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Just diagnosed with diabetes; how do I reverse my condition.

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I think gene defects play a very significant role in the pathologic basis,

Viruses integrate their DNA into host dna to replicate,thereby altering gene sequence permanently.


this mechanism of attack has been scientifically proven and is widely taught in medical schools.

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20 hours ago, Amygdala said:


There‘s a theory that those who get diabetes milletus type 1 in childhood were infected with some kind of virus as a child, and that virus settled into the point that it affected that child‘s immune system and metabolic processes, resulting in diabetes. But in medical school that wouldn‘t be suggested.

I worked at a medical clinic, and before that with those who had diabetes. At the clinic, a man came in diagnosed with type 1 DM. I was curious. I asked him if he knew how this came about. He was, i think, an engineer on a that big dam project in China. He came home, and was diagnosed with Type 1 DM. He said they suspect that he was exposed to something in China that did his pancreas in. 
Then there is my good friend who lived in a town very near the Mexican boarder. They had a rash of Type 1 DM with children in that town. Her two children, with no history of Type 1 DM, both ended up with it. They figured they were exposed to a chemical that destroyed their pancreas. From Mexico. 
This system is doing us in with chemicals, around us, and in the food we eat, if we are not careful. Plus the life style foisted on some of us. 
Bottom line , eat healthy, exercise, get good sleep, as a way of life. 
I know its hard, but with effort, it can be done. 
This got me back in my work mode. Iʼve been retired for a good ten years. Iʼm doing good, except with my diet, which is okay, but could be better.

What i do remember is, those high blood sugars may not physically hurt, but your blood gets thicker with the high sugars, and does in your vision, and destroys kidneys.  Nevermind the rest of the potential damage that can be done. 



I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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You donʼt have to get Diabetes, Type 2. Iʼm native. Belong to an Indian tribe, here in the states. Many years agoi was a part of the beginnings of a diabetes prevention group in this area, with our Indian clinic.
Itʼs a chronic problem in the native American community. For native people in this country, in a matter of generations look how our life-stye changed. From hunting and gathering, and the lifestyle that went with that, to being relegated to reservations, causing intergenerational trauma, and everything that goes with it. And, food commidities…
Early in my job, i was sent to the Pima reservation, to learn foot care. My first experience was a gentleman who had half his foot amputated, and they said he was doing wonderful! 
Some thirty years later, we, in this area are having those amputations. It took some time for this to happen with us. 
The native people in Mexico who shared the same genes did not get that much of an interuption in their lifestyle, and diabetes was not a problem. Nor was obesity. 
Political boarders taught us something. Lifestyle does make a difference. 
Genetics? Perhaps. But we do not need to cooperate with them. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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1 hour ago, Miss Bea said:

those high blood sugars may not physically hurt, but your blood gets thicker with the high sugars, and does in your vision, and destroys kidneys.  Nevermind the rest of the potential damage that can be done. 




Actually,It is interesting to note it is not the high blood sugar that causes the harm in diabetes.


The high blood sugar simply tells you that the mechanism that uses sugar to producing energy has stopped working.this mechanism is the most effective amongst others.it is called glycolysis.


But since the body has to continue producing energy,it switches over to an alternative mechanism that is not only less effective but also produces a high amount of acids(ketones) and a high amount of lipids.this mechanism is called beta oxidation.

This alternative mechanism does not use sugar to make energy,rather it uses fats(lipids)

This means that the body will have to start breaking down fat tissues to release fats,this causes free fatty acis to become very high in the blood.


This brings into the fore the two most dreaded substances in diabetes.

(1) Ketone bodies

They make the blood very acidic which severely alter the biochemical activity of enzymes and electrolytes balance in the body.

this can put a patient into convulsions and coma because of a very serious problem called DKA-diabetic ketoacidosis.


(2) Lipids

The high amount of lipids released into the blood from fatty tissues will predispose the patient to having fatty embolus that can block blood vessels supply vital organs such a the heart,kidneys,brain etc

These organs will beginning to fail because they are not getting blood supply to provide them with oxygen and nutrition.

