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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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10 hours ago, daydream said:

Sigh, the all powerful mass media trying to control the hearts and minds of people. I also fall prey to their insidious tactics to hold us captive to their endless propaganda.



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One of the biggest uses of sensationalism is headlines. When you are looking at a magazine or website and see those big bolded words, they attract your attention. News and media outlets know that headlines attract readers, so they use this to their advantage. Often times headlines feature an over-exaggerated display of events. With the right wording, the most mundane thing can be blown out of proportion.


Fear-mongering is the act of intentionally playing with the fears of others to arouse fear or anger — another sensationalist tactic. Media outlets will prey on the fears of others in order for them to notice their content.

“Once you get someone's attention, then you know you can weave your way through a very convoluted and probably implausible argument and make it appear more reasonable,”


They informed people bad things done and not resolved. 


We know why its happening.. those 4 horses seen in the book of revelation . Enough for true Christians to see that we are living in the last of the last days. 



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A quart of wheat for a denarius? 

25% tariffs might go into effect this weekend:




I don’t know about you guys, but I am tired of having to need money to survive and dealing with it getting more and more worthless by the year. This threatens to take inflation to a whole new level…politics aside. People suffer from a lack of basic necessities because they simply cost too much $$$. In my area, getting a decent amount of groceries already costs >$200 😳


The black horse is riding, that’s for sure.

Edited by Cool.As.Ice

Leviticus 19:18: “‘You must not take vengeance nor hold a grudge against the sons of your people, and you must love your fellow man as yourself.”


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46 minutes ago, Cool.As.Ice said:

A quart of wheat for a denarius? 

25% tariffs might go into effect this weekend:




I don’t know about you guys, but I am tired of having to need money to survive and dealing with it getting more and more worthless by the year. This threatens to take inflation to a whole new level…politics aside. People suffer from a lack of basic necessities because they simply cost too much $$$. In my area, getting a decent amount of groceries already costs >$200 😳


The black horse is riding, that’s for sure.

Most are tired. Hence people get angry easily. 

Many jw's postponed marriage and theyre mocked by people in the villages. Some even comment, dont be jw or else, you cant get married. 


Many jw's are afraid to get married and have children. What would happen when they get old? I know the congregation will help but what they can do is limited. 


We have so much problems in satan's world and it's getting worse. 


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1 hour ago, Cool.As.Ice said:

A quart of wheat for a denarius? 

25% tariffs might go into effect this weekend:




I don’t know about you guys, but I am tired of having to need money to survive and dealing with it getting more and more worthless by the year. This threatens to take inflation to a whole new level…politics aside. People suffer from a lack of basic necessities because they simply cost too much $$$. In my area, getting a decent amount of groceries already costs >$200 😳


The black horse is riding, that’s for sure.

The theme on the new awake! Is about rising prices 

it’s a thing unfortunately 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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1 hour ago, JennyM said:

Many jw's are afraid to get married and have children. What would happen when they get old? I know the congregation will help but what they can do is limited. 


We have so much problems in satan's world and it's getting worse. 


Jenny dear, I understand what you mean. But I've come to realise that ones future does not depend on any human.


Whether single or married, with children or without, we must all rely on Jehovah at the end of the day. Our trust must be solely on Jehovah, because life is unpredictable.


I've seen people with children, who loss their children in death and end up alone, I've seen those neglected and shunned by their own children for reasons best known to them, and I've seen people loss their marriage mate. If these, thought that by having a mate and children, their future was set, imagine their heartbreak. 


So at the end of the day, Jehovah is the one who takes care of all, he may use the congregation, he may use individuals. But none, whether single or married, with children or childless, who hope in Jehovah will be put to shame.

Jehovah is our Rock. 🤗

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1 hour ago, Daisy k said:

Jenny dear, I understand what you mean. But I've come to realise that ones future does not depend on any human.


Whether single or married, with children or without, we must all rely on Jehovah at the end of the day. Our trust must be solely on Jehovah, because life is unpredictable.


I've seen people with children, who loss their children in death and end up alone, I've seen those neglected and shunned by their own children for reasons best known to them, and I've seen people loss their marriage mate. If these, thought that by having a mate and children, their future was set, imagine their heartbreak. 


So at the end of the day, Jehovah is the one who takes care of all, he may use the congregation, he may use individuals. But none, whether single or married, with children or childless, who hope in Jehovah will be put to shame.

