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Queen Elizabeth has died

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2 hours ago, Sheep said:

Come to think of it (I just realized this), our Canadian 50¢, 25¢, 10¢, and 5¢ coins also have Elizabeth II stamped on them!


As for the British-American world power, Canada is more closely tied to Britain than the US is, which is why a lot of our money here features Queen Elizabeth. The Governor-General of Canada is the official representative of the Queen (now King) while the ruler is absent from the country. Of course, this changes nothing in Bible prophecy.

This is the same as in Australia and New Zealand because of being part of the British Commonwealth and their head of state is the British Monarch. 


Worldly issues are all so complicated. 

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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1 hour ago, jwhess said:

Elizabeth and now her son are (were) the head of the Anglican church by law.

That's an interesting question, because her role in both Church and State were ceremonial, and decided by her birth. Something she could not influence.


My question is, if Monarchs get raised back up, then how will they act? Will they expect people to kneel to them? Windsor has ruled for a thousand years. If all those Kings come back, which one will demand the others abdicate?

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45 minutes ago, Thomas Walker said:

That's an interesting question, because her role in both Church and State were ceremonial, and decided by her birth. Something she could not influence.


My question is, if Monarchs get raised back up, then how will they act? Will they expect people to kneel to them? Windsor has ruled for a thousand years. If all those Kings come back, which one will demand the others abdicate?

Br. Matt, you are in a commonwealth country (I lived and was schooled in Canada) but as I recall part of the queen's oath involved the swearing to be a "defender of the faith" referring to the Church of England.  I realize it is part of the procedure but each monarch in England makes the oath voluntarily in good faith.

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That's an interesting question, because her role in both Church and State were ceremonial, and decided by her birth. Something she could not influence.
My question is, if Monarchs get raised back up, then how will they act? Will they expect people to kneel to them? Windsor has ruled for a thousand years. If all those Kings come back, which one will demand the others abdicate?

I wonder about the conflict between the Pharoahs! They thought they were gods. Even with the organized resurrection we can see that the thousand years will have some unique challenges.

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10 hours ago, Tortuga said:

Im really interested in seeing how it affects the political relationship with other countries.

Probably not greatly.  As far as politics go, the British monarchy and the royal family as a whole, is neutral at least publicly, though I'm sure they have their own personal thoughts on the matter.  

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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2 hours ago, Thomas Walker said:

My question is, if Monarchs get raised back up, then how will they act? Will they expect people to kneel to them? Windsor has ruled for a thousand years. If all those Kings come back, which one will demand the others abdicate?

I often think that there are a lot of people who are going to come back to a very rude awakening (no pun intended).  Celebrities who are cult-heroes and can have anything and everything their respective worldly hearts desire, will be brought down to earth with a massive bump.  I feel that the queen was more down to earth than a lot of them but even so, her change of lifestyle and circumstance will certainly come as a bit of a shock, I would imagine. 

1 hour ago, jwhess said:

Br. Matt, you are in a commonwealth country (I lived and was schooled in Canada) but as I recall part of the queen's oath involved the swearing to be a "defender of the faith" referring to the Church of England.  I realize it is part of the procedure but each monarch in England makes the oath voluntarily in good faith.

That is correct. This allegiance to the Church of England started after Henry VIII broke from Rome in 1536.  Prior to that is was used by the Catholic kings and was originally a title that was granted by the Pope. 

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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I felt sad, I have to admit. I started school with her likeness on the wall and sang God Save the Queen until whatever year in the 70s we changed over to Advance Australia Fair, prior to the truth of course. I grew up at a time when there was still reverence for traditional institutions. When I visited London for the first time, strangely I felt a strong connection because of this upbringing in our society (before things got anarchistic in the 60s and 70s). 

