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Disappointing News

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Police believe at least 1000 women and girls could have been filmed by the man, 36, who would leave work at lunchtime to spy up their skirts on a handmade device attached to his briefcase.

The former Department of Internal Affairs employee, who has name suppression, has now been kicked out of his church. A member of his congregation at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kilbirnie confirmed he was not welcome back.

Yep! We don't tolerate that stuff like many other churches do. Hopefully ones will see Jehovah keeps a clean house and if you aren't clean - bye bye.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Isn't it something that whenever something like this occurs, they always  mention that the person was a Witness?  Do you ever see a person's religious affiliation mentioned when it's any other religion (except when they're revealing yet another Catholic priest being a pedophile)?


Yes, what a reproach it is!  At least it's been made clear that this guy's been booted out and that we don't tolerate this.

I intend to live forever...so far so good. :D

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It is such a shame that Jehovah's name has been associated with something so disgusting. As Jerry said it is nice that they recognised that this man's actions have not been tolerated. A "clean house" is so critical when Jehovah's name is associated with it.


Hopefully this man learns from this and pummels his body, leading it as a slave. At the moment he is very sick. Let's pray that if he is remorseful he gets the help he needs.

Edited by Purple Triangle
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I just shake my head and wonder, why? Why would anyone ever even conjure up the thought let alone actually engaging in something so perverted. I agree that he needs help, lots of help. I just don't get it. And he's 36 years old!

Edited by paulc

Preach The Word....Be At It Urgently. 2 Tim. 4:2

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There has to be a lesson in this for all of us.

In bible times when Moses was leading the Israelites through the wilderness, they passed through an area that was infested with poisonous snakes. Moses erected a copper serpent and instructed the people to 'gaze at it continually'. If they did so, even if any happened to be bitten by one of the snakes they at least would not die (Numbers 21:9).

As we know, that copper serpent foreshadowed Jesus Christ. In simple terms what that means is that our faith in Christ enables us to attain everlasting life despite our sinful condition. But we must "keep gazing" not taking our eyes off him. This really highlights the importance of daily bible reading and regular personal study which is the only reliable antidote to the spiritual poison being dispensed daily by the sick world that we live in, even on the news these days.

It's almost inevitable in this world that we will be bitten by the 'poisonous snakes' surrounding us in the form of immoral entertainment, spiritism and deceptive worldly thinking. We cannot afford to be complacent letting our guard down. We must reject these things in all their forms and the only way we can do so is by keeping ourselves spiritually strong...

...something this brother clearly wasn't doing.

Edited by Dave
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I just shake my head and wonder, why? Why would anyone ever even conjure up the thought let alone actually engaging in something so perverted. I agree that he needs help, lots of help. I just don't get it. And he's 36 years old!

One of my first thoughts, other than the ones mentioned above of the reproach on Jehovah's name, was 'It must have been pornography--and untreated, continuous viewing as such'  :( 

I mean, how come otherwise this kind of voyeurism is blatantly practised by someone who once dedicated his life to Jehovah and professed to be a Witness of Him?

Also, I thought of the horrible gang rapes in India that have been in news recently... How come now and so many times. Surely it can't be increased media exposure alone? Smells fishy = pornography there as well

Makes one feel so sad. To keep on fighting whatever one's problems are, never stop trying to overcome them...so that this isn't a result. Jehovah sees everything and everyone from the beginning of a slippery slope anyway  :unsure:

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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Isn't it something that whenever something like this occurs, they always  mention that the person was a Witness?  Do you ever see a person's religious affiliation mentioned when it's any other religion (except when they're revealing yet another Catholic priest being a pedophile)?


Yes, what a reproach it is!  At least it's been made clear that this guy's been booted out and that we don't tolerate this.

I think one main reason why they brought his religion into it is because many of his unsuspecting victims were members of his own faith and some of what he did was done while engaged in the ministry. So he was the one that opened that door unfortunately. That's the most tragic aspect of this in my view. Such a reproach!

We identify ourselves as true Christians only if we have love amongst ourselves (John 13:35). It seems his true identity was eventually uncovered.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate this world, just hearing these things make you so depressed....................I was listening to the news yesterday and hearing what I heard  makes you regret putting on the radio...........There was an 11 year old girl that was left at home alone with her baby brother while her parents were at work, while they were gone a man broke in the house and raped the little girl and began to stab her multiple times..........She is in a critical condition at the moment........I am not so clear what had happened to the baby brother........Us brothers and sisters are so  privileged  to be in Jehovahs Organization because only by the love for HIM and his hope that He has provided for the future for His servants is the only thing keeping us alive spiritually and physically..........No matter the things that we are going through in this world it is all TEMPORARY, so continue serving Jehovah wholeheartedly and He will help us get through till the end ^_^ -(Revelation 21:4)

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We cannot afford to be complacent letting our guard down. We must reject these things in all their forms and the only way we can do so is by keeping ourselves spiritually strong...


You must agree that the growth of the organization has been phenomenal. There is a lot of newly baptized or studies entering with their baggage.  All are at different levels of spirituality.  Of course we will see this.  The society has even suggested that we even watch our association within the congregation.  The new and especially the young are venerable to Satan's propaganda and traps.

That why the above quote is to be taken seriously.  These type of things shaken us and also it is a warning for those still standing. Thank you Dave.

