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The Mysterious Coronavirus Spreading Worldwide

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This from above - Stormswift

I don't take the flu vaccine as it makes me get the flu which I don't usually get " ^.


Top Seven Flu Myths Debunked - https://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/top-seven-flu-myths-debunked


Myth 1: The flu vaccine can give you the flu.

Fact: The flu shot delivered via a needle contains "inactive" virus that simply cannot cause an infection. While the vaccine delivered by nasal spray contains live viruses, experts have weakened them so they cannot give you the flu.

Nonetheless, it's common to experience some symptoms unrelated to the flu virus, such as tenderness or redness in the area where you received the shot. Some people also may develop achiness, a mild fever or a runny nose.

Those who believe they came down with the flu after getting vaccinated were most likely suffering from an unrelated upper-respiratory sickness or already were infected with flu when they received the shot. It takes about two weeks for the vaccine to start preventing flu.


Me: The only bad reaction I ever received was a very sore shoulder because the nurse giving me the shot was standing while I was sitting and she stuck me high on the shoulder, OUCH! sore shoulder for weeks! I let them know every year and every time I get any shot!

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I had the flu injection this year and I'm very glad I did.  However I react immediately to it and feel hot and faint for about 30 minutes afterwards, they keep me in the surgery until I feel better...  even though I react, I feel it's well worth getting. 

I've only ever had a true flu twice in my life.... and I never want it again !

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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21 minutes ago, Lee49 said:

This from above - Stormswift

I don't take the flu vaccine as it makes me get the flu which I don't usually get " ^.


Top Seven Flu Myths Debunked - https://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/top-seven-flu-myths-debunked


Myth 1: The flu vaccine can give you the flu.

Fact: The flu shot delivered via a needle contains "inactive" virus that simply cannot cause an infection. While the vaccine delivered by nasal spray contains live viruses, experts have weakened them so they cannot give you the flu.

Nonetheless, it's common to experience some symptoms unrelated to the flu virus, such as tenderness or redness in the area where you received the shot. Some people also may develop achiness, a mild fever or a runny nose.

Those who believe they came down with the flu after getting vaccinated were most likely suffering from an unrelated upper-respiratory sickness or already were infected with flu when they received the shot. It takes about two weeks for the vaccine to start preventing flu.


Me: The only bad reaction I ever received was a very sore shoulder because the nurse giving me the shot was standing while I was sitting and she stuck me high on the shoulder, OUCH! sore shoulder for weeks! I let them know every year and every time I get any shot!

With me, a flu vaccine activates a superbug that is dormant in my system as it hits the immune system - and I get pnumonia starts off with flu like symptoms - I wasn't diagnosed with the flu.. I've only ever had the 'flu' once - after the vaccine - have not had the flu for the last ten years without the vaccine - have worked on my immune system with natural foods..  (the bug acts like the herpes virus and hides until your immune system takes a hit) - I contracted this via a hospital air con. Spent weeks in intensive care  with viral pnumonia, hepatic disturbance and pleuritic plaque - 3 months all up in hospital - was pregnant with my first child. Myths only work for straight forward cases. 

This is why i'm taking an interest in the current threat - just so I can prepare. I'm not scared, but wary.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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from above - " I contracted this via a hospital air con" -  do you mean hospital air conditioner?  sounds like this - 


Legionnaires disease, also known as legionellosis, is a form of atypical pneumonia caused by any type of Legionella bacteria. ... The bacterium is found naturally in fresh water. It can contaminate hot water tanks, hot tubs, and cooling towers of large air conditioners.




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Yup ... (let's just tell the world lol) i was in hospital pregnant on bed rest ... someone was in the hospital with an unknown contagion - I got it through the hospital air con - they discharged me with a high fever - then I ended up back in intensive care. I copied all my notes in my file about two years later there is no mention of legionnaires, but sure does sound like it. They told me it was virus - not bacterial - they couldn't treat me with the normal meds - they treated me with what they use for maleria - is maleria a virus? 


Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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2 hours ago, sunshine said:

I dont think anyone knows what's going on but if one beliefs what's leaking out of China and the reaction from business and foreign agencies is anything ... it's bad, really bad.  Only time wil tell if we are dealing with "fake news" and government sponsored panic or one of the worse epidemics (potential pandemics) we have ever seen.




China government had an attitude of "I don't know, let's forget about it. It'll cure itself." when the disease first stroke..

Only after it began dominating the city did China start to do something about it.. 

So if the rest of the world moves into preventive action at the very outbreak, I wonder if any of the countries would have to taste the same consequences China is going through right now.. 

More than 1,000 people died from this disease!  That's ludicrous. 

Edited by Tryin'SoHardToBeSpiritual
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8 minutes ago, Lee49 said:

they treated me with what they use for maleria - is maleria a virus? "

     this is interesting! - 



ok - but i didn't have malaria we don't get that in NZ unless we've been abroad. But the medicines used were effective as far as I can remember. But yeah interesting. I've learnt recently that if you eat foods high in Vitamin B's - mossies stay away from you - maybe there's something we could eat to keep the 2019 nCorV away too?

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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2 hours ago, Stormswift said:

at the 4.30 mark of this there is suggestion that the incubation period could be as long as 24 days.  If so, that spells out real trouble.

NBC news tonight reported that the incubation period is up to 24 days, too.  :( 


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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6 minutes ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

NBC news tonight reported that the incubation period is up to 24 days, too.  :( 

IF that is fact ... then they have missed the boat on so many levels. Speaking of boats - those cruise ships might have their quarantine extended ... at what point does it become fact though? After everyone has had a 2 week quarantine? Almost a month? That is crazy!

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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5 hours ago, Stormswift said:

There are recurrent cries of notable media (W.H.O. and Aljazerra amongst others) of 'misinformation' being reported that is compounding or even slowing up progress.

The problem I have with this so-called misinformation is that 'facts' that are being purported by the same media who are decrying this are often not only clashing with something they've said on another platform, but is taken up in very different ways by the separate Governments. (should we expect anything else? Maybe not).


What I would like to see is what IS the news that can be relied on and what is the misinformation?

For example: Earlier on - the misinformation was the following:


1. That this disease was asymptomatic - one Doctor even saying it was biologically impossible for it to be so.

     NOW ESTABLISHED FACT: This disease has proven to be asymptomatic.


2. This disease takes up to two weeks to incubate - this was one early perception that came from China themselves, but was purported to be misinformation by W.H.O. and others.

     NOW ESTABLISHED FACT: This disease can take between 5 and 14 days to incubate. In fact at the 4.30 mark of this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=schbWdW0TwM&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR03grbyxzLCcC3__zn_O26sIVyneJhVC0Oot67M25TsymMc8PCgHQ_UIdo)


3. We saw the Sulphur emissions in an earlier post that could only be contributed to the burning of natural carcasses? Presumed human because of the height of emissions and news reports about funeral homes burning bodies 24/7. Now is this misinformation? Or is it fact in the making? and of course, if this proves to be fact then the next item below is not misinformation but fact:


4. The actual stats - from China - are they under-reported or over-reported? If they are under-reported and time will tell on this, then the stats that are being given currently by W.H.O and others is in fact, accidental misinformation.


5. How it is contracted: Via mucous - this is an established fact, eyes, nose and mouth are points of transmission of the 2019-nCov - (which incidentally means that the manner of wearing masks by the vast majority of the population is ineffective as they leave their eyes exposed) - we have been advised to not touch our face.  It was purported to be transferred with droplets - landing on surfaces. Now is purported to be Aerosol ... which by my interpretation is not quite airborne but has a longer range. Again: (Misinformation or fact?)


6. The 2019 nCov - cannot penetrate skin. (Misinformation or fact?)


7. The 2019 nCov can live on surfaces from 12 hours to 5 or more days! (Misinformation or fact?)


8. The recovered patients can be reinfected with 2019 nCov - (Misinformation or fact?)


9. The target group. While many who have underlying conditions are contracting it - many have been reported by media of being in their 30's with no underlying conditions. The Whistleblower Doctor is one such example. (Misinformation or fact?)


