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Russia invades Ukraine

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2 minutes ago, Dustparticle said:

In Russia, us JW’s been suffering for at least five years and millions of more will follow.

Millions of years??..:eek:

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I find it absolutely 🤯 that there are ordinary Russians who believe Ukraine is inflicting this carnage and destruction on themselves, despite all the evidence to the contrary. If we didn’t know how Satan works in blinding the minds, how could you explain what’s happening? Even if in their minds there was justification for “rescuing” the Donbas from “Nazis”, how do they reconcile what their leader has authorised in bombing the heart out of Ukraine?


These are people of similar ethnicity yet the hatred runs deep. It truly reflects satans disposition. (I know that there are some dissent within Russia, but there are a lot of people in fear of Putin who prefer to believe his propaganda.)

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16 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

If we didn’t know how Satan works in blinding the minds, how could you explain what’s happening? Even if in their minds there was justification for “rescuing” the Donbas from “Nazis”, how do they reconcile what their leader has authorised in bombing the heart out of Ukraine?




2 hours ago, Sofia said:

Breaking News: Russia blocked access to Facebook and threatened up to 15 years in prison for those who stray from the state narrative on the war in Ukraine.



Propaganda is powerful. A Russian family living in Ukraine tells that he was surprised that he hadn't had any calls from his father in Russia since the invasion. he phoned him whilst the Russian bombing was in process. His father wouldn't believe him and said it was Ukraine's army doing it and the Russians were helping the Ukrainians by ridding them of the Nazis. He said he was shocked to hear the propaganda from his own father rather than believe him. 



.So much violence and tragedy, and the ultimate in gaslighting from Putin. " We're not doing it, it's the Ukrainians!"





This pretty much sums it up.  The Russians are fed propaganda and threatened with prison if they do not go along with the official Russian narrative. 


Edited by Shawnster
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Russia is being isolated.


I read Bible prophecies every day, to memorize them and meditate.

Have you reasoned about this?

Dan. 11:45 "And he will plant his royal* tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration;*r and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him."


I dont want to come forward to GB... but it looks like KOTN (Russia and its allies) is becoming isolated, no other nations will help him during the future Armagedom.


About KOTS the statement is a bit different: Dan. 8:25 "And by his cunning he will use deception to succeed; and in his heart he will exalt himself; and during a time of security he will bring many to ruin. He will even stand up against the Prince of princes, but he will be broken without human hand."


Just a thought... the world scenario is being prepared for armagedom...

But before: GT !


what reason will cause BTG destruction? Keeping on the watch... :D 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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1 hour ago, Sofia said:

Russia is being isolated.


I read Bible prophecies every day, to memorize them and meditate.

Have you reasoned about this?

Dan. 11:45 "And he will plant his royal* tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration;*r and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him."


I dont want to come forward to GB... but it looks like KOTN (Russia and its allies) is becoming isolated, no other nations will help him during the future Armagedom.


About KOTS the statement is a bit different: Dan. 8:25 "And by his cunning he will use deception to succeed; and in his heart he will exalt himself; and during a time of security he will bring many to ruin. He will even stand up against the Prince of princes, but he will be broken without human hand."


Just a thought... the world scenario is being prepared for armagedom...

But before: GT !


what reason will cause BTG destruction? Keeping on the watch... :D 

Believe me sis, who would want to help both kings along all nations while they getting their butt whipped by Jesus? Daniel 2:44 

Edited by Dustparticle
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16 minutes ago, Shawnster said:

Then don't? 


i won’t 🤫🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐

1 hour ago, Dustparticle said:

Believe me sis, who would want to help both kings along all nations while they getting their butt whipped by Jesus? Daniel 2:44 

Your opinion worths a chocolate tablet 🤗🤗

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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Following on from Lucy's comment above, #452, I was reading this earlier this morning. 


Oleksandra and her four rescue dogs have been sheltering in the bathroom of her flat in Kharkiv since the shelling began.

The 25-year-old has been speaking regularly to her mother, who lives in Moscow. But in these conversations, and even after sending videos from her heavily bombarded hometown, Oleksandra is unable to convince her mother about the danger she is in.

"But even though they worry about me, they still say it probably happens only by accident, that the Russian army would never target civilians. That it's Ukrainians who're killing their own people."

Oleksandra says her mother just repeats the narratives of what she hears on Russian state TV channels ....... They are just brainwashing people. 


Mykhailo, a well-known Kyiv restaurateur, didn't have the time or inclination to watch Russian TV coverage of the invasion.

When shelling of Ukraine's capital started, he and his wife were concentrating on how to protect their six-year-old daughter and baby son.

He was surprised not to have heard from his father, who works at a monastery near Nizhny Novgorod in Russia. He called his father and described what was happening. His father replied that this wasn't true; there was no war and - in fact - Russians were saving Ukraine from Nazis.

Mykhailo said he felt he knew the power of Russian propaganda, but when he heard it from his father, he was devastated.


Anastasiya, a BBC Ukrainian correspondent who moved to Kyiv 10 years ago, heard bombs exploding after waking and was worried about where would be hit next.

"I called my mum again. I told her I was scared. 'Don't worry', she said, reassuringly. 'They [Russia] will never bomb Kyiv'."

"I told her there were casualties among civilians. 'But that's what we had too when Ukraine attacked Donbas!', she said, laughing.





Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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7 hours ago, Sofia said:

Strong comments from Ukrainian

ambassador to the Russian ambassador at UNSC emergency meeting just now: 




Thanks Sofia, I'd never be able to follow those debates so your summaries and clips are a great help. I know you're really hoping one will go "Hey, let's ban religion instead" and all the others will go "Ja" "Da" "Yeah" and I'll probably hear it here first 😉

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2 minutes ago, Hugh O'D said:

Thanks Sofia, I'd never be able to follow those debates so your summaries and clips are a great help. I know you're really hoping one will go "Hey, let's ban religion instead" and all the others will go "Ja" "Da" "Yeah" and I'll probably hear it here first 😉

Well, actually I find some of these debates amusing. The Ambassador from Ukraine has the gift of speech, uses illustrations a lot. I was busy in the kitchen listening this live. I stopped immediately came to lap top and taped for everyone to see. So far I havent read these statements written on internet... and they are powerful.

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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1 minute ago, Sofia said:

Well, actually I find some of these debates amusing. The Ambassador from Ukraine has the gift of speech, uses illustrations a lot. I was busy in the kitchen listening this live. I stopped immediately came to lap top and taped for everyone to see. So far I havent read these statements written on internet... and they are powerful.

He is a great speaker.

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4 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Even if in their minds there was justification for “rescuing” the Donbas from “Nazis”, how do they reconcile what their leader has authorised in bombing the heart out of Ukraine

It's what Paul said, people wantto have their ears tickled. They've a comfortable worldview with their place inside it and everything is to be bent to fit this worldview.


Source: remembering when I was politically motivated in the world and the times since when I've realized my neutrality was getting shoved out the door.

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12 minutes ago, Sofia said:

I was busy in the kitchen listening this live

That's a relief, I was wondering "how does she have the time to sit down and watch all these?". I've a flaw, other than music I can't listen to something in the background, it's either near full attention or nothing. Your way is better.

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3 hours ago, Hugh O'D said:

I've a flaw, other than music I can't listen to something in the background, it's either near full attention or nothing. Your way is better.

That's not a flaw - it's just a man thing. Everyone knows men can't multitask. 😂🙃💙

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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8 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

there are ordinary Russians who believe Ukraine is inflicting this carnage and destruction on themselves, despite all the evidence to the contrary

I saw a video yesterday in which some reporter tried to talk with ordinary people out there in Russia about this situation (with the pictures of warfare in Ukraine and bleeding scared people) and i was shocked how similar their reactions was to which we observe in our preaching work (or "observed" in door-to-door service). "I won't talk about it!", "I ain't gonna watch it", "I don't believe what you're saying, i believe Putin" - then they turned around with hand gestures and go.. Exactly the same reactions what we just to observe in our ministry.. Poor people closed to knowledge, facts and truth

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I don’t know if this has been specifically referred to...but, while we give considerable credit to the Russian propaganda machine, have we discussed other Russian aspects. We know Putin makes a show of his Russian Orthodox faith...but what if he really believes a number of the things he has said?

Maybe his ‘source’ being the Russian Orthodox Church itself? “Gods” people wouldn’t lie, would they. Talk about the ‘voice of Satan’! The ROC were enraged when the Ukrainian’s wanted to essentially get rid of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Ukraine and get their own Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Which they did get approval from the head of Orthodoxy in the Greek Orthodox Church to establish it.

That would also provide an answer as to why older Russian’s believe the the ‘bad guys’ are the Ukrainian’s, while the younger generation may be more skeptical. The ROC propaganda machine has had many hundreds of years longer than either Putin or even the Soviet state to polish that process.


Just sayin’... 

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I think ROC is deeply involved here. They have relished their revival under Putin. Putin may have been ex-Soviet, but his hero is Tsar Alexander III, a repressive leader.

Putin’s delusion harks back to the Tsarist days (similar to previous dictators and their grandiose dreams).  ROC has persecuted other Christian faiths way before these modern day attacks on JWs. We’ll see how this develops. 

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You are absolutely right @hatcheckgirl it is very involved 


but this war is also causing dissent among the ROC.  I find this to be an interesting turn of events for reasons I don't have to explain here. Each step might be tiny but as long as it's in the right direction ...


More than 275 Russian Orthodox priests and deacons from around the world have signed an open letter expressing their opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, challenging the Russian government and breaking with the tacit support of the military action by church leadership in Moscow.


The letter called for “the cessation of the fratricidal war” against Ukraine, insisted the “people of Ukraine should make their choice on their own” and lamented the “trial that our brothers and sisters in Ukraine were undeservedly subjected to.”


........ But the priests’ letter showed Russia’s invasion has further challenged Moscow’s leadership.


While their protest is qualified and the number of signers tiny compared to the total number of clerics ........... it points to a broader trend of dissent within the church regarding the Ukraine invasion, and could signal important shifts for a tradition that has in recent years operated in lockstep with the Kremlin.



Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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Russia has declared a partial ceasefire to allow humanitarian corridors out of the Ukrainian cities of Mariupol and Volnovakha, the Kremlin’s defence ministry says.  From 10am Moscow time (6pm AEDT) ......


Russia is blocking Facebook for restricting state-backed channels, and the websites of the BBC, Germany’s Deutsche Welle and Voice of America, among others.


Global oil prices surged more than 20 per cent this week on fears of supply shortages, posing a risk to global economic growth.



Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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