It’s another loss of a tradition the world has used for support. We have Jehovah. The world has had this monarch ruling over them all their lives. I do think they psychologically felt like she was a kindly regal “grandmother”, who was the last contact when life had morals and respectability. Her family are moral basketcases, but she wasn’t. If she does get a resurrection, it would be nice to think she could enjoy her life free of restraint playing with her horses and corgis, and learning about Jehovah. 

BTW our currency has traditionally minted all coins with her likeness, and the lowest note, which is $5 has her as well. The Mint said Charles 3 won’t be minted until 2023 😅


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3 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

I often think that there are a lot of people who are going to come back to a very rude awakening (no pun intended).  Celebrities who are cult-heroes and can have anything and everything their respective worldly hearts desire, will be brought down to earth with a massive bump.  I feel that the queen was more down to earth than a lot of them but even so, her change of lifestyle and circumstance will certainly come as a bit of a shock, I would imagine. 

That is correct. This allegiance to the Church of England started after Henry VIII broke from Rome in 1536.  Prior to that is was used by the Catholic kings and was originally a title that was granted by the Pope. 

Just think a lot of the unrighteous ones could be those that were famous in Satan system celebrities will still think they will still be famous and have anything they want they will be brought back with a bump but obviously its way to early to say and we cant judge but when they wake up they will wonder where they are and might still think they are in Hollywood 😂🤔or they might ask is this the new Hollywood as they will be brought back with same thinking they had before they died. 

Edited by halfspanishlee
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1 hour ago, hatcheckgirl said:

I felt sad, I have to admit. I started school with her likeness on the wall and sang God Save the Queen until whatever year in the 70s we changed over to Advance Australia Fair, prior to the truth of course. I grew up at a time when there was still reverence for traditional institutions. When I visited London for the first time, strangely I felt a strong connection because of this upbringing in our society (before things got anarchistic in the 60s and 70s). 

It’s another loss of a tradition the world has used for support. We have Jehovah. The world has had this monarch ruling over them all their lives. I do think they psychologically felt like she was a kindly regal “grandmother”, who was the last contact when life had morals and respectability. Her family are moral basketcases, but she wasn’t. If she does get a resurrection, it would be nice to think she could enjoy her life free of restraint playing with her horses and corgis, and learning about Jehovah. 

BTW our currency has traditionally minted all coins with her likeness, and the lowest note, which is $5 has her as well. The Mint said Charles 3 won’t be minted until 2023 😅


I too felt sad, and quite shocked, when I woke up to the news this morning even though I realised something serious was going on when I saw on the news last night, all the close family members rushing up to Balmoral. It is only 17 months since Philip died and it was like she just couldn't go on without her beloved husband. She went downhill very fast after he died.


My brother called her 'Mother of the UK' and to many people that is what she was. Many of the news reports say people looked to her as the source of stability in a turbulent world. It made  me think of Jesus words at Matthew 9:36 ...... they were sheep without a shepherd.  It is like they looked to her as their shepherd and now she has gone and they feel insecure about what the future holds. How blessed we are to never have to feel like that because we have our God and King.  Maybe some people will be more open to listening to the Bible's message during this time. 


There won't be any coins in the UK released with Charles III on till 2023 either.  One reason is because mints stockpile coins these days, to keep a reserve, so they still have many with Elizabeth on them that have to be released first.  Also, Charles refused to sit for a coin portrait while his mother was still alive. 


Just a bit of trivia, when coins and notes are released for a new monarch, the head will face the opposite way to the previous monarch. So Charles III will be looking to the left on anything with his head on it.

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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9 hours ago, Thomas Walker said:

That's an interesting question, because her role in both Church and State were ceremonial, and decided by her birth. Something she could not influence.


My question is, if Monarchs get raised back up, then how will they act? Will they expect people to kneel to them? Windsor has ruled for a thousand years. If all those Kings come back, which one will demand the others abdicate?

I doubt Elizabeth II would demand this of others. She never wanted to be queen but served with humility, honesty and she did not have a real chance or choice to be hungry ...

