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Lapel pins or tie tacs with JW.ORG

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I was wondering if any of you friends know of anyone who would custom make a few lapel pins or tie tacs with the JW.ORG logo on them.    I don't know if this would be an infringement on any copyright laws regarding the WB&TS.    (If so please let me know)

My thought was ........... i thought it would be a way of getting jw.org out there more if during the conventions we had lapel pins or tie tacs.  Especially when we go out to eat in the evenings.    It would also promote good conversation starters.   

Then I got to thinking, "Maybe they will have it somewhere on our convention lapel badge."


I would like to have one of both to wear both for the conventions and in the ministry.    Not ones that are so large they look gaudy.   But large enough to be seen clearly .   Anyways...just a passing thought.

Don't pay any attention to me.  

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I was wondering if any of you friends know of anyone who would custom make a few lapel pins or tie tacs with the JW.ORG logo on them. I don't know if this would be an infringement on any copyright laws regarding the WB&TS. (If so please let me know)

My thought was ........... i thought it would be a way of getting jw.org out there more if during the conventions we had lapel pins or tie tacs. Especially when we go out to eat in the evenings. It would also promote good conversation starters.

Then I got to thinking, "Maybe they will have it somewhere on our convention lapel badge."

I would like to have one of both to wear both for the conventions and in the ministry. Not ones that are so large they look gaudy. But large enough to be seen clearly . Anyways...just a passing thought.

Don't pay any attention to me.

I haven't seen the convention badges yet but maybe the jw.org logo will be on the lower left or right hand corner.

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Seems to me, in addition to the copyright concerns, that this info should also be considered:



*** km 9/74 p. 8 Question Box ***
Question Box
Is it fitting to display the Hebrew or English letters of the Tetragrammaton on automobiles, jewelry and other items?

This is a matter that should rightly be left for each Witness to decide, based on the dictates of his own conscience.
Nevertheless, circumstances vary, and what may be appropriate in one locality may not be fitting in another area. For example, where there is considerable prejudice against Jews, displaying the Tetragrammaton in Hebrew letters could give rise to needless problems due to mistaken identity. And some Jews themselves find the public display the Tetragrammaton objectionable. Also, in some areas there are other reasons why such a practice might be viewed as strange and so create misunderstandings.
On the other hand, some have found that displaying the Tetragrammaton either in English or Hebrew letters has aroused curiosity and given openings for informal witnessing. Then, too, it has served as a means of identifying other Witnesses when traveling.
If a person should decide to display the Tetragrammaton on his car, he should also appreciate the responsibility of not misrepresenting it by disregard for Caesar’s laws or by careless and inconsiderate driving.
As Jehovah’s servants we are responsible to uphold the dignity of his name. This is done primarily by preaching and by setting a good example in Christian living. Should the public display of the Tetragrammaton detract from that, it would obviously not be fitting. Furthermore, we do not want to give others the impression that the Tetragrammaton is the symbol of Jehovah’s witnesses as a whole. We have no organizational symbol to identify ourselves but show that we are Jehovah’s Christian witnesses by living in harmony with God’s will.—John 13:35.

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I think this principle applies as well.


*** km 4/09 p. 4 Question Box ***
Is it appropriate for congregations or individuals to use the logos of legal corporations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Congregations or individuals should not use logos or names of the organization’s legal entities, or variations thereof, on their Kingdom Halls, signs, letterhead, personal objects, and so forth. Such use of the organization’s logos may cause confusion for public officials, publishers, and others about the legal affiliation of the congregation with the organization’s legal entities. Similarly, written correspondence could be misinterpreted as being approved or sent from the world headquarters or the branch office.

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When I think of Jehovah's Holy Name being used for anything besides worship...I don't know. This is where the world puts, "Save the Klamath" and such. Political statements.

JW.org? Somehow I don't have the same feelings. This is a web site that the society is really stressing. It is not just for us, but has more potential then any of us know.

BTW, do any of you remember taping a WT to the car window as we traveled to our conventions? Somehow, the practice got stopped.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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BTW, do any of you remember taping a WT to the car window as we traveled to our conventions? Somehow, the practice got stopped. 


I do, when I was a kid we would do that so we could wave to other friends on the way. 

Edited by GrumpysWife

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I well remember going to NYC, for the 1953 international convention. Keeping a Watchtower up in the rear window was a responsibility given to anyone of the 9 children that rode in the back of a Ford woodie station wagon. In the ensuing years from what I haved gathered ,anything to do with the Society`s materials should be handled with the CO's knowledge. 

