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UAP / UFO Whistleblower - USA Congress Meeting

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9 minutes ago, rocket said:

Satan/demons manipulated light to lead astrologers to 2 year old Jesus. I wouldnt put it past them to deceive people today in some manner.

Agreed. He would do anything to dilute the truth. People are eager to believe in anything that relieves them from the moral responsibility of believing in Jehovah.

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23 hours ago, Desert Dan said:

He claims that there were things recovered in crashes and that there was non-human biological material found but it's been denied.

Terrifying Space Monkeys got loose!!!

Edited by Tortuga
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Have any other countries found alien spacecraft or non-human biological material, or is the USA the only one? Doesn't that seem odd if no one else has said anything?

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5 minutes ago, Desert Dan said:


That is a great question...

Several possible answers 

1. The USA is the alien spacecraft potty stop.

2. Every nation is afraid to say they found alien spacecraft and/or non-human biological material.

3. The USA is making this up for possibly some nefarious reason.

Edited by Tortuga
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18 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

Several possible answers 

1. The USA is the alien spacecraft potty stop.

2. Every nation is afraid to say they found alien spacecraft and/or non-human biological material.

3. The USA is making this up for possibly some nefarious reason.

I hope we have an answer by the end of the month.   It is hard to concentrate not knowing if it is 1, 2 or 3.

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It floors me that the world has gotten to this point. Someone goes before Congress to testify that aliens exist, and the world is literally too busy with other stuff to care.


Alright, I guess I can't pretend I haven't been thinking about this stuff since I was a kid hooked on Star Trek. I'm a third generation Witness; so of course I try to combine the two in my head.


The Society has only spoken about extraterrestrial life once or twice in the literature. The consensus is: "Probably not." Their reasoning is that if God made people on other planets, then there'd be no need for the ransom. The 'comparison' would be obvious. And it's unlikely that God would create more worlds until after the matter was settled.


That said, The Bible is not about the universe. it's a record of God's dealings with Earth. There's nothing in scripture that says yes or no directly.


As to the question of 1, 2, or 3? My answer is: Why does it have to be any of these things? There's plenty of stuff in the universe that we can't explain. UFO doesn't mean aliens. It means 'unidentified'. Non-human life means anything from Little Green Men to biological traces like you'd find in meteorites. Classified material means everything from 'earth-shaking state secrets' to 'a perfectly innocent conversation overheard via wiretap'. 99% of the time, something is classified because of references in the footnotes, more than what's in the file.


I don't know what the UFO's are. If smoking gun proof of Alien Intelligences was presented to the world and the powers that be came out and said "It's Really True", then every religion would have to rewrite the books on some level, including ours. But these hearings are not the proof of anything.


The days when I could take something seriously because it's being discussed by government committee are long over. These are the people who debated whether or not wind power should be outlawed because the turbines might 'slow down the wind too much'. These are the people who debated whether or not 'changing Pi to a whole number rather than a fraction' might make it easier for kids to learn math. They always have time to waste our time.

Edited by Thomas Walker
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Source unknown so it is about as useful as any other random eyewitness testimony but this shows up every once in a while on the socials so worth tossing into the discussion.


I've seen some fairly plausible debunkings of the various camera footage recordings. Of course this just muddies the waters and pits 'expert' against 'expert', further diluting the concept of absolute truth. Who do you think is behind that?


Now that everybody has a HD video recorder in their pocket we should have quite a few more good recordings of these UFOs from the past 15 years but somehow there aren't any good videos of the greys, LGMs, saucers, etc.

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23 minutes ago, -Chris- said:

Source unknown so it is about as useful as any other random eyewitness testimony but this shows up every once in a while on the socials so worth tossing into the discussion.


There is an amazingly high concentration of reported sightings in the US and UK. There may be a number of reasons for that.

1. The demons are more active with the King of the South

2. Technology has created more opportunities for things to be mistakenly or intentionally reported as UFOs

3. The two governments are making experimental aircraft

4. Everyone is crazy.

5. Its more acceptable to report a UFO.


Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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16 minutes ago, jps said:

a couple of church ph.d's (or whatever the proper title is) giving some interresting comments on the topic

WLC is a nice gentleman but he is theological wrong here :D having aliens is a problem given the challenge to God found in the Bible.