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That is correct. This allegiance to the Church of England started after Henry VIII broke from Rome in 1536.  Prior to that is was used by the Catholic kings and was originally a title that was granted by the Pope. 

I heard on the news this morning that Charles may change his oath to “defender of faiths” plural, and more inclusive. If he does, that would definitely break from the long held tradition.

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13 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

I felt sad, I have to admit. I started school with her likeness on the wall and sang God Save the Queen until whatever year in the 70s we changed over to Advance Australia Fair, prior to the truth of course. I grew up at a time when there was still reverence for traditional institutions. When I visited London for the first time, strangely I felt a strong connection because of this upbringing in our society (before things got anarchistic in the 60s and 70s). 

It’s another loss of a tradition the world has used for support. We have Jehovah. The world has had this monarch ruling over them all their lives. I do think they psychologically felt like she was a kindly regal “grandmother”, who was the last contact when life had morals and respectability. Her family are moral basketcases, but she wasn’t. If she does get a resurrection, it would be nice to think she could enjoy her life free of restraint playing with her horses and corgis, and learning about Jehovah. 

BTW our currency has traditionally minted all coins with her likeness, and the lowest note, which is $5 has her as well. The Mint said Charles 3 won’t be minted until 2023 😅


Despite everything I along with others in my family got surprisingly emotional when It was announced she had died. Didn’t really expect that although I do tend to get emotional seeing people hurting. 

A lot of early memories came to me as well. 
In 1977 standing at the school fence as she and her husband were driven by heading for somewhere local. 
Then the whole school went down to the local park for her to watch us doing our school sports or something. My sister was supposed to give her flowers on behalf of the school until they realised we were not waving flags like everyone else so a rapid change of pupil. 😊😉
Then in my teens she was there at the Highland games in Forres. (Just checked and that was 1982)
I don’t remember thinking much about any of it though. She was just a part of life over here. She was always just there on the news, sometimes local etc. 

Personally I do hope she is in line for resurrection and she can then learn about the real life without all the responsibilities that were thrust upon her. We leave it to Jehovah though. He already knows what his decision is.  😊



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14 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:


Just a bit of trivia, when coins and notes are released for a new monarch, the head will face the opposite way to the previous monarch. So Charles III will be looking to the left on anything with his head on it.

Struck me as funny , apropos.  I suspect Charles will be leaning and looking to the left (political spectrum) for answers to life's big problems.     :whistling:

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1 hour ago, Doug said:

Struck me as funny , apropos.  I suspect Charles will be leaning and looking to the left (political spectrum) for answers to life's big problems.     :whistling:

It's going to be interesting to see what C3 does...

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2 hours ago, Hugh O'D said:

Just saying, every King Charles so far has suspended Parliament.:whistling:

Would the King Charles the Third Parliamentary Oath be called C3-PO?



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Something I read on a daily info email I received…The Queens life gives a bit of “real life” to our definition of “This generation”…


Good morning. We’ll have more on the death of Queen Elizabeth II below, but first, an incredible stat that highlights her longevity. When Elizabeth ascended the throne, the UK’s prime minister was Winston Churchill, who was born in 1874. The prime minister at the time of her death, Liz Truss, was born 101 years later, in 1975.

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56 minutes ago, SoCal4me2 said:

Something I read on a daily info email I received…The Queens life gives a bit of “real life” to our definition of “This generation”…


Good morning. We’ll have more on the death of Queen Elizabeth II below, but first, an incredible stat that highlights her longevity. When Elizabeth ascended the throne, the UK’s prime minister was Winston Churchill, who was born in 1874. The prime minister at the time of her death, Liz Truss, was born 101 years later, in 1975.

15 PMs is no joke!

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Wow been watching on the news that so many people are queueing to see the Queen in state even waiting 12 - 14 hours🤔 just to look at a box for 5 secs so they can pay their respects and be a part of History. But i did wonder what would jehovah think if he saw his people going to see the Queen and even bowing to her? I don't think any of bros and sisters would be there. 




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