Consequenrly,high amount of lipids in the blood can cause multiple organs failure.


Hence ,a diabetic patient must take very seriously the need to adjust their lifestyle and diet in order to avoid serious complications.

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On 1/22/2025 at 9:22 AM, Amygdala said:


This should be monitored by a doctor, who is perhaps more than happy to have a diabetic type 2 person off their meds. But if done too soon and premature, can lead to more problems. Always in consultation with one‘s doctor until someone is at the very least in the yellow or green zone.

That’s why I wrote this 🫣:-  “Any advice to start doing these things needs to be carefully considered as you really need to speak to your doctor about your plan and review the taking of your new medication. Being on diabetic medication and going on a no/low carb diet and practicing intermittent fasting CAN BE DANGEROUS.” 

Edited by Cool Cat

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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6 hours ago, Cool Cat said:

Being on diabetic medication and going on a no/low carb diet and practicing intermittent fasting CAN BE DANGEROUS


I'm just emphasizing the above!!!!


Lots of good advice already, so I won't repeat.  Just this: work on your diet BEFORE you get stuck on meds.  Once you start the meds, it's all the harder to get off & successfully make the change through lifestyle changes.

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Please take in account that 6.2 is not a catastrofic value. Most doctors call this as "pre-diabet".

When I gas got this diagnoze 11 years ago I have 15, and this was an averaged value.

Despite that, cheap drugs, diete and  physical activity had valuable decreased glucose. Now I am got insuline hovewer have stable state.

Diabete is not a judgment. And please do not fear medicamentes. Modern drugs can increase quality of life and people can live long active life with diabete if getting treatment on time

Also as far as I know most at the beginning when has got this diagnose get a some kinds of depression - you need understand that and keep a positive mood.

This is a complex disease but you can live with this till Jehovah will care us. 


Edited by Korotkiy
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  • 3 weeks later...

I was diagnosed last year when my A1C hit 9.8.  I had been on hydroxychloroquine for the past 20 or so years and had to stop due to eye damage.  I was not overweight.  I lost even more weight and was “dangerously thin” and without meds my bg was close to 300.  I take ozempic and jardience, which are super expensive.  I also have celiac, so have to be careful of what I can eat.  Rice sends my BG into orbit.  I’ve come to the conclusion that I can have ice chips.  Gluten free foods are very high in carbs and sugar, which is not good for the diabetes.  

my endocrinologist agrees that this is probably autoimmune and genetic.  My grandfather and his brothers who were farm laborers developed diabetes in their mid 30s, no weight problems involved.  He said there was no point in testing for type 1.5 since it has to be treated the same as type 2, and I already have other autoimmune disorders.  So all there is to be done is stay the course and handle what I can.  Diabetes will contribute to kidney failure among other unpleasant side effects.

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With all your medical problems, you will have to work with your medical professionals, closely. I’m sure they can work with you to keep your blood sugars down. 
As for the side effects, they mostly are a result of high blood sugars. When I worked with the diabetes program, I’d check BG’s as a matter of routine. There were times that I could look at their drop of blood, and knew the numbers were high. The blood can actually get thicker. As far as I can figure out, that thickened blood cannot get through the tiny capillaries in your eyes and kidneys, and thus the problems, with your eyes and kidneys. And, perhaps it may be a part of the neuropathy people with diabetes commonly suffer from. Feet and leg problems. Take good care of your feet!
Exercise, eat as well as you can, and fully cooperate with your medical providers. To keep your BG’s down. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Glucose Goddess has some nice easy to understand tips for diabetes.  Such as starting every meal with veggies, walk for ten minutes after lunch and dinner. 
She also does graphics to show the effect of foods and combos so you can better understand what the body is doing. I find her tips easy to understand and easy to incorporate as long as you remember them and plan….




Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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Type 2 Diabetes is curable even to the point where you don't need any medication at all. The damage caused by it, depending on the severity and/or time it was diagnosed can be permanent. 


Exercise and and a controlled intake of carbohydrates can bring your glucose levels under control. 


I myself suffer from type 2 diabetes. I am obese because of some bad choices I made while I was inactive, alchohol and drug abuse and childhood traumas have put me in a spiral of binge eating and just abusing my body with all the wrong things. I am on my way to recovery, but it will be a long and hard road. If you just got diagnosed, then start acting now. don't let it get as far as it has with me as the way back to health will become harder as the years go on. So, exercises like walking, cycling, swimming, etc, will have a positive effect on your health. try to stay away from processed foods, do't eat to many carbs and things that contain sugars, even honey will raise your glucose levels. your AC1 of 6.2 is not crazy high, ut most doctors would like to see t around the 5 mark. 


Also talk to an endocrinologist if you can, they will know exactly what to do. Stay away from fad diets, like vegan, keto, paleo and the likes,just have healthy food and portion control. 


YOU CAN DO THIS, your life doesn't need to grind to a halt and listen to your doctor. 

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On 2/18/2025 at 5:40 AM, ImSoFluffy said:

Stay away from fad diets, like vegan, keto, paleo and the likes,just have healthy food and portion control


They're only a "fad" because people have trouble sticking with them.  :raspberry:


Keto/Paleo is basically the definition of "healthy food".  In order for someone to eat healthy, they need to know what exactly is "healthy".  Keto/Paleo is the way to fly, and you can allow yourself a small "cheat" once a week, so you don't end up hating it and breaking the diet completely.

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On 2/18/2025 at 5:40 AM, ImSoFluffy said:

Stay away from fad diets, like.. keto

This is incorrect, the answer to this metabolic illness has been known and treatable for hundreds of years. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Rollo Educated doctors response to this disease of insulin resistance only changed when healthcare stopped being about building up health and nutrition or treating the root causes. When companies learned to create and profit from insulin and treat the symptoms while still allowing people to eat cake, healthcare became a business.


Regarding the original post: I will also mention the books by ones such as Jason Fung and Robert Lustig. https://www.amazon.com/Diabetes-Code-Prevent-Reverse-Naturally/dp/1771642653/ https://www.amazon.com/stores/Robert-H.-Lustig/author/B00ABNHXOW
If you catch T2D early enough by cutting out the external causes of insulin resistance (namely carbohydrates and processed foods), you can reverse it and even cure it before suffering too much permanent harm to remain functional. I define cure as no longer meeting any of the diagnostic criteria.

If one continues to live in the same manner which led to a health disorder progressing into severe illness, then they are not addressing the root cause. No one can ignore that fact. Your body is telling you that something is wrong. If you are only treating the symptoms with medication and not lifestyle changes, the illness will continue to progress under the surface to the point of debilitation and death. I've seen friends who suffered horribly from this disease with amputation, blindness, pain and renal failure for several years until they died in their 60s because they refused to change. Now some in their family have made serious lifestyle changes to reverse it and are seeing the benefits.

You do need to be reasonably cautious and have your doctor monitor how lifestyle changes affect your markers in order to safely titrate off of medication if you are reversing the disease. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102011083#h=7 "Go to the doctor. Some ailments call for professional medical attention. Early diagnosis usually results in a better outcome and less expense. So if you do not feel well, get help to find and eliminate the cause, instead of merely seeking to relieve the symptoms." But neither should you be afraid of doing so. Have a plan, stay informed, and take action to keep on top of it. Most importantly, never stop praying for the motivation to do so in order to thank Jehovah for the life that he has given you, to cherish it, and to use it to better serve him. (Romans 12:1) Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason.