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Again, the problem of pornography reared it's ugly head in this instance ... that is why the Governing Body keep doing articles and giving talks on it.  I know a young beautiful slim sister who married a young handsome brother and she said quickly things starting being odd with him and she caught him looking at porn on the computer and then shortly after that, caught him having an affair with a worldly woman.  That resulted in a divorce!  So it is sad that no matter what their wives look like, the sickness is there and it is bad.  This is happening too much and that is why the GB keeps on reminding everyone.

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I heard a part on the convention Inspired Truth or Inspired Error.  This one falls under Inspired Error.  The brother mentioned that Pornography is big business and to many of our brothers are watching this.  They are using excuses for their festishes.    A sick diseased mind, which once hooked is extreme difficult to break away.  Only Jehovah's Holy Spirit can really help a sincere repentive person, and even after that, he or she has to continually fight any urges.   It can be done, but only Jehovah's way.  No human institution will fix people like this, they can't even fix what goes on in their own homes! 

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There has to be a lesson in this for all of us.

In bible times when Moses was leading the Israelites through the wilderness, they passed through an area that was infested with poisonous snakes. Moses erected a copper serpent and instructed the people to 'gaze at it continually'. If they did so, even if any happened to be bitten by one of the snakes they at least would not die (Numbers 21:9).

As we know, that copper serpent foreshadowed Jesus Christ. In simple terms what that means is that our faith in Christ enables us to attain everlasting life despite our sinful condition. But we must "keep gazing" not taking our eyes off him. This really highlights the importance of daily bible reading and regular personal study which is the only reliable antidote to the spiritual poison being dispensed daily by the sick world that we live in, even on the news these days.

It's almost inevitable in this world that we will be bitten by the 'poisonous snakes' surrounding us in the form of immoral entertainment, spiritism and deceptive worldly thinking. We cannot afford to be complacent letting our guard down. We must reject these things in all their forms and the only way we can do so is by keeping ourselves spiritually strong...

...something this brother clearly wasn't doing.





Thank you for this, I've never thought of this application.  Sometimes I Wonder about the frequent warnings about pornography and the use of the internet from the Slaves but we are indeed walking through a land of poisinous snakes.  Jehovah will continue to clean house because we cannot go into the new system with polluted minds.  We shouldn't be surprised some among us try and lead secret lives immorally, Satan will try and corrupt Jehovah's people as long as the system exists but we should be proud that the slave takes measures to clean such ones out.  And out they will go sooner by being exposed or when Jesus comes to judge us all.


I think we can try and look at the positive side of things, the fact that journalist mention the person's religion only when he is a Witness means that that fact is "news worthy" and it it news worthy because in part is is exceptional.  Our GOOD reputation is what makes these bad apples striking "Catholic cheats on Taxes" is not going to sell many newspapers because Catholics do not have a reputation for being honest.  Saying "Catholic" is the same as saying "human" , it means nothing.  Saying "Jehovah's Witness" MEANS something.


That's a good thing!

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That is why having a Card and a letter of introduction is very important.  It serves as a protection to the flock in case one moves out of the state to a new congo.  And if the person claims to be new to the truth, the brothers are aware that some may pose to be sheepish but are wolves.  Jehovah has surely trained our presiding friends during this time of the end even if we are not aware of it fully.

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Pornography is such a disgusting practice, but is spreading like wildfire. It apparently played a large part in the abduction, rape and murder/dismemberment of a 10 year old girl in the Denver, Colorado area last fall. The accused has since turned 18, but reportedly had been involved in porn for several years.The Watchtower August 1, 2013 edition should be easy to place because it is so 'now' Just my personal opinion, but it is easily kept hidden until something like this happens and the person is exposed. At least this man who was supposed to be a brother didn't physically harm anyone, as far as we know. The emotional trauma is something else, especially for the sisters who know what has happened to them. Heb. 4:13 comes to mind. "And there is not a creation that is not manifest to his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting."

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This man appeared in court for sentencing today...


Some commentators feel he got off lightly as he escaped serving any jail time, but received home detention instead. However,

his lawyer said " it had been ruinous for the man, who had lost a job, had to watch his wife suffering, was unable to meet financial commitments and ruined his reputation."

He was awarded name supression. And while some feel this helped him escape some of the shame and humiliation that was coming to him after he subjected his victims to the same thing, this may at least prevent Jehovah's name from being dragged through the mud because of his association with the witnesses.

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This is sad.  I always think it is amazing how sometimes the media will mention that some criminal was associated with Jehovah's Witnesses.  Do you know the religious affiliation of Zimmerman or Trayvon or any accused person in the media?  But Satan makes sure they know when one of JW commits a crime.  I used to shy away from it.  Now I use it.  Tell people that it is not easy to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Ask them if they remember the scandalous situation that happened in the bible (people perk up when you say scandalous), 1 Corinthians 5:1,2.  Ask, what should happen to this man?  1 Corinthians 5:9-13.  He was removed or disfellowshipped.  This happens today in our congregation to unrepentant wrongdoers.  This man in Corinth changed and in 2 Corinthians 2:6-8 he was welcomed back.


So let negative situations be a cause to praise Jah.

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one thing about this scandal, that bothered me, was the mention of an elder, and church, in the same sentence? must have been a worldly person who wrote this up?the poor sod who committed this travesty has only his lust to blame, and Jehovah's for giveness to request.

Passion is a nasty business, and something to be aware of at all times, as Satan will egg it on as far as he can!

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