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Food shortages are everywhere

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And the U.S. thinks they have a water problem!

India water: Hundreds jostle to reach well

You would think the "village council" would find an easier distribution method instead of dumping it into a well and letting everyone fight for it!



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13 hours ago, coolbrz731 said:

This whole article is just another fulfillment of man dominating man to his injury


Have a look inside Russia's new 'Tasty' McDonald's replacement

The branches will now reopen under the new name of "Vkusno i Tochka", which translates to "Tasty and that's ... it".




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25 minutes ago, Lee49 said:


Have a look inside Russia's new 'Tasty' McDonald's replacement

The branches will now reopen under the new name of "Vkusno i Tochka", which translates to "Tasty and that's ... it".





A symbol of how Russia and the west are moving apart.

Sadly true, however the war goes things are getting more divided, what we expect but still painful to watch.

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Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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The situation in Sri Lanka is dire.


“Sri Lanka’s debt-laden economy has “collapsed” after months of shortages of food, fuel and electricity, the prime minister told lawmakers.


Ranil Wickremesinghe told parliament the South Asian nation faces “a far more serious situation” than the shortages alone, and he warned of “a possible fall to rock bottom.”


The Sri Lankan economy is foundering under the weight of heavy debts, lost tourism revenue and other effects of the pandemic, as well as surging costs for commodities. The result is a country hurtling towards bankruptcy, with hardly any money to import gasoline, milk, cooking gas and toilet paper.


Government officials have been given every Friday off for three months to save on fuel and grow their own fruits and vegetables. The inflation rate for food is 57%, according to official data.”


On the Australian news today, they mentioned there was an uptick in boats refugees from Sri Lanka attempting to cross the ocean to Australia as the poor struggle with all sorts of shortages, including medicines. But the current Australian govt policy is to “turn the boats back”.

Meanwhile, the Ukraine war has pushed prices of food and oil higher everywhere, and Sri Lanka is just the first country to buckle. We can expect to see food refugees from Africa and the Middle East trying to get to Europe too.




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This is an analysis or op Ed piece, but it is like reading prophecy being fulfilled:


An article this week in Foreign Policy magazine pointed to data reminding us that "the number of food riots globally jumped a whopping 250 per cent above their average over the 2005-2011 period".


The Arab Spring of a decade ago was described as the "hunger revolution" and was triggered by a Tunisian street vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, who set himself on fire when his fruit cart was seized.


This generated conflicts in Libya, Syria, and Yemen and, Foreign Policy points out, contributed to the rise of Islamic State.


We are seeing hungry angry people again. In Sri Lanka shortages of food and fuel have sparked violent unrest. It defaulted on its foreign debt in May and there are warnings that other countries like Pakistan, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Ghana and El Salvador could follow.


South Africa, Jordan, Mozambique are all bracing for economically driven social unrest.


A cost of living crisis has UK authorities on alert. Police numbers are being bolstered fearing more disturbance.


There are warnings of a return to Thatcher era riots of the explosive summer of 1981 in the wake of recession.


The world has been battered by decades of terrorism, war, financial collapse, a pandemic and now when people were hoping for a reprieve from years of lockdown, death and despair we face a world of war in Ukraine, food shortages, spiralling prices and social unrest.



….. and we know where this is all headed……

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  • 3 weeks later...

When the leaders of Sri Lanka had decided to fast track organic production of rice and other food staples, they didn’t plan for a transition. They just banned all synthetic fertilisers, and the result has been disastrous. From a country that was self-sufficient in food production, the farmers couldn’t produce rice to feed the people and the crops failed.


Added to the extreme mismanagement by the government, the collapse of the economic system means there are no funds to buy food overseas. Or medicines.  Or fuel.  So they can’t grow their own food or import it. 

How easy it is for systems to unravel due to humans unable to govern. This is not just Sri Lanka or poorer countries. It’ll be us one day too. Thank Jehovah, it wouldn’t be possible to stay sane without knowing Jehovah has the only solution.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Driest July on record sparks fears of European crop shortages



The headline says it all, but this news report is very much showing that food shortages and climate change go hand in hand and it can't be reversed.


Some horrible outcomes so far:

  • In France, where an intense drought has hammered farmers and prompted widespread limits on freshwater use, there was just 9.7 millimetres (0.38 inches) of rain last month. That was 84 percent down on the average levels seen for July between 1991 and 2022, making it the driest month since March 1961.
  • France is the fourth-largest exporter of wheat and among the top five exporters of maize globally. Poor harvests due to drought may heap further pressure on grain supplies after Russia's invasion of Ukraine caused global shockwaves. 
  • In Britain, spiralling food costs -- worsened by heat-induced losses in Europe and Britain -- were a sign that "food systems aren't working for people."
  • Spain's reservoirs are at just 40.4 percent capacity. Spains olive harvest from unirrigated land will come in at less than 20 percent of the average of the last five years. Spain supplies nearly half the world's olive oil.  