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I see UFOs all the time.  Is it an object?  YES!  Is it flying?  YES!  Is it unidentified?  YES! At least to me, it's unidentified.  I do live fairly close to an Air Force base, so there are plenty of UFOs around here.


I knew a guy that retired as an air traffic controller.  He said that there were always sightings by the pilots, but, after investigation, they never amounted to anything out of the ordinary.

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  • 1 month later...

Just another way that Satan detracts people from all the real issues at hand. Another reason I'm so glad to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses, we know and have solid reason to know why there aren't "aliens" from other planets (because of the issue of Jehovah's sovereignty and the sanctificaton of his name).  Anyone from the spirit realm would be considered an "alien" (even to me), we know that none of them would (or could) materialize at this point in time.  So it's just a bunch of hype that is used to distract people from thinking about Jehovah.



Edited by shali

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


Reading this I remembered this documentary I watched a few years back about the uniqueness of Earth. There are so many excellent points in it but the one that stood out to me is around 27 minutes in. It explains how the sizes and distances of the sun and the moon in relation to the Earth, and the way that they provide a perfect near total eclipse periodically, has made the Earth a perfect "viewing platform" for observing and understanding the universe. The documentary explains that this "coincidence" of the near perfect eclipse has made it possible to analyze the composition of the sun and in turn prove many scientific theories including the one we all know and love E=MC2 :)


To me this suggests that Jehovah wanted us to really study the universe and to ponder on it. There is so much we can learn about him from our observations - the deeper we look into it, the more his glory is seen.


We were designed to be curious about the universe and our planet was designed to make it possible for us to satisfy this curiosity.


The next obvious question is how is Satan going to take advantage of that natural human desire? He takes advantage of and corrupts and warps all of our other natural human desires - of course he will do the same to this one. Queue obsession with Alien life leading to viewing humans as just another irrelevant accident of multiple evolution events, endless ponderings on how this would impact on our faith and God's written word the bible and possible nefariously faked alien invasions!




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  • 3 months later...

I've always thought about this topic too, but didn't realize it was so contentious. My family and several acquaintances have had "experiences" - some of them highly qualified by worldly standards. So to me, this was never a real issue, I just thought it never takes anything away from the Bible or Jehovah's love for us.


Anyway, I realize that there's a lot of things up for interpretation.. but here's my reconciliation of the subject. Of course, take it with a grain of salt and devise your own conclusions:


  1. By definition, aliens exist (and I don't mean politically). Any intelligent life which does not originate from the Earth is an alien. (Extra-terrestrial)
    1. Side note, they didn't "have" to originate elsewhere, the Earth is quite old, and time erases even the largest or smallest traces of civilization if you give it long enough. For example: 
      1. Visible traces: Within 10,000 years, most obvious signs like buildings, roads, and monuments would be significantly degraded or buried by vegetation. However, certain materials like plastics and nuclear waste could persist for much longer.

      2. Environmental impact: Atmospheric CO2 levels could take much longer, perhaps 50,000 to 100,000 years, to return to pre-industrial levels. Traces of our emissions may be detectable in geological sediments for millions of years, but not forever.

      3. Cultural and historical traces: This is the most difficult to estimate. Languages and technologies can disappear within centuries without written records, but our impact on the Earth's geology and biodiversity might be detectable for much longer. Still, 100,000 years will likely get rid of all written records. Potentially longer for our most advanced materials.

      4. Fossils? Even preserved bones won't automatically become fossils. They need just the right burial conditions – rapid sedimentation in oxygen-depleted environments – to escape decay and enter the geological record. And even fossils get wiped away after millions of years.

      5. All this to say, someone would be lucky to pick out a single piece of evidence of our existence 100 million years from now if we suddenly vanished.

      6. This doesn't have to negate the Bible's timeline. The Bible talks about our timeline. Specifically, God's chosen people's timeline. There's plenty of archeological proof that cataclysms happened - wiping away most life on Earth. Why can't the Bible be telling the "latest" story about mankind as we are today?

    2. The Bible never mentions otherwise. In fact, the Nephilim are in fact extraterrestrial-human hybrids. It's not sci-fi, it's history.

