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Songbook: "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah

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6 (105) was perfect the way it was, so no changes.


7 (23) no changes.


8 (23) has some lyrics changed. Verse 3 reads:

He’ll keep us and protect us
From snares along our way,
From terrors in the nighttime,
And arrows by the day.
Yes, there will be no cause for dread,
No place where we will fear to tread.
Jehovah is our refuge,
Ever guarding us on our way.


9 (46) has some changed lyrics.


10 (9) has had some slight changes to the lyrics. Now we do not only tell all men the Good News, but all people.


10 (15) has a new title and new lyrics. Like this:

By knowing you, our life is not in vain,
And by your word, our life will be sustained.


12 (112) has new lyrics.

Father, we feel your tender compassion.
We are dust, and still you care;
Graciously you hear our prayer.
How you sustain us, teach us, and guide us!
Help from you is always there.


13 (5) has a new title and some new lyrics.

Christ took on human form—
The Son of man was born—
By his example, God’s name he adorned.


14 (99) has some slightly adjusted lyrics.


15 (109) has a slightly adjusted title and lyrics to correspond. (No more hailing)

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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2 hours ago, azram said:

Listen to the new orchestral arrangement for 57 "Preaching to All Sorts of People"

What's that?! The new arrangement for this song is such amazing, wonderful, awesome!!! It fits well with the energetic feeling that the song wants to pass through. I'm really excited to show off this new song to my friends. :D


The song 127 "What Sort of Person I Should Be" (old 61) has a little difference in its new arrangement. The sound of piano is louder.  I have noted, not only in this song, but in others that the sound of background is lower than we used to hear. I think this is gonna end the problem of the sound louder only in chorus.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come now powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:38,39

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55 minutes ago, azram said:

Any notice that songs like 27 (151) went from 2 pages to 4 pages? Also seen other instances of songs going from 2 pages to 3 pages. I guess the feature from Sing to Jehovah where you won't have to flip pages won't be used in this book.

The written music (lead sheets) are scored to show BOTH the upper Treble Clef line and the lower Bass Clef line like our old piano music songbook.  Our newer song sheets only had the upper line so it takes almost twice as much space to print.

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6 minutes ago, jwhess said:

The written music (lead sheets) are scored to show BOTH the upper Treble Clef line and the lower Bass Clef line like our old piano music songbook.  Our newer song sheets only had the upper line so it takes almost twice as much space to print.

Awesomeness.  I just flipped through the songs to see what was there, and it seems like all of the new ones (136-154) are in there.  But I defer to the counter types here to confirm that, along with what was lost in the shuffle.  I don't think that there are any original songs in there.   But beautiful, beautiful.  And, I have ink for my printer!!

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1 hour ago, rbrown1205 said:

Awesomeness.  I just flipped through the songs to see what was there, and it seems like all of the new ones (136-154) are in there.  But I defer to the counter types here to confirm that, along with what was lost in the shuffle.  I don't think that there are any original songs in there.   But beautiful, beautiful.  And, I have ink for my printer!!

If you are using regular printer paper it comes out like a "phone-Book" in size (about an inch thick).  It is almost 300 pages.

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3 minutes ago, jwhess said:

If you are using regular printer paper it comes out like a "phone-Book" in size (about an inch thick).  It is almost 300 pages.

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC on windows 10 allowed you to print 2 pages to a sheet of paper.


You can also print double sided so cutting it down to 75 pages.


I tried this feature and it works nicely.

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16 minutes ago, WilliamChew said:

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC on windows 10 allowed you to print 2 pages to a sheet of paper.


You can also print double sided so cutting it down to 75 pages.


I tried this feature and it works nicely.

My Canon printer has these choices in the print menu.  It lists them as "booklet" for the 2-to-a-page and "duplex" for double sided.  The print is too small for me to read.  The description I made earlier about this being 1 inch thick is the result when I DID run the print on both sides of the paper (about 150 sheets double-sided).  It was standard 20 pound bond 95 bright office printer paper.

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Song 16 (108) has a new title and lyrics to correspond.


Song 17 (84) has changed lyrics.

Kind and patient, perfect in love,
Was Christ, who came down from above.
He took care of our needs
With words and by deeds;
He gave of his time and his love.
He would keep the lowly in mind
By healing the sick, deaf, and blind.


Song 18 (149) has no changes except to the written arrangement.


Song 19 (8) has changed lyrics, for example a whole new verse:

The bread and the wine are reminders,
How great is the price that you paid.
And the good that was done through the gift of your Son,
In life and in death he obeyed.
We gratefully keep this Memorial;
This night is a time to recall
How the death of your Son paid the ransom that won
The redemption from death for us all.]


Song 20 (148) has a new title and lyrics to correspond.


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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3 hours ago, azram said:

Any notice that songs like 27 (151) went from 2 pages to 4 pages? Also seen other instances of songs going from 2 pages to 3 pages. I guess the feature from Sing to Jehovah where you won't have to flip pages won't be used in this book.

They mentioned at the AM that this happened to aid language translation.  They spaced things out to accommodate the need for more syllable spacing for words in other languages.


Hope that makes sense...

Come join our service group singers......♫ Grant us boldness we witness....help us overcome our fear. ♫

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