  • Portugal, where temperatures yet again breached the 40C mark this week, is experiencing "the worst drought this century". Portugal along with Poland has asked its citizens to cut down on water use to ease the pressure.

  • The European Commission warned that exceptional low soil moisture levels meant several countries, including France, Romania, Spain, Portugal and Italy will experience reduced crop yield in 2022. 

  • EU yields of soybean, sunflowers and maize were already 9 percent below average. 


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  • 2 months later...

The extensive flooding in the Australian states of Victoria, some of Tasmania and NSW has hit the “food bowl” hard. We can expect food shortages as crops, feed and animals are affected.


Federal Emergency Management and Agriculture Minister Murray Watt said extensive flooding across Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania could cause food shortages.

"I certainly think there's going to be a big impact on food production and prices as a result of this," Mr Watt said.


"Crops that were getting ready for harvest are now destroyed," Mr Watt said. "That will hit farmers, and it'll also hit consumers when they go to buy their fruit and vegetables and other agricultural products."

Milk cannot be collected and sent to processing plants, so will have to be dumped, creating a scarcity.


“animal welfare would become a concern if the cattle weren't regularly milked as the likelihood of illnesses such as mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary gland which could become infected, increased.”




We can see how easily food shortages can occur when we have multiple  disasters, pandemic and financial pressures. It just can’t be sustained.

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4 minutes ago, JennyM said:

There was an announcement in Philippines in all congregations to stock food. 

Is that because of the typhoon?


CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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  • 1 month later...

Brace for supply chain chaos as Australia cut in half after train derailed

Empty shelves and high prices could be about to get even worse following a train derailment disaster that has crippled a vital piece of Australian train infrastructure, and left the country without an east-west train connection.


Severe weather in the Eastern states damaged the rail tracks between the West and the East for the second time this year. 

Although this happened a week ago, it takes some time to fix these tracks. And this time there is the chaos of the container derailment that happened because of the inability of the tracks to withstand the weight of the train because of the sodden ground. Last time it was over 3 weeks before the tracks were fixed and trains started running again. Even longer for the shelves here to be restocked.


It means chaos for the country’s rail connections. Picture: Sky News Australia


This crash has wider implications. It is now blocking the rail line between Melbourne and Adelaide, cutting off Adelaide from the Port of Melbourne.

Normally, such a loss wouldn’t completely cut off Perth and Adelaide from Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane because there’s another train line that runs from Sydney to Adelaide. But that line is currently cut off due to flooding at Broken Hill. No trains are able to go east to west in the whole country. We were hanging by a single thread, which has now been severed.


Supply chains have been a mess in this country for months. Shortages and high prices have become a fact of life. And now, just as we are starting to recover, this.

The east-west train lines are, according to government statistics, the busiest freight lines in the country. They carry all sorts of goods from Adelaide and Perth to Sydney and Melbourne.


It must be causing supply issues here - our shelves are already starting to show gaps but interestingly, there is barely a whisper from the media or anyine else.  I think panic buying may be a factor in the silence.




(Blue is quoted from the article; black are my own words/thoughts).

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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  • 8 months later...

Lead article on JW.org this week regarding the world's food shortage situation due to Russia's withdrawal from the grain export treaty:

Global Food Crisis Fueled by War and Climate Change—What Does the Bible Say?


Also compounding this is India's decision to ban exports of non-Basmati rice, as India is the world's top rice exporter, accounting for some 40% of the global trade in the cereal. Not surprisingly, July's export ban has sparked worries about runaway global rice prices.




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24 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Lead article on JW.org this week regarding the world's food shortage situation due to Russia's withdrawal from the grain export treaty:

Global Food Crisis Fueled by War and Climate Change—What Does the Bible Say?


Also compounding this is India's decision to ban exports of non-Basmati rice, as India is the world's top rice exporter, accounting for some 40% of the global trade in the cereal. Not surprisingly, July's export ban has sparked worries about runaway global rice prices.




We see prophecy of Rev chapter 6:6  unfolding in front of our eyes.

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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50 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Lead article on JW.org this week regarding the world's food shortage situation due to Russia's withdrawal from the grain export treaty:

Global Food Crisis Fueled by War and Climate Change—What Does the Bible Say?


Also compounding this is India's decision to ban exports of non-Basmati rice, as India is the world's top rice exporter, accounting for some 40% of the global trade in the cereal. Not surprisingly, July's export ban has sparked worries about runaway global rice prices.




Things will get worse. We will be in GT soon. 

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