Edited by Myew
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I was on keto for a year and a half some time ago.  All numbers were great. Then unfortunately I stopped. I don’t remember why. For all I know it could been financial reasons. 🤷‍♀️


Good food costs more than my budget allows

Isaiah 33:24  "And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

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My A1C is down to 5.8 with medication.  Weight loss makes no difference in my case, in fact I could stand to put on a few pounds.  I was hospitalized twice last year with keto acidosis.  One of the times got me a helicopter ride to a different hospital and two days in ICU.  Endocrinologist says this isn’t something that I can reverse by diet. Still have to regulate diet because sugar and carbs.  

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12 hours ago, shelby said:

My A1C is down to 5.8 with medication.  Weight loss makes no difference in my case, in fact I could stand to put on a few pounds.  I was hospitalized twice last year with keto acidosis.  One of the times got me a helicopter ride to a different hospital and two days in ICU.  Endocrinologist says this isn’t something that I can reverse by diet. Still have to regulate diet because sugar and carbs.  


You must have Type 1 diabetes, eh?  That's the only thing that makes sense why keto would have been bad for you...  🤔

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I just drink lots of water, love for walking, and take 2 mg of Asthaxanthin supplement before go to bed. I have never had any high blood sugar for the last 3 years (almost always below 100 mg/dL) during monthly routine health screening although i like sweet drinks moderately.

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1 hour ago, Amygdala said:


Interesting. Can I ask why you take this supplement?


I think it's the closest thing to the fountain of youth that human can have.

Every day our body's immune system is attacked by external aggressors such as smoke, sun exposure, pollutants, radiation, tobacco, etc.

Not to mention natural processes within our body which cause our cells to experience oxidative stress due to free radicals. Unhealthy lifestyle causes many people become look older than their biological age.

Because of this, we need a enough supply of antioxidants from what we took every day. Antioxidants can prevent prevent cell damage, one of the primary causes of the diseases associated with old age such as heart disease, diabetic, cancer, etc. Antioxidants can improve our immune system and increase resistance to the infection. Asthaxantin has very high antioxidant capacity which is 6000 times stronger than vitamin C, 550 times more powerful than vitamin E,  40 times than beta carotene.

Many people report that their physical condition has improved or does not differ much after taking this supplement for years. There are those who no longer need eyeglasses to help their vision. At certain doses you have taken regularly, you will no longer need to wear sunscreen as long as you don't stay being outside too long. Sorry for the english if there's something you don't understand.

Edited by tuntun
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I wasn’t fasting on purpose.  Dealing with diabetes meds that make me nauseous but the big health issue is grieving heavily over the death of my son.  No appetite and physical pain led to vomiting several times a week for over two years.  I wasn’t trying to be anorexic, but it was just hard to function with that giant boxing glove that kept hitting me in the mid section.  I’m doing better, it still hits me but I have been able to put on a little weight and am getting better about managing my bg.  I’m still trying to keep it at 100 or less first thing in the morning and adjusting the ozempic down as I can.  All it takes is a sickness or infection and that puppy pops right back up.

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I love talking about anything health related, because Jehovah wants us healthy and has put everything here we need to sustain our health until he gets rid of sickness permanently. I'm a naturopathic practitioner, and I never charge people to help them. Although I don't give medical advice, I can point you in the right direction with Jehovah's help. Unlike what many conventional medicine doctor's say, type 2 diabetes can be reversed. Usually the medication they put you on will cause irreversible damage to other systems in your body. So first, you have to take an inventory of everything you have been eating up to this point that led to the diagnosis. A healthy plant based diet with plenty of coconut water, and water with high mineral content will start bringing your body back to life; also, you want to make sure you are doing cleanses from parasites and possible underlying infections that may be contributing to your pancreas struggling to do it's job. Cinnamon, aloe vera, green tea after each meal, and other herbs have been proven to help reverse T2D. Walking at least 30 minutes a day as well, releases endorphins and other hormones that your body needs, but keep in mind, the medication makes it difficult to heal, because it shuts down various systems. It's helpful to read upon what systems the medicine you are on is affecting. Here's a health link to give you some tips on herbs. https://www.healthline.com/health/type-2-diabetes/herbs-supplements#using-supplements Good health to you!

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