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School Shooting Coral Springs, Florida

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3 minutes ago, rocket said:

The definition of school shooting is really all that is at issue.


Why does the definition matter at all?


The only reason people are repeating this statistic, and the debunking, and the alternative theories, is to motivate politicians and political donors. Since we do not involve ourselves in political matters, the number of incidents should be irrelevant.


I've known many people who have become victims, and there's only one thing in common between all of these incidents. Dead is dead. Whether it's a school shooting, or a mass shooting, or a suicide, or a murder, or a terrorist attack, or anything else, all of these people are just as dead, and their friends and families gain no comfort whatsoever by the various labels and statistics that the media chooses to use.


Right now, the media and the politicians on both sides are using this as a platform to push forward their agenda, even while they both say that "now is not the time" to push an agenda. They both want the other side to remain quiet while they try to turn these children into martyrs to their cause, whether that cause is a gun ban or arming teachers. But we, being neutral, would not get involved in that particular discussion. And since do not take any stance on political matters, we also shouldn't promote the propaganda used to support them.


17 people died at the hands of this one criminal. By next week, hundreds more will be dead at the hands of other criminals. A week later, that number will be even higher. Instead of getting into a debate about the specific labels used to identify these nameless and faceless dead people that almost everyone will forget by next week, can't we at least be united in our hope that Jehovah will soon intervene and put an end to these evil acts forever?

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Can I add School Shootings to the list of crazy things brothers argue about?

Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Let's think the way Jehovah see's these matters as to the real ruler of the world that his time is short and deteriorating at a disturbing pace. as Jehovah had his prophet put in pace through the writings of Daniel 2:44 thru 45.  It is very obvious here in the book of Daniel that the world is not taken over by humans/people.  Enough of people (though some sincere) try to patch up a world that is breaking apart.  The holes in the bag are to big to fix by any human form of government, people rioting, wanting change that will never come.  The only sure thing that is a guarantee is Jehovah's Kingdom in the hands of King designate Jesus.   Is the World Out of Control?  YES IT IS!!! And it get worse day by day.  No matter how humans try to fix their governments, neighborhoods, themselves, it will never succeed.  Jer 10:23 vividly points out. If you need to trust in someone, trust in Jehovah.  Psalms 118:8, 9 (the princes mention in this version of bible, are those in charge or lead) 



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9 hours ago, Allabord4Jah said:

Let's think the way Jehovah see's these matters as to the real ruler of the world that his time is short and deteriorating at a disturbing pace. as Jehovah had his prophet put in pace through the writings of Daniel 2:44 thru 45.  It is very obvious here in the book of Daniel that the world is not taken over by humans/people.  Enough of people (though some sincere) try to patch up a world that is breaking apart.  The holes in the bag are to big to fix by any human form of government, people rioting, wanting change that will never come.  The only sure thing that is a guarantee is Jehovah's Kingdom in the hands of King designate Jesus.   Is the World Out of Control?  YES IT IS!!! And it get worse day by day.  No matter how humans try to fix their governments, neighborhoods, themselves, it will never succeed.  Jer 10:23 vividly points out. If you need to trust in someone, trust in Jehovah.  Psalms 118:8, 9 (the princes mention in this version of bible, are those in charge or lead) 



Very good reminder! Looking forward to the day when we do not recall these terrible things into our mind. Jehovah has to be gearing up to intervene soon. Looking forward to when everyone understands Jehovah’s true purpose.

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Is it really necessary to make jokes?


Those who are affected by crimes with labels are never allowed to return to a normal life. The victims, and their families, are approached months and years after the fact by media outlets and documentary filmmakers to relive that horrible time, and refusal to speak on the subject only gets you publicly labeled as a supporter of the other side. And politicians will use the names of the victims and their families to support various laws, without giving any consideration to the fact that the families will face the brunt of the protesters who oppose that law.


I sincerely pray that nobody here ever has a family member or friend involved with a 'labeled' crime. And if such a terrible event does happen, I pray that you become one of the few who gets to skip the monthly visits from the media, protesters, politicians, conspiracy theorists, and others that will invariably pop up and try to hijack your life for their purposes.


Speaking from experience, it really doesn't get any easier when you have someone come to your door every couple months to shove a camera in your face and ask "remember that time you found your cousin in the woods with [gruesome details omitted]". You never get any time to properly mourn, you never forget, you are constantly reminded of that horrible event every time someone new wants to hijack your name and face for their political purposes.


For these families, and the survivors, that is going to be happening on a daily basis for a long long time.


Instead of supporting these political vultures, can't we at least do our own small part to let these families mourn in peace?

Edited by Stavro
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Friends, let's remember to use our Christian mildness, especially in this topic.  As was pointed out to me in another topic, we may not sound political, we might not think our comment is political, but others may interpret it as such. 


Remember an answer when mild turns away rage.  Where there is no fuel, the fire goes out. 



Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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1 hour ago, Stavro said:

Is it really necessary to make jokes?

Sometimes, yes.

