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JW Parents take their sick boy from hospital

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That being said, we should cease repeating what news articles say about the King family. If you continue to post this secondhand information YOU are spreading gossip and Jehovah is seeing what you are doing. Unless someone from their family keeps us updated, please STOP posting your opinion,(a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge).

Did you link my post as a quote by accident because I assure you I am NOT posting those links at all. I have never posted a link with any information regarding them directly except for a video from them themselves. So yes directly from their mouths. So I have no clue why you have quoted me.


Guess I am reading your post wrong. :)

Edited by Mykyl
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Repeating it is gossip. We know where we are meant to stand regarding gossip. Gossip can very quickly become slander and that is very serious. Do not repeat negative unsubstantiated rumour based on media reports would be my advice. We again were reminded of this at our convention. Pretty clear I would have thought.


casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.



That being said, we should cease repeating what news articles say about the King family. If you continue to post this secondhand information YOU are spreading gossip and Jehovah is seeing what you are doing. Unless someone from their family keeps us updated, please STOP posting your opinion,(a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge).

At the bottom of each post is a button marked report. USE IT

It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step :- Jer10:23.

Not a day goes by wherein the truth of this scripture is not reaffirmed

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That being said, we should cease repeating what news articles say about the King family. If you continue to post this secondhand information YOU are spreading gossip and Jehovah is seeing what you are doing. Unless someone from their family keeps us updated, please STOP posting your opinion,(a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge).



Repeating it is gossip. We know where we are meant to stand regarding gossip. Gossip can very quickly become slander and that is very serious. Do not repeat negative unsubstantiated rumour based on media reports would be my advice. We again were reminded of this at our convention. Pretty clear I would have thought.


casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.

Further to the above. If I were to take your advise as written A number of brothers and sisters in our congregation heard an unconfirmed report that someone in the congregation who didn;t have food in their house and didn't have money to buy it. After gosiping to each other about the situation, food was purchaced and delivered to them. Since I know the details of this event, ( I wasn't one of them), should I report these ones to the elders for gossiping?

It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step :- Jer10:23.

Not a day goes by wherein the truth of this scripture is not reaffirmed

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Just to let you know, that the whole situation with Ashya is looking positive. 



His doctor, radiation oncologist Barbora Ondrova, said: “There is a 70 to 80% survival rate for the condition such as Ashya has and there is now every reason to hope that he will make a full recovery.”


We all just need to pray, not just for Ashya and his family but all the other brothers and sisters that are battling their way through this system and what it throws at us. Overall this situation has brought to attention that Jehovah's Witnesses want the best treatment possible for their children. Brett and Nagmeh King have conducted themselves with dignity and a lot of self control considering what they have been through. If I could of conducted myself in the way they have to the world while such a serious situation was involving their son then i would be thanking Jehovah so much for the self control he must of given me.


This brother and sister i am proud to call my brother and sister, i just pray that they stay strong and that Jehovah supports them spiritually and that they stay close to Jehovah. He is the only one who can get them through this and so far it looks like Jehovah is doing a marvelous job.


Lets keep this thread positive and encouraging for all. We need to encourage one another, especially in this time of the end. It is our unity that can make us stronger than anything Satan throws at us.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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Further to the above. If I were to take your advise as written A number of brothers and sisters in our congregation heard an unconfirmed report that someone in the congregation who didn;t have food in their house and didn't have money to buy it. After gosiping to each other about the situation, food was purchaced and delivered to them. Since I know the details of this event, ( I wasn't one of them), should I report these ones to the elders for gossiping?

Decided to take your advice and report this. You know fine what was meant.

Edited by Mykyl
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Did you link my post as a quote by accident because I assure you I am NOT posting those links at all. I have never posted a link with any information regarding them directly except for a video from them themselves. So yes directly from their mouths. So I have no clue why you have quoted me.


Guess I am reading your post wrong. :)

I quoted you because I agree with your comment, I started out with " That being said,". I agreed and added to it.

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Mirror reports that Mr. king would allow a blood transfusion.


I don't know how or where the idea that he would allow a blood transfusion originated from, but I don't believe it and would not believe it unless I heard it from his mouth myself. I find it not credible, even if it did come from any supposedly credible news source. 


