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  1. Does anyone have zoom info on local ASL congregations?  I’d love to visit via zoom and have more exposure to ASL and widening out.  Thanks!

  2. Can anyone suggest any remote work that pays fairly well?  I’m not good with numbers so data entry stuff doesn’t interest me.  Just looking for suggestions because next year I’m planning on leaving my current job.  My mental health went WAY down since working over a year at this place and I’d like to find either remote work or a job that I can either work alone or with only a few people.  Like a small business.  I look on indeed and LinkedIn everyday trying to get ideas.

    1. Roberto Flores

      Roberto Flores

      I wish to better

      i am looking the same kind of job

    2. Lori


      I've been looking as well.    I haven't found anything.  If I do,  I'll let you know.  


    3. computerwiz


      Maybe look into being a travel agent?  Or customer support rep?


      Not sure about them paying well, but those are 2 remote jobs I know exist.

  3. There are medical reports of Chrons disease.

    in the web

  4. It is very sad the condition that those who suffer from that disease get to be

  5. Maybe someone who’s familiar with Crohn’s disease can help.  So my bf has Crohn’s that he’s dealt with for many years.  Fairly recently, he’s been having the worst pain that’s he’s felt in years.  Horrendous back pain, and sometimes hip joint pain.  He’s been to many kinds of doctors who’ve done many kinds of tests, and all them say nothing looks out of the ordinary.  The pain killers, muscle relaxers and meds he’s been given barely help at all.  He’s at a loss right now as to what to do.  Does anyone have any suggestions to help relieve the pain so he’s not suffering all the time?  Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. computerwiz


      BTW - the natural suggestions I made take time to heal.  Hopefully the grounding provides some immediate relief.  But to actually fix crohn's will take 6 months or so before it's fully healed.

    3. computerwiz
    4. Esined
  6. Out of curiosity and future planning, is there a site where it’s JWs looking for rooms to rent to fellow JWs?  Or is that specific thing just by word of mouth?  Thanks!

    1. ReadYourBible


      Sent you a message!~

    2. careful


      there is bro bnb...a site for vacationers or travelers to find lodging in facilities operated by witnesses.


  7. I’m looking for a timeline of the great tribulation into Armageddon with pictures connected to each major event.  I can’t seem to find it, can someone assist?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tcvancoops


      Perfect!  Got it, thanks!

    3. Tcvancoops


      This is why I wanted that particular timeline! 💜






    4. Julieann


      Love this journal activity! Thank you for sharing. :)

  8. Is there a way I can send an encouragement letter to the branch (or congregations) in Russia?  

    1. carlos


      I think there is no longer a branch in Russia. Not sure how to contact a congregation or if it's a good idea.


      But you can send encouraging letters to the brothers and sisters in Russian prisons. At https://jw-russia.org/prisoners.html you have a list of all the JWs in jail or undergoing trial in Russia. Most are in domiciliary arrest or waiting sentence, but for the 52 who are currently in prison (for example brother Bagratyan) the website provides the address where letters can be sent.


      Those letters have to be in Russian and cannot discuss their "forbidden" activities. So no talk of preaching or meetings. But they can contain a Bible scripture or an encouraging thought.


    2. Victoria


      You can write in English to brother Dennis Christensen. It's allowed now and he can read it.

      If you want to write someone else I can help to translate it in Russian.