10. It's just another flu. ... now this is quite important in my opinion. It's being parroted here in New Zealand often, as oh it's no problem it's just like the flu or another flu. And while, essentially it's certainly in the same family - what concerns me is this is the very words spoken by many in 1918 - prior to the outbreak of the flu. Now, if this in hindsight proves to be just another flu -it  thus becomes absolute proof of this statement being fact, rather than misinformation. 

I would like to bring to the fore - reasons why this 2019 nCov - even if it proves to be 'just like the flu' is a problem and could a problem they are as follows:

a. The annual contraction and death statistics are foreseen by the medical community - thus appropriate processes are put in place to handle the upsurge of ill patients.

b. There is a vaccine available to all, free often for those in the target group ... and even though many suspect that this vaccine is ineffectual as it deals with only certain strains there is some comfort for people that this is at least something proactive. (NB: I don't take the flu vaccine as it makes me get the flu which I don't usually get).

c. The hospitals are designed to take in patients to the maximum number projected for each year. This, at the base level of being just a flu, will overload hospitals and staff. Which is what is being claimed out of China right now - to show why new hospitals need to be built.


Just want to add something that maybe people aren't thinking of: It is also purported that this virus will die off in warmer climates/seasons -  is not Philippines a warmer climate? Australia has also contracted some cases? Are we going to see an upsurge in the Southern Hemisphere once our flu season hits? Just some more 'facts' to be filed in the box of facts or misinformation?


Anyway my post is long enough ... but wanted to deal on this misinformation title - and I am of the opinion the more informed we are by FACTS, the more prepared and less anxious we will be. It's really just adding to our emergency kits or go bags isn't it?


Will be keeping an eye on what is true and what is fake. Oooh sounds like a youtube channel.

As for point 5.  All the Corona virus’s that I have worked around have been droplet transmission. Except under one very specific circumstance. 

     A patient receiving respiratory therapy treatments with nebulizing equipment ( commonly in use with ventilators) will have those droplets aerosolized in the process. This will put anyone else in the room at greater risk. 

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1 hour ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

Those hockey stick shaped graphs show no signs of changing shape...yet. :( 








It’s notvthe ratio of the cases to the deaths. It is the ratio of the Dead to the recovered : so far it’s held pretty close to 25%.   Imagine that if those trends hold steady in about a year , maybe two , the worlds population would be reduced by 1/4. 

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47 minutes ago, BenJepthah said:

As for point 5.  All the Corona virus’s that I have worked around have been droplet transmission. Except under one very specific circumstance. 

     A patient receiving respiratory therapy treatments with nebulizing equipment ( commonly in use with ventilators) will have those droplets aerosolized in the process. This will put anyone else in the room at greater risk. 

Well apparently this is now aerosol ... that is different to airborne though isn't it?

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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4 hours ago, anniebea said:

However I react immediately to it and feel hot and faint for about 30 minutes afterwards, they keep me in the surgery until I feel better...  even though I react, I feel it's well worth getting. 


This is usually the normal outcome. A vaccine is a weaker, inactive version of the virus purposefully injected to your body. Your body is able to very easily defeat that weaker virus. So when the actual, active virus comes in, your body is much more well prepared to fight it next time. Of course, if the problem persists upon the vaccination, no doubt the doctors would be well equipped to help you.


Being vaccinated is one good way to keep our immune system working currently. It may be noted that this whole fuss about the new Coronavirus comes from the fact that it doesn't have any vaccines, thus no way to prevent it.

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8 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

Well apparently this is now aerosol ... that is different to airborne though isn't it?

Yes it’s different. Airborne viruses and very small bacteria ( Tuberculosis) are more of a threat because they simply hang in the air much longer. Droplets ( typical of corona ) usually fall to surfaces around the infected person . Aerosols can hang in the air for an extended period but still typically settle to surfaces. 

     This is why I take the stairs at work ( in a Hospital) instead of the elevator. Sick people don’t take the stairs. 

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British coronavirus ‘superspreader’ may have infected at least 11 people in three countries


"LONDON — The story of a traveling British businessman who appears to have passed the coronavirus to Britons in at least three countries has prompted concerns over a "superspreader" who could play an outsize role in transmitting the infection."

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