This reminds me of a recent study article:




Misleading statements and outright lies about Jehovah’s servants and their beliefs are sometimes featured in the media. Newspaper headlines, television documentaries, and Internet Web pages are used to propagate untruths. As a result, some people become disturbed, gullibly believing such lies.
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Legal documents showing that having reached Prague, Ashya King is no longer a ward of court. Also to be noted is an addendum at the end of the legal document: the gist of which points out that children under 13 have their medical treatment decisions decided by medical staff possibly with the authority of the courts over the authority of the parents. This may be where the newspaper is twisting things as they know parents don't have final authority - if surgeons want to administer blood transfusion against parents' wishes they just have to live with it, as they can get legal control of our offspring. Jehovah will not blame parents, medical staff will answer for their decision not parents. Thankfully, many medical people are using blood less and less for economic and medical reasons, but for children, are likely to keep the option open even if it's against parent's wishes.

The Mirror Newspaper, tabloid/Redtop, has a long history of scandal, phone-hacking, hoax articles and libel court cases. Their most famous/infamous editor was the controversial Piers Morgan who has featured for his very 'forward' personality on USA TV shows. Their most notorius owner was Robert  Maxwell who creamed off millions from the company, including other employees pension funds, for his own use.

It is known that there are newspapers that will, because of bruised egoes - because the victims in 'whatever the News article' only spoke to certain media representatives and not exclusively to their newspaper - by way of retaliation act with- 'If you don't give us 'an exclusive' we will make one up that is so outrageous that (1) you will have to comment on it, which will give us publicity on the back of your International story, or (2) we get away with it because your so busy in another country seeing to your important affairs that you'll not see it to sue us/ have time to sue us/suing by private people is very expensive in UK and we have the best barristers who are well used to 'getting us off' in many libel cases and costs will bankrupt you, so you won't bother.

Internet advertisements for donations towards Ashyas treatment also had trolls commenting and claiming that the charity accounts that people were paying into might be too available for personal use and the money may not be going for his treatment and trying to scare people off donating by making false accusations about who was behind the accounts. Someone even resurrected a Youtube video of brother Naveed King made months ago, before all this trouble occurred, about him using a new camera he'd just bought and implied he'd perhaps paid for it out of the charity money - even though this purchase and video occurred before the charity account was even set up!! Just shows what a bad world it is where people delight in trouble stirring.

Thankfully, the trolls and bad news reports were ignored and over £100,000 has been raised, so his treatment costs are covered and the family can get on supporting him through it and beyond where, if he survives - hospital gives 70% chance - he will need lots of rehabilitation. Like other brain trauma, his brain will need to rewire around the damaged treatment site. He will have to relearn, if possible, to swallow, talk, move, co-ordinate and so on which will take months of therapy. Best wishes to them on the long road ahead!

Edited by retroHelen
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This is strictly positive news so I think/imagine it is okay to post:




and goes a long way towards dispelling the falsehood some people were spreading that our friends were somehow misusing funds.

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This is strictly positive news so I think/imagine it is okay to post:




and goes a long way towards dispelling the falsehood some people were spreading that our friends were somehow misusing funds.


Thank you for the article:


here is a piece:



He added: “We offered to fund Ashya Kings treatment and as a charity, that still stands.

“We are only interested in the children, we don’t means test, we are only interested in helping the child to get treatment that they ultimately deserve.
“He’s now arrived in Prague and I’m expected to go out there some time this week. We are in conversation with the family, a lot of money has been raised and sent to them.
“They are very happy with what Kids ‘N’ Cancer have offered, we are talking with them and if they don’t need the money that has been raised they have graciously said that we can use it to help other children in similar situations.
“These are people who have big problems, but also big hearts.”



note: we aren't against negative news - if we KNOW it is true. We just don't see a need to post negative speculative stuff about our brothers and sister - especially since we are to believe our brothers are all doing what is right (until PROVEN otherwise) - unlike the devil who is always looking for bad to say (regardless of the truthfulness of it.)

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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  • 2 weeks later...

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/11124807/Ashya-Kings-treatment-to-be-funded-by-the-NHS.html  Newspaper article stating that the National Health Service have decided to fund Ashya's treatment after all. There are other newspaper articles saying the same, so it is true - just that they have trolls commenting after another article that the family will therefore be misusing charity donations when the family did say on the internet and in interview that un-needed donations will be left with the charities for other childrens' care, so I'm not putting those silly links up here


It kind of exonerates Ashya's Father going to the trouble of looking sensibly into his son's treatment. Hope this sets a precedent for other kids with this serious illness for whom this less damaging more focussed treatment would be a better choice with hopefully a better outcome.

