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Russia invades Ukraine

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12 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

Currently any law written “on piece of paper” has no value, and is being violated again and again. Demonic control of this world is so “visible” at the moment. 

Definitely!! Satan is in total control of Putin. No question about it. It seems he knows his time is now sooooo short.

"...(...)explanations of reality and occultist methods are widespread among the upper ranks of the special services, those close to the country’s leadership. 

Back in the 1920s and 1930s, members of the NKVD, KGB’s predecessor, took an active interest in occultism."


Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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38 minutes ago, Lee49 said:

It's hard for me to understand that because the U.S. and other countries are supplying weapons of war to Ukraine and not direct interference like boots on the ground and flying air support, that they are not involved in the war, thus not committing an act of war. If a murder was committed using a gun and if a person supplied the weapon to the shooter knowing full well the gun was going to be used for that purpose, both would be guilty of the murder just like a get away driver is guilty of a bank robbery since they are all involved. Are there any International war laws on this, like you can supply just don't pull the trigger?

The no fly zone would put NATO and American pilots monitoring the airspace and potentially shooting Russian planes down. They are willing to supply planes to Ukraine but not have any soldiers participating in the conflict. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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46 minutes ago, Lee49 said:

Are there any International war laws on this, like you can supply just don't pull the trigger?

I can't comment on law, but some of this might be what Russia considers as an act of war or not. Because if Russia really wanted to consider these as acts of war, I imagine they would. 


Russia wants to avoid war with the US and UK just as much as the US and UK want to avoid war with Russia. 


Well, almost as much.  Russia did invade Ukraine after all. 

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He is really disconnected by all the atrocities he's causing.  Many analysists are noting how he is distancing himself from even his close advisors (the big big table).  Show's he's lost his marbles, but not his keen sense of purpose.  He doesn't rant like Hitler did.  He is cold, reptilian and calculating.  All those years of patience and now it's his time to "shine".  What kind of person, after all, knocks on the door of the KGB when they are fresh out of school?  

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2 minutes ago, Tortuga said:


No he s not the only one

i second that 

I agree he s possessed and maybe doped

5 minutes ago, VisualizeUrParadise said:

Am I the only one who gets the impression that Putin seems possessed these days? His stare seems so… out of this world. 


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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There’s a Frontline special called Putins Revenge on YouTube. It’s pretty interesting showing their version of how and why things are where they are at. There are two parts. 
According to the special, Bill Clinton called it back in the day. Warned Yeltsin he made a mistake. Bush at first liked him, then changed. Obama said he lives in the past and nurses grudges. Trump praised him well before he was president.  But if they are correct, I can see how some of the actions of the west looked threatening to him in the mindset he lived. 
I don’t know if it’s possessed or crazy, just a mindset he’s stuck on. When you have that much power and money, there is very little to motivate you to change or compromise. 

Edited by BLEmom

Added info.

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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23 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

I can't comment on law, but some of this might be what Russia considers as an act of war or not. Because if Russia really wanted to consider these as acts of war, I imagine they would. 


Russia wants to avoid war with the US and UK just as much as the US and UK want to avoid war with Russia. 


Well, almost as much.  Russia did invade Ukraine after all. 

Putin has already said if they do he would consider it  an act of war. Of course, he also considers the sanctions an act of war which means he will retaliate on that. 
He gave another speech at some table yesterday. Was it with flight attendants?  I’ll have to look it up again unless someone already has the link. 

Also the frontline special did give me a better picture of the overall mindset that let to Jehovah’s people being persecuted over there. And while in the middle of doing that, he would praise a JW family on national tv. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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1 hour ago, ChrisC said:

Okay, I suppose, if we had regularly been putting a Bible in the window before the conflict started.

(Hypothetical I know.)


Da 6:10 But as soon as Daniel knew that the decree had been signed, he went to his house, which had the windows of his roof chamber open toward Jerusalem. And three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed and offered praise before his God, as he had regularly done prior to this. 

It's an interesting topic.  Consider these two contrasting examples:


When I was serving in West Africa, we would sometimes only get a 30 day visa when we entered a country (we were shuffled between Nigeria / Ghana / Cote d'Ivoire).  So, we were frequently going through customs.  A little trick we learned was to leave the magazines right on top of the clothes in the suitcase. When the customs agent opened the suitcase, he immediately recognized the magazines, and we have such a good reputation, he would stop his inspection and waive us through with a broad smile.


At our last in-person Regional Convention in Sacramento, we had a local pastor/minister who was determined to save us from eternal hellfire. He had a portable amplifier on like a backpack and he was shouting into his microphone as well. He was right next to the friends as they waited for the doors to open.  So, the friends decided to sing Kingdom songs out loud, hoping to drown out his ranting.  However, we were instructed not to sing.  It was construed as a counter-protest.


So, in one scenario we may use our literature to an advantage such as crossing a border or identifying one another in a crowd. While another scenario has us refrain from using our literature (songs) so as not to give a wrong impression.


It will be interesting to learn how the discreet slave will direct us before the GT starts.  Overt or covert?