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Back in the day when one would see a lot of, "honk if you love Jesus" signs and I think I was on our way home from the 1972 convention in Vancouver Canada that I taped a sign in the back window that read, "honk if you love Jehovah." We got a lot of honks but we also got a lot IQ fingers so after a few hundred miles of that nonsense I took it down. All in all it wasn't a very good witness.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Personally I don't think just having jw.org would every be considered a logo, it is an address to a website. We are encouraged to reference that all of the time. However, if you replicate the purple box with letters jw.org inside that might be different. They are using that "logo" every where.

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  • 4 months later...

Brother David in reply to your asking where to get some lapel pins with JW.ORG on them. I got the whole congregation here in Vincennes, Indiana one. I got them from etsy.com they are same color and square shape as one on back of the tract we are using this month. I bought the 100 for 32, with ship cost it was 41 dollars. there is a smaller amt like 25 that yo can get for much cheaper. But I was stopped by an Elder here and discouraged from giving them out, due to not knowing if they are copy righted or if it is not correct color codes. Our CO has told the Pioneers from our cong that is is a conscience matter for each person to make. They do have a pin, and all of the friends at pioneer school had one on in the group photo. Hope that helps, Christian Love, Sister Leann Bice

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When I think of Jehovah's Holy Name being used for anything besides worship...I don't know. This is where the world puts, "Save the Klamath" and such. Political statements.

JW.org? Somehow I don't have the same feelings. This is a web site that the society is really stressing. It is not just for us, but has more potential then any of us know.

BTW, do any of you remember taping a WT to the car window as we traveled to our conventions? Somehow, the practice got stopped.

Oh Lord, Miss Bea! You want us to date ourselves?   :unsure:

Edited by MizPeg
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Does anybody remember the bumper stickers provided by the organization to announce we were heading to the International Convention in NY in 1958?

Horn tooting , waving, so much fun.

When you got close to NY, you couldn't give a magazine away, all the service station's employees had been thoroughly witnessed to.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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Around here a few years back we would make a little sign for the car window on the way to an assembly. It just said "Song 62" 

That song of course was "We're Jehovah's Witnesses" 


Cannot do it now since they changed the songbook.. (sigh) nostalgia rules again.....

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Brother David in reply to your asking where to get some lapel pins with JW.ORG on them. I got the whole congregation here in Vincennes, Indiana one. I got them from etsy.com they are same color and square shape as one on back of the tract we are using this month. I bought the 100 for 32, with ship cost it was 41 dollars. there is a smaller amt like 25 that yo can get for much cheaper. But I was stopped by an Elder here and discouraged from giving them out, due to not knowing if they are copy righted or if it is not correct color codes. Our CO has told the Pioneers from our cong that is is a conscience matter for each person to make. They do have a pin, and all of the friends at pioneer school had one on in the group photo. Hope that helps, Christian Love, Sister Leann Bice


Instead of PINS, who makes them in a CLIP ON or Magnetic version?   ...   reasonable sources please, thanks.

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We found the best deal on highest quality ones at http://www.JWstuff.org


Ive seen many sites that have various styles but these are small and discreet so we can wear them anywhere and not look "goofy" yet i get witness all the time now see it and come up to me. Have also had 2 conversations strike up with random people who ask about them. 


Where ever you get something, try wearing out sometime and see how it does for its real intended purpose. Get people to find the new website!

Edited by trottigy
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I just returned from Pioneer School, and everyone was wearing the JW.ORG buttons!

Nice point John! Would you have a picture to share of it. A pioneer sister who was a international convention delegate received a pin from me and while helping serve the lunch for the pioneer school a few weeks ago said that she gave hers away because the district overseer's wife (both now special pioneers) really wanted one. They didn't seem to have a problem with them.

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Last night at the service meeting we had comments about the campaign and 2 people mentioned the buttons and response they got. One of the two was wearing theirs at the airport, a lady saw it and recognized JW meant Jehovah's Witnesses, she had studied before and since stopped. The brother said, " would you like to start again? I know a lady who would love to study with you" we laughed as we know he meant his wife. The lady said, "yes". All from a button. He recommended she check out the site and she was going to do that too.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Instead of PINS, who makes them in a CLIP ON or Magnetic version? ... reasonable sources please, thanks.

A sister in mutt mom's hall is starting to make clip on jw.org tie bars

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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