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http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-29173364   " Brain tumour patient Ashya King has undergone his first proton beam treatment at a Czech clinic. 15th September 

The five-year-old is receiving post-operative radiotherapy at the Proton Therapy Centre (PTC) in Prague.

Doctors treating the British boy, whose parents were briefly detained after taking him out of the country for specialised cancer treatment, said his first day of therapy went according to plan.It was the first of 30 sessions. He will be treated at the private clinic every day for the next six weeks.

The clinic said Ashya's first day of treatment went well with no surprises.

He was placed in a special plastic mould to keep him still, given a general anaesthetic and then his brain and spine were irradiated with protons.

A spokeswoman for the clinic told the BBC Ashya's spirits appeared to be lifting by the day.

She added he was smiling more than during his initial consultation last week.

The treatment is a type of radiation therapy that uses beams of protons - or small parts of atoms - rather than high energy X-rays, as with conventional radiotherapy.The protons can be precisely directed at a tumour and, unlike conventional treatments, the beams stop once they hit the target, rather than carrying on through the body.

Ashya's attending doctor, radiation oncologist Dr Barbora Ondrova, said: "There is a 70 to 80% survival rate for the condition such as Ashya has and there is now every reason to hope that he will make a full recovery."

The first 13 sessions will focus on the brain and spine, to ensure the tumour he previously had removed at Southampton General Hospital has not spread, and the remaining 17 will aim at irradiating where the brain tumour once was."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Kings gave an interview to The Daily Mail with their experience. Ashya's treatment is doing well. Having his Mother and Father giving him massages to stimulate his brain to activity is helping at last and he looks more focussed and can smile. When he was separated from them at the Spanish Hospital they worried as he was getting no stimulation for days until his brother was allowed to see him - they were in jail cells at that timea. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2775871/Terrorists-drug-barons-cheers-gave-hope-jail-kind-hearted-lawyer-helped-Ashya-King-s-parents-tell-story.html     


PS: please ignore the trolls who, having been unable to prove they were misappropriating the charity money, then went on to try to make out that they weren't British and that the Spanish address was their home, so they were Health Tourists not entitled to NHS treatment anyway. It is quite startling what rubbish people will put to print without checking the facts first, but as I said earlier, some newspapers will allow the printing of anything if they can get away with it. People in England have testified that Mr King and his family are their neighbours/friends, that Mr King works in Southsea and they aren't residents of Spain.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, this is an intense story and I'm glad I didn't catch it as it was happening.


Somebody commented that what this family is doing is disobeying Caesar, but this is where it gets a bit complicated. In a vast place like the EU where you can roam freely, what authority does a hospital actually have to order a child back into their ward while the parents are over in Spain or Prague searching for a better standard of treatment and collecting donations to pay for it? As far as I read, they were breaking no laws, so I wonder where this Interpol police chase came from.


The world has become a really complicated place and we have accepted some institutions as "authorities" that actually aren't. Aside from blood issues, no Christian should have to be forced to have any treatment they don't want for their child crammed down that childs throat, be it intense radiation treatment, vaccines or whatever. This is ultimately a parents duty to decide and most law systems adhere to this.


What I can tell you is I watched the video of the brothers appeal and I immediately understood his predicament. The NHS is known not to be one of the best healthcare systems in Europe. I used to work for an Arab consulate sending patients to the best practitioners in Munich and Bavaria and I can tell you most hospitals in the UK have a horrible reputation with the rich Arabs.


I really pray this brother's family will be able to settle after all this madness and that Jehovah will use this opportunity to vindicate his name.


Apart from that, I really hope some people will learn that doctors are not gods in white robes, but also humans with faults, that healthcare systems are flawed and that the media's knee-jerk reaction in blowing things right out of proportion has shown some people that you should never trust the hyped up stories.


It's all so horrible. Cancer here, cancer there, just a few weeks ago a return visit of mine passed away, couldn't have been older than 26. Left behind a three year old girl and the father.


Satan's system is such a ridiculous failure, and I can't imagine the joy we will feel when realising this horrible stuff is a thing of the past.

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 This is a news item showing little Ashya responding very happily to stimulating therapy after his proton treatment. A totally different little boy after the operation that left him so listless back in UK before they went to Prague.

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 This is a news item showing little Ashya responding very happily to stimulating therapy after his proton treatment. A totally different little boy after the operation that left him so listless back in UK before they went to Prague.



Thanks for sharing, I pray that it is not all in vain.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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  • 3 weeks later...

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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  • 2 months later...

Even the reporters have no idea where the facts end and the propaganda begins.


Thank you brothers for posting the videos.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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