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3 hours ago, molnarj said:

If you look at the cover picture, my guess is a new publication about Zecharia. 

I really like that idea, i hope we do get one.

I really like this summary of the book of Zechariah in the SI book. 



CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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If there is a Zechariah book, I am not sure that the 5th vision out of all 8 visions would be the most prominent.  the Watchtower describes it being a "brief" vision.


 Zechariah Outline


Vision 5: A lampstand and two olive trees (1-14)

‘Not by power, but by my spirit’ (6)

Do not despise the day of small beginnings (10)


He raised up a fearless prophet named Zechariah and gave him a series of eight thrilling visions, which he was to share with the Jews for their encouragement.


The fifth vision Zechariah saw may have been brief, but it gave the Jews a fresh perspective on their work and their worship


Zechariah’s vision of the lampstand and the two olive trees can have a powerful effect on your life. As we have discussed, it can help you to find the strength you need to face opposers, the joy you need to cope with changes in your circumstances, and the trust you need to be obedient when you receive direction that you do not understand.

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5 hours ago, molnarj said:

look at the cover picture, my guess




Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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11 hours ago, Dages said:

The cover picture is weeeeiiiird :D I can't wait to read that tonight


Nice picture with the rainbow flag in the first article


Legend for this pic:


A Bible student walking on a path and throwing away an old garment. Behind him are cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, gambling chips, a flag symbolizing the gay social movement, and violent video games.


6 hours ago, happiness IS said:
  Reveal hidden contents



Legend for this pic:


Two olive trees supplying oil to a lampstand that has seven lamps.


12 hours ago, molnarj said:

If you look at the cover picture, my guess is a new publication about Zecharia. 

What makes you think of that? 🤔


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My theory is that they are actually working on a new publication about Revelation, and that is why we have seen several articles dealing with the ‘minor prophets’ in recent years, as many of their visions and prophecies are linked to visions and prophecies in Revelation. For example:


Last year, we received an updated understanding of Joel chapter 2, about the locust plague. We used to link this prophecy to Revelation chapter 9; not anymore. 

A couple of weeks ago, we studied an updated understanding of Haggai chapter 2, which tied in Revelation chapter 13 and the mark of the beast.

This latest Watchtower article draws attention to Zechariah’s vision of the golden lampstand and the two olive trees, which are both referenced in Revelation chapter 11 with the prophecy about the two witnesses. Additionally, the two witnesses prophecy is also linked to the inspection of the spiritual temple described in Malachi chapter 3. 


So I could be totally wrong, but I think that perhaps these articles about Haggai, Joel, Zechariah etc. are all by-products of research into a new publication on Revelation.

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10 hours ago, jayrtom said:

A Bible student walking on a path and throwing away an old garment. Behind him are cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, gambling chips, a flag symbolizing the gay social movement, and violent video games.

I don't see that 'legend for this pic' anywhere. In the magazine underneath the picture it says: When we strip off “the old personality,” fleshly attitudes and practices no longer control us (See paragraph 5)


The foot note points to:  PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Removing undesirable attitudes and practices is like stripping off an old garment.



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22 hours ago, Dages said:

The cover picture is weeeeiiiird :D I can't wait to read that tonight


Nice picture with the rainbow flag in the first article


If he didn't want the booze, then he could give it to me instead of dumping it. There is nothing wrong having moderate use of it. If I have to change my life again, then I would be getting rid all my chocolate.

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On 12/21/2021 at 3:55 PM, Dages said:

The cover picture is weeeeiiiird :D I can't wait to read that tonight

The picture is an accurate diagram of the exact words in Zechariah chapter 4.


Zechariah 4:2-3…”So I said: “I see, and look! a lampstand entirely of gold, with a bowl on top of it. There are seven lamps on it, yes, seven, and the lamps, which are at the top of it, have seven pipes.3 And next to it are two olive trees, one on the right of the bowl and one on the left.”


Zechariah 4:11-12…”Then I asked him: “What is the meaning of these two olive trees on the right and on the left of the lampstand?”12 I asked him a second time: “What is the meaning of the two bunches of twigs of the olive trees that are pouring out the golden liquid through the two golden tubes?

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8 hours ago, Thesauron said:

What is weird about it?

I needed to read the Zech article to get it. At first glance, I was like : what is this thing?

Ha yes, the Zechariah prophecy has a lot of weird elements (like the winged women) :D


Edited by Dages
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14 hours ago, marknpt said:

I don't see that 'legend for this pic' anywhere. In the magazine underneath the picture it says: When we strip off “the old personality,” fleshly attitudes and practices no longer control us (See paragraph 5)


The foot note points to:  PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Removing undesirable attitudes and practices is like stripping off an old garment.



Hi Br Mark


To see that legend (works for all pics) go to the magazine on jw.org or wol.jw.org on the PC. Click with the mouse right button over the image, select "inspect" and on the right you can see the legend for the image




Tested on chrome and edge - don't know about other browsers



On Android you can see it to. Go to the browser, on jw or wol page, click on the image and let it be clicked for a second or two and the legend will appear (tested with chrome and edge)




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Well at first, I could not see that. Now I understand one has to click 'Inspect' to get to that coding. I never knew that I had stumbled across it before but did not realize there would be even more data or information in there. So is that for the developers, the brothers building the web pages etc? Who else would ever see that? And I wonder why it would be any different than what gets printed?! So many questions! So much to learn!


Thanks for clearing that up my brother, my pea brain needs all the help I can get.

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4 minutes ago, marknpt said:

So is that for the developers, the brothers building the web pages etc? Who else would ever see that? And I wonder why it would be any different than what gets printed?!

That description is for blind people. Blind computer users typically use a screen reader. Since they cannot see the pictures, the screen reader reads aloud the picture description. :)

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