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After watching so many dramas and videos (>100 just in the recent convention), I was wondering if we could just picture one of our JWtalk members taking on the roles played by the many characters in a Bible reenactment. Suspend your imagination/disbelief (?) for a moment, and nominate a brother or sister to play a character in the bible.  Or even in a  modern setting for a movie. We may not know how a friend look like. Perhaps we can ask for his/her details (a curvaceous body, bushy eyebrows, big built, muscular, height) You can also nominate yourself at the present age or your younger self (It would come in handy in the New System)


So let your imagination take flight and let us have some fun while we are at it. 


Something along these lines : 

Villain  (Achan),  Royalty (King David) prophet (Daniel) patriarch (Abraham), voice of God, warrior (Joshua) exemplary women (Sarah) 

             Yourself (Bathsheba, Absalom, Queen Esther) Funny guy (errr......talking donkey?

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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We can also imagine doing a cartoon version with the friends doing  a voiceover. Like the movie 'Prince of Egypt'








Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Godzilla (1998) - Godzilla enters New York City!



I'm seeing this video for the 2nd time on account of you. The best entrance for a monster. I can understand the fascination it holds for you. So suit up brother, New York is all yours to wreck. We'll just have  to get CGI team up to speed first. Make sure to make a big splash while entering New York city.




Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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 I remember vaguely in the 70's and 80's my family was privileged to take part in the drama for the convention. One time my husband and I were given the parts of Priscilla and Aquila, another time, it was just a tableau for the 3 of us.  It was real hard work having to turn up for multiple rehearsal weeks in advance, twice in a week as we drew closer to the assembly date. We had to follow the script right down to the smallest detail. It took some effort to lip syn to the recorded script. 

1   Were any of you brothers put in charge of moving the props to suit a scene change? It was real tough work and the brothers in charge had to really know exactly when to come in to change the props. There was no room for error. 
2.   Anyone worked offstage taking care of sound system?  The opening and closing of the stage curtains? 
3   What about sisters who were put in charge of the wardrobe for the cast, sewing the costumes for the Biblical dramas. The makeup team who also had to come up with the appropriate costume jewelry, musical instruments....
4,   The props team that did some sort of the special effects like the burning bush.  It was quite amateurish by today’s standards.   

5.  What were your experiences watching those staged dramas?

6.  Any snafu or minor mishaps/ awkward moments during the staging of the dramas

Edited by happiness IS

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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The Chocolate Bible has a Godzilla in it. The last book which contains the revelation of Godzilla, the chocolate colored wild beast who is image of Dustparticle  who  was last seen rising out of the waters off New York City. He has only one thought. Let the reader exercise discernment.


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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I was involved in several dramas over the years. From your list:


1   Were any of you brothers put in charge of moving the props to suit a scene change? Yes, a number of times
2.   Anyone worked offstage taking care of sound system?  Yes, I worked the sound for many dramas
3   What about sisters who were put in charge of the wardrobe for the cast I'm not a sister but I made my own costume for one of the dramas I was in
4,   The props team that did some sort of the special effects like the burning bush.  I made a number of rocks that were used as props as well as some swords


I played characters in three dramas and participated behind the scenes on more than I can remember.


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I never could participate because I’m too big…

i m as tall as Lynda Carter who played wonder woman

so becomes tougher to play female roles in live dramas 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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