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Make tomorrow Special

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So obviously tomorrow is the most important day in our calender,I'm just wondering what do you brothers and sisters like doing on Memorial day to make it special.

The fact it falls on a Saturday this year most of us will do some ministry and obviously meditation but is there anything else you like to do either on your own or as a family?

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Several years ago I bought my wife and two girls corsages (I think they were carnations) to wear at the hall.  It was pretty.

The next week in service all the brothers ganged up on me and told me that their wives wanted to know why they didn't get flowers.


I have not bought them since...♥️

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as a single brother... I usually make it a day of deep reflection and self examination... making sure I'm taking steps to show I appreciate the sacrifice made on our behalf

Edited by bear_about

Hebrews 11:1

~ Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. ~

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We have a whole day of activity planned to include ministry, morning worship, making the bread, singing songs...this whole day is devoted to spiritual activity and showing our kids how much we appreciate the sacrifice of both Jesus and Jehovah.

"For God is the one who for the sake of his good pleasure energizes you, giving you both the desire and the power to act." Phil 2:13

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I love all your spiritual comments. Makes me feel so guilty. I generally have to work that day, like tomorrow. I'll nap, get MH dinner ready then shower and hope my hair is dry by the time I need to log in. 

Sorry, just a reality of a working girl.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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8 hours ago, M.J. said:

A spiritual sister asked me to send her our picture because she is making a collage.

What a great idea!



[...]is there anything else you like to do either on your own or as a family?


I'll be busy until the memorial with watching the morning worship program, cooking the family meal, preparing the bread emblem, and spot cleaning the living room that's temporarily the "Kingdom Hall".  Singing our kingdom melodies and original songs always puts me in a good mood before this annual event; it helps me to reflect on all that Jehovah and His precious son had done for me. :)


Edited by Omoyeme
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I’m making a Irish Roast. Everything is marinating right now. And will be thrown in the oven, also perfect time to make the bread. Usually I make a roast or try to have lamb sometime during the week before the memorial. We usually start with the Exodus Account and slowly build up to the Memorial that way we can be reminded of how Jehovah Kept his promises. How the Passover was continued despite all of the crazy events. Then going over Jesus life. So that we can start memorial reading on time. It really is something to think about and reflect on how we’re remember how Jesus died for everyone. But it also reminds us that Jehovah was very selective as to who would live and die. Since the Passover instructions were blood on doorpost or else the firstborn would die. They also had to eat quickly and be ready to leave. So while we reflect on the memorial and on what Jesus did, I also remember that Jehovah allowed this all to take place to fulfill promises and prophecy. Especially when it comes to the actual observance of the memorial. For all we know that’s how it could all go down. 😂 We have been instructed to have the emblems present and to make them even if nobody partakes... It would be very interesting if this would represent in a similar way as to the symbolic blood on the doorpost. IDK but my dad always jokes about that, I’m looking forward to tomorrow. That’s like one of the most important nights of the year...We have Fresh Flowers a nice Chianti and some freshly grounded flour.

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I´m trying to move away my negative thoughs and personal problems and to spend the whole day reflecting what Jehovah and Jesus have done for me. We watched the morning worship program as a congregation. Afterwards I cleaned the appartment (noone wants cat hair flying around during the memorial), then I read some articles about the ransom and watched some of the videos of the 2015 convention "Imitate Jesus". I played some kingdom songs on my guitar...Then I thought "let´s have a look what my brothers and sisters on JW.Talk have posted so far about this special day" - and here I am. 


3,5 hours left for me until the memorial....so soon I will prepare my clothes for tonight, will have a shower and arrange the emblems properly.


Chrissy :wave:

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19 hours ago, bagwell1987 said:

I love all your spiritual comments. Makes me feel so guilty. I generally have to work that day, like tomorrow. I'll nap, get MH dinner ready then shower and hope my hair is dry by the time I need to log in. 

Sorry, just a reality of a working girl.

Me, too. At least, working a half day. But I feel bad about having to do even that on this important day. I feel like it should be an intense day of spiritual reflection, almost like a pilgrimage in prayer. With prayers, and songs, and meditation. Sigh.....but then life usually gets in the way.

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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Its so different having it at home so my children wanted the grandchildren to still see it as a very special day so the bread making was all made an event of and the thinking about what the day meant !


Then a sister in the congregation each year asks for a photo from each family and she makes a video as a keepsake for each memorial , its so lovely but even more so with us all celebrating at home .

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We spent the morning in the ministry. Then for lunch I made pizzas for hubby and daughter. Afterwards we went for a walk outside and enjoyed the beautiful fresh and sunny air. The afternoon went by quick after doing some pilates, showering, I tidied up the livingroom, and prepared an area for the emblems, set up camera and computer. One of my rv´s told me in the morning she couldn’t attend because her kids would disturb her too much, she also said she was on the go places. So I recommended not to worry but that it was just listening to a talk and her kids could still be busy doing something . I also asked if she wasn’t going to be at home, but she said yes. So I said if she changed her mind, she could always call me. Well 2 hours before the memorial she called to ask for the log in details. Her camera was off, but she was there. 

Also 2 of my ex—Bible students attended. One at the English Memorial, and the other one in Pidgin.

During the week I was asked from a sister in the German congregation to let her interested one in. The woman is from Indonesia, and they met while on vacation and have regular contact. Also a sister from the Polish congregation asked for her interested one who only speaks Russian or English.

There were lots of unidentifiable attendees at the Memorial with no names rather names of devices, so not sure if they attended, but with the 2 foreign language groups associated with our English congregation, we were ca.323 in attendance and 1 partaker. After the breakout rooms there were some devices showing but cameras and microphones off so we couldn’t welcome them or find out who they were.


My daughter’s classmate who speaks English and studies the Bible with my daughter also attended. The girls had been zooming together, so we set up her zoom device with her with our zoom with the congregation. She asked her father if she was allowed and at first he said yes, so she joined for most of it and the emblems, but after he noticed what she was listening to, he shut it off. Have to tread carefully with this one, as she is 8 years old.

Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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