Jehovah is our Rock. 🤗

Also, this system is not going to last to much longer.  So, we are not going to grow old in this system.  In a convention Bro. Jackson mentioned a password of 24 characters for computer protection.  It would consist of numbers and letters.


Who can attempt to figure it out in order to hack a computer?


This system has the 24 characters in place which identifies the "END".


Some will say "we have always had famine, earthquakes, etc. etc., however, not on the level we see today.  24 characters so to speak that identifies the end of this system.


So, just stay in touch with the organization, leave matters to Jehovah and, continue in your spiritual work and routine.



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1 hour ago, cme said:

Also, this system is not going to last to much longer.  So, we are not going to grow old in this system.  In a convention Bro. Jackson mentioned a password of 24 characters for computer protection.  It would consist of numbers and letters.


Who can attempt to figure it out in order to hack a computer?


This system has the 24 characters in place which identifies the "END".


Some will say "we have always had famine, earthquakes, etc. etc., however, not on the level we see today.  24 characters so to speak that identifies the end of this system.


So, just stay in touch with the organization, leave matters to Jehovah and, continue in your spiritual work and routine.



So True

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5 hours ago, JennyM said:

Most are tired. Hence people get angry easily. 

Many jw's postponed marriage and theyre mocked by people in the villages. Some even comment, dont be jw or else, you cant get married. 


Many jw's are afraid to get married and have children. What would happen when they get old? I know the congregation will help but what they can do is limited. 


We have so much problems in satan's world and it's getting worse. 



 Believe me sis, a lot of marriages end up in failures. In cases those in the truth too. I wonder what the names of the villages are? Is it Wonderland, Pleasantville, or Hollywood?

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On 1/29/2025 at 10:13 AM, Hope said:


I tend to go to AP and Reuters for my news most of the time. They are best for simply reporting what's happening without commentary.


I do check BBC, NPR, and New York Times, however.

Not related to P&S but:



NPR and PBS are catching heat now.  It would be crazy if they dismantled PBS, the nostalgia of Reading Rainbow and Sesame Street from my childhood in the 80s! 

Oh well… better things to come.

Edited by chuck83
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11 hours ago, JennyM said:


Many jw's are afraid to have children. 


I know a couple who are pioneering.  He went through MTS.  They thought they would postpone having children like many of us.  But  .  .   she can't put it off any longer.  She wants and needs to be a mother.  So, they're planning to start a family at this late date in the old system.

No matter when the end happens there will be JW's with babies.  Planned or not.

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17 hours ago, Daisy k said:

Jenny dear, I understand what you mean. But I've come to realise that ones future does not depend on any human.


Whether single or married, with children or without, we must all rely on Jehovah at the end of the day. Our trust must be solely on Jehovah, because life is unpredictable.


I've seen people with children, who loss their children in death and end up alone, I've seen those neglected and shunned by their own children for reasons best known to them, and I've seen people loss their marriage mate. If these, thought that by having a mate and children, their future was set, imagine their heartbreak. 


So at the end of the day, Jehovah is the one who takes care of all, he may use the congregation, he may use individuals. But none, whether single or married, with children or childless, who hope in Jehovah will be put to shame.

Jehovah is our Rock. 🤗

You have a point.


I had  a good experience with my family . My parents and my fleshly  brother helped me without questions that I couldnt ask that from others. They put up with me too. I can be myself without them being contempt at me or hold bitterness or grudge. At the end of the day, I can rely on them. 


My daughter is so good at computer and she helped me instantly  when I have computer and network issues at home. I dont need to bother a bro or a sis in the congregation. 


My mom helped me with cooking and doing house chores so I can pioneer. 


These are my family experiences that I want others to experience . However, many jws are anxious to start a family because of rising cost of living. 


But I know , Jehovah is my Rock. Our no.1 confidence. 

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On 1/31/2025 at 10:51 AM, cme said:

Also, this system is not going to last to much longer.  So, we are not going to grow old in this system.  In a convention Bro. Jackson mentioned a password of 24 characters for computer protection.  It would consist of numbers and letters.


Who can attempt to figure it out in order to hack a computer?


This system has the 24 characters in place which identifies the "END".


Some will say "we have always had famine, earthquakes, etc. etc., however, not on the level we see today.  24 characters so to speak that identifies the end of this system.


So, just stay in touch with the organization, leave matters to Jehovah and, continue in your spiritual work and routine.



I think growing old in this system really depends on how old you are now… 


There are some who will most likely face death through old age while waiting for the GT 

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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54 minutes ago, Áine said:

I think growing old in this system really depends on how old you are now… 


There are some who will most likely face death through old age while waiting for the GT 

I have often talked about this with some of the older ones in the congregation. Some of them never thought that they would grow old in this system.