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A very interesting  insight into Putin’s mind by this Ukrainian/Russian British philosopher on Dr Campbell’s video a week ago, regarding Putin’s mental state.  This man has extensive experience having lived under that regime, and the background of how history and suspicion of the west drives Putin’s mindset.

a tad long, so watch it over a cuppa. It’s fascinating and shows the intricacies of this tangled web of Satan’s world. It’s gotta go.

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Apologies if this has already been shared. 


Reports that Ukraine’s, and Europe’s, largest nuclear power plant is under the control of Russian forces is a cause for grave concern, the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Mariano Grossi, said on Sunday.


In a statement released by the IAEA, Mr. Grossi said he had been informed by Ukrainian authorities that, although regular staff continue to operate the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant, any action of plant management – including measures related to the technical operation of the six reactor units – requires prior approval by the Russian commander of the Russian forces that took control of the site last week.


“The deteriorating situation regarding vital communications between the regulator and the Zaporizhzhya NPP is also a source of deep concern, especially during an armed conflict that may jeopardize the country’s nuclear facilities at any time”, continued the Director-General. “Reliable communications between the regulator and the operator are a critical part of overall nuclear safety and security”.


In another worrying development, the regulator said that all communications have been lost with the enterprises and institutions in the port city of Mariupol that use category 1-3 radiation sources, and there is no information about their status.


The military conflict in Ukraine is the first to take place on the territory of a country with large nuclear facilities.



Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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1 hour ago, VisualizeUrParadise said:

I’m beginning to think that Jehovah might intervene right before the global nuclear war begins. 

Jehovah stepping in because the world is ending anyway makes much sense to me.

It would settle the question of sovereignty.  Jehovah gave them every opportunity to make their case and it eventually led them to global destruction unless Jehovah intervened.

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3 hours ago, Sofia said:

Back in the 1920s and 1930s, members of the NKVD, KGB’s predecessor, took an active interest in occultism."

Just like many of the “founding fathers” of the United States of America were 33rd degree Freemasons, which in its highest level is devil worship. I laugh to myself when I hear brainwashed Americans say that this country was built by Christians and based on Christian values.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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2 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

A very interesting  insight into Putin’s mind by this Ukrainian/Russian British philosopher on Dr Campbell’s video a week ago, regarding Putin’s mental state.  This man has extensive experience having lived under that regime, and the background of how history and suspicion of the west drives Putin’s mindset.

a tad long, so watch it over a cuppa. It’s fascinating and shows the intricacies of this tangled web of Satan’s world. It’s gotta go.

Thank you for sharing that Lucy, it was very interesting. (Didn't watch it over a cuppa, I listened while making a batch of cat food and a jar of soft wax furniture polish. The length was perfect. 😁


Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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Putin "believes he is like the czars," says US expert

Russian President Vladimir Putin "believes he is like the czars," the imperial dynasty that ruled Russia for centuries, said a US expert who worked in the former Obama administration.

"Putin has certainly used the Russian Orthodox Church in order to serve his goals," said Anna Makanju, former director for Russia at the US National Security Council, on Sunday.

Some history: The Russian Orthodox Church had historically served as a pillar of legitimacy and support for the Romanov czars. When communist radicals swept to power during the Bolshevik revolution, they targeted the Russian Orthodox Church and tore down churches that had been place of worship for the czars.https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-07-22/index.html

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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9 hours ago, Lee49 said:

It's hard for me to understand that because the U.S. and other countries are supplying weapons of war to Ukraine and not direct interference like boots on the ground and flying air support, that they are not involved in the war, thus not committing an act of war. If

Yes and No.


It's counted that if you supply the weapons you might be able to guess how the weapons will be used but the blame falls on the person using the weapons. (For example our Russian brothers pay taxes despite knowing some of the money is used for war and oppression). However if you use the weapons to shoot the other guy that's war.


For instance during the Vietnam war American pilots could see anti aircraft weapons being unloaded at ports but they couldn't do anything because they were coming from Russian ships. It was only when no Russians were around, i.e. when they were being shot at, that they could do anything.


It's an imperfect human way of dealing with a very real human problem.

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1 hour ago, Edwin34 said:

A Russian priest has been arrested after giving a sermon against the war in Ukraine



Until the destruction of Babylon even it's clergy are redeemable, credit where it's due, that took guts.

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Ukraine’s pro-Russian monasteries draw local suspicion


War has sharpened the split between Ukraine and Russia’s Orthodox churches, with some historic sites in Ukraine still loyal to Moscow

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This really seems surreal, I had to post to show just how crazy this world has become. Come back with me to 2010, to St Petersburg at a charity event…. Notice who is enjoying the “show”? 😳



Edited by hatcheckgirl
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43 minutes ago, Keep Fighting said:




Ukraine’s pro-Russian monasteries draw local suspicion


War has sharpened the split between Ukraine and Russia’s Orthodox churches, with some historic sites in Ukraine still loyal to Moscow

The killer line for me was



Others resent a church they say shows no concern for its community, barring them from what is effectively an ancient air raid tunnel

The Society would open their doors to everyone (I think that happened during the Yugoslav wars). Even the trashy stories I'm not admitting to reading have the church/monastery providing shelter for the civilians.


Oh well, it all helps to dry up the waters.

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