      1. the Bible is not an exhaustive book of science or history. It serves a specific purpose to morally guide human beings and bring us closer to our creator. I'm leaving a lot out here, but basically, the Bible is not meant to provide insight into all these other issues.

  2. Angels, and demons, are extraterrestrial. These beings are specifically spoken about in the Bible.

    1. What about the Tartarus? Could it be another word for the Abyss? What if another culture called these things by another name? In either case, not all demons are in Tartarus, so they wouldn't be bound by whatever the rules of the Tartarus are.

    2. What is the domain of these beings? We know it to be spiritual. What does that mean for a scientist? Where is are they in the Universe? What if their domain coexists with ours in a way that we don't fully comprehend, but can be observed in things like dark energy, dark matter, anti matter, etc? Why can't we just be referring to the same thing using different terminology? 

    3. Ancient people always called powerful intelligent beings by some name such as "demon" "god" "angel" etc etc. Now people call them Aliens. There's really no distinction, unless you start defining "races" of aliens..

    4. The Bible specifically mentions these:

      1. Seraphim/Seraphs: Described as fiery six-winged beings who stand closest to God in Isaiah 6. Literally means "burning ones"
      2. Cherubim/Cherubs: Powerful angelic guardians. "have high rank and care for special responsibilities that are intimately associated with the Almighty’s glorious personage. They are often shown to be in attendance upon him."
      3. Archangel: We know this to be Jesus in heaven (Michael). We also understand he is the most powerful and leader of the angels, only under Jehovah Himself.
      4. Demons: Invisible, wicked spirit creatures having superhuman powers. These are essentially bad Angels. But, are all angels the same as far as power, appearance, purpose? Evidently not.
      5. Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers: Mentioned in Colossians 1:16 - One can easily make a link to this and other dominions which include not of this Earth. Why would they have to be? We are not God's only creation; Jehovah has certainly made many things that are not mentioned in the Bible, we have proof of all the ones we can see, yet are not talked about in the Bible. Again, not exhaustive. If we back up and see this with "celestial" eyes (not bound to events that happen only on Earth), this alone can totally change one's perspective.
      6. Other "princes": Daniel 10:13: "But the prince of the royal realm of Persia stood in opposition to me for 21 days. But then Miʹcha·el, one of the foremost princes, came to help me; and I remained there beside the kings of Persia." - What or who are these other princes, who are ranked similarly to Michael? If we're not dogmatic about this, they why are we so quick to dismiss "aliens" simply because we don't know more of them in the Bible?
  3. The Bible mentions several other things of interest in this topic, some of them:
    1. 2 Cor 12:2 - "Third heaven" - What is this? We have an interpretation, but we're not dogmatic. Jews and muslims believe in 7 heavens. What are these? Are they just symbolic things, or do they represent domains, galaxies, dimensions, etc? Why can't we be open minded and just leave this open-ended until we know for sure (in the new world)?
    2. Psalm 148:4 - "Highest Heavens" or "Heaven of Heavens" - Same as above. Proof that we may not fully understand the breadth and complexity of what, or who, exists.
    3. Account at Ezekiel 1:4-28 - Pagan cultures in Mesopotamia also spoke about flying chariots and divine creatures. The descriptions here are literally thousands of years old. How would a modern human describe what Ezekiel saw?
  4. None of this has to be a detriment to our faith.
    1. Our faith relies on several important aspects, none of which have anything to do with aliens.
    2. The existence of Jehovah, his Kingdom, and his promises are all intact even if you believe that He created other intelligent beings. The details and minutia, on the other hand, will need to be clarified in due time.
    3. This is actually faith-strengthening to see that even the wildest theories, such as that we live in a simulation, where everything is coded, actually point back to and can reinforce believing in a master programmer, architect, engineer, etc, who made everything. We simply don't know all the details, and never will, because
    4. Ecclesiastes 3:11 - Fascinating text. Even once we know, we won't know it all. So I keep an open mind.

Anyway, not trying to write a dissertation here.. but it is something I've wanted to share with my fellow friends at some point or another. 


Most important of all is to not let this stuff get in the way of our service, love, or trust in Jehovah and His people. None of these things affect us.. We just need to be patient and we'll have our answers soon :) 


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