Hopefully it helps everyone realize the conversation has gone off track or is mired in the mud.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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38 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

Sometimes, yes.


Personally, I don't believe that a discussion of people being murdered is one of those times.


Keep in mind that this is a public forum, what we say here will be read by interested ones, students, and others. Even if we understand the context among ourselves, is it something we would say in front of a co-worker or unbelieving family member?

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1 hour ago, Stavro said:


Personally, I don't believe that a discussion of people being murdered is one of those times.


Keep in mind that this is a public forum, what we say here will be read by interested ones, students, and others. Even if we understand the context among ourselves, is it something we would say in front of a co-worker or unbelieving family member?

All the more reason to show love, stay neutral and stay on topic.


I love you. Have a good day.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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19 hours ago, Stavro said:

Is it really necessary to make jokes?


Those who are affected by crimes with labels are never allowed to return to a normal life. The victims, and their families, are approached months and years after the fact by media outlets and documentary filmmakers to relive that horrible time, and refusal to speak on the subject only gets you publicly labeled as a supporter of the other side. And politicians will use the names of the victims and their families to support various laws, without giving any consideration to the fact that the families will face the brunt of the protesters who oppose that law.


I sincerely pray that nobody here ever has a family member or friend involved with a 'labeled' crime. And if such a terrible event does happen, I pray that you become one of the few who gets to skip the monthly visits from the media, protesters, politicians, conspiracy theorists, and others that will invariably pop up and try to hijack your life for their purposes.


Speaking from experience, it really doesn't get any easier when you have someone come to your door every couple months to shove a camera in your face and ask "remember that time you found your cousin in the woods with [gruesome details omitted]". You never get any time to properly mourn, you never forget, you are constantly reminded of that horrible event every time someone new wants to hijack your name and face for their political purposes.


For these families, and the survivors, that is going to be happening on a daily basis for a long long time.


Instead of supporting these political vultures, can't we at least do our own small part to let these families mourn in peace?



We have several in our congregation that were at the mass shooting in Vegas Oct 1. One of the sisters commented on how they even get death threats for lying - because everyone knows that the shooting was staged by the FBI, to get people up in arms, to change gun laws and take their guns away!!!! Craziest thing!


She stated she still wakes up at night screaming at times - 4 months later. This type of thing changes people for the rest of their lives in this system. 


We all just need to keep preaching and helping people to see the real cause - the devil is the ruler of this world and that we need to chose a better ruler. His Kingdom is soon to come.  :pray:


Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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On 2/17/2018 at 7:06 PM, Stavro said:

Since we do not involve ourselves in political matters, the number of incidents should be irrelevant.


Statistics of course are relevant. How else would we know things have advanced from bad to worse, that we are in fact living in the last days based on the signs Jesus told us to lookout for, the progression of the global preaching work, etc? Just because a member cites a statistic on a politicized issue doesn’t necessarily mean he/she is taking a side politically. Exercising patience and love, we should start by giving them the benefit of the doubt that they are not.Virtually any issue can be politicized. Case and point- abortion. Now if I was to ask everyone of you what’s your opinion on abortion,  no doubt I would get virtually the same response. I doesn’t mean we’re taking a side politically. Good grief!

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1 hour ago, Awakened said:

Just because a member cites a statistic on a politicized issue doesn’t necessarily mean he/she is taking a side politically.


I never said otherwise. I simply do not feel comfortable repeating the views of organizations that constantly go out of their way to hurt others.


The facts here is that 17 people died. Juggling the statistics won't bring back the dead, it won't give comfort to the survivors and families, it won't prevent deaths in the future.


Instead of getting distracted by the worldly debates of is really responsible for the deaths, wouldn't it be more beneficial to focus on the Kingdom, which can give comfort to those affected and bring back those who died?

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22 minutes ago, Stavro said:


I never said otherwise. I simply do not feel comfortable repeating the views of organizations that constantly go out of their way to hurt others.


The facts here is that 17 people died. Juggling the statistics won't bring back the dead, it won't give comfort to the survivors and families, it won't prevent deaths in the future.


Instead of getting distracted by the worldly debates of is really responsible for the deaths, wouldn't it be more beneficial to focus on the Kingdom, which can give comfort to those affected and bring back those who died?


You have a right to your opinion and so do others. I have ask you to drop it so drop it. No one is getting involved or distracted in worldly debates. I don't see anyone on here promoting anything other than God's Kingdom as the only solution to the problem.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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5 minutes ago, rocket said:

I have ask you to drop it so drop it.


I was replying to a comment that was directed at me. I have absolutely no intention of continuing the conversation beyond my one reply.


If your intent was to drop the discussion entirely, it may be more effective if you would address those who spent the last few days continuing the discussion.

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7 hours ago, Snowkitty said:

The most recent school shooting incident in the news happened this morning at a school 10 minutes from me.I know Witness kids who attend there.The boy shot himself,he had other 'things' on him.The report called them 'distractions.'



How sad. Did he shoot others before he shot himself?

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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