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Do you use Tablets at meetings..?

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Guest Vegsushi

I didn't think that at all, sister. LOL. I paid £2.49 for it and the same for my wife and we both think it is the best app we have ever downloaded as far as recording talks and making simultaneous notes is concerned.

It is on offer now at £1.99 - a bargain, IMO. We use it every Sunday for the Public Talk, and I used it for almost every talk of the District Convention. To have notes AND the recording together is so helpful - you can replay later, pause and add more notes if you want to.

Overall, I think the iPad is the best piece of technology I have ever owned, and I am still learning new 'tricks and tips' for it.

Ok you sold it to me! :P I'll get it.

I downloaded jigsaw had it's actually pretty good I did 99 pieces in 20 mins haha ... I uploaded a photo of a lion :D

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free

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shows you how far behind I am. I didnt know there was an E3, will check it out

Thought this was interesting about the epub technology.



EPUB 3.0 is the current revision of the EPUB standard. EPUB 3 was developed pursuant to a charterapproved by the IDPF Membership in May, 2010. and was approved by the IDPF membership as a final Recommended Specification effective October 11, 2011. EPUB 3.0 supersedes the previous release of EPUB (2.0.1).

EPUB 3 is defined by a set of individual specifications. The best starting point for learning about EPUB 3, including the roadmap to the specification documents, is the EPUB 3 Overview .
The EPUB 3.0 specification was developed by the IDPF EPUB Working Group, consisting of IDPF member representatives and Invited Experts. All Working Group activities were conducted in an "open source" manner: the EPUB 3 Working Group project site is publicly accessible and contains a source code repository for specification and related work products and a Wiki for requirements, solutions, meeting notes, etc.
All comments on EPUB 3 specifications should be submitted via the EPUB 3 Working Group Issue Tracker, hosted on Google Code. NOTE: you must login via a Google Account in order to submit an issue. Please submit spec comments with the label "Type-ReviewComment" and additional label(s) as appropriate for the particular issue, e.g. "Spec-Publications". 

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Thanks Vernalee. that is interesting find.

I googled the apps for the epub3 and found only 2 free apps available. One You do sign in with your google account. I seemed kinda complicated. the other was just the same. No pop up boxes. 

I will stick with Manato reader. Just as good and simple.  :)  :hugs:

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Thanks Vernalee. that is interesting find.

I googled the apps for the epub3 and found only 2 free apps available. One You do sign in with your google account. I seemed kinda complicated. the other was just the same. No pop up boxes.

I will stick with Manato reader. Just as good and simple. :):hugs:

What I found out is that the epub3 has several enhancements like embedded video, interactivity (with Javascript) and better display of information overhaul...

the one enhancement that permits the popup feature is missing in all the current android app's although they function with the others. Aldiko is promising a huge update soon and I'm wanting for it.

meanwhile, even if not supporting the pop-up feature any epub3 app will render the page much better - the magazines are now created with the epub3 specification and you can notice this differences in the images placement and paragraphs... check the latest moon+ reader and you'll see the difference

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Missy:  A brother in my congregation has downloaded ios7 and loves it.  I have not done so yet but will.  My carrier told me today it will take about 4 hrs.....wonder if that is correct.  Will find out.

I down loaded mine during the night, when I woke up the next morning it was done. So, I really can't say how long it took. 

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  • 1 month later...

Still working this out. After our oral review, (a week late, because of the CA) anyway, for the CA, I used the WT in my iPad, read all the scriptures, and, uh, underlined. And when we went over it, I felt like, well, I had not studied it. And come January 1st, I was going to use the iPad for the WT study. Not so.

Then the oral review. I try to write the answers in the margins of the bible. Got out old faithful. The Reference bible, with all those notes.

I decided I need to keep my paper WT, and continue to write those scriptures in the margins. The same with the bible. True, I get to start over when we get our new, um, big bible. Oh well. I suspect we will be using these bibles for some time to come.

And I had our new bible app freeze up on me today. I cannot fathom going to the hall without a paper copy of the bible, so I was okay. Off and on, it started to behave itself. A learning process. But I must say, using that app for personal study is a dream. Maybe not the bible reading itself, but looking up scriptures.

Bottom line. I have always loved books. Thinking of what a new book smells like....not saying the iPad is not as useful as it really is. We are still friends. The iPad and me.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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  • 8 months later...

I love using my tablet during all the meetings. I especially love being able to hit all the footnotes and the multiple bibles on each of the scriptures, as this gives me more of what the public will be reading in their bibles when we consider the verse at the door. I still bring the essentials for the meeting for a backup just in case my device gives up during the meeting but so far that's not happened so I'm getting more confident that will be a rare occasion.

But recently I've brought my tablet to my bible students study and they loved it, whipped out their tablet and loved not having to hunt around for the scriptures. Our study flowed more like a conversation instead of embarrassment for taking so long to find the scripture and losing their thought about our study subject. Ever since that study they open their tablet first when we start and we seem to have a more enjoyable study. They seem to be more comfortable about going to our web site now also.

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I took some tablets before the meeting, then I took my tablet to the meeting. I was reading the Watchtower and had a funny. When I touched the "footnote" on paragraph 6 my tablet kept wanting to "page down". The Brother conducting "reminded me" about the footnote because of the pause while I was trying to get it to pop up. I said quietly, but with the mike on all heard, "I'm trying", and he said something about me using one of those new electronic devices. We had a nice chuckle and the footnote come up and I read it.