  9. When I was a kid, I had a small group of friends I’d regularly hang out with. One of which was one little sister that I will call “J” for privacy reasons. She was the youngest in our group which, according to kid logic, means she’s a baby. I believe I’m 3-4 years older than her. You know how kids think; someone who is even one year younger than you is a baby, and someone a year plus older than you is basically a demigod. So I know I didn’t treat J the best since I viewed her as an annoying little kid. Yet, despite my snotty behavior, J always treated me with kindness and love. Even after she moved out of NY, she would send me letters, drawings and pictures. She didn’t forget about me, and showed how much she loved me. The last time I heard from her, she was 11 years old. Eventually, my parents separated, and my mother and I moved out of NY, and I lost contact with J. I couldn’t stop thinking about J. It didn’t take me long after that to realize how wrong I was in how I treated her. And out of all my friends, she was the most faithful, spiritual, and sweetest. She was the best friend I’ve ever had, and I not only treated her poorly, but now I lost contact with her so I couldn’t even apologize. I felt terrible. For the next years, while moving from Maine to South Carolina, I went on a search for J. I tried looking her up, desperately searching for a hint of where she could be. However, I always found a dead end, and I’d get disheartened and give up. This cycle would continue until I moved back to NY in 2012. As some of you may know, this is around the time period where I went on an intense mental journey, hospitalization, and recovery. I went through poor decisions, getting in trouble, went through a few failed relationships, and trying to understand who I really am. Only fairly recently have I gotten confident enough to figure out how my minds works, and coming to terms with a lot of things about me. Jehovah has shown me many times the way he answers my prayers is slowly in a crazy domino effect. I think he does that to prove to me that it is really Him that helped me, and not just by some chance. He did that when I had to go to court against my father, when he helped me take care of the aftermath of when my beloved Cooper passed away, when getting my next dog who was exactly what I’ve been wanting for years, and with financial aid for something I was struggling with since 2010. So hold onto your hats for this next domino effect. I recently decided to give my mother another chance. We’ve had a super strained relationship, and for years we didn’t talk to each other. But after some time, having one on one chats, and me finding some confidence I decided to be less angry and try being friendly towards my mom. A month ago, we went to the store together (which we hadn’t done in 8+ years), and I saw a book called “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. I heard great things about the author, and I was looking at it when my mom noticed me eyeballing it. She asked if I wanted to get it, and I said no because I don’t like admitting I want material things. But she ignored me, and bought me the book anyway. After reading it, I felt motivated to do a deep cleaning of my room. So last week I was following the rules of the book, and I was able to throw away about 10 garbage bags full of stuff. My room felt lighter, and my mental state improved dramatically. (Side note: highly recommend reading that book and doing a deep clean for those who want to improve mentally). The book explained when throwing away things, save your sentimental items for last because that’s going to be the most difficult things to go through. And friends, I’m a hoarder when it comes to sentimental stuff. I can’t seem to throw away gifts or items that remind me of a happier time with friends and family. But after taking some stress pills, putting on some relaxing music, and my Millie (dog) at my side, I tackled all of my sentimental collection. The last thing I took down was a box I had in my closest of stuff from my freshmen year of high school and back. Among the notes I used to pass in school, art projects, and yearbooks were a little bundle of letters. When I opened them up, I saw they were all from J. I had saved all of J’s letters and drawings, and I was so happy to see them again. On the back of one letter was her old address (after she moved), a phone number, and her mom’s email. My heart started racing. I figured the phone number and mailing address would probably lead to a dead end, but I thought maybe the email would still work. I said a prayer, and then wrote a message to her mom explaining who I am, and I’m reaching out to reconnect again. Also I did some Google searches of the mailing address and phone number to see if there was any clues there, but there wasn’t any. After waiting for a bit, I figured the email might not pan out to anything since it was a Hotmail account. And who the heck uses Hotmail anymore! I tried once more to look up J’s name, but I couldn’t find a single thing. I was about to give up when I had a thought. (It was probably Jehovah tapping me on the head saying, “hold up”). Maybe if I look up the mom’s name instead, I’d have a better chance of finding results. Sure enough, that was the key. I immediately found her Instagram, and I nearly screamed. I quickly made myself an Instagram account (something I never thought I’d do lol), followed her and sent her a message through there. I was begging Jehovah for them to see my message and reply back to me. Couple hours later I got two notifications: (1) her mom replied to my message, and she said she remembered me, and (2) J requesting to follow me with a message attached. I was hysterically crying. I had found her! After all these years, I found my childhood friend! The three of us talked and cried, catching up on what happened in our lives and being so happy to find each other again. One of the first things I did was apologize to J and her mom. I said I was so sorry that I was such a nasty little kid, and that I treated J unfairly. They both said they only had good memories of me, and J understood that it was kid logic as well. To my surprise, she had been looking for me too. Once we lost contact, she never stopped thinking about me and worried what could have happened. We were so relieved to hear from each other again. I’m not one to go looking for people, especially in my past. I have no interest, mainly because I’m a loner introvert. But out of everyone in my life, I wanted to find J. I knew she’d still be in the truth, and be just as wonderful as an adult as she was as a kid. I’ve ran into some of my other childhood friends, and they’re no longer in the truth and not people I’d want to associate with. Yet I knew J would still be solid, and I was right. She’s became a beautiful woman who serves Jehovah faithfully, and she’s extremely sweet. She’s also married, and she’s a mom now! And her little girl looks exactly like J when she was a kid. I’ve been in amazement and disbelief this week that I reconnected with J again, and I had to tell everyone because of how happy I am. I’m so thankful to Jehovah for helping me find J and giving me the chance to give her that long awaited apology she deserved so many years ago. I hope this story brings you friends some positivity and reassurance that Jehovah answers prayers in due time. Don’t give up, friends! Keep moving forward!
  10. I have a question:  in my personal study today I’m on the topic of Moses.  Why didn’t the daughter of pharaoh give Moses an Egyptian name?  I remember someone telling me this answer or I read it in an article, but so far I can’t find it.  Any help I’d appreciate it.  Thanks!

