadcast when we were reminded not to “ban ourselves”.  That is, do not concentrated on the 100 imprisoned but focus on the 175,000 Russian brothers that are free to accomplish Jehovah’s work.  Our Russian brothers need your prayers for confidence, boldness, determination and joy at the work they have to do.


We have the same work.  God’s people always suffer but the end (GT) is not dictated by the number arrested or imprisoned or even killed.  The end comes at Jehovah’s chosen time and not a minute before.  Our Russian brothers need our assistance, prayers of strength and encouragement….Not our harping, moaning or concentrating over the 200 detained.  Lift their spirits and sing with joy.


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13 hours ago, jwhess said:

  I find it a little disconcerting that we play up the 100-200 brothers so far attacked and detained as a devastating “genocide” that is the harbinger of the GT


I understand your criticism, but with due respect, I do not think it is fair. "To play up" means to exaggerate. What did I exaggerate? 


First, I did not make up the phrase "religious genocide". It is a quote from the fugitive brother. He uses it twice in the interview. Do you disagree that the Russian government is trying to wipe out brothers from its religious map? 


Second, I did not use any figures in my post. The brother in the report does not say anything about the number of arrested, but he does mention that the number of JWs fleeing persecution has gone over 5,000. Of course, the persecution is not like the ones in Rome, Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, but do you agree that it is something that is happening on such a scale for the first time in Russia or possibly in other parts of the world? More importantly, it is being done by the LAST king of the north.


Third, I agree with you that the GT will come only at the appointed time and I was not questioning it in my post. I only expressed my opinion after reading the brother's description of the events in Russia that things are getting serious and I feel that the GT is really close. Don't you feel that the GT is really close? 


Do I have a right to express an opinion even if you disagree with it? 



Edited by Bek

removed 30-40 years.
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6 minutes ago, Bek said:

Do I have a right to express an opinion even if you disagree with it? 

Take it easy, Bek. No one has attacked you and no one has prevented you from expressing your opinion. But the friends can express a different opinion too, can't they? :)


It doesn't matter if you coined that expression or it was quoted from the newspaper. John is only saying that he finds the term "genocide" a bit exaggerate to refer to a few hundred people being harassed or sent to jail. Usually a genocide involves murdering tens of thousands or even millions of people. In Russia our brothers are cruelly persecuted but so far no one has been killed that we know of.


This is a discussion forum. It's almost impossible to discuss something if we can't express differing opinions. But a different opinion is not a personal attack. :)

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Ok, I understand, Carlos. I am not against the expression of opinions even critical ones if they are constructive, but you can tell whether or not someone is "attacking" you by the tone of the post and words like "harping and moaning". I think before expressing an opinion, one should read the report and see if the word "genocide" is being used in the literal sense. What the fugitive brother meant was not obviously the literal killing of brothers. It is what he described the "eradication" of brothers from Russia. 



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Br. Nurzat, I am sorry that you took my post to be an attack on you personally or against your post specifically.  The GB mentioned in the video recently that we should "no ban ourselves" by focusing on the relatively few publishers detained, imprisoned or persecuted physically.  The notoriety of those who are harmed can put those who aren't in such a position, in fear of possible harm.  The emphasis was on acknowledging such dire straights without over-emphasizing it.  This website has many comments on the arrests, incarcerations even torture of a few hundred of our dear brothers.  But there are hundreds of thousands faithful ones going about their duties who are not arrested.


Our new August Watchtower has a part on keeping at the work even under ban.  I was trying to get all (not just you) to refocus on any reports of good news about the preaching, disciple-making and growth.  Not to dwell on the fear and negativity.  I am sorry if this advice not to "ban ourselves" by  negative reports is seen as a personal attack.  It was the words of the GB and I did not mean them to be pointed to you.  It was a general reminder based on the article you quoted.

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Perhaps there is a fundamental difference between the persecution we are experiencing today in Russia and what happened to us in the 1940's.


I don't claim to be a historian. My viewpoint is that of a plough boy, a layman.


Hitler and Stalin were extremist dictators. Nut jobs with a messiah complex. Their persecution of JW's was arbitrary.


Today, in Russia, we were prosecuted in a court of law. A corrupt legal system, for certain. But we had our say. Brother Sanderson was present for the courts decision. The whole affair was reported to the world through legal journalist sites. Chancellor Merkel disapproved and told Putin in public.


My point is that today's persecution has a veneer of credibility. Russia is a stable government which other governments wish to get along with. The persecution we are experiencing could be 'accepted'  as necessary to the government's of the world which have bigger problems on their plate.


So, rather than being condemned by the world governments as happened to Hitler and Stalin, the other governments may see the Russian decision as not unreasonable in a very complex world. And the others may even follow their lead.

So, for these cursory observations, I agree that today's persecution is different from the indiscriminate, unlawful and violent persecutions of the past. Today's persecution, "framing trouble in the name of the law" (Ps. 94:20) is legalizing persecution.

It could very well catch on with other governments as a solution to discontent and unrest among the population. Not just toward us, but any group.

Yes, this tactic could be significant in the ramp-up to the GT.

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4 hours ago, Doug said:

So, rather than being condemned by the world governments as happened to Hitler and Stalin, the other governments may see the Russian decision as not unreasonable in a very complex world. And the others may even follow their lead.

So, for these cursory observations, I agree that today's persecution is different from the indiscriminate, unlawful and violent persecutions of the past. Today's persecution, "framing trouble in the name of the law" (Ps. 94:20) is legalizing persecution.

It could very well catch on with other governments as a solution to discontent and unrest among the population. Not just toward us, but any group.

Yes, this tactic could be significant in the ramp-up to the GT.

This is what a 70 year old bro thought  it here... They will persecute Jw first . Then it's easier for them to persecute other religious group. This is the only beginning. 

Our 2018 last convention videos, showed that armageddon is near. 

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I had to stop halfway through, the torture (which he explained he did reveal it all) is unbearable.  I understand these are  tried and trusted methods and that the authorities were attempting to recruit him.   Maybe there is a reason jw.org spares us the gruesome details as such descriptions would be too much for most brothers and sisters. Satan hasn't changed, and he is heading for his end.  I'm beginning to jnderstand what his havjng "Great anger" means. 


All we can do is pray.  Pray for the brotherhood and pray Jehovah's will be done.  None of us know how things will progress but we know how it will end.





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2 minutes ago, sunshine said:

I had to stop halfway through, the torture (which he explained he did reveal it all) is unbearable.  I understand these a tried and trusted methods and that the authorities were attempting to recruit him.   Maybe there is a reason is.org spares us the gruesome details as such descriptions would be too much for most.   All we can do is pray.  Pray for the brotherhood and pray Jehovah's will be done.  None of us know how things will progress but we know how it will end.


Jehovah has everything under control.




Yes, it is quite graphic. He also says that it is only a small part of what he went through while in custody. He did not want to share the rest of his ordeal because it is too gruesome. No wonder he compares the law‐enforcement bodies to "fascists". 



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This is a news story from Estonia showing how the 'earth' comes to the woman's help (Rev 12:16).   Reported on 12 April 2019 in this Estonian English online news network, but the Russian perpetrators did this late last year.  Estonian government has responded in a laudable way.


"Two employees of state-owned Russian TV channel Russia-1, entering Estonia on French and Italian Schengen visas, used hidden cameras to gather material they then used to ridicule and demonise Jehovah's Witnesses. The Estonian Ministry of the Interior reacted by issuing a five-year entry ban."

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