This is not the first time there have been minor "glitches" with the tablets and I am not the first/only one it has happened to - our COBE had it happen a couple weeks ago.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I use tablet at meetings or at studies sometimes with students to take notes, the main reason is same as Jonny--i don't like my handwriting and I write very slow, sometimes I can't understand my handwriting if i write fast in a hurry!  But I always bring my bible with me, almost 24 hours(at night it's close to my pillow, LOL), because i love to open it and take some light remark on the verses which are frequently open and I think very important for myself and for ministry, then I can remember better when I have to open a verse to return-visit or student.

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My iPad is the only thing I take to the meetings. I scan the KM, post it to my acrobat files then download it to my tablet. With that, the Equipd program & JW Library, I have everything I need. The printing in the small Bible is to small for me & the large print is too heavy.

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I was the reader for the CBS at our meeting tonight. I started by using the Draw Close book in the JWLibrary app. I soon changed to the epub version in Moon Reader +.


I got tired of the screen changing from portrait to landscape every time I stood up or sat down (it's just the way I hold/carry/move the tablet when I change position) I remembered that I had set my MR+ to stay in portrait just for that reason. I do not know how to make the JWLibrary to stay in one or the other orientation.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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   before meeting begins i go to settings and touch sound to Off and screen rotation to Off.


      it helps  B)

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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It may help, except I want the screen rotated for the Song Book and some of the other publications. I just don't want it landscape while I am reading from the platform.


I have my MR+ set to portrait, top up either way I hold the tablet. Everything else is set for auto rotate.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Reading what you mature brothers and sisters go thru to attend meetings and conventions is heartwarming. Makes me feel bad when I feel like not attending a meeting. I hope I have that zeal when it becomes difficult for me. Thank you.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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A brother in my congregation used his tablet to do the bible reading from the platform last week but he also took his bible with him. He finds it easier to read from the screen but takes his bible too in case of a technology breakdown.

everybody wellcome my bud toby ... "in da jwtalk house" :-)

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Yesterday I bought my first tablet, mainly to be able to show videos to my students more easily than carrying my laptop. It's a cheap local brand tablet, with a 10 inch screen. So far it works great and videos look just beautiful.


I had been using Moon Reader for some time in my phone, but I was not happy with it. I found it rather unfriendly for several reasons. Many here have praised Moon Reader as a great app, so I guess I could have liked it better if I had made the effort to learn to use it well, but anyway I installed Mantano Reader and I'm loving it.


Mantano is really easy to use from the first minute. I have set it up to import books from the downloads folder as well as JW Reader's mags folder, so I can easily download magazines with JW Reader and they are directly imported into Mantano.


I was also able to create several collections to classify my books, so I can quickly display only the publications we use at meetings, those I use at studies, magazines in Spanish for personal reading... Highlighting is very easy, just long click on a word, select the text, and click the Highlight button. I am sure I can use different highlighting colors and styles, but I haven't got there yet. :innocent:


I don't like the way it shows scriptures, I would prefer them to display in a box, but I can live with that. There's also the possibility to set up a dictionary so that you can quickly check the meaning of any word. I have to research that, because it can be very useful when reading publications in English and Romanian.


Anyone here uses Mantano? Do you have any tips? I will share what I discover.


By the way, do you know of any app to classify and play videos? I have downloaded a lot of videos from jw.org in different languages, now I need some way to show them by categories.


EDIT: I had posted this in the wrong thread. Moved it here.

Edited by cvillarrubia
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   I brought my tablet (a simple Nook HD) because I don't drive and having to hustle home from work, change clothes, grab my many books, then slowly hustle (with my book bag weiging me down :lol: ) to meet my ride became very time consuming and tiring. Nothing beats holding the actual book in your hand however, it was highly convenient for me to download all of them on my compact 8 inch tablet. Having the new Bible app and all of our study books and magazines help me flip through the bible, locate the verses and swap back and forth to the different books much faster. I can also adjust my settings so that I don't disturb others. So for me it was just a matter of needing to move a little quicker without having to tote around all of my books. My suggestion to you would be (if you were to get a tablet) tinker around with it before hand so that you know exactly how to use it because it will only be of convenience if you are familiar with it. (For my mom, it was like watching a baby trying to figure out how to use a computer.  :lol:  but now she's a pro with it.) I hope this helps :D 

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my daughter ...picklepants ... uses one and im a bit bemused by it all. i can certainly see whatan excellent tool it is .... but i like holding the w.t and the bible in my hands. the only problem i can see happening is that we might get out of the habit of handling the bible itself... i assume that no one uses one out in the field? you want to hand someone your ipad... he might say "thank u " and shut the door!

:lol: You are right, I could see someone doing that! I don't use mine out in service and I like reading the actual books and magazines too but it does help me when I'm in a rush and don't have time to get all my books in the bag. If I need to hurry I can just grab my tablet and know that I'll have everything that I need for the meetings. As wild as people are today, I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone using it in service particularly for that reason. 

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Ebony, could I ask that you use a font which is more readable to those of us who need help in this area?

I use my tablet because the font size is larger and clearer, and the large-print Bible because the small one is too small. The combination of small size, cursive font and pale colour means I can't read what I am certain are great posts.


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