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JW Broadcasting - December 2014

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All good in Roku - land! ☺

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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I think we're going to treat the broadcasts like the Watchtower Study topic.  When the new topic comes available, the old topic will be unpinned and drop off the page.


At least, I think that's what we're planning.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I just heard on the news (I got the tail end of it) there's a really bad virus going around so I'm doing a scan right now maybe that's what the problem was. Apparently something to do with North Korea,and the Hollywood blockbuster.

Edited by a3a27988
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My wife and I really enjoyed the part about singing kingdom songs, especially 'hitting the high notes'.

I also appreciated how the governing body spoke directly to publishers, and to elders about taking the January service meeting part seriously, and preparing well.

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I do enjoy the "spoilers" (hate that word -- how can one spoil such news??).  It provides me a bit of an outline of what to look out for.  Of course, all the information is valuable and good.  But knowing a bit of what's coming up gives some structure to my viewing pleasure.


I feel the same about "spoilers" from assemblies and conventions.  Many thanks to you all for sharing!  :)

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I love the new Caleb and Sophia  video, about commenting. I was just discussing with an elder not too long ago my shyness of commenting. Also what if I prepare a comment and I do not get called on, this is so awesome. I am so grateful to Jehovah giving us what we need at the right time. I have also been working on singing songs, this is soooo amazing..

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Any download links for the featured tours? -- Russia branch and South Africa Maintenance Dept?


Thanks in advance! :)

Download Links to 4 new videos on JW Broadcasting for December 1, 2014:

Dec 2014

720p 713MB


480p 491MB


360p 361MB


240p 184MB


Video Tour of the Russia Branch

720p 100MB


480p 68MB


360p 49MB


240p 26MB


Tour of South Africa Maintenance Department

720p 25MB


480p 18MB


360p 13MB


240p 7MB


Prepare Your Comment_Become Jehovah’s Friend

720p 23MB


480p 16MB


360p 12MB


240p 7MB


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Such a powerful illustration by Bro Lett in the 46th minute about the dangers of leaving the truth for a while to try out the wilds of the world.

He had a dog called Wheeler who followed the call of the wild and joined a pack of wild dogs for a few days. Came home a week later all chewed up. Took a couple of weeks to recover but not to the same strength.

2 years later same thing happened. He came back and collapsed in the yard and died a day later.

He couldn't understand why the dog would want to leave as they took good care of him.

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Download Links to 4 new videos on JW Broadcasting for December 1, 2014:

Dec 2014

720p 713MB


480p 491MB


360p 361MB


240p 184MB


Video Tour of the Russia Branch

720p 100MB


480p 68MB


360p 49MB


240p 26MB


Tour of South Africa Maintenance Department

720p 25MB


480p 18MB


360p 13MB


240p 7MB


Prepare Your Comment_Become Jehovah’s Friend

720p 23MB


480p 16MB


360p 12MB


240p 7MB



Wow! Thanks brother William!

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   The December program now on  J.W. Broadcasting .is on being trained and taught for facets of Christain life

and ministry. With this video Bro. Splane and Mark Noumair introduce us to the new songs and songbook being

prepared. Then we are treated to another rendition of the new song God's Kingdom Rules - Let it Come. And be-

cause in January we will begin to  singing some of these new songs in our meetings, we are treated to some pro-

fessional singing lessons. Sister Susan, who among other things teaches us how to sing those "high notes", was a

professional singer and studied music at the renowned Julliard before coming into the truth. Her experience is

told by her in the interview section of J.W. Broadcasting. So I am so pleased they have made this provision to help

all of the brothers and sisters learn to sing better.

   Then there is the wonderful new Caleb and Sophia video on preparing a comment. And I find it so charming that

it is told from the standpoint of real feelings and objections that our youngsters may have in commenting. But it is

no child's instruction on how to prepare better comments. That we can all benefit from.

   There is part of the video I still have not seen. That is the sister and her young children. So that is something I

still have to look forward to. But I loved Bro. Lett's part on not being over confident. How sutlely that problem can

overreach us. Look at Saul, David, and Solomon. and of course we all think of Peter. And we say in our hearts we

would never make the mistakes and entertain the wrong thinking that they did. But that very thought shows we al-

ready are beginning to develop the signs of over confidence. How Satan loves to induce us to feel that way. He

can make us his victims so much easier !

   The part by Bro Noumair on the German Bethel was wonderful. And I am glad they added the video on Russia and

South Africa too. There is so much you can learn from these videos. Not just that they make us feel closer to all of

the friends around the world. I was very impressed by the attitude and obvious professionalism everyone showed

in performing their duties. I liked the point that each view this as a part of their "sacred service". And when you con-

template that this is all being done to fulfill Jesus prophesy the "this Good News of the Kingdom, will be preached

in all of the earth as a witness it is almost to staggering to take in. There it is, for everyone to see.

    Finally a word about the Bro. Larson's interview. What an encouraging video of someone whose personal service

at Brooklyn Bethel effected so many of our lives. Surely he was a great example of putting first the Kingdom in his

life. And to take on the major responsibility of factory overseer after only three years at Bethel. That is a very interest-

ing story in itself.

   What we may yet be treated to as time moves on ? Time will tell. But certainly these are all exciting and encouraging

developments for us all to enjoy.



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Sister Susan, who among other things teaches us how to sing those "high notes", was a

professional singer and studied music at the renowned Julliard before coming into the truth. Her experience is told by her in the interview section of J.W. Broadcasting.

Do you remember which JW broadcast contained her interview? I've watched them all but don't remember her being interviewed.

(Thanks. Found it in:

Interviews and Experiences Young People Ask—What Will I Do With My Life?—Looking Back)

Edited by WilliamChew
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  • 3 weeks later...

So I am watching JWBroadcasting Experiences (new I think) and the brother is talking about how they needed a consoleby July 15  but it was a special item order and the company they went to said they didn't  have one and wouldn't by that date... but when the brothers went to the parking lot the guy came out and said that they had one at the dock that another company ordered but went bankrupt and so thats how the brothers got the console when they did, and at a very good price and ....  well i remember reading somewhere on these forums about it before it came out on JWBroadcasting and someone said that it was a rumor and it seemed like many doubted that it happened. I guess it really did happen!!   :) 

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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New material on JW broadcasting! ☺

Edited by AH173

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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I'm looking for the posts that I made on that subject some time ago.

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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So I am watching JWBroadcasting Experiences (new I think) and the brother is talking about how they needed a consoleby July 15  but it was a special item order and the company they went to said they didn't  have one and wouldn't by that date... but when the brothers went to the parking lot the guy came out and said that they had one at the dock that another company ordered but went bankrupt and so thats how the brothers got the console when they did, and at a very good price and ....  well i remember reading somewhere on these forums about it before it came out on JWBroadcasting and someone said that it was a rumor and it seemed like many doubted that it happened. I guess it really did happen!!   :)



I'm looking for the posts that I made on that subject some time ago.


AFROKITTY first mentioned it here ...  http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/18189-jw-broadcasting-november/  

Edited by timpin
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