This in of itself is a trial, and it cannot be understated about the strength and resolve these ones need to keep going.


I think Habakkuk put it better than I could ever have:


(Habakkuk 1:2a) 2 How long, O Jehovah, must I cry for help, but you do not hear?


As their physical abilities deteriorate and the day of death seems to loom closer, maybe waiting might seem to be in vain. But they keep themselves going, knowing that there is a better future in store.


Besides, they know that if they pass on, it’ll be a matter of mere moments before they are in the new world. Then we can tell ‘em what the GT &  Armageddon was like.

Leviticus 19:18: “‘You must not take vengeance nor hold a grudge against the sons of your people, and you must love your fellow man as yourself.”


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19 hours ago, Áine said:

I think growing old in this system really depends on how old you are now… 


There are some who will most likely face death through old age while waiting for the GT 

I’m 68 yrs and never thought I would get to this age before the new world.  I have the usual ageing aches and pains and conditions and now wonder will I witness the end.  My mother who died 15 years ago thought she would see it.  Though all these weather changes happening gives me confidence it has to be close.  Our talk on the weekend highlighted 5 prophecies yet to be fulfilled, declaration of peace and security, fall of Babylon the Great, attack of Gog of Magog, Armageddon and then the new world.  It is now a watching and waiting game.  I’m watching and waiting.

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Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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1 hour ago, Hope said:

Very interesting article here:




Discusses the US interest in the League of Nations and United Nations.. or lack thereof 🤔

A little more background…




Im at the point I feel like it’s the twilight zone or Mr Toads wild ride!


Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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3 hours ago, MullumMiss said:

I’m 68 yrs and never thought I would get to this age before the new world.  I have the usual ageing aches and pains and conditions and now wonder will I witness the end.  My mother who died 15 years ago thought she would see it.  Though all these weather changes happening gives me confidence it has to be close.  Our talk on the weekend highlighted 5 prophecies yet to be fulfilled, declaration of peace and security, fall of Babylon the Great, attack of Gog of Magog, Armageddon and then the new world.  It is now a watching and waiting game.  I’m watching and waiting.

I’m almost tire exact same, I’m 65 and I’ve been baptised 50 years… again I was one of those told I wouldn’t leave school, get married etc


 But we’ve both passed these milestones and more and we’re still here, I wonder if I will see it as well, my mother died recently… she was sure that she would see it!

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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4 hours ago, MullumMiss said:

I’m 68 yrs and never thought I would get to this age before the new world.


I am in a similar situation. I am 80. My wife is 82. We were not supposed to get this old in the old system!!!


There is an elder in our congregation who was born in 1968. When he was born, everyone said he would not have to even go to first grade. He is now 57 years old.


But, Jehovah has his own time table and it will not be late according to his time table.


In the meantime, the rest of us need to endure, and be faithful.





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2 hours ago, BLEmom said:

A little more background…




Im at the point I feel like it’s the twilight zone or Mr Toads wild ride!



SovCits are a loose group of anti-government activists, vexatious litigantstax protesters, financial scammers, and conspiracy theorists found mainly in the United States, Australia, UK and Canada, 


There are quite some crazy law enforecement stops with them on YouTube and cases in court.   It rarely ends well.  They say they are not "driving", they are "traveling".

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On 1/28/2025 at 10:36 AM, trottigy said:


And if you want the exact opposite bias - try Fox News.





I wonder how elected officials whose regions benefited from some of these grants for renewable energy and clean water will respond.


This all just shows how much we need the Kingdom and a ruler who genuinely cares about all of humanity and not just its own constituents.

The only difference is that Fox - as far as I remember - never tried to paint itself as middle of the road. 

I have always kept in mind the words of my first history tutor: to get anywhere close to the truth (as far as history is concerned), you have to read many differing points of view, even those you don’t necessarily agree with. I have followed this advice for the past 30+ years when it comes to the news. I don’t accept what anyone says is the truth without fact checking it *myself.* You absolutely cannot trust the self-appointed fact checkers. 

And, yes, the Kingdom is the only true hope. 

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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70 - 80 yrs of waiting is nothing compare to eternity . 


Older women in the congregation, dont wanna die and wanna see armageddon in their lifetime but years pass by. Yes they get  sad. Its innate that nobody wants to die. 



Nevertheless, Jehovah is a God of comfort. He will use young ones to encourage older ones. 


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