    1. carlos


      Maybe she did and Moses is just the name he went by among the Hebrews.


      On the other hand, maybe Moses name was actually Egyptian. There are pharaohs named Thutmose and Ahmose, so maybe Pharaoh's daughter named him Mose or something-Mose, and coincidentally that name sounds similar to the Hebrew word for "taken from water".

    2. booboo


      The etymology of this name is a source of debate among scholars. In Hebrew, Moses means “Drawn Out; Saved Out of Water.” Historian Flavius Josephus argued that Moses was a compound of two Egyptian words meaning “water” and “saved.” Today, some scholars likewise believe that the name Moses is Egyptian in origin but feel that it most likely means “Son.” This argument, however, is based on the similar sound of the word “Moses” and some Egyptian names. Since no one really knows how either ancient Hebrew or Egyptian was pronounced, such theories are speculative

    3. comtemplate


      to add to the same things Carlos and booboo said it is also possible that it means son of a God since the Pharaoh's believed they were the embodiment of different gods Thotmoses son of thot Ramsus (son of Ra) 


      side bar I've thought it could be possible that Jehovah manevuered the meek man Moses to speak to Pharaoh since he too was the son of a God (the daughter of a Pharaoh and this could be why he was allowed in his presence

      And of course we know then when Pharaoh became fed up with Moses he told him the next time you see my face you'll be killed.

  11. So I’ve been doing my personal bible study, and decided to start back from the basics.  From Adam and Eve in Genesis to Revelation.  On this journey, one day I did the family tree of Noah and his sons’ descendants because I was getting confused just by reading the names in the scriptures.  I needed something visual to look at.  It was so much fun that I downloaded a Family Tree app (since I don’t think I have enough paper 😂) and began making a Biblical family tree chart starting with Adam and Eve.  Seeing all the names, doing the research on some of the little fun facts of lesser known descendants, and connecting the dots of how things came to be has been fascinating!  I look forward to every night to my personal bible study to add to my Biblical Family Tree and understanding more of the importance of each person.  I’d also love to know what little projects you friends have done for your personal bible study!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. paulc


      Hugh O’D,  I like your study on which month different things occurring for Gods people, it so interesting.. any other tidbits?  

    3. carlos


      Van, this is very interesting. I think it deserves it's own topic rather than just a status update.

    4. Hugh O'D

      Hugh O'D

      paulc other titbits. Lots of things but what's important?


      1) Ex40:2 The tabernacle was also instituded in this month.

      2) Joshua 4:19 Israel crossed the Jordan in this month

      Frankly, if Nisan is the month of Armageddon and entering the New System I won't be surprised, but there is nothing in the Scriptures saying that.

      7th month

      1) Adam probably created

      2) Leviticus 16:29 Day of Atonement

      3) 2 Kings 25 Land of Judah abandoned

      4) Ezra 3:6 Pure Worship resumes in Jerusalem

      5) Jesus probably born

      Again, some of these are patterns, others may just be conincidences, there's only 12 months for things to happen in and some months you just want to stay indoors. The list goes on. Agape 

Tcvancoops last won the day on May 4 2015

Tcvancoops had the most liked content!


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    Long Island, NY
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  • How I found the Truth
    Grew up in the Truth, but made it my own!

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    Singing, drawing, writing, and animals!
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    Tuesday's With Morrie
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    Secondhand Lions
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